your window to a width which stretches the stars (above) out along 1 line
gets you a suprise later if you are using the right mag and chance to share
fonts besides god being willing, etc ***********
to a list of material I am most partial toiow: a partial yet preferred
resource list per chapter with an index for all of 'm combined tacked on.
It consists of my inspirations as
far as they were tangible: commendable reads, textbooks, reference preferences,
favorite catalogs, etc, contact and/or purchase adresses for activist,
study and publishing resources such as drafted constitutions and other
rare collections of needful stuff, all trying to watertighten lawful formulation,
execution, bestowal, securing and safeguarding of proletarian privileges
for the poor deprived rich.
A +
behind the name means they are no longer alive; a number between brackets
before a name, for instance: (9) Graves ---means it returns in other categories,
so the higher the number in the 'later' ones, the more versatile I deem
that author. 0
tree diveners, -champions, -nurses and -workers:(1)
Robert Graves+ , two tree alphabet chapters in "The white goddess"
Russel Smith+the predust bowl classic : "Treecrops"; Liberty
Hyde Bailey+, Cornell has a beautiful Bailey hall but is overrun with modern
heroes, hunters and quakes after quirky quarks; Native
Forest Council, PO 2171, Eugene, OR 97402. Permaculture
Int Journal, PO7185 Lismore Heights, NSW 2480 Australia; Rainforest
network action in London; Earth first, anywhere
in the USA with forest left, see
under 5 for seed sources fruit
feeders, fenders, finders and furtherers:
NAFEX, North American Fruit Explorers, oldest tree-organization in US,
they put out a quarterly: Pomona, c/o Marie
Kurie, 10 s 055 Madison st, Hinsdale IL 60521 USA Paul
Bekaert runs a natural food store: de Kiem in Borgerhout, Antwerp, Belgium,
his first garden is long gone under the nearby freeway, he always has the
best selection of fruit in all of Europe. .. raw
food: (1) Lawrence William
Lyons: "The language crystal" from Grammar Publishing, PO 2333, NY, NY
10009, USA; (1) Gabriel Cousens (seminars)
200 Springhill Rd, Petaluma Ca 94952, a Kundalini awakener through body
and mindcleansing (1) Daniel Reid ,a mostly
raw food recommending daoist Natural
Hygene, 12816 Race track Rd, Tampa FL 33625; The
Hygenic community network news run by Helen Jean Story. "Retour
a la sante par la jeune" by Bertholet+ featuring Arnold Ehret (my very
first orientation)+ and 39 other therapists+ Fresh
Network, Whitestone, Devon, UK; the
instinctologist network based in France, started by Burger ..
letters, language, music, resonance, timing, etc:
(2) Robert Graves+'s "White Goddess---(2) Lyons; ---(1) Jean Joseph Goux;
a french philosopher writing about phallus as logos as law as language.
John Michell, a wellknown sacred geometrist, wrote a similar book; (1)
James Joyce, Finnegan's wake with its many leads, entrances and points
of departure which bring high holiness down to its exposed counterpart
and companion without however showing how these extremes can be prevented.
(1) Arnold Keyserling, one of his course locations:
Pleroma, Hohlweggasse 37 1030 Vienna, Austria), Sun Angel Innovations,
9123 e Missisippi Av, Suite 2104, Denver Co 80231 translated some of his
work and stuck it on Internet, a revival of his father's school of wisdom:
Dan Winter, 9411 Sandrock rd, Eden NY 14057, USA, he sells
videos, visualization tools and a CDI about and the golden mean mysteries
of love, time, and origins of the alphabet, in the latter respect he received
a strong impulse from Stan Tenen, PO 1738 San Anselmo, Ca 94 979, Ca and
his Meru Foundation's work on the letterlike shadows of a single spiral,
Tenen has not taken kindly to the what he calls plagiarizing mutation of
his work and has been seeking 'justice' (spent money on lawyers) his sculpture
is a veritable beauty and he went on to associate their letter forming
perspectives with a posture dependent handposition language. for
a file full about all these matters see: plagaearazer plotting pilferhernherz.htm
style is very versatile, somewhat inaccesible from a curious mixture of
technical and poetic rigours, worth the stimulating efforts, many groovy
pieces on almost all of my "touchy" subjects, except economics (he substitutes
with aliens and so I must warn you to beware of the paranoid streaks in
his extremely overreaching if not overbearing filling in of the 'fonction
fabulatrice'); Lewis Thomas's "et cetera,
et cetera", etymology oriented; Robert M Hoffstein's:
"Mystical key to the English language"; Donald
Mccloskey---Willem Hietbrink (Dutch)---Jed Rasula----James Joyce Quarterly
Public alternative libraries
are very rare, I only found 3: at Cornell U, Ithaca
NY , started by the remorseful parents of a suicide.
