n scribblediscrabble by uncommonly
merely registering Central
(BUT AND/OR YET) distributed populism
Open publishing?
- Not much gets
on indy main (unlike
say indy .nl where they chuck me like there's no tomorrow)
but this is where you see what was; just spammers, overzealous posters
and accidental duplicates (patience with the
cues please, specially on slow connections).When
the newswire pages blank out (due to overload) you can usually still reach
the items at least two ways: search-process.php3?medium=text
32774 Melbourne (excerpts) on indy tecnicalities (such as censorship at indy nl; also see 202911 by yours truly: war- and censorship usa two thirds of the way down): don’t know if this is possible, but it would be excellent and useful to have an topics/issues section like the set up’s that Indymedia Netherlands I am against censorship (it ends up getting used against us – we should all shut down racist, sexist….stuff rather than leave it to the ‘authority’ – be it state, editors, whoever). Having said that here is some truth that the shitte on indymedia makes it harder to access the excellent and sometimes ground breaking stuff. -------------Good idea by Gin 2:35pm Tue Sep 3 '02 comment#32775 Melbourne Indymedia has become really difficult to plow through with endless piles of shite from both sides of the palestine/israel debate flaming each other and posting offensive drivel which then means we have to trawl through all the "censorship now" crowd who feel that they have the right to say what I should and shouldn't find offensive. Something like this would allow those of us who use Indymedia as an informative and non corporate whore biased hub to start finding out about what interests us. We could just have an "argumentative wankers" section for people who just want to yell at each other ------------ it is possible by <a> indykid ---------- good idea by . Self allocation ---- Can this feature be made available here? ---------- checked by . 3:02pm Tue Sep 3 '02 comment#32779 Just checked and the topics are chosen by the poster. ---------- check out san fran by :a: indykid 3:16pm Tue Sep 3 '02 comment#32780 ---- the very cool thing about san fran indy is that you can change the colours if you click on the coloured boxes in the top right hand column. above posted is right that it runs on a different code. most indy sites run on active code. sf is run on a derivate of active code. the netherlands site may run on mir which was developed by the german imc (they also have the feature people are talking about) you can check out all the code action at any code warriors out there? -------- hmmm... by joe 6:46pm Tue Sep 3 '02 comment#32791 check out - it looks very clean.... it has the functionality to sort by topic. -------------I hate to tell you about the SF, but.... by ? 2:21pm Wed Sep 4 '02 comment#32895 The hate-posters on have started branching out onto the SF site. There were more than a few posts just today in praise of Hitler and calls to exterminate Jews/Zionists. So if you're thinking that SF's set-up is restistant to the hate-posters, think again. I did read a good suggestion elsewhere though. If a portion of the IP address (either the first and fourth set of third and fourth set of numbers) was printed below the name, it could help identify spammers, hate-posters, trolls while without sacrificing anonymity.-------- I go: I have almost all my contributions (English and Dutch) deleted there in contrast to the ones I make on other indys this one is rite nice by the way; guess i am in the mood of these sorts a shades (reminds me of another recent fav: dc) the topic partition and others like amount of comments it attracts etc etc are all pioneered by plastic, slash and others, a new one on the block is Sure crossrefs are great but they all come at a price. ------- A liddullaterrelated item: 202911 by yours truly: war- and censorship usa -- frustrated with posts and comments to dutch indy that get demolished I decided to join (politically incorrect forum catering to dutch skeptics regarding mulitculturalism who have been ostracized for decades to the point of much foulmouthyness resulting once the built pressure got a vent or two such as this one). So, I decided to test the water there. It is a lavish forum infrastructure and the owners claim to be proud of their tolerance (not overdoing the moderation nor performing much censoring, they do do a lot of warning first which is a form of legitimation for their self repute); it seems they (and/or their parent are under judicial threat (perhaps due to ((alledged?)) ties with vanguard ((of (((jew))) hate spreading repute)), once again; as 136 pages worth of 'gestapoliticoklanklinsjers' proves); the administrator jennifer logan says they are implicated (she implies without consent) in a spamming case under prosecution (no further particulars offered but money requested). PreS: don't let all this prevent you from taking a hike to cut some rot and visit me here t take a hint (in reverse order please)
More indy development news (latest comments feature at sf): 203312 main: Bumperstickers telling the truth about personal responsibility in the 9/11 tragedy are being affixed to bumpers everywhere. ica1.jpg, JPG image, 513x342 The United States "nation" mourns in its compulsory fashion for the tragedies of 9/11. But what has this nation done to assess its own ethics and accountability, and its own role not only in creating the 9/11 tragedy but in creating many much larger tragedies? Social conservatives like to arrogantly speak of personal responsibility. Yet it is clear that the United States citizenry has little oversight of the government and industry forces which are capitalizing on the 9/11 tragedy to strip their Constitutional and human rights, and to create an unspeakable war for oil and global power. Those who attempted to raise the obvious questions (so-called "hard" questions) or attempted to stem the manipulated blood lust were persecuted, given death threats, silenced from access from the media. So in some senses, some of this "nation" are not guilty of this broad crime, including the 9/11 tragedy. Yet the basis of the U.S. government holds as a cornerstone that "silence equals