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Sunday, 7 August 2005
this was a brief experiment; expect no new posts
just thought I'd warn you in as far as you don't yet rely on pings, little audio-signals for changed websites and the like, rss maybe .. .ain't that the aestheticization of e-mail? .. . command bits into drills with an ease formerly reserved for the ((delusional or cynical)) commercial ((for delusion (((postponing and piling up debts and duties of disillusion))) and poison products peddling)) con-artist).

The friendly eye is food from the gods.
Eyeing friendly feeds them.

Posted by poetpiet at 4:27 AM EDT
Thursday, 4 August 2005
greenest film I ever saw
Anybody see 'the sorceress'? I reckon the distance between those days (middle ages), now and as many on again will get us only halfway back to soothingly, enlivening and nurturing unmolested envionments .. . if we're extremely lucky .... cause instead of an antidote to christianity which turned mentioned situations from a to b we get spin off number 2 (islam) with all the more potency, virulence and deadliness for constantly bouncing between the root of all evil (mono-whatever) that spawned it and spin-off number 1.
Now, the french have this euphemism for orgasm called 'the little death' - since clearing space in a busy womb with some healthy and vigorous pumping action is out of the question (inside is out untill .. ) outer space needs clearing with a few healthy blasts (it's the equivalent of the post-marriage revel red stained lover's bedsheet but the left is stubborn in its determination to cost us a few more rivers of blood and so they tune out and obstruct voices that speak of giving the ohnehin natural segregation a hand in light of the facts of life: insurmountably fundamental cultural difference that lasted long enough to be internalized - a challenge to those many of us who believe in the basic operability of problems - in the fancier year reports of the bio-industrious blessed with lots of acreage to release their evil deeds upon reports about what we know exactly including the use of dna guns are schizophrenically enough interspersed with ones wherein they feel secure enough to admit they haven't a clue yet don't feel obliged to recognize these situation are prone and bound to mutate and hybridize seeing they are in such unspecifiably reconstellating proximity. After all, explorers love to travel; feeding the birds is for the birds, birdfeed.

Posted by poetpiet at 10:02 AM EDT
in- and outt(h)ro(w)ducing
Mood:  quizzical
Now Playing: folk alley
Topic: discovery
'vadercats' gets 694 (google) hits on the 4th of august 2005 -- funny enough, the ones listed that were at the lycos domain are these:

members.lycos.nl/vadercats/WardChurchill2.htm - 9k -- yeah, right!!! that is a 170K linkfilled file thank you very much; I am afraid it's too fresh for the archive.org retrieval trick so will have to wait till I situate meself another site some place (I'd like plenny of shade to along with it so I can maintain it in style).

Ward Churchill excerpt just posted on another blog

(e)co-operatief capitalisme http://members.tripod.lycos.nl/vadercats/inhoudsopgave.htm naar een 10 tal onderwerpen waarvan een gedeelte by tripod
members.lycos.nl/vadercats/bibliografie_en_index.htm - 66k - In cache - Gelijkwaardige pagina's --- ah at least the cache works here .. ..

ps (applies to blogger not tripod): yall start posting now!!! .. .. . no congestion/delay at all .. .hardly (though real bad just the other day); I mentioned its recurrence (in additions to my oldest/front page: https://poetpiet.tripod.com/) since I started trying out blogger . .. .oh .. . . slightly over a year ago.

More speculations as to why lycos-europe dumped me.

.. . might it be bycause all my blogs so far shun their blogging software and they were deeply hurt and insanely jealous I wouldn't use it .. . .and/or become a payfordigital space member at least, specially since I exceeded the alloted 50Mb they advertize with since their upload section shows a limit of 100Mb instead ... without volunteering pay?

Will they ever let me know????? Maybe I'll dig up the e-mails I sent so far.

This blog here come on top of 3 earlier blogspot.com sites:
wellbredrock = evening reading
compostartist = cloudy day reading
powdertowell = sunny day (or behind unbudgeably in too bright and unshadable light situated monitor) reading

... .and another 5 places at web-log.nl (posts there in dutch mostly; these pages have the nasty drawback of not allowing discriminate text selection and so the following sites are as good as dead unless they change that):

on top of the (pretty much equally) unused possibility to just send me an e-mail (though, for folks who don't know me yet, I'd prefer close collabies in matters like large swaths of landscape nurturing community living).

Anybody know a good name for the 11th and last of my blogs?

pretty-lonely-for-a-dead-on-charismatic? thisblogismylastbet?

ps: the front page (lob ../blog off) has related materials

ps: fragments of this post appeared slightly earlier today, here and here.

Posted by poetpiet at 7:07 AM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 4 August 2005 10:29 AM EDT

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