in Salzburg Austria: Bibliothek fuer zukunftsfragen, started
by Robert Jungk+; and in Amsterdam, a collection
of mostly ancient with some modern hermetic philosophy. I intend to put
mine on the map too, 25 fritboxes full and a microfiche reader so far.
I myself have 70 fruitboxes full of books I would love to display in suitably
surroundings allowing access and reference.......let me know please........
1 sex; libido and magnetism connections; (2) Dan Winter,
all about the difference between heat and light x
x x (2) Gabriel Cousens: Muktananda
kundalini experiences x x x (2)
Reid; loads of tricks to cherish and cultivate charge
x x x (1) George Gilder, defender of
very conservative family values offensive to feminists in Sexual Suicide
and others (see p. 23 and poly-strata-fidelity)
x x x (1) J D Unwin+, utopian, sexual
mores and intercultural repercussions x x
x (1) Lyotard, see especially his Taoistic
'mining' of women in his "Libidinal Economy" and the curious book "Pacific
wall" x x x (1)
Robert Lawlor, a most highly recommendable man, quit an artistic career
when poisoned in a photolab (the pollutants from artistic industries
are a good match for those of war really,realizing this made me renounce
camerawork) x x x J
H Noyes+, founder of the Oneida community in NY, (pro)posed amative vs
procreative love.. x x x Peter
Duesberg, prominent virologist debunking the AIDS hype..
x x x Oscar Kiss Maerth: "The beginning
was the end", on cannibalism (fruit of knowledge) as key to a monkey"s
hairloss (nakedness, need to rip off trees) and sexual obsessions, I read
this one at 16 and it set the tone of my thinking for a decadex
x x Robert Wrangham: 'Demonic males', a good
Maerth follow up but 20 years later x x x
Paglia x x x Alphonso
Lingisx x x
2B vital strategies
(see 5): (1) Whole Earth Review and Catalog,
27 Gate 5 Rd, Sausalito, Ca 94965, x
x x (1) Buckminster Fuller, (Fuller Institute,
1743 S La Cienega Blvd, LA 90035, USA, intricacies of structure and energy
balances, a cosmologist)
x x x Piet Bouter, Abbekesdoel 44, 2971VB
Bleskensgraaf, Holland (that's me, lets see where how and when we overlap(top));
x x x CAT, Centre for Alternative Technology,
Machyntleth, Powys, SY20 9AZ, Wales, UK; a showcase of an exhibition, park
and community combo x x x
2L autonomous,
econo(r)mic ethics: Destined to outgrow the formal
fashions of per-, ob-, in- and reversions of secretively centralist, vantage
point, bottleneck, privilege, pace and precedent setting, defense, pharmaceutical,
fossil and fertilizer industry complex condoned by equally masterful movers
of the IMF and world bank.