consent". Therefore the bumper stickers bringing some truth to the big lie of U.S. life. Citizens who care will wear them proudly. Attached, please find one PDF file for your own complementary use. Yours, the Bump of Truth Collective. ---------oil (english) sick human 2:55am Sat Sep 14 '02 comment#203316 I was just another human who feels that I can't acheive anything, well nothing to stop the global meltdown. but then i got reading, and thinking, and now I'm on a rampage to eliminate as many (if not all) plastic products from my life. because plastic is made from oil. it's the little i feel i can do. --------- for those, like me, not yet aware of the (english) piet 4:06am Sat Sep 14 '02 comment#203323 'score' keepin step up towards productive play (Bob Black) I recommend the link: 'view latest comments', this feature allows a quick grasp of an important indy aspect: sf-imc : Latest Comments This is a list of the latest comments posted on the site. It is here so that you can more easily participate in commenting on articles that are posted, and continuing discussions that have started. See also the most commented articles. ARTICLE: LATEST AUTHOR: POSTED AT: Instead of reposts. (164 comments) nessie 3:31am Sat Sep 14 :::x::: Notice to IMC Staff (9 comments) truthteller 3:26am Sat Sep 14 :::x::: Is david Duke placing antisemites on trial? (9 comments) popeye 3:25am Sat Sep 14 :::x::: The Whore of Baylon (10 comments) click here 3:18am Sat Sep 14 America Haters (54 comments) click here 3:16am Sat Sep 14 DOJ brags (62 comments) click here 3:14am Sat Sep 14 :::x::: Bump of Truth Action (262 comments) SmashTheNessie 3:11am Sat Sep 14 :::x::: ''The messengers from Hell'' (4 comments) click here 3:02am Sat Sep 14 :::x::: Tenants Are Taking Charge in California (1 comment) Formerly homeless 2:22am Sat Sep 14 :::x::: Groups Demand End to 'Hate Radio' (85 comments) this thing here 1:07am Sat Sep 14 :::x::: UCB: "Not in Our Name", 9/11 Moment of Silence (33 comments) duhhhhhh 12:29am Sat Sep 14 :::x::: Promotion of Nationalism is Nauseating (33 comments) this thing here 11:58pm Fri Sep 13 :::x::: DEA Terrorism (2 comments) green 11:21pm Fri Sep 13 :::x::: Join the Army (15 comments) truthteller 10:51pm Fri Sep 13 :::x::: NOV 4-10 ANTI-COCA-COLA-WEEK (6 comments) me 10:44pm Fri Sep 13 :::x::: Israel demands US step up attacks to protect Israel (6 comments) heehee 9:52pm Fri Sep 13 :::x::: WHAT MOST OF THE WORLD THINKS [about Israel] (30 comments) X2 7:13pm Fri Sep 13 :::x::: Argentina: Lessons for Anarchism (15 comments) fred the freeguy 6:51pm Fri Sep 13 What is a cluster bomb? (5 comments) ..... 6:11pm Fri Sep 13 :::x::: Opus Dei Founder To Become "Saint" (6 comments) Sheepdog 4:58pm Fri Sep 13 Court Shuts Down Logging Under Headwaters Deal (14 comments) who know about hemp 4:41pm Fri Sep 13 :::x::: Where are all the liberals/anarchists/socialists/communists now??? (14 comments) Lochness Sheepmonsterdog 2:29pm Fri Sep 13 :::x::: Oakland Protesters Arrested (25 comments) skola 2:22pm Fri Sep 13 :::x::: General Union of Palestine Students Statement Regarding May 7th (227 comments) popeye 2:07pm Fri Sep 13 :::x::: FUCK SFimc (47 comments) me 1:21pm Fri Sep 13 :::x::: The rats have signed the deal now (10 comments) Sheepdog 1:20pm Fri Sep 13 Libertarian Peace Movement (4 comments) allen 1:04pm Fri Sep 13 :::x::: Boycott called of Golden Gate Restaurant Assoc (41 comments) Free Lunch 12:00pm Fri Sep 13 :::x::: Campaign Reform is THE KEY to Democracy! (1 comment) interested 9:00am Fri Sep 13 :::x::: September 11, catalyst of aggression policy (1 comment) this thing here 7:39am Fri Sep 13 :::x::: QUESTIONS THAT WON'T BE ASKED ABOUT IRAQ (12 comments) Keith 5:56am Fri Sep 13 :::x::: Earth Summit FAILURE: The REAL Eco-Terrorism (3 comments) 5:29am Fri Sep 13 :::x::: Victory for Marriott Hotel Workers (1 comment) reader 2:40am Fri Sep 13 :::x::: Gavin Newsom As "Punishing Parent" Of Homeless People (20 comments) aaron 1:10am Fri Sep 13 :::x::: Resist Fascism Now! (4 comments) zioislamoliberonazi(lol) 1:07am Fri Sep 13 :::x::: Medical Marijuana protest (3 comments) Ares 12:23am Fri Sep 13 :::x::: The Panama Deception: important documentary film about U.S. fascism (11 comments) allen 12:21am Fri Sep 13 :::x::: ---------------
201515 pixeledpost about eyecatchers, dreamsnatchers and costmatchers (all the way down to where you come across this colour text again) piet 12:01pm Wed Sep 4 '02 note bits at the end about my heros and inspiros Surprising Potential For Nonviolent Intifada (english) rational human being 10:57pm Tue Sep 3 '02 comment#201431 Two years into the Intifada, a groundbreaking survey, commissioned by Search For Common Ground, reveals: * 80% of Palestinians would support a large-scale non-violent protest movement and 56% would participate in its activities. * 78% of Israeli Jews believe that the Palestinians have a legitimate right to seek a Palestinian state, provided they use non-violent means. * A strong majority (62%) of Palestinians thinks that a new approach is needed in the Intifada and overwhelming majorities (73-92%) approve of Palestinians using various methods of non-violent action. * Both Palestinians and Israeli Jews are unsure about the feasibility of a large-scale nonviolent movement. While Palestinian support for mass nonviolent action is strong, majorities have doubts about whether is would be effective. Among Israeli Jews, an overwhelming majority thinks it unlikely that a nonviolent movement will emerge. "We believe these findings reflect the real, but unrealized, potential that nonviolence can play in ending the vicious cycle of bloodshed," says John Marks, President SFCG. "While nonviolence can provide a possible way out, unfortunately, it is not yet seen by most people in both societies as feasible." ---- alert for small machine operators: get text versions via google: News Release English: Arabic: Hebrew: Full Survey Report English: Arabic: Hebrew: Search for Common Ground is a non-profit, non-governmental organization devoted to conflict prevention and resolution. It is based in Washington, DC, with programs in fourteen countries around the world, and works with the European Centre for Common Ground in Brussels.
