AND THE FREE SPEECH DILEMNA: An Appeal to Anarchists (english) by Outlaw
11:35pm Mon Mar 11 '02 (Modified on 3:04am Tue Mar 12 '02) Please read
carefully before commenting. I have put a fair amount of thought into this
issue, and I'd like to hear your polite commentary on this. Please address
as many of my points as possible when responding, rather than taking the
easy 'strawman' approach by attacking the weakest points or points that
I didn't even try to make. I wouldn't be half as down on the ARA if I thought
that they were just as willing to use equally uncivil methods on the corporate
statists who are in a position of power - namely pigs, judges, DAs, feds,
drug warriors, gun grabbers, snitches and spooks. As it stands they seem
more concerned with silencing individuals who have no more political influence
than that poor old mentally ill homeless dude who wanders around telling
people the end is nigh (for example ARA and similar groups of anti-racists
go after harmless oddballs like David Icke, who thinks the Rockefellers,
the Royal family and all US Presidents have been shape-shifting alien lizards
[see http://www.davidicke.com - he actually has some good information if
you can ignore the really cracked out lizard shit], and the United Fascist
Union, who believe in non-racist fascism as well as UFOs, Psychics and
all sorts of other similarly cracked out shit that could never, ever garner
a following in real life [ geocities.com/Area51/Chamber/7344/ ]. Then they
also go after musicians like Boyd Rice and Michael Moynihan, who, despite
occasionally using European imagery traditionally associated with fascism,
are basically apolitical and are mainly targeted for their 'scary' philosophical
beliefs, such as that human life is not worth much, and that all individuals
are not magically created with the same intellect and physical attractiveness.
As well as going after these harmless guys, they do go after the potentially
harmful groups like National Alliance, WCOTC, Aryan Nations, Hammerskins
and so forth. The problem is that the way they go after these people is
not by arguing and trying to beat them on intellectual grounds, but rather
by pelting them with bricks and beer bottles. Now I understand the appeal
that comes from commiting an act of physical violence; violence, when done
for the right reason and against the right individual can be a honourable,
righteous, liberating and thoroughly pleasurable thing to do. For individuals
who like to consider themselves anarchists, however, there is an added
moral dilemna involved in determining whether an individual is worthy of
using physical force against. One must first consider whether the proposed
target is, at that moment in time, acting in a violent manner towards innocent
individuals. Now, in the case of the 'federal juggernaut' of social-statism,
the answer in any case, from the lowliest office worker to those in the
White House and Pentagon, is a firm and resounding "YES!". Reason being,
the State is actively using violence, explicitly approved by the President
and his capitalist superiors, and implicitly approved by all government
employees merely by the fact that they are willing to be employed by the
warmongering government (and, to a far lesser extent, approved by all willing
American taxpayers and anyone who votes for the Demopublicans with full
knowledge of their war-like actions). On the other hand, while groups like
the National Alliance openly admit that they want, at some far distant
time in the future, to obtain a 'racial revolution' (as is their constitutionally
acceptable First Amendment right to do), they do not at present engage
in actual physical violence, and the very few random attacks we hear about
coming from their circle are almost definitely unapproved by the central
command, and are probably instead 'loose cannons'. These attacks should
therefore be dealt with on an individual basis, rather than outlawing the
group as a whole because of them. I freely support the right of all ethnic
minorities to keep and bear arms in order to protect themselves from any
actual attacks from fascists. In other words, I feel that if a black man
is accosted by some fascist thug, he should shoot him in the head and kill
him. As for preparing for a defense against any large scale violent attempts
at revolution that might be planned by the NA and similar groups, I would
advise anti-racists to arm themselves heavily with stockpiles of guns,
knives and other deadly implements so that if the other side ever does
try to initiate a 'race war' the good guys are ready to blast them down.
If that did occur it would be completely moral to obliterate the opposition
because they - not we - initiated the war, just as the federal government
could arguably be said to have declared war on America at Waco, Ruby Ridge
and Kent State and on the world in Palestine, Iraq, Iran, Sudan, Columbia,
Vietnam and Serbia. But to violently accost them when they are merely trying
to speak, regardless of how repugnant the views they are trying to get
across, is to rob them of the folowing freedoms: freedom of thought, expression,
speech, religion (in the case of the Identity Christians and Creators),
travel, due process, and so on and so on ad nauseum. Now some people will
respond by saying that as fascists, they have given up any right to freedom
of expression that they might otherwise have had. This is an Orwellian
twist of logic at best. The point of freedom of expression is that it applies
to everyone. As soon as you take it away from one group - be it fascists,
women, gays, communists, whoever - it is no longer 'free expression' but
rather 'limited expression'. Some people will also say that because the
fascists want to take away those freedoms for us then it makes sense for
us to take their freedoms away from them. More Orwellian logic. This relies
on the false belief that authoritarianism can be disposed of by increasing
authoritarianism. A truly bizarre notion. I mentioned earlier that anti-racists
should engage in discussion with racists in public forums to try to defeat
their arguments. Some say this only gives the racists legitimacy, but by
fighting them in the streets you are also claiming that they pose a threat,
which shows that you already grant them a form of legitimacy. Generally
speaking, if your argument is true and sound, and your opponent's is not,
you will win the argument in the public opinion. Some claim that this does
not apply because fascists use emotion rather than facts. True enough,
but anarchists can also use emotion effectively, not as a means of deception
but as a means of evoking an emotional respose to a universal truth. For
example common slogans like 'Eat the Rich', 'Fuck the Police', etc. exploit
emotions whether we admit it or not. The difference is that these emotions
are are based on truth; namely that there is a wide gap between the rich
and the poor and that police brutality is still prevalent. Finally I'd
like to leave you with a question of what your ideal anarchist society
would look like. Would no one exist who supported fascism? If not how would
you expect to rid yourselves of them? If you would merely 'crush the fascists'
then where does that stop? Does not the typical far left orthodoxy also
consider the militia movement, and, in some cases, social and religious
conservatives, to be 'fascists'? If the answer is to 'crush the fascists'
then we will be crushing an awful lot of people, won't we? We would have
to set up concentration camps of some sort for such a massive task. Even
once these fascists were disposed of, what about when authoritarian ideas
begin to creep up again in some individuals, as they inevitably would?