x x x (3) Robert Graves's
small but truely historical essay: Mammon and the black goddess;
x x x (2) George Gilder----
x x x (2) Bucky Fuller+ --(2)
J D Unwin--- (2) J J Goux (see App)--
x x x -(2) J F Lyotard
x x x Cato Institute, 224 Second street
SE Wa DC 20003 (academic quarterly: The Cato Journal), libertarian thinktank
with freebanking philosophy. x x x Durrell
Foundation, Box 847 Berryville, Va 22611, USA; inflation fighting thinktank
started with a legacy hailing from the handtoolbusiness,
x x x American Institute
of economic Research,Great Barrington, 01230, USA
x x x LMP, Libertarian Microfiche
Publishing John Zube's efforts at fixing the leaks to float the human rights
boat. Without the right to issue private money tokens unemployment can
not be abolished nor can harmless competition (differentiation and open
centralisation) be realized. c/o
John Zube, 7 Oxley st, Berrima, NSW 2577, tel (61) 48771436. The worlds
biggest and cheapest collection of drafts and deliberation towards social
reform legislation (1/2 a million A4 pages ) inspired by and featuring
von Beckerath+ yet to become known as social reformer and matchlessly
eminent historian and his friends Heinrich
Rittershausen+ and Walter
Zander besides out of print constructive, nonreactionary nor the bombing
varieties of anarchism and monetary freedom writings like Lysander Spooner,
William Butler Greene+: "Mutual Banking", Benjamin Tucker+ "Liberty",
John Dewitt Warner: "The currency famine of 1893" in Sound currency '95
and'96 ; Thomas Paine, Proudhon, etc, etc. (all material averages 2$ for
120 pages per fiche, they are called peace plans, PP 760-765 has the tables
of contents of the first 3/4 of the collection. See the appendix for my
personal experiences and altercations with him while attempting to speed
the process of getting Beckerath's work digitized. "Positive
Alternatives" is a magazine from the Center for Economic (defense) Conversion,
222 Vieuw st, Mountain Vieuw, Ca 94041-1344Mary
Lehmann, knowledgable about Land Trusts Leopold
Kohr+---Judy Shelton----Roland
Vaubel -- Lewis Hyde----Donald
(now Deirdre) Mccloskey----Mirowski-Bernard
Lietaer Michael Lewis----Tom
Greco----E Riegel----Richard
Kaym 3B sociablility,
"The intentional '91 community guide", 300 US based besides 50 foreign
ones are listed with selfdescriptions published by the Center for communal
studies, 8600, University Blvd, Evansville, In47712, USA; Community
magazine c/o Sandhill Farm, Rt 1 Box 155, Rutledge Mo 63563; Diggers
and Dreamers a community guide for the UK, Redfield Comm. Winslow,
Bucks, MK18 3LZ UK; John Ray (mailorder herbs
and body electronic schedules), Alderlake Rd, Manitowish waters, Wi 54545,
USA a real inspiration for community; London
Institute for Social Inventions, 20 Hebel Rd, NW 26 AA, tel 2082853, fax
4526434, London UK; they put out a large encyclopedia;
These are some of the story writers I enjoyed most sofar;
Realistic fairy tales by: (4) Graves--- (1) Hudson--
-Maarten Toonder (my absolute favorite, animal characters and profuse
drawing, best reason to want to know Dutch)-- -James Stephens----J R Tolkien+---G
G Kay. Novels
by: (5) Robert Graves-- -Aphra Behn+- --Richard Powers--
-Tom Robbins O Henry.-- --Bulwer H Lytton- --Louise Erdreich
Excellent cultural and
psychological critiques from: (6) Graves -- ((3) Lyons---(3)
Jean Joseph Goux-- (2) Arnold Keyserling(2) ---Theodor Lessing---(1) Lawrence
Rickels --(1) Herbert Poetzl-- -(1) Klaus Theweleit-- ---(1) Max Weber--
--Richard Powers-- --Leopold Kohr---Egon Friedell----Emile Cioran-- --Peter
Sloterdijk-- -Lou Salome---Manuel Frank----Raoul Vaneigem-- -Julian Pefanis-
--Jean Francois Lyotard -- Jean Baudrillard (see Kellner for a debunk)-
--Geert Hofstede- --Jane Schneider
Same with emphasis on Indiginous issues:
O K Maerth, (2)Robert Lawlor, Pierre Clastres, Gilles Deleuze, Felix Guattari,
Robert Wrangham, Alphonso Lingis, Morgan, Lewis Hyde, Marcel Mauss,
Aby Warburg, Franz Oppenheimer, Lawrence Blair, Jack Weatherford, Vine