sweden 29206 (no story to tell yet??? that's proven a lie within the next sentences ainit??) 'something's rotten in the state of denmark' (referring to muslims) -- I posted a Melbourne indy copy link of it to Sweden indy with the following intro (68237 has the whole thing, it is a hidden article ((so is 'seeds of hope' by daniel pipes. .. . mystifyingingly enough)) with one comment: jaha by murvel 11:39pm Tue Aug 27 '02 Och den här gången kommer knasluvan med lögnerna på engelska. Tendensen är tydlig. Muslimerna invaderar danmark, använder upp den danska socialhjälpen och våldtar danska kvinnor. Det finns fascister, nazister, rasister, kapitalister, kommunister och alla möjliga sorters människor inom alla religioner. Det finns flera olika religiösa riktningar bland muslimer. Det finns små fanatiska grupper som säger sig vara muslimer. Det finns liknande fanatiska grupper som säger sig vara kristna. En av de mest kända är klu klux klan. Matt från fördomar kring klu klux klan plötsligt få fördomen att alla knasluvor har precis som vita hättor som den rörelsen, et vore väl ändå att gå lite väl långt. Eftersom knasluvans lånade artikel direkt skulle fällas i svensk domstol som olaglig med hänsyn til begreppet hets mot folkgrupp så borde Indymedia ta bort artikeln. -- could someone translate???) ---- (also transferred it to Holland indy where you can see it for the next 5 days under /nl/nl/2002/09/6170.shtml only in the trashcan, I am working hard on my reputation; check my site for particulars) the intro there refers to my impression that the nypost is a pretty spicy (confirmed by 59072 main about a 'weather' type girlie who just did 20 years); but by no means apocalyptically inclined magazine (I featured some of their items in print friendly version) and that I think dutch foke shouldn't miss this opportunity to balance this account with counter examples or something instead of feeling too good to respond or that that would be a waste of time or that this is inflammatory and needs to be 'killed' cause any (b)lushing attempts would just fan the flames (there is something to be said for relying on intuition rather than tiring your heads with searches for hard to find formulas that will put the beast back in the box, especially when in fear and recognition of the opposing onslaught's massiveness). But I find that all the more reason to try find / look for and present some eye to eye contact and ways of seeing. Main Indy has spammers posting this sort of thing and counterspammers who attach a equally standard and biased but poleshifted repartees). What do you all think/feel? --- Ps: at Melbourne no comments were posted. I've seen Arab 'ghetto's' around Melbourne, brandnew housing developments waaaay of the beaten track and they probably have no clue about them. Then again, nobody seems to be the wiser about the other equally but different hardcore desert born race practicing narcissisms of the small difference, the suprise split second join'm and beat'm, winner takes all creedfeed. I propose to start using 'racialists' as a(n in)difference tracer in an attempt to get away from races and racists in order to approach the specie bridging missing links of which there are sooooooo many .. . wait .. . here is another one for you to press after you trace and present a happy with northernmost muslims story:
portland 19925 (yet another ((pointer to a)) violence discussion nyc 30971; see next section) No support from Backstabbing left for ELF! by Frontlines! 12:45am Wed Sep 4 '02 (Modified on 8:01am Wed Sep 4 '02) Click on this thread to see what clueless NYC urbanites are saying about the ELF. These people are fucking clueless. Please give them a Northwest education! --------- I go: here on the other hand is good use of your by Tim Ereading (piet) 4:22am Wed Sep 4 '02 about 40 clicks worth of reports, presuppositions, repartees, brilliant analysis and you and yours truly representing: the old chuckerman -------- do you know what critique is? by anon 5:23am Wed Sep 4 '02 Are you one of thos clones that think support means being a cheerleader and not being critical? The group that made the statement about "picking up the gun" were fucking idiots. Good action, bad communique. -------- nyc supports militant eco defense by a. berkman 8:01am Wed Sep 4 '02 True the comments on the nyc imc thread are ridiculous. In NYC it is hard to see first hand the effects that clearcutting and other forms of eco terrorism are taking on the earth. Urbanites especially in a huge city like NY are so alienated from the natural world that sometimes it is easy to forget how critical eco-defense is to the earth not tom mention human beings. Many of the attacks are from the few stalinist/trotskyite dinosaurs that still roam freely amongst the skyscrapers here in NYC.They usualy criticize any form of direct action or anything that does not fit into their close minded scientific methodology for revolution. But don't get nyc wrong there is a great deal of support for eco defense,the ELF, and the Northwest scene in general amongst nyc anarchists (despite much anti-primitivist bias). Portland kicks ass! keep up the good work. viva ELF!
nyc 30971 To the ELF, from L. Trotsky Sep 3 12:57pm + 17 -- I go: nonviolent property destruction???? you'r quick on the ball chucker, not belying my presenting you as the reap resenter of 'us' or elf (and since any group bleeds into opposite in radical clashes as well as more imperceptibly I hope you permit me to ex(c)e(m)pt myself which seems such goodold practise that it sure looks like one of those goes without saying (pre)requisites for humans calling themselves possessors of such nature of course; I mean social insects are way ahead of us yet but the race is still on and we might just break their records unless we find 'm in a gift from heaven like asteroids; now that would be truly demoralizing wouldn't it) at a portland item pointing thisaway . I am not rich and powerful (be damned if I'd admit it, no thanks for that rollercoaster ride) but deeply worried. I live in the country that will be on the books as the first one wherein the trial of an alfer (efer elfer same diff) standing charge on account of murder will take place; now I admit that guns mix with drugs better than activists in general but that is only a matter of degrees as my first ref and main indy link 59072 and .. . and .... prove (you 've already had to contend with charges of weathermanlike solipsism and 'playing your own judge' (taking justice in your own hands; if you care to delegate nothing start off into an old growth and inhabit it with pleasingly pleached permaculture I'd say once upon quite a while ago) a well worn and standard expression in dutch busying 'countrials'. Now, my main point and flash of inspi: Some of you might argue that no matter what you do TO a rock (rather than WITH it) can't be called violent; I heartily disagree. As all my faithful readers will know, rocks to me are but a stage in life (since that includes preliminaries to it and the scale is sliding, the slope slips till you slop and can't make yourself stop ..), they absorb love like nothing else can .. .. . I truly believe that . . in bits and other symbolic peaces (violent in themselves I might someday soon argue . .. . and leave all this computtering out ahead for a backdrop to wheelbarrows and that sorta prelimb and leaf sorta thing). I am sure glad we are as many and diverse as we are; the dutch indyfoke throw me out no matter what I post. latest attempt attested at sweden 29206 concerning a very gloomy and apocalyptic nypost item about 'northernmost muslims; I challenged these guys to come up with some balancing 'happy with muslims' stories. Can't wait to see what swedes can do with that. Apart from all this the most obvious and I believe widely recognized aspect is that you make the rich and powerful gleefully rub their hands with hunched head and grimace; they'd have to and would fake you if you failed to be yoursELF but i say: delf delf delf delfstof delf stof delf stof I'm off excaviberating some dust; it's in a tight spot and needs to break out; if only I'd seriously believed in