And who would go about getting rid of all these fascists? Certainly not
the State, nor corporations, which would not exist under anarchism. The
only answer is that 'the people' would crush the fascists, probably in
the form of some sort of Federations. Does this not essentially amount
to 'mob justice'? If this is 'direct democracy' could direct democracy
not simply be considered the rule of brute force? What about when differences
emerged amongst the anarchists? Would those too be determined by the survival
of the fittest? Personally I believe that anti-liberty forces will always
exist in a free society; they must be tolerated so long as they engage
only in hateful speech, otherwise we cannot truly consider ourselves to
love liberty. ----------------- Tough love (english) by profrv@etc 12:07am
Tue Mar 12 '02 We should show the loudmouths among these racist nazis the
wisdom of louis beams,"leaderless resistance."We should do that by raising
funds and killing the fuckers.This is not just jim bell's idea anymore
as certain primitivists,cypherpunks and even fabian socialists get with
the program."There is one thing stronger than all the armies in the world,
& that is an idea whose time has come."Victor Hugo. --------------------
pools of monies to ponder (english) by poundimpiet 1:28am Tue Mar 12 '02
profr i'm gonna haunt your shit to set it right (in the compost pile where
it belongs). And in the same breath I shall answer the polite and well
crafted query about what 'my' kind of society would look like. --- First
profr: "one thing stronger than armies and that's an idea who's time has
come"; nay but armies come when ideas stronger than them are dumped out
in favour of putrid power pilings. And besides that, what ethic allows
you to quote Hugo in this respect? Was he in favor of AP or is my use of
him equally justifiable? What mood and circumstance brought this credo
about? --- Yugoyougo: " . . we need to raise funds .. " --- I would like
to remind you all of how state monies once were just that: consensed target
specific (matter of fact, targets, tasks and duties can now be specified
up front) money-pools reserved as only payment for costs incurred for construction
and duration of projects; see the work of GFKnapp << Knapp was the
champion of the "Chartalist" theory of money, i.e. that the value of money
is "created" artificially by State tax requirements. from cepa >> some
digital comments and derivatives of which are at my site (below) and who
googles up with this site first: salt.org.il/frame_econ.html (looks like
a fascinating page in itself but says no more about knapp besides quoting
his famous 'state theory of money'; the problem is we now have monies pretending
to be state monies and yet they dropped it's essential characteristic:
exclusively acceptable as payment of tax) ---- the UvA has all their figureheads
on black and white postcards with an 'ponassertion', the one that caught
my eye this morning reads: money flows along lines of least fiscal resistance;
0---- guess what I am the closest to offering any substance about Knapp
still!!!!! One of my much less visited than expected files (I called attention
to it at quite a few of the global justice mov. sites): /guest_appearances/kicking_IMF_addictions.htm
3. The centralisation of the banks of issue as the boundary line in the
transition from banknotes to paper money.—Simultaneously with this development,
proceeded the centralisation of the issue of notes. The State entered into
close relations with one of the banks of issue, granting it privileges,
entrusting it with its money transactions, end accepting its notes at its
pay offices. The notes of such a bank were bound to gein an undesirable
diffusion, which was no longer solely due to the bank exchanging the daily
proceeds from the sales of goods and the bills based thereon into a more
convenient means of payment, teut also to some extent to the credit of
the State. This bank became the "Central Bank of Issue", the other banks
of issue either disappearing or losing their old status. This monopoly,
which is unapproached in any other field, could never have maintained itself,
if it had not offered the Exchequer — as distinguished from the country—
immense advantages. Fr. Knapp describes the frequently recurring case where
the State, when financially embarrassed, exploits this rich bank as a source
of credit. When the Central Bank, half constrained, grants its "guardian",
the State, large credits, which have nothing to do with a turnover of goods,
the question arises: "How is it eventually to redeern the banknotes ?"
It frankly cannot—that is, because the State cannot repay on the day when
the notes are presented for payment, after 26 days, say. Knapp continues:
"The State is fully aware of this. Accordingly, it decrees that the bank
is released from the obligation to redeem them. It declares these notes
to be lega1 tender and thus the notes have to be accepted universally at
their face value. By means of this amazing procedure, mostly regarded as
an unfortunate mischance, the following becomes clear to the disinterested
spectator. The money circulation ... does not cease, although the currency
has changed its character. It consists no longer of specie, but of paper....
The State economy has deteriorated into a ' paper economy. (4th edition,
pp. 120, 129. However, Knapp by no meane opposed to a forced currency which,
curiously enough, is to-day regarded manifestly excellent, as until 1909
it was unanimously condemned. Hence Carl Rosch rightly contends in his
Kredit-inflation (Jena, 1927), that banknotes which are accepted at public
pay offices end are legal tender, not banknotes, but simply State paper
money. (p. 24.)) The legal tender, represented by "banknotes" having a
forced rate, obeys quite other laws than the turnover bank rhoney of private
under, takings described in this paper. It may be, more especially, limitlessly
multiplied; it cannot be refused; and is therefore extremely inflational.