Deloria, Eric Wolf 9
gender and media:(7) Robert Graves+-- -(3)
George Gilder--- -(2) Klaus Theweleit (1) Otto Weininger---Nike Wagner---Laura
Riding---James deMeo Camille Paglia- --Luce Irigaray- --Lisa Caputi: ("Gossips,
Gorgons and Crones")-- --Douglas Rushkoff: Media virus-- -Mark Dery
innovation: many a war, rock quarry, child,
sparrow, church organ and drumcircle inspired me to learn how they all
connect like Kevlar and optic fibre for roots and rigour Jacques Attali's
"Noise, a political economy of music"
directories for info, seeds , tools and foods:
(2) Whole Earth Catalog; Seeds of change,
1364 Rufina Circle #5, Santa Fe NM 87501 USA (see the book by Kenny
Ausubel), affiliated with: Peace seeds, the
company run by Alan Kapuler in Oregon, POB 190, Gila NM 88038; Healthy
Harvest, Potomac Valley Press, 1424 16th st NW, DC 20036; Mappa
della Italia Naturale from Terra Nuova, Scarperia, Fi, Italy; Guide
de la vente directe, Nature et Progres, Paris, France Soil
Association, 86 Colston st Bristol BS15BB, UK; Bioland
in Germany, Bio-organisch in Austria, etc, Experts
and advocates about crushed stone for more and more healthy
biomass: Julius Hensel+,
chemistical cosmologist: "the tangible cause of disease is the insufficiency
of traceminerals in food...lust for money hardens the heart quicker than
boiling water an egg.."; John D Hamaker+,
best interpreter for tectonics worldwide Acres
USA, a voice for eco agriculture (monthly), PO 9547, Kansas City Mo 64133,
USA, best paper in the field, featuring most of this material, note the
glacial Rado rockdust advertisement; Philip
Callahan, ornithologist, entomologist, leading low frequency magnetism
and communications expert, order his work is from Acres; a sample
can be found here:
the earth, a network newsletter, edited by Joanne Campe, 152 South
st, Northampton, Ma 01060, USA (offers research compilations) and follow
ups on the Hamaker book: "Survival of civilization"; Dorothea
Berthold's 1977 Heidelberg; historic overview of experiments with rockdust;
Chris Bird's "Secrets of the Soil" from Harper
and Row Cyclone Crusher, POB 70025, Eugene,
Or 97401, USA, 1 ton in weight, 20 horse electric or diesel powered, chews
half inch gravel, 18000 $ Albert Carter Savage---Morgan
Gaean cosmology:(3) Dan Winter; ---(2) W H Hudson+, naturalist;
(---2) Lessing; (2) John Michell, sustainable
nomadism and sacred geometry in the landscape- (1)
Tom Pawlicki, Box 38007, 794 Fort st, Victoria BC, V8W 1HO, Canada, Published
by Prentice Hall (see appendix for his physics of miracles); Luther
Burbank+, The legendary plantbreeder; Victor
Schauberger +, a vortex and implosion expert and inventer; Callum Coats
wrote a book about him and his work; Causes from NM keeps some of his idea's
turning over too; Walter Russell+, a cosmologist
who's University of science and philosophy is still sending home study
courses and who's former residence is now a museum in Swannanoa, Va, Box
520, Waynesboro, 22980 USA x x x Energy
Unlimited PO 3310, Laredo Tx 78044, USA used to run a workshop for inventions
with Victor Schauberger and Walter Russell as mastermind modelers;
Borderland Sciences Research PO 429 Garber ville, Ca 95440, USA; Int Tesla
Soc , 350-A West Uintah, Suite #115, Colorado Springs; Co 80905,
Tesla Book Co, POB 121873, Chula Vista, Ca 91912, USA and the Psychotronic
Ass. ? keep the legend of still classified Tesla+ material
alive. See the summer 94 issue of Skeptical enquirer to learn how to
throw out the baby with the bath water regarding this, astrology and much
more. James DeMeo
(Orgone and Biophysics Lab, Box 13 95, El Cerrito, Ca 94530, there is a
new lab in Ashland Oregon now (see website); Co-op
America, 2100 M stNW#403, DC 20063, USA; Seattle
Institute for Life sciences, 6519 40th NE, Seattle WA 98115, USA, this
is run by Dwight Bulkley; Cesare Marchetti,
a technocratic genius at IIASA, International Institute for Applied
System Analysis, in 2361 Laxemburg, Austria. A very friendly technocrat