timelapsing a secret locale to burst on the scene with all those years ago I thought a hint at it was good enough; so much for scolding yall about softwork -------- lev (original poster) says he spoke too soon praising the civil tone cause after him a rash of the usual threat stuff gets added; I go:I hear you lev, I hear you lev, too early with the praise buddy; nice to note a change and frustrating when a praise and pointing at it as a way out stops it; I blame (aim at) chucky: he says: burn down a few ski lodges to get the capitalists by the balls. allow me to (take to t)ask: this from a guy who manages to put together fat websites but can't seem to use his tec-savvy to sneak into some cappie compies (to go after their unaccountability proving files that cost all of everything dour) and splatter their content all over the net??????? ps: what happened at that paz conference a good while ago; can't you put a summary report of it on by now???? Please? Better yet: What is simpler than singing the self explanatory truth that the more influence one has the more privacy one must give up in as many verses and keys possible, it is populistically ballistic and graspable, therefore soothes people's sentiment, musters their support and engagement for truth (the outcry will set things right again; everybody knows they are presently upside down, for instance by pointing 24/7 surv camera's on a guy in jail doing a hunger'strike' over it, for over 6 weeks already as far as I know; the latest in the news: his wife was arrested and bomb ingredients found in their house; this rhythm of blowing fuses that ups persecution and sends 'us' underground seems to be on loopmode since time immemorial; here is a little illustration from the nypost: indy main 59072 a weather girl just did 20 y) --------------- another item posted (and deleted) at holland 3x and belgium (hidden) inspired by flash comic reflecting on towers dust and surveillance can be seen here: (hidden; inspired by flash and the poor devil starving in jail to protest 'his' surveillance cameras), go here for reams of 'discarded' text (a little intricate perhaps but generously donated nonetheless): belgium holland and austria aren't true indys not to me anyways;
portland19594 a much becommented (elf) arson item --- Clarity by just elven magic 10:25pm Sun Sep 1 '02 The ELF ::IS:: the enviromental movement. While the Sierra Club, Greenpeace, the Audubon Society, and other toothless lions beg for money and hand out endorsements merely for not being Republican, the ELF is handing out their own "punitive damages" to those responsible for the REAL violence that's done to nature, and consequently, us. Maybe you could negate the need for direct action by turning out tens of millions of furious voters, and use democracy instead of just complain from your ineffectual little pulpit. Property destruction is a tranquilizer dart used by the poor and voiceless to SLOW the corporate death machine enough to allow litigation to catch up and put a leash on the beast. ---------- I'll do a closer read for a more pertinent re by sponsepiet 8:44am Tue Sep 3 '02 but here is a prelim: am I suprised that the most primitive forms of wealth and power are making an atavistic comeback of barbarianism in the US? If not why not? Come and find out here: or go straight to better half would like to). Won't leave you wondering or searching 40mb worth of text without a clue: Fat is the feminine form of wealth (works for icebears) - fire is the frazzled male form of power (he would not wanna work for it, fuck that he says) -----------
Explanatary note about my constant referral to rock powders. Its a racial thing I can't help choosing to be impeccably pedigreed Piet: Moses(told to look for 'god' in the dark ((crevices, rock splits and cleavages, bit of a turnaround from stargazery in those days)) and as the bible is wont to turn routine into personparticulate anekdote, don't yall think he would've been in the HABIT of laying down the law and not so gently at that; commandment extrapolated from HIS ACTION: smash rock to ash), Sisyphus (roll rock and roll some more), Deucalion (use rock as conjectile, transpitch it), Antaeus (swim rite through it I dare ya shamanshadelessman) Jesus (redeeming darkly parked stuff, some say once and for all hyperbolically enough but that's for goldleaf warshippers), Cernunnos (still some statues of him around, let's that splat out of his squeeze bag ((falsified as coin by counterfeiters but the fractality of his horns and title lord of animals reminds us he didn't fool the foke close to nature who found traced of his ilk all over the place)), ... splat what?? Realm current!), Hensel the chemist (was doing battle in court with his 'evil twin' ((precursors of dow, sandoz, etc)) over/for fertility business almost a century and a half ago), and finally, skipping lots of course, John Hamaker (called him father in law to his face) --- next day: incredible; all this trouble and still no comment (though sure set some foke off wondering about newswires (201595 + 7) I had to add this though: oops, that last line is waaaay off, adopted father by choice was his rank in my scalage of experience, I think I did see one or some of his children once
201603 muslims in the us Ibis Books: Books by Peter Lamborn Wilson ... [4 stars] Sacred Drift: Essays on the Margins of Islam Peter Lamborn Wilson /Paperback (167 pages) / August 1993 ~ Usually ships within 24 hours List Price ... - 18k I've past it on to someone speaking out on the dangers and drawbacks of iran in periodicals and newspapers who is himself from iran and spent time as a refugee in Afghanistan before completing a law study in Holland. I'm not sure I go along anymore with the wonderlust glorification in plw's book, at least not without some qualifications; but to come through on what I asked others for yesterday (at holland and sweden where it was censored), myself I can say I life peacefully without a frontdoor (nor any 'valuables') amidst fresh immigrants. then there is on the other hand 'happy with muslims' in the type of way that provides loads of people with a livelihood all of a sudden (succes factor of terror on minimal means will always far exceed the mass destruction type industrial (western) strenght type) as 'allah, odin and the underworld (in German): proves. ----------------------- Melbourne 32948 is a similar item: multiculturalism knocking on the rise (on multiculturalism here too oddly enough)
I expect to report more hi-lites from the following indy sites (besides the selections from main, slanted as usual these sites have/are up to my taste in tints): ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |
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to acn (anarkokommunitarians; a dead list; also see the c38th comment on nyc.indymedia 30971 ------): I am pretty suprised at the growth/popularity of the 'wave' but where is the chapter that secures a watershed turns it into a land trust; starts permagineering it and has worked up a shade to drop the fruit of their labour into the laptop lugger led ship up and out to ground flour naughty graughty borderpatrol?
201912 21 countries bombed by the us (a couple of lists) I add: don't mean to throw this off but .. . .piet 11:52pm Fri Sep 6 '02 comment#202031 who was born on 9/11 (decades ago), acquired a large following of (mostly) gentle (and almost all productive) souls, settled into Oregon, was on his way to owning a rolls for everyday of the year; got deported and in the year after that managed to get deported from an additional 21 countries???
202285 alledges that israel is getting ready to expel the palestinians -- should the (worst and not representative, no matter how 'hard' they claim to be, part of the) US attack Iraq (goddesses, gods, spirits and all of creation forbid; they need after all only collude and stick their heads together for a moment and the tiniest, humblest delegate would do) then that would mean postponement of expulsion by way of insurance policy, you fool. the warcries may however just aim at spectre painting compared to which a little expellin don't seem that bad . . .