5. The abandonment of convertibility and its consequences.— So long as
this obligation was in force, or, to quote again Knapp, "so long as the
bank is bound to redeem its notes in money emitted by the State, the latter
had to take no further steps in order to relegate the banknotes to their
accessory position", (p. 125.) That is, in the circumstances other precautions
against inflation were unnecessary inasmuch as inflation is only possible
where a forced currency prevails. After the abolition of convertibility,
special brakes became necessary: the gold brake, or gold cover, and the
unreliable and always lagging price statistics; end eventually, when both
these had proved unavailing, the foreign exchange brake. Thus the classical
conception, whose rehabilitation is an urgent necessity end which looks
upon money end credit transactions as an expedient for stimulating the
safe of goods, is abandoned in favour of a quite different type of money,
i.e., paper money (in contrast with banknotes), whose peculiarity it is
to oscillate irresponsibly between inflation end deflation, which alone
is liable to the notorious eccentricities of 1923 end 1931/32, and which
only attends "casually" to the financing of turnover, necessarily without
achieving substantial results. ----------------- http://csf.colorado.edu/forums/pkt/jun98/0186.html
(fragment): OK. But then can the government using its monopolist power
via a tax > driven currency -- prevent inflation inthe monetized price
of all > transactions other than what the government directly buys? -----------
Yes. By constraining the price(s) it is willing to pay. ---------- As per
the model in the draft, when there is a single supplier in the vertical
component, that supplier is a price setter. A head tax or asset tax is
'easier' to 'trace' than an income tax, as the draft indicates. -----------------
october 2000 web citations on Georg Friedrich Knapp, expert on ... https://poetpiet.tripod.com/
miscs-n-logs/Knapp-print.htm (84K) same doc as this but black on white
small font (arial 8 point), margin to margin, treepulp and ... members.tripod.com/poetpiet/
miscs-n-logs/GFKnapp.htm - 72k ------------------ Struggle against fascism,
capital, and state (english) by Circuit 1:53am Tue Mar 12 '02 circuitry@onebox.com
Here is an excerpt of an email I wrote to a mailing list about this subject.
A lot of it applies: ... Third, freedom of speech. Yes, let's masturbate
with that theory a little bit more, shall we? Everybody has the freedom
to say whatever the hell they want. With that comes consequences. If you
are going to talk about the extermination of other races, or even the forced
relocation or what have you, you had better fucking believe that people
will oppose you. That is the consequence of that speech. End of story.
Nobody has any right to police protection, nobody has any right to hide
behind freedom of speech if their ultimate goal is the complete suspension
of that speech for everyone who is out of line with their authoritarian
political agenda. Fourth, the attention issue. Yes, Matt Hale and the like
may like attention. Big deal. The purpose of opposing them is not to stroke
their egos, or to keep their egos from being stroked. It is to make sure
that their organizations do not grow, and based on this, ARA and Anti-Fascists
have history on our side. Please provide one single example of street-level
fascist organizations being unopposed and subsequently shrinking in size.
You can't do it, because there are none. The nazis rose to power because
they were virtually unopposed. They had the streets, and that's all that
mattered. We need to learn from history and make sure that no fascists
ever are able to organize without strong opposition. Furthermore, it has
been my experience, that the ARA network grows everytime we successfully
confront the fascists. Witness, for example, the strong community involvement
on the side of the anti-fascists in the street battles in York, PA a couple
months ago. Conversely, the fascists grow every time they are not opposed.
Whenever ARA or other groups stop opposing a particular group, they grow,
sometimes very quickly. As far distracting us from "the larger battle,"
again, that's ignorant of how the state uses street-level fascists to their
advantage. The best way I can describe it is that fascists are like an
attack dog. When times are good (capitalism is strong and unopposed), the
state keeps them on a short leash. When times are bad (capitalism is weak
or is being strongly opposed), they use them to take a few bites and lash
out a little bit. When times are really bad (economic crisis, or society
has moved into a pre-revolutionary time), the leash on the fascists is
let go. The role of anti-fascists is to make sure that the attack dog that
is fascism is a chihuaha, and not a fucking doberman. For an example of
this, witness the role of the FBI in using the KKK to assassinate communists
and labor organizers in (I believe) Greensboro, NC in the '70's. The fight
against fascism and the fight against capital and the state cannot be separated.
Fascism is the emergency switch of the rich, and in order for any kind
of revolution to occur, we need to make sure that said switch is disabled
when it comes time to pull it. Ultimately, whether you agree with how ARA
opposes fascists or not, you need to do your research. What you're saying
about fascists and how they supposedly "gain" from these kinds of confrontations
is really just a regurgitation of what the media and liberal, statist groups
like the Southern Poverty Law Center say, both of which have strong reasons
for discouraging the kind of effective tactics that we use. I think a debate
about this is definitely necessary. I've found a lot of people who start
out in anarchism don't fully understand the ramifications that fascism
has, and how dangerous it is to not oppose it, both to the community in
the short-term, and to society (and our hope for an egalitarian, free society)
in the long term. Question: Do you really think that the Nazis went after
the Jews first? Wrong. The first order of business was to assassinate the
anarchists and anti-statists. We didn't even get the luxury of being moved
into ghettos first. We were the first to go. Circuit Aurora Anti-Racist
Action. www.geocities.com/aurora_ara ----------------- Poetpiet (english)
by pr 2:18am Tue Mar 12 '02 Dear poet,will you haunt these... http://www.indymedia.org/front.php3
?article_id=148490&group=webcast We must hunt down and destroy all
who support terrorism, including GW Bush! (english) by Mark Thomas, New
Statesman 11:04am Mon Mar 11 '02 (Modified on 5:08pm Mon Mar 11 '02) AND
http://www.primitivism.com/assassination.htm When I speak of raising 'funds'I
dont even mean actual folding cash MUST be transferred.I do like the idea
of the free market destroying crony capitalism forever but 'money'is not
strictly essential.LETS might motivate someone,valueless kudos someone
else.Anonymous digital cash is practically here and crypto-anarchy,including
APster wont go away...it gets closer every day. "An idea whose time has
come."Like it or not. Death to all(visible)nazi's."I'd buy that for an
e-dollar!" ------------------ ARA Is Full Of Shit (english) by Makhno 3:04am
Tue Mar 12 '02 I have always considered the group Anti-Racist Action to
be a huge waste of time and energy, distracting activists from the fight
against our real enemies, the State and capitalism. These idiots are just
jerking themselves off by picking fights with a bunch of retarded skinheads,
neo-nazis and assorted other lunatic fringe types whom no one takes seriously
anyway. There are a couple of points where I disagree with the author of
this piece. There is absolutely no justification for going after working-class
people who happen to be employed by the State; they are just as much victims
as we are, and instead of fighting them, we should be attempting to reach
out to them, and create solidarity in the fight against the ruling class.