who is going to filter uranium from seawater! Can you pump it??; Green
Peace and Parties, Bioregional and Ecology movements; William
I Thompson: books and 'Annals of earth' periodical from Ocean Arks Institute,
10 Shanks Pond Rd, Falmouth Ma 02540 (some excerpts of his in my multiplicity
file); Jose Arguelles- -Lawrence
Blair- --Michael S Schneider--
-Jonathan Tennenbaum 6
Karma, charma and scarred is ma:(8) Graves+---(5)
Lyons----(4) Winter---(3) Keyserling Randall
and Campbell:"Sacred symbols of the ancients" from deVorss Publishers,
Box 550 Marina del Rey, Ca 90294 Gaile Mcgregor's
"Noble savage in the new world garden" literature
on street theatre wit, peaceful attest- and monstrations, assorted
Fools, Clowns, Jokers, Messiahs, Gods, etc. I cannot resist putting a few
very original conspiracy refs in here: Michael Topper of: The New Thunderbird
Chronicle from Pallisades, 15237 Sunset Blvd, St 29, Ca 90272, USA, a handout
in Co-ops, written with the most exquisitely "melodious" choice of words
and phrasing which redeems a subject once again perverted by worst case
scenarios somewhat, he joined the flower of life crouwd with Val Valerian
and such; London psychogeographical Association,
Box 15, 138 Kingsland High street, London E8 2NS.UK, like so many reactionaries,
they put up a fight for the old holy places now in the wrong hands rather
than creating new ones. Jews and Jesuses;
(9) Robert Graves and Raphael Patai-- -(4)
Lawrence William Lyons - --(3) Lawrence Rickels--
-(2) (4) Theodor Lessing ..( Herbert Poetzl--
-Ludwig Klages, ..Alfred Schuler, .. Werner Sombart, ..Hans Rudolf
Bartsch, etc) - -Frederic Grunfeld: "Prophets
without honour"- --George Steiner's Homeland:
the text-- -(3) Tom Pawlicki (see Appendix
0)- --Sander Gilman---
-Otto Weininger- - Hannah Arendt---
-James Joyce---Ferrero I
was once shown a Colorado room full of provocative protocols of Zion-type
propaganda from hundreds of sources totally unknown to me up till then,
a privilege of the hitchhiker with good ears (and that of my physiognomically
speaking that is, his were even bigger) by a likable 60ish incarnation
of Elijah, so he says,who was ready or a courtbattle to reclaim his fabulous
wealth, was this the billionaire I had been standing by the roadside for
so long for?--
7 Rainbow;
The inspiration and references for this section are too numerous to mention
as anyone who saw fit to read this book as and/or and a representative
crosssection of spectramatic prism tweaked filter, screen hoppered, roster
struck and wringer squeezed bubbles, bits and weezes of, due to and through
the cookie cutter code key symbols called letters pointing at the real
thing; all the modern paradigms are heading where real rainbows already
are; sometimes wordless, powerless and toothless but filled with humblest
faith nevertheless, a true preserver of old values cause they know how
it feels to have the rug pulled from under you, especially since there
memory somehow taps the times when that rug could hide, feed and fibre
the fire for them; now we send Java applets through fibre while the real
Java burns another one of those famous rugs. In a sense all books mentioned
in the other categories are rainbow required reading. US
Rainbow Guide, adresses plus interests listing given out free every year
with the contributions of the previous years gathering, c/o Michael John,
POB 3213, Madison Wi 53704, USA Marcus
Endicott, (If you are up for travelling, check out his travel guides; this
is his rainbowpage:
Free (annual newspaper) Rainbow Oaks, Rt 2 Box 84, Warrens, Wi 54666-9802
USA. There are some permanent rainbow type
farms and forests some are just squatted, others owned, some have inhabitants
with drug and alcohol habits, others don't; a nice one is Monte Venero,
a legal village ruine with pyramids built from waste wood, near Bembibre
in the Spanish province Leon. Hakim Bey (
is Peter Lamborn Wilson from Brooklyn; author of : TAZ, temporary autonomy
zone, partier, pirate and (eco?)guerilla tactics.