Portland 20208 +41 critiqueing maleness 6th time around -- I go (as 32nd): a few refs by piet 7:30am Sat Sep 7 '02 since that file I read the illuminating 'demonic males' about the need for male bands arising out of denser populations (sharing terr. with comp. species) necessitating longer hauls foodwise; under conditions of foodabundance (think pleached permaculture and ages and genders can afford to stay mixed bonobo like. just as much interest interest can be taken from the moral animal about mating policies and how the sexes trick and ply each other everyway they can. last not least I mention Silvio Gesell's last book, a romanticization of the state of grace: all private property in real estate abolished and the rent(ing) of it firmly in the hands of womenrun trusts. ps: sure night bleeds into day leads into .. .but extremities as in/at the turning points where the switches gets thrown, the witches get a drone supported throne and a man finds honour in thrilling his farthest brother's bone is not a place to go it alone. .. -------- 20505 +10 feminazi flag (worth a look and the poster has a point: subst nazi for male and emma goldwoman's rap reads like a familiar heist) -------- 20448 +11 excellent essay: "What separated the first humans from apes and hominids was not an economy or even tools, but rather the invention of the role of the father. By participating in both the productive hunt and the reproductive family, the fatherbridged these two value spheres and marked off the beginning point of distinctly human evolution. " --- It places the gender splitting phase at the point men started out to working with and at the shallow, short and I hope will prove to have been merely initial cleverness: interaction of timing with cleavage known as plowing (no such denudakedness should have ever need occur if pleaching permaculture and carefully stepwatching stumcrumhumbling stone consciousness wood have taken root; but it's not to late yet, I for one, look forward to a little ---- I liked the diecast simile (not only the phase facing up is important; the whole thing is). I added this yester(sun)day the 10th: correction to com. on 6th essay by piet 5:46am Sun Sep 8 '02 yesterday I wrote: just as much interest interest can be taken from the moral animal about mating policies and how the sexes trick and ply each other everyway they can. --------- that is just a little too cryptic and hasty; what I meant to point to is a book called 'the moral animal' by robert wright (who has a style that takes getting used but then I found can take well enough; wish I had proof of that for mine); in it are indeed many examples of gender trickery with while, guile, ruse, truce and imagination defying excesses. The main point though (the one the title implies) is that we truly differ from animals (or could/can/should) in our degree of mpi (male parental investment); that should make and do any(male)body feeling sore from emma prodding painful points (and resisting that) proud. I'd say just read both. --------------- 20370 +20 mostly about internal editorial squabbles (somebody feels locked out for refusing (blocking consensus) this topic a ride in the feature section, etc) ---20408 +11 more of this sorta thing -- 20487 +11 and yet another 'select few' suspicion debated --------- 20516 goldwoman supporting essay by robert jensen (long) ----------- - in the post containing the 6th installment of emma goldwoman's rant against (some) men and the over 40 comments, mine is the only other one offering any links ... curious enough (this i discovered upon revisiting the item on a quest for comments by planker well amusing sorta fella from south dakota).
19994 Portland One of these guessing game threads which come about due to lack of 'harmony between teckeys and contenteaz' If their were enough of them no shadowy assholes or bots would work unannounced unbeknownst and unrestrained (justifyably there) Ps: I find that 'ad populum' expression problematically exemplified at nizkor (they are on about police break and enter controversy and manage to mix up petty crime with the highest commands of just as much more legitimate as morphed into more virulent forms of no longer lawenforcement but terrorism).
9-9.htm (was 135K, is erased)
- :::: - 201770 US CORPORATE ADVERTISING (lying) being classified as protected political speech!- :::: - 201801 and 201777 American Victims of Cyber Harassment Should File a Suit against Israel - :::: - - :::: - tranzi (transnational; posted on nettime by NJett) - " :::: - Progressive Irrelevance? (thread at lbo-talk about fascism) - :::: - pms at lbo posts this without any discussion ensuing -- What Wasn't Said Ed Bugos The Goldenbar Report (tis a Greenspan ((inflation)) criticism) - :::: - - :::: - ireland 11663 Google mirror beats Great Firewall of China (includes the refed article by newscientist) - :::: - 202084 Conservative Busted By FBI For Faking Green Connection To 'Terroism' - :::: - The Bush Dyslexicon An Interview With MARK CRISPIN MILLER |
201716 Kennewick man History's Skeleton Closet "But if Kennewick Man was Caucasian (and was also found with the tip of an Indian-style stone arrowhead still imbedded in his hip bone), this might mean that the original Americans had white skin and had been exterminated in a genocide by invading ancestors of today's Indians. ====== I'd say this is an UNBELIEVABLE ATTEMPT TO JUSTIFY WHITE ON RED GENOCIDE (a commenter callin 'isself 'commie' picks this linchpin quote from the lot . .and threatens the poster with bodily harm .. .will it never end???)
perfect example (from LBO-talk) of the hairsplitting a ground but not grinding floor activist comes up with (my suspicion that this guy is auld and bald grows):"Things [will] get ugly" in the U.S. sooner or later. And they may be every bit as ugly as were conditions in Hitler's Germany. But those who want to call this a "fascist" threat simply can't understand that "fascism" was a species, not a whole fucking phylum. There must be innumerable routes to authoritarian rule and numerous forms of authoritarian rule other than those that have already manifested themselves. I say this because every time I deny that the U.S. is in "danger" of becoming fascist, some idiot thinks I'm saying that "it" (authoritarian rule) "can't happen here." It damn well can, and it is those who can't imagine "it" being other than fascist who are being naive and failing to guard against "it." Carrol
202076 (and related items from Melbourne) Matt (proffr or pr, anyway, the most enthused jim bell assasination politics plugger at indy) has to go answer for his conduct in front of a judge in melbourne on the 11th of the nineth. Here is my reaction: Mattiebud! Careful now, listen to me piet 1:36am Sun Sep 8 '02 comment#202170 tell me, how did you end up having to/allowing yourself to take those med-sins anyway? 