Secondly, engaging in serious debate or dialogue with racists or other
nut cases is pointless; they simply will not respond to rational arguments.
The only two effective strategies to combat them are (1) totally ignore
them, or (2) use ridicule and satire against them at every possible opportunity.
As for the author's question about an ideal anarchist society, doesn't
he understand that such a society - based on lack of hierarchy, mutual
aid, voluntary cooperation, and egalitarianism - would only be possible
in the first place when the vast majority of people are ready for it, so
that any anti-social types would already be a tiny minority at that point?
Anarchists have got a lot of work to do before they can convince the public
that anarchy is a desirable goal. --------------------- 149013 AGR talks
with Noam Chomsky (english) by Nicholas Holt 6:39am Tue Mar 12 '02 address:
Asheville Global Report, PO Box 1504, Asheville, NC 28802 editors@agrnews.org
Chomsky cuts to the chase by explaining real reasons behind terror war:
Keeping US citizens scared while Bush steals from the poor to give to the
rich and to set up military bases in Central Asia. Noam Chomsky, professor
of linguistics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology is one of the
most out-spoken and influential critics of US foreign policy and the corporate
mass media. His many writings include Year 501: The Conquest Continues,
Manufacturing Consent (with Edward S. Herman), What Uncle Sam Really Wants,
and 9-11. Having recently returned from Turkey, where he helped in the
successful defense of a publisher facing government persecution for printing
Prof. Chomsky’s essays (AGR #162, Feb. 21-27), he took time from his very
busy schedule to talk with the Asheville Global Report. AGR: Since the
Sept. 11 attacks, the Bush administration has expanded US military operations
around the world. In addition to Afghanistan, troops are deployed in the
Philippines and the Republic of Georgia. Vice-president Cheney has announced
“operations underway” in Bosnia and off the Horn of Africa, and additionally,
the Bush administration has sought to marry the “War on Drugs” and the
“War on Terrorism” and increase US involvement in the Colombian civil war.
And there is, of course, the “Axis of Evil” with N. Korea, Iraq, and Iran,
as well as Somalia, Yemen, Lebanon, and Sudan, all as potential future
targets. Does this state of affairs reflect something new in US ambitions,
or are we seeing the same old imperialism dressed up in the flashy new
clothes of the “War on Terror?” Chomsky: My own view is that the most important
change since Sept. 11 is the establishment of what look like will be permanent
military bases in Central Asia. So the substantial development in Uzbekistan
and several of the other surrounding countries... establishes a new military
presence in the world which the United States did not have before, in addition
to the already established ones in the Pacific, in the Middle East, Latin
America, in fact, throughout the world. That’s a global system, but it
had not yet established major centers in Central Asia. That’s important,
for one thing, because the resources of Central Asia, while not on the
scale of the [Persian] Gulf, are nevertheless substantial and there’s a
good deal of jockeying for power. This is what in the 19th century used
to be called the “Great Game.” In those days it was mainly a conflict between
the Russian Empire and the British Empire, which were both expanding into
that area. There was a lot of fighting over Afghanistan about that. Now
it’s taking on a new form, the major concern now being energy resources
and other material resources in the region. China doesn’t like what the
US is doing, it’s right on their borders, Russia doesn’t like it, its on
their borders. They’ve regarded it as their sphere of influence. Iran certainly
doesn’t like it. In fact, what drives it has nothing to do with terrorism.
What drives it is control over resources, and that’s important. It’s not
just oil. For example, another major resource, which people don’t pay enough
attention to, is water. That may turn out to be as important or more important
than oil in the coming years. The major sources of water in that region
happen to be in eastern Turkey, which I just came back from, and which
happens to be the region of some of the worst atrocities and ethnic cleansing
of the 1990’s, thanks primarily to Bill Clinton who provided the arms and
military and economic support for it. These are Turkish atrocities, massacres,
and so on, in the Kurdish areas of eastern Turkey, which is primarily important.
I meant a lot of strategic importance, but part of it is because it controls
some of the major water resources in the region. That’s where there’ve
been big struggles over dam building and many other things. So that’s part
of it as well. Water resources are localized. Central to them is mountain
tops. That’s where they come from. The UN just put out a big report warning
that most of the wars going on in the world now are in mountain areas,
like in Afghanistan, and they’re having a devastating effect on potential
water supplies. But these are big problems, so, if you want to consider
military deployment, my own view, at least, is that the most important
one, so far, by a good margin, is the establishment of what look like permanent
Central Asia military bases. Of the other cases that you mentioned, the
one in the Philippines, in my view, is for domestic consumption. Actually,
Kristoff, of The New York Times, had a pretty fair article on this a few
days ago. They’re going after a criminal gang, which probably has a couple
of dozen people, and no connections to any form of international terrorism.