Bibl. Index featuring:
Subjects keywords mythological
names businesses, brands Institutions,
Publications****entries are seperated by ***
x x x **or**
x x x **pr**
x x x ***
USA x x
x AIER x x x
trade x x x arms
industry Always Free
x x x Arendt, Hannah + x x x
Arguelles, Jose x x x
Arthur's excalibur x x x Attali,
Jacques x x x autonomy
Liberty Hyde + Bartsch, Hans Rudolf +
x x x Beckerath, Ulrich von +
x x x Behn, Aphra + x x x
Berthold, Dorotheax x x x Bertholet+
x x x Bey, Hakim x x x
Binion, Rudolph x x x Bio-organisch
x x x Bioland
x x x Bioregionalism
x x x Bird, Christopher x
x x Black Peter's club,
x x x Blair, Lawrence
x x x Body electronics
x x x Borderland Sciences
x x x Burbank, Luther + x x x caduceus
between symbol and tool x x x Callahan,
Philip x x x Campe, Joanne
x x x Cato Institute
x x x Causes Newsletter
x x x C for communal studies
x x x C for Economic Conversion
x x x Centre for Alternative Technology
x x x Cernunnos
x x x Cernunnos's torque-coil-spring-wringing
ramheaded snake x x x Chaplin's
cane, x x x
church organs x x x Cioran, Emile+
x x x Clastres, Pierre + x x x Coats,
Callum Co-op America
x x x Community magazine
x x x Community guide cornucopias
x x x Cousens, Gabriel
x x x crushed stone Cyclone
Crusher Defense conversion
x x x Deleuze, Gilles+ x x x Deloria,
Vine Deucalion DeMeo, James
x x x Dewitt Warner, John + x
x x Diggers and Dreamers Duisberg,
Peter Durrell Foundation x
x x co(lo)normic ethics
x x x Ehret, Arnold + x x x Erdreich,
Louise Energy Unlimited x
x x Frank, Manuel x x x Fresh
Network x x x Friedell, Egon
+ x x x fruit
finders x x x Fuller
Institute x x x Fuller, Bucky
+ x x x Gaea
x x x gender, generation x
x x Gilder, George x x x Gilman,
Sander x x x Goux, Jean Joseph
x x x Graves, Robert + x x x Greco,
Thomas x x x Greene, William Butler +Green
Peace and Parties, Grunfeld, Frederic x x
x Guattari, Felix x x x Hamaker, John
+ x x x Harlequin's
dildos and baubles x x x Healthy
Harvest x x x healthy
biomass x x x Hensel, Julius
+ x x x Henry, O + x
x x Hertzka, Theodor + x x x Hoffstein,
Robert M x x x Hudson, W H +
x x x Hyde, Lewis
x x x indiginous
issues x x x Irigaray, Luce 'instrewmentality'
x x x jesting joker's and clown's
baubles Jungk, Robert x x x Joyce,
James + x x x Jews
and Jesuses x x x Karma
and charma x x x Kay, G G
x x x Kellner, Douglas x x x Kevlar
and optic fibre x x x Keyserling, Arnold
x x x Kiem, de; in Antwerp
x x x Klages, Ludwig+ x x x Kohr, Leopold+
x x x language use, abuse and origin
x x x Lawlor, Robert x x x Lessing,
Theodor+ x x x Lewis, Michael
x x x Libertarian Microfiche Publishing
x x x Lingis, Alphonso x x x Caputi,
Lisa x x x Lehmann, Mary