'bout time you read 'secrets of the soil' (about the insipidly necrotic, necrophiliac and morbid interests of modern day shame in isms) to axquire some healthy immunity to that diabolic racket and now you are trying to seduce another tentacle of the rigor mortis beast to lay a clampclaim on you tsk tsk, that's not what I been trying to reach you for all this time (where was you lately anyway? cops took your computer away again??; I must say you disgusted me a few times too), then again you now manouvred into a historic opp to make that linchpin date count on our side again for a change. Just tell the judge you reread all your old contributions and responses to 'm (make sure to have mine at the quotable ready to convincingly force them to find this dutch indy spartner proffered you a new way of 'sinking' as regards to terra raise 'm damn demeter and other wayves ovoidance like war 'fairing'), prompting you to adopt populism as your new way of handling lawenforcement (one just doesn't stick one's hands in the fire unprotected, right?). You have a few days to study up yet: go for it: (I'll even go pick the relevant bits out of that chaos myself, search with 'prof' and matt should get to all of 'm) Time for a commercial break: ran into a fat book friday by alex p schmid, quote spiced anthology with thoughts on terrorism including a great diagram after the morphfashion of the one in finn's wake, 2 circles with almond size (open vulva shape) overlap. This one seams to carry diametrically opposed messages, here the flabcrab flapcraps: agressive violence and violent agression. The non overlapping parts of either read: nonviolent agression in one and: nonaggressive violence in the other. I wonder if this can at all be squared with my recent thoughts. I have a feeling something is a bit skewy here. I failed to note who exactly he was quoting there (saves that person some of this valid criticism unless he turns up here) but lets 'approprietize' this thing here assume a black circle of non-violent non-agression and call it inertia, bad habit etc oppose a white one with agressive violence (standing in for ritualized hyrarchy hoppering survival of the fatfittest style). mix a bit of 'm into grey and call this the old poetpiet story for a less crude story insert stage graduation shades to your liking; it will be a long time before we find much less agree on 109 definitions of grey matters --------------------- here is a pasty (note the last line): Alex Schmid - - this is the last 25th of his pub list Terrorism and Counter-Terrorism. The Evolving Dynamic'. London, Macmillan, 1996. ISBN: 0-312-12971-8. West European Politics, pp. 206-207. Jongman, A.J. and A. P. Schmid. Mapping Dimensions of Contemporary Conflicts and Human Rights Violations. Leiden, PIOOM, 1998 (8 pp. & > A-1 World Conflict and Human Rights Map 1998 by PIOOM). PIOOM et al. Prevention and Management of Violent Conflicts: An International Directory, edited by the European Platform for Conflict Prevention and Transformation in cooperation with PIOOM and the Berghof Institute for Constructive Conflict Management. Utrecht, European Centre for Conflict Prevetnion, 1998 (466 pp.). A. J. Jongman and A. P. Schmid. Contemporary Armed Conflicts - Trends and Events in 1997. pp. 41-45 + Map. In: Prevention and Management of Violent Conflicts: An International Directory, edited by the European Platform for Conflict Prevention and Transformation in cooperation with PIOOM and the Berghof Institute for Constructive Conflict Management. Utrecht, European Centre for Conflict Prevention, 1998. 466 pp. A. P. Schmid. Thesaurus and Glossary of Early Warning and Conflict Prevention Terms. London, Forum on Early Warning and Early Response (FEWER). ca. 185 pp. forthcoming Spring 1999 (Abridged version is already available on the Internet). --------------- another goingooglegiggle: program of nonviolent sanctions and cultural survival from harvard: (((good for nothing so much as showing how unbridged the gap between topdollar yap and tipdollar practice))): it's pretty easy to find bits and pieces by/about this fella: >>snip<< Matt ---piet 1:53am Sun Sep 8 '02 comment#202174 ---- after even the first few lines this looks like it needs to be taken seriously buddy. 33127 same as above but someone pasted a(n Age article) bio onto it, in includes hyperlinks, wiped in the above, to: 33051 -- 32685 --- 33101 ---------- 33154 on a lost criticism of Matt which is here: 22139 -----------------
202214 NYC IndyMedia Promotes AOL/Time-Warner Event ( (says skip trippie) 2:49pm Sun Sep 8 '02 Are u saying that nyimc is starting to head into that greyish type area???? Could be good / could be bad??? ------------- nope; tis predominantly, blatantly, eyehurtingly and bleakly white with occasional bleu bars; I detest such distaste
Doug Henwood: Anyway, hedonic pricing attempts to measure the "real" use-value of a commodity by taking statistical measure of its features. With computers, the hedonic index is constructed by equations capturing improvements in processor speed, disk storage, etc. The bottom line is that today's $2,000 computer may be twice as useful as a $2,000 computer from two years ago even though the price is unchanged. It's a defensible activity, but many devils reside in the details. If you're typing a letter or doing email, is today's computer really twice as good as 2000's? Hard to say. But the U.S. uses hedonic pricing and most other countries don't. If GDP and other stats were computed using comparable techniques, the U.S. growth advantage during the boom years would narrow but not disappear. Doug
9-11.htm (was 210K, now erased; the best items carried forward to the next issue)
Levelling and 911 - Peter Linebaugh ::x:: THE GAME OF GO: A CHINESE WAY OF SEEING THE WORLD - 8 part thing at mindsport on chinese types referring to caillois ::x:: Portland 20645 CHOMSKY IN THE OREGONIAN They hate our actions, not our freedoms 09/09/02 ::x:: blurb on The Israeli Holocaust Against the Palestinians by Hoffman ::x:: 202505 Re: If you wait for proof, you're dead The 3rd Option Society ::x:: Michael Hoffman Interview ... The Scapegoating of Ted Kaczynski: Cereal Murder and the Group Mind ::x:: 202538 Israel and "Anti-Semitism" Alexander Cockburn ::x:: 202503 America Haters David Horowitz ::x:: Brisbane 2157 John Pilger ::x:: the only truthful item in a deluge of zionprop at cea-usa (everybody else left in disgust it seems) is about what happens when muslim disrespect for women and western licence collide: rape.::x:: Chicago 13361 Zinn on Eugene Debs ::x:: The Culture of Critique by Kevin MacDonald reviewed at hermetic.??? ::x:: "To Be Apart/Tears Apart: Inhuman Mimetic Movement in De Man, Caillois, Benjamin".::x::review from Bob Black on 'errorism' ::x:: 20603 Portland An alternative view on gender & dominance by Stacy M 10:29am Mon Sep 9 An iterview of Riane Eisler, author of The Chalice and the Blade; the first comment by planker (an original formulator) ::x:: |
on jews:
Michael A Hoffman: Hoffman Answers Christopher Hitchens' original Vanity Fair article: Punks of ZOG: 2002 Christopher Hitchens' Rejoinder to Hoffman's "Punks of ZOG 2002" + MAH's answer -------- the jewish mentality The Jewish Mentality Book I Copyright ©1996 by Michael A. Hoffman II. All Rights Reserved. -- Partial list of Contents: Churchill: Politically Correct Exterminator; Hitler: The Dupe of "Jewjitsu;" Just Law Enforcement, Not Persecution; Deep into the Psychology of Opposition; Tall Tales; Jailers, Inquisitors and Thought Controllers; Lying as an Institution. --------------- his piece on the unabomber as a little disguised (and propely mason symbolism charged) scapegoat is entertaining but seems to have evoked little comment, at least not the kind one can get google to retrieve. ----------- Apocalypse Culture II Adam Parfrey, ed. (2000) Jim Goad relives beating up his girlfriend, fondly, from the confines of prison; pedophile Peter Soros gets into Jon Benet Ramsey along with the national vulture media, Rob Sterling surveys the victims of the Monarch Project "CIA sex-slave program"; Michael A. Hoffman II posits that the UnaBomber serves as a scapegoat for Masonic mind control; Hoffman's mentor, the late James Shelby Downard, has another incredible piece here that analyzes Masonic wordplay in "America, the Possessed Corpse"; ÝAlex Constantine, Jim Keith, Jack Sargeant, Michael Moynihan, Bobby Beausoleil, Chris Champion, Blalla Trevor Brown, Stu Mead, Norbert Kox, Crispin Glover, and Genesis P-Orridge. "Here is the sequel to one of the most disturbing books ever published." Feral House's press release for the book says: "The contents will be quite shocking for some, but that, according to Parfrey, not his primary purpose." If not a primary purpose, it's