They’re criminals, undoubtedly. What’s probably needed is a couple hundred
Philippine troops, but the problem with the Philippine troops is, the military
there is probably involved in the same criminal activities and may not
go after them. US Special Forces and the rest of it has nothing to do with
anything. It’s very important for the Bush administration to get people
here frightened. The last thing they want is for people in the United States
to pay attention to what the Bush administration is doing to them, to the
fact that its working on a very substantial transfer of wealth from the
poor to the rich. That’s what the tax cuts are about and all the rest of
the shenanigans. They’re destroying the environmental protection system.
Just this morning there was the resignation of one of the top EPA officials,
[because] they’re not willing to regulate and that means destroying the
environment in which our grandchildren will be able to survive. They’re
trying very hard to undermine what remains of welfare programs, Medicaid,
Social Security, and so on. All of these [cuts] are extremely harmful to
the population and very beneficial to their rich supporters. They certainly
don’t want people to be paying attention to that or to the Enron scandal
and Cheney’s dealings with oil companies, and that sort of thing. So the
best way to prevent that and to carry through this agenda, which is what’s
really important to them, is to get people to be frightened. The best way
to control people is to frighten them. Sept. 11 was just a gift to them
and to other harsh and repressive elements throughout the world. That was
evident instantly. That was the first thing I said when I was asked by
reporters what I thought the effect would be. And, yes, that’s what it
is. They have to keep people frightened, keep having scares come, make
it look as if they’re doing something bold and courageous to defend the
American people from international terrorism. And the best thing to do
is to pick up cheap targets which are not costly and where you can strike
dramatic gestures and so on. What’s better than a couple of criminals running
around some island off the Philippines? So I think that’s what the Philippines
operation is about. Colombia is just a continuation of Clinton policies.
Maybe it will step up a little, but it’s the same counter-insurgency programs
that have been going on for actually 40 years, stepped-up extensively under
Clinton, under the pretext of the “Drug War,” which has very little to
do with it, and now extended further under Bush. So that’s a continuation.
Of the various potential military operations that you mentioned, the one
that I think is serious is Iraq. Again, that has nothing to do with international
terrorism. The Iraq policy is also a kind of continuation, but it could
change. They may consider this to be an opportunity to reestablish control
over Iraq, which is extremely important. Iraq has the second largest oil
reserves in the world, much of it under-developed or undeveloped. Saudi
Arabia is the major one, Iraq is second, and it’s substantial. It’s estimated
to be huge, way beyond the Caspian, East and Central Asian region. You
can just be confident that the United States is not going to allow that
to stay out of control and certainly not to fall under the influence of
its rivals, like, say, France and Russia, which have the inside track now
on Iraqi oil. So one way or another, the US will do what it can, and it
can do a lot, to regain its control over those resources. It has nothing
to do with terrorism, it has nothing to do with Saddam Hussein’s atrocities.
We know that for certain. The reason we know that is because, you hear
Clinton, [British Prime Minister]Tony Blair, Bush and [former Secretary
of State] Albright, and the rest of them talking about what a monster Saddam
Hussein is, we can’t let him survive, he used chemical warfare against
his own population and he carried out major massacres and so on. All of
those charges are correct. But they’re just missing three words, namely:
with our support. It’s true, he carried out all these atrocities, developing
weapons of mass destruction -- with our support. The US and Britain supported
him, and continued to support him well after the atrocities, continued
to provide him with technology to develop weapons of mass destruction,
as they knew, at a time when he was really dangerous, much more dangerous
in the 1980’s when this was going on than today. So the charges are correct,
but they’re plainly irrelevant. And they’re just pure deception. Unless
one points out, yeah, he did all these horrible things with our support,
then this is just worse than lies. So it’s not because of his atrocities,
its not because of terrorism, to which he may have connections or not.
(they haven’t even tried to show anything). It’s in order to regain control
of, primarily, the oil resources in a very rich area. And that involves
a lot of complications. It involves Turkey, for example. A very live issue
in Turkey right now is whether to agree to US pressure for Turkey to provide
the ground forces for an invasion of Iraq. [The US] have to have some kind
of ground forces. They have nothing comparable to the Northern Alliance
there and it’s a much more substantial opponent. Turkey, of course, has
a huge army, and according to discussion inside Turkey, and a little bit
here, they are being pressured to agree to send their military forces in
to take over northern Iraq, something which they have mixed feelings about.