x x x Lyons, Lawrence William x x x Lyotard,
Jean Francois + x x x Lytton, Edward Bulwer
H + x x x Maerth, Oscar Kiss +
x x x Manganiello, David x x x Marchetti,
Cesare x x x Mccloskey, Donald
x x x Mcgregor, Gaile x x x
media and monopolies x x x Meru
Foundation x x x Michell, John
x x x Mirowski, David? x x x musical
innovation x x x NAFEX
x x x Native Forest Council
x x x Natural Hygene
x x x Nature et Progres, Paris
x x x Noyes, J H + x x x Paglia, Camille
x x x Paine, Thomas + x x x Patai,
Raphael x x x Pawlicki, Tom
x x x Pefanis, Julian x x x Permaculture
Int Journal x x x Pleroma
x x x pleaching
x x Positive Alternatives
x x x potent tools
x x x Poetzl, Herbert x x x Powers,
Richard x x x Proudhon, Pierre + Psychogeographical
Ass x x x Psychotronic
Ass x x x Pygmalion
x x x Rado rock
x x x Rainbow family
x x x Rainbow Guide
x x x Randall and Campbell
x x x Rasula, Jed x x x raw
food x x x Ray, John RE,
Remineralize the earth x x x Reid,
Daniel x x x Rickels, Lawrence
x x x Riding, Laura + x x x Riegel,
E C + x x x Rittershausen, Heinrich +
x x x Robbins, Tom x x x Rushkoff,
Douglas x x x Russell, Walter +
x x x Salome, Lou Andreas + x x x Sampson,
Morgan + x x x Savage, Albert Carter +
x x x Schauberger, Victor + x x x Schneider,
Michael S x x x Schneider, Jane Schumacher
Society x x x Seattle
Institute x x x secession
x x Seeds of change
x x x Shelton, Judy x x x Sloterdijk,
Peter x x x Smith, J Russel +
x x x Snoek, Helmuth x x x sociablility
x x x Social
Inventions x x x Soil
Association x x x Sound
Currency x x x Steiner, George
x x x Stephens, James+ x x x Tenen,
Stan x x x Tennenbaum, Jonathan
x x x Tesla Book Co, Tesla Soc
x x x The Hygenic community network news
x x x The New Thunderbird Chronicle
x x x Theweleit, Klaus x x x Thomas,
Lewis x x x Thompson, William Irwin
x x x Tolkien, J R+ x x x Toonder,
Maarten x x x Topper, Michael
x x x totempoles
x x x tree work and lore
x x x Tucker, Benjamin+
x x x Unwin, J D+ x x x Vaneigem, Raoul
x x x Vaubel, Roland x x x vital
strategies x x x Vlieghere, Martin
van de x x x Wagner, Nike
x x x Warburg, Aby + x x x Weatherford,
Jack x x x Weber, Max +
x x x Weininger, Otto + x x x Whole
Earth Catalog x x x Whole
Earth Review x x x William Butler Greene
+ x x x Winter, Dan
x x x witches brooms,
x x x Wolf, Eric x x x Zander, Walter
+ x x x Zube, John
A score card for
numbered names would show the following ranking:
Graves, Winter,
Lyons, Lessing, Rickels and Pawlicki, Keyserling and Gilder;
but if commendability
and urgency are criteria to measure my ranking,
the line-upwould
show a different sequence (get 2 toonders on either end of the first line
and a stairway/ zigzag/ spiral/ moire pattern is in the offing):