a secondary purpose with a bullet! Don't be fooled by the hype. Colin Wilson's piece on a Japanese cannibal in Paris seems to argue that cannibalism isn't as "bizarre" as the world-wide media interest in it. (Hint: Dog bites man - not newsworthy; man eats girlfriend - newsworthy.) Truly disgusting pictures of the victim's dismembered corpse accompany Wilson's curious work. 360 pages, paperback. APOC2 $18.95 --------------- HOFFMAN II, MICHAEL A. "Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare" INDHIS 01 book $12.55 Since the passing of Fortean researcher James Shelby Downard, no one peers as deeply behind the Masonic hoodwink as Michael Hoffman. Featured in both of Feral House's "Apocalypse Culture" volumes, Hoffman's writing deconstructs: the ideology of human alchemy, which uses science, medicine and technology to create "manimals" and transform men into beasts; how the Group Mind of the masses is processed, programmed and shepherded; the occult toponomy of "America mystica": the map of our nation as an enormous, covetable gameboard; all deriving strength from ritual acts of political murder. Included are recent articles on the scapegoat imagery of the Unabomber case and how Hollywood's "Matrix" formed the heart of the Columbine High School massacre; plus much more. Expanded edition, rare photos, 215 pages. (INDEPENDENT HISTORY) ---- semi related: uncharacteristically short file with the old animated letters again. ---------- nice mix of media ------------ --
item posted (and deleted) at holland 3x and belgium (hidden) inspired by flash comic reflecting on towers dust and surveillance can be seen here: (hidden; inspired by flash and the poor devil starving in jail to protest 'his' surveillance cameras), go here for reams of 'discarded' text (a little intricate perhaps but generously donated nonetheless): belgium holland and austria aren't true indys not to me anyways;
203123 Bush Attacks Israel Special To IMC Newswire 1:44am Fri Sep 13 '02 President Bush stunned most of the world with his dramatic statement to the U.N. the other day. He unquivocably stated, "Are Security Council resolutions to be honored and enforced, or cast aside without consequence? Will the United Nations serve the purpose of its founding, or will it be irrelevant?" This was a clear reference, of course, to the 66 U.N. resolutions, having the force of international law, that Israel continues to flaunt and ignore. --------------- I wonder if he is asking us wether we dare stand up to him???? Now is the time; here is a related comment of mine:
203333 american holocaust Al Cuppett 6:20am Sat Sep 14 '02 Behind the utopian socialist UN mask from message board discussion.cgi?id= 190371;article=858 Pam Schuffert Urgent Updates from AL CUPPETT Fri Sep 13 18:57:39 2002 Alert!UN Occupation/Martial Law/Gun Confiscations/Red List Arrests To Start Soon Forwarded: REPOSTS #2 ON: 09-11-2002 Archived at: Out:01:17pm Question to Al Cuppett on upcoming Roadblocks and checkpoints. (I disagree with Al Cuppett on some major points regarding Israel, but he's had some VERY GOOD information way ahead of others with his warnings. I emailed him the top part of yesterday's newsletter for his assessment (see below this message). Here's his response): Larry, Here's your answer.... ---------------- gosh your bad conscience is really playing up (english) innit? 4:45am Sun Sep 15 '02 comment#203459 tikkun has an excellent piece on that sorta thing (related to zionism) up by Joel Kovel ( I think the un should match bush's words and tell him we are are gonna physically restrain him from his type of high command over at heart peaceful citizens on either side. An internationalization of all armies and carbon cycles is nothing to be worried about unless you own unexamined behaviour is forecasting the type of stuff it conjures up unchecked. -------------------- sorry, that should have been tikkun magazine google hasn't picked up on it yet but his website (very beautiful) is rite up there with Israel Shamir and HG Wells' writ on jews found here: Source: Rae West's Home Page: | Posted 28 July 2000 H G Wells: The Fate of Homo Sapiens (1939), The New World Order (1940) The Jewish Influence understanding%20jews/H%20G%20Wells%20on%20' The%20Jewish%20Influence'.htm this is really excellent!!! -----
something is seriously wrong with the way google is yahooing or visa versa: 'Isreali Document Supporting War Against Terrorism' (their search terms) mentions a host of sites that don't come close to matching that odd phrase and the sites listed would sooner be proof of documented admonishments to israel requesting they stop provoking terrorism: 34: 100526 feminists reaching for a clue <<>><<>><<>> 100899 ... ... If the Isreali's really had ... more). We document this with ... Islamic state supporting terrorism. The ... extermination against the ... Gulf War (a ... world terrorism. There ... -----------
looking to retrieve the hgwells piece on jews (searchterms jews h g wells) which I copied off the site that hostposts kevin macdonald and michael Hoffman as well, I found this but the quote is not related to his citation of wells in this file at all: We Jews are clever, we easily make money from the dull indigenous masses by locking onto their shabby dreams and selling them back slightly less shabby, and slightly less murderous. (When we can we give their dreams a jewish face, so the next pogrom is just that little bit more inconceivable).
in brief:
32467 cooling ::x::
? ::x::
to ground zero by an anglofied persienne (links
to other persians on the web) ::x::
is now Yousef Khatab, a Muslim resident of Arab East Jerusalem who finds
it impossible to condemn Palestinian suicide bombings. ::x::
melbourne a little bit of spring cleaning
of Planet Earth might even be PROFITABLE. by Fred Pearce for New Scientist,
London - Jun 19, 2002 ::x::
- /Hertsgaard/
::x:: 202286
the same thing though and it is by a site I still consider
to have integrity ::x::
(zionism critics) ::x:: 29735
dc by and on Hitchens
::x:: 29650
bits on answer and Ramsey Clark (as usual,
these subjects seem to turn into long rants for some reason)
::x:: 202116 - 202135
intriguing bits of chomsky criticism (he is
to have said this war is not about oil but retribution)
::x:: 201715
on palestine at UC Berkeley (ps: the net ref
to palipolis has disappeared; I should have copied it)
::x:: 201711
Paut on a speaking engagement of Hanan Ashrawi in Colorado, he makes her
out to a female Osama ::x:: 201664
connecting individuals thru indymedia
::x:: 201658
slaves unawares with a whiny dutch left winger 'contributing' (pointing
the finger (pointing and wishing for an erection (phallogod
like it) ::x:: 201739
+ 201739 Ann Coulter fired for inciting hatred
::x:: 40501 UK Pilger's
new video out now (on Palestine)
::x:: 202424
merry over) bush at the un -- I go: I'll bring 'remnants of the first
earth' and do a terrarest impromptu on guerilla megaphone from this devastating
read about all the debaucheries of halfbreeds
(foreseen and premourned by the elders so who cares a fuck)
::x:: 202362
clark 'debating' a pentagon man (long, via
::x:: 6667 twincities
Drain the swamp and there will be no more mosquitoes: Chomsky on Iraq (
by Noam Chomsky ::x::
::x:: 24690
visitors to The First Sovereign Transhuman &
Neo-Eugenic Libertarian Religious-State.
a belgium feature with gif of towers turning into bombs
::x:: 202557
(a big space ((with cam)) in Bern Switserland putting on a commemo on Genua
::x:: 202803 zionism critic
and gyrofrog(.?) (satire, via portland)
::x:: 202761
dignified life, food sovereignty, against the FTAA and the uprooting (english)
blicero 1:24pm Wed Sep 11 '02 from columbia Appeal
for the National Agrarian Mobilization.
my third loggin style permanent URL
which I plan to circulate prfr candidatin' texts.