The negative side is that they’re going to get a lot more Kurds under their
control and they have plenty of problems dealing with their own Kurdish
population, which they treat extremely ruthlessly -- with US support. That’s
how they can get away with it. The last thing they want is a bigger Kurdish
population. On the other hand, the positive side for them is that Turkey
has always felt, with some justice, that what’s called Northern Iraq should
really be inside Turkey. A lot of the population is Turkish. The border
between Turkey and Iraq was just established by the British. It had no
meaning. It was established in order to ensure that Britain would keep
control of the oil resources of Northern Iraq and that they wouldn’t go
to Turkey. The Turks aren’t exactly delighted with this, obviously... If
Turkey takes it over, it means the US takes it over, because it’s a client
state, and the US would somehow take over the rest. You can be fairly confident
that plans of that kind are being considered very seriously and might be
implemented. If the other [potential military actions] are implemented,
I think it would be kind of like the Philippines, just for domestic purposes,
to frighten the American population, make them huddle under the wings of
the great hero who will defend us from evil and so on and so forth. That’s
a way to control people and to keep them from seeing what their great hero
is doing to them, which is pretty ugly. AGR: Speaking of the domestic front,
many people have become concerned about threats to civil rights in the
US as we engage in what seems to be an endless “War on Terror.” The USA
PATRIOT Act, passed by Congress in the name of “homeland defense,” expanded
the government’s freedom to tap phones, detain suspects, monitor internet
communications, and conduct secret searches, while at the same time reducing
judicial oversight of such actions. Additionally, President Bush has passed
an executive order to keep all presidential records since 1980 locked away,
and Attorney Gen. Ashcroft has urged various federal agencies to actively
resist Freedom of Information Act requests. You’ve remarked a number of
times that Americans have greater access to internal government records
than perhaps anyone else in the world, a resource that is obviously very
important in the work you do. What are your concerns regarding these issues
of civil rights? Chomsky: There are concerns. I’m less concerned about
them than a lot of other people are, because I think there’s too much resistance
to it domestically. But one is certainly right to be concerned. One instantaneous
reaction to Sept. 11, predictable and instantaneous, is that every harsh,
repressive force in the world, virtually, regarded it as a window of opportunity
to pursue their own agenda. So in, say, Russia, it meant stepping up their
atrocities in Chechnya. In Turkey, it meant increasing repression against
freedom of speech, particularly against the Kurdish population, and in
Israel it meant sending tanks into refugee camps. In the United States,
Britain, India, and other such democracies, it means increasing efforts
to control the domestic population. The elite groups in the political system,
the economic system, and the ideological system despise democracy, for
perfectly good reasons: they want to control things. They don’t want the
people to be involved. So, if they can find ways to marginalize the public
and to protect state power from public scrutiny, they’ll naturally use
those methods, and the Bush administration is using them. There’s not unanimity
within elite circles. This group that happens to be in power now is toward
the more authoritarian, and, if you like, quasi-fascist, side of the spectrum.
It’s not new. The Reagan administration, for example... [U]nder the laws
you are supposed to release documents after a 30-year period. After that,
the government is supposed to release declassified documents, not all of
them, and with some internal censorship, but most of them are supposed
to be released. And there’s the committee of historians, pretty conservative
historians, from the academic world, who supervise this process for the
State Dept. That’s the way it’s supposed to work. The Reagan administration
was supposed to be releasing documents from the early 1950’s that included
the US coup in Iran and the military coup in Guatemala. Those are the major,
crucial ones. They didn’t release them. They apparently destroyed them.
This was so blatant an act of quasi-fascism, that the historians’ board
resigned in public protest. That had never happened before. And these are
very conservative guys. Well, that was extreme, but the Bush administration
is the same people and they would like to do the same thing. They do not
want the public to have any idea what the state is doing. They claim to
be free-market people, and all that kind of stuff, but that’s nonsense.
Like the Reaganites, they believe in an extremely powerful state which
serves the interests of the rich and which is immune to inspection by the
public. That’s their faith. They want to have that. I don’t want to suggest
that it’s just them. That’s the general consensus, but they’re at the extreme
end. So, yes, they’re using this opportunity to try to protect state power
from public scrutiny. That’s part of trying to make the public more obedient
and submissive. The so-called PATRIOT ACT, (anybody who looks at the name
knows exactly what to expect) yeah, that’s aimed at the same direction.
They would like more control over people, more surveillance, more obedience,
more fear, general marginalization. That’s the way you can get away with
that. You can ram through policies you know the public is opposed to. Take
the international economic treaties, the things that are called “free-trade
agreements” -- they have very little to do with free trade. They know the
public’s opposed to these things, strongly, so therefore, you have to do
it in secret. It’s amazing the way it works. Today’s New York Times, for
example, in the business section, which people usually don’t read, but
should, there’s an article which is mostly about accounting, the Anderson
scandal, and Enron, and that sort of thing, but if you look inside it,
it says that there are new principles being implemented under GATS, the
General Agreement on Trade and Services. Then the author says that the
GATS negotiations have attracted none of the public attention and protest
that has been directed against the World Trade Organization. I can’t say
the guy’s lying, because he probably doesn’t know, but that is the main
focus of the protests. You could only find that out if you ever listen
to what the people are saying at the protests, but it’s a point of principle
The New York Times, The Washington Post, and everywhere, that you do not
pay attention to the proposals, discussions and concerns of the protesters.
You focus concern solely on the fact that someone broke a window somewhere.
And since that’s the law from the editorial offices, and it’s understandable
why, the reporters probably don’t even know that this has been the main
focus of protest. To know that they’d have to pay attention to what people
are saying. You can’t do that. It’s been the main focus of protest for
a very good reason. The GATS is a major assault against democracy. And
you see that as soon as you ask what “Services” mean. Services doesn’t
mean just accounting practices. It means just about everything that is
in the public arena. So, education, health, control over resources, welfare,
communications, and the post office -- that’s services. Those are things
that, in a democratic society, the people are supposed to have something
to say about it. Well, one way to completely undermine democracy is to
hand all of that over to private power. Private power is unaccountable.
Except by congressional subpoena, you can’t find out what’s happening inside
one of the private tyrannies, like General Electric or Enron or any of
the others. They’re tyrannies, and they’re mostly unaccountable. So if
you can transfer the public arena into their hands, you can have formal
elections and it doesn’t matter. It’s kind of like formal elections in
Russia in the old days. There’s nothing at stake. This is called “Trade
and Services” -- but it has absolutely nothing to do with trade -- in order
to put it under the framework of the various international agreements.
That’s in the main focus, like at the protests at Quebec last April at
the Summit of the Americas. That was one of the main themes. But in order
to know that, you’d have to pay attention to what the protesters are saying
and what’s going on in their meetings and so on and that is ruled out.
So, therefore, you can have a report like this. But the government knows,
and elites know, that the public is really opposed to the things they’re
trying to push through and they have to do it in secret for that reason
and they have been able to do it to an extent after Sept. 11. One of the
first things they did was to push through what’s called “fast track” legislation,
which is supposed to have something to do with free-trade, but it actually
doesn’t. It has to do with democracy. The issue is whether the executive
branch of the white house, can make international treaties without Congressional
participation and without public knowledge. According to fast track, Congress
is permitted to say “yes.” That’s the degree of its participation, and
it happens without the public knowing it. So that’s kind of like the Kremlin
in the old days. That’s the way Stalin made agreements and the Duma, the
parliament, could say “yes.” The most ardent free-trader would be opposed
to this if they had any commitment to democracy. Its called “free trade”
because that’s the only way, without public interference, that the government
and business can push through their own international economic agreements,
which are not free trade agreements. They’re investor rights agreements.
So yes, they used the Sept. 11 opportunity to get that through and if they
can keep the public ignorant and frightened and involved in something else,
there are opportunities to do other things. Take what’s called “privitization
of Social Security,” which they want desperately. That’s extremely harmful
to the general population. It’s great for Wall St. It’d be a bonanza for
Wall St. They’d have huge amounts of money on their hands. As far as the
general population is concerned, it’s a very chancy operation, much worse
than plenty of other alternatives. For one thing, the whole Social Security
crisis is mostly a fraud. In fact, they are trying to increase the Social
Security crisis right now by sending the government deeply into debt with
tax cuts for the rich and huge Pentagon spending, which is going to force
them -- in fact they concede that there’s no debate about it -- to deplete
potential Social Security and Medicare and Medicaid funds. If they can
drive the Social Security system into a crisis, which it is not in right
now, they will be able to frighten people into handing it over to Wall
St. It’s just going to make people at the mercy of the stock market, hardly
a means of gaining security as Enron employees know very well. But also
it has a deeper purpose. Suppose you are a working person and your pension
depends on what happens in the stock market. If you’re concerned about
your pension you’re going to have to act in ways which support profits
for major corporations because that’s what your future depends on. In other
words, you will be committed, throughout your life, to working against
your own rights. You’ll have to be committed to working against the rights
of working people, poor people, union rights, labor rights, anything. You’ve
got to be against that, because being against that is what increases profits
for the rich, and your future is going to depend on profits for the rich.
It’s a terrific way to control people. In fact, that’s probably its main
purpose, to undermine possibilities for struggling for your own rights
and for human rights in general. That’s privatization of Social Security,
and if they can manage to drive the perfectly sound system into a crisis,
well, maybe they can push that through by appropriately frightening people,
by the right kind of propaganda. It’s possible. Those are the kinds of
things [they don’t] want people to pay attention to or to think about.
What [they want people] to pay attention to is that there’s a criminal
on an island off the Philippines and our brave forces are helping attack.
AGR: After 9-11 and the subsequent military actions, there was, of course,
a massive increase in patriotic expression. You saw the pro-USA paraphernalia,
the ubiquitous flag stickers on automobiles, memorial images of the Trade
Towers, and the not-uncommon “Love It Or Leave It” T-shirts. Within the
anti-war movement itself there was some debate over the role of “love of
country” in resisting state violence. Some ascribe to the “peace is patriotic”
approach, while others take the internationalist position that nation-states
themselves are impediments to peace. Could you comment on these positions
and on the challenge of maintaining fidelity to one’s ideals and convictions
-- in your case anarchist and libertarian-socialist -- while fighting practical
battles in the real-world to, as you’ve said before, “widen the floor of
the cage?” Chomsky: First of all, I don’t see any conflict. It seems to
me, the general principal is you say what you believe. Keep true to your
beliefs. That’s the only way to reach people. Not only is that the right
thing to do, but itss well worth it. I talk to every imaginable kind of
audience, unions, activists, peace activists, whatever they are and I say
basically the same thing... You have to ask yourself what the flag waving
is about. To the extent that it’s about concern over major atrocities that
were carried out against the United States, which were, and commitment
to try to find the perpetrators, I share it. That’s what ought to be done
when criminal actions take place. It’s what I think ought to be done against
US leaders, for example, who were involved in criminal actions all over
the place. For example, Turkey. So go after the perpetrators of the crimes
in south-eastern Turkey, right up to Bill Clinton and Ronald Reagan. That
would be exactly right. And the same in this case. I think people understand
that. They don’t hear it, naturally. But when they hear it, it rings a
bell. Honesty usually rings a bell. And in that case the patriotism is
okay, but it’s, I think, skin deep. Right beneath it are decent human beings
who want to do the right thing. And the right way to appeal to people is
on that basis. It’s not only the honest thing to do, but it’s the right
thing to do. And I think yes, we should focus, as I always do in fact,
on the nation-state as a major instrument of violence and oppression. I
mean, take a look at the wars going on around the world. They are the result
of the effort to impose nation-state systems where they don’t belong. The
biggest war in the world right now, and in the last couple of years, is
in the Congo. A couple of million people have been killed there. Nobody
pays much attention -- just a lot of black people killing each other. But
what’s that about? Well, it’s the effects of the imperial states imposing
boundaries which have nothing to do with the populations. In fact, Europe
was the most savage place in the world for 500 years in its own effort
to impose the nation-state system. It’s been a horrendous system. The history
of the United States is an example. Just establishing the national territory
was a brutal, murderous affair. So, yeah, I think we ought to point that
out and I think people should understand it and can understand it. Asheville
Global Report: www.agrnews.org www.agrnews.org ------------------------------------------------
Yoshie: >It seems moralistic to me to argue against the commodification
of cleanig >houses, while we have already accepted the commodification
of sewing, >bread-making, laundry, eating at restaurants, child care, geriatric
care, >etc. Why say the former is bad while the latter is OK? What's next?