This batch is 105K
. ..and not quite so fresh anymore; I've started
to skip carrying stuff through this url; today's (5-3.htm) must
be the third time I pass up refreshing this file; perhaps cause the first
item in it is so damn good!!!!!!!!!
Issue before last indy32.htm content: 2 green items ::::: israelis warp their children ::::: a mysterious syndiculpitalist or something -- portland indy is alive with reaction ::::: primitivism critique becommented by me and a bunch of indys someplace (portland eugene or chicago?) ::::: Alternative Currencies Make Change ::::: interview with Neta Golan (ME) ::::: my comment on the fire vs waterwork imbalance ::::: more on ME and c by me ::::: can cure conspiracists ::::: (obsesses about iraq and other elite run rackets; i am not about to check but they are possibly accurate) ::::: Akha Matt posts an item (hi matt, forgive me yet?) ::::: big dieoff speculations vs sound strategy with comments pointing to the increasing popular and 'shootoffing' ::::: I blurb eco-operative kinds of capitalisms again ::::: weather changes ::::: I critique the weirdest newspaper issue in recent dutch history ::::: a slab of accountancy critic ::::: items in brief |
Earlier issues archived
for 4 issues) -:::xxx:::-
for last year's issues:
for 21 of them) --------- )!()!()!(
Please take note: the subdirectories
/2001/ and /miscs-n-logs/
have moved; if you don't see in front
of them don't bother clicking before fixing it that way;
latest additions: Img00000.JPG and -3; 2 59K claysoup in shitmugs,+
-:::xxx:::- <<<<<<<+>>>>>>>>
For more mainstream
recent work see the last /logbriefer.htm
at the old adres or the latest one here:
Archive: 2001/logsbriefers.htm
or earlier still: miscs-n-logs/logbriefer.htm
(99-00) -:::xxx:::- Before
that: miscs-n-logs/correspondence_file_contents.htm
(97 - 99) -:::xxx:::-
a peek at what all else trilingual piet presents by way of this (my shortest)
url: central
Since I am
a fiend for (parenthetically) compacted
brevity the poor par peer parent is ease may appear a disease unless you
start out takin it in one colour at a time through the densest (((((((((((((((V)))))))))))))))
IOW: you find yourself in the only place on earth
(I know of) where comprehension is purposefully
enhanced and supported by pixel prettified parenthetical perch, play and
precipitousness (even if/when/while/though
it seems confusing at first)
I take all prfr (print resource friendly reads) content tables out of the 'current' logbriefer and indymediasamples files once I herd 'm into a heap (no sense in doubling and tripling stuff more than I do already) more below this table in its colour and see the bottom for more special readE details ------ NOTE: BILLYGATE SKEWS MY COLUMNS (NO DOUBT ON PURPOSE; USE NETSCAPE OR BETTER) FREQUENT
first batch: 59K (from initial ((2000)) issues up to sept. 2001) ------ Next: 2.htm (57K) (for 28 issues (oct. 20th to nov. 13th) ------ Third: found when you substitute 3 for 2 in previous url (oct. 20th to dec 19th, a total of 25 issues) ------ Fourth such: (81K)49 of 'm (first half of 2002) ---- Fifth: (59K so far) |
very latest prfr issues live in this and the logbriefer file (depending
which of these I take spurty turns on) while
they are growing and move to the prfr series when it is time for the former
to move to their respective archives as well. ----- I try make up fullyfilled
up even number of print pages with 'my' (soon
to be beyond my reach) configuration; I resorted
to sticking two table sets together in order to achieve this and cut down
on printing time. This complicates the reading sequencing slightly but
not greatly and if you are are used to the single set by now this should
not deter you.
Once again, (earlier)
indy stuff overview: 2002/Indymedia.htm,
a previous (the first)
batch: /2001/
issues to g(r)o(w) here:
special read e's
They sorta look like this (all black letters, 8 point fonts). ----- Reading a printout instructions:(see the same text in bigger font via just mentioned links) ------ Continue reading all first (left) columns through first before returning to page 1 for the second half (of the first if double sided). ------ DSP = Double Sided Printing: Print preview to determine how many even pages there are in total (and to check for gap glitches, etc), then print half of them before returning these pages to the printer's paper trays again (caution about multiple ones and the orientations of the page) for the second half. ---- | Wether you get your set of printed pages filled efficiently depends on the margins set in your printer; I aim for an even number anyways via printpreviews and subseguently: change (the preferred) Arial into Arial Narrow to shorten an uneven number enough to lose that 'property' and fit an even one. ---- Sometimes I use some filler text to make up a full number of even pages.) ------- One Then applies DSP (see left column) ---- Sometimes I cut a few spaces into a url to stay within frame/page width so look for them if a simple copy paste enter routine don't get you there yet. |
If you do you I will reply and you get to see this in black on white: trilingual piet presents: central index (for work in English) Dutch: Als ik niet thuis ben kunt u proberen. Ik distantieer me echter van elke vorm van alcohol nuttiggen. German: Was kommt nicht zur (Kopfbe)Deckung? Hauptsaechlich der Bewusstsein dass: die Wueste waechst, obwohl darin weniger u weniger waechst, spaerlicher, verhaltener, tischlein deck dich fischlein versteck dich sonst werdet Ihr alle unbeschreiblich weiblich. Und dass ungeachtet sorgfaeltigster Bedeckung die Schamlosigkeit auch nicht vom wachstum auf- u abzuhalten scheint. --- Stat installed for 18 old files (out of the hundreds in the 40megs here) on the 13th of july 2001 and in every indy (starting at 7) + logbriefer file since (about 3 a month) (multiple file visits count as one). |
on june 10th I became the 16.666th visitor to one of the 50 or 60 files out of hundreds with a 'second generation' counter at my site.