>Shaming feminists who trust their old parents with a nursing home? -------------
If you had finished the article, you would have noticed that she brings
this all up. It seems to me she's highlighting a contradiction of a certain
kind of feminism. Feminists, rightly, battled men over what share of the
work in the private sphere they perform. When men wouldn't give in, the
compromise entailed hiring a maid. Peter -------------------------- During
the welfare "reform" debate, some argued that men owe women a giant amount
of child support and that many men are neglecting their fair share of parental
responsibilities (both of which are true for some men, while other men
may simply have no or little income or are in prison). Neoliberals invoked
a feminist-sounding argument: we should make men pay, instead of having
women & children dependent on the state. I don't think this is a progressive
argument at this point in history, though. The same for household labor,
I think. I'd rather *socialize it in a non-gendered fashion* (and/or leave
it undone to the extent it's possible), rather than keep it private and
try to divide it equally between genders, as Ehrenreich has it. Better
Engels than Ehrenreich. >Show me the line where she says guilt falls exclusively
upon the woman. It appears to me that the target of shaming is better-off
feminists (even the titles of the articles say so), rather than better-off
men who are married to them or in relationship with them. Hence the absence
of Zoe Baird's husband from the Ehrenreich article in _Harper's_, for instance.
Further, what about single men who hire cleaning services, eat out at restaurants
where "illegal aliens" wash dishes, etc.? Where _are_ they in the articles?
There is an interesting article titled "Rejecting Zoe Baird: Class Resentment
and the Working Class Mother" by Diane Simpson in _"Bad" Mothers: The Politics
of Blame in Twentieth-Century America_, eds. Molly Ladd-Taylor and Lauri
Umansky (NY: New York University Press, 1998). You might check it out.
>Did you skip the part about how much of what we do by way of consumption
>would be morally equivalent to hiring a maid? Ehrenreich says: "Why should
housework, among all the goods and services we consume, arouse any special
angst?...[B]ecause we all sense that there are ways in which housework
is different from other products and services" ("Maid to Order: The Politics
of Other Women's Work"). I for one, though, think that housework shouldn't
be sentimentalized into a morally different category than other kinds of
labor & that household work should not be considered as a "haven" from
commodification & rationalization, for such sentimentalization makes
for a bad class & gender politics. Why argue against the commercialization
of cleaning service, while child care, geriatric care, sewing, and other
kinds of domestic labour for social reproduction have been commercialized
and/or publicly provided in part or on the whole? What's the difference?
Lastly, as Carrol & I already said, a moralizing critique of consumption
per se is futile & pointless, not to mention anti-hedonistic. What's
the point? Ask the working class to consume less? How? I don't set store
by individualistic "lifestyle" changes. Why not focus on unionizing industrial
cleaning workers and/or starting cleaning workers' cooperatives, instead
of telling feminists it's a shame to hire commercial cleaning services???
Moralism doesn't help cleaning workers, does it? Less consumption, less
work under capitalism. Depending on the nature of labor, commercialization
can be ecologically destructive (though this point does not apply to most
kinds of work of social reproduction), but it _cannot_ be otherwise under
capitalism; there is no such thing as ecologically sustainable capitalism.
Only under socialism does it make sense to try to make rational decisions
about consumption. Yoshie -------------------------------- YF: . . . During
the welfare "reform" debate, some argued that men owe women a giant amount
of child support and that many men are neglecting their fair share of parental
responsibilities (both of which are true for some men, while other men
may simply have no or little income or are in prison). . . . [mbs] Underpayment
of awarded child support is huge, even though the awards themselves are
grossly inadequate. This is pretty important. The main obstacle to better
outcomes is the failure of state governments to coordinate enforcement,
which stems from 'states rights' politics (don't go interfering in our
splendid state judicial system). My sister-in-law is owed about $40K, not
counting ten year's worth of interest by her ex. He's in a different state.
The IRS managed to nail him once by snatching his tax refund, but since
then nothing. Dealing with the state gov of his residence (FL) has been
a gross exhaustion of time and effort. >>>>>>>>> Neoliberals invoked a
feminist-sounding argument: we should make men pay, instead of having women
& children dependent on the state. I don't think this is a progressive
argument at this point in history, though. The same for household labor,
I think. I'd rather *socialize it in a non-gendered fashion* (and/or leave
it undone to the extent it's possible), rather than keep it private and
try to divide it equally between genders, as Ehrenreich has it. Better
Engels than Ehrenreich. >>>>>>> [mbs] Looks like you're to my right on
this one, feminist-wise. Why should the state subsidize irresponsible behavior
by men? mbs ------------------------- Max: >YF: . . . >During the welfare
"reform" debate, some argued that men owe women a giant >amount of child
support and that many men are neglecting their fair share >of parental
responsibilities (both of which are true for some men, while >other men
may simply have no or little income or are in prison). . . . > >[mbs] Underpayment
of awarded child support is huge, >even though the awards themselves are
grossly inadequate. >This is pretty important. The main obstacle to better
>outcomes is the failure of state governments to >coordinate enforcement,
which stems from 'states >rights' politics (don't go interfering in our
>splendid state judicial system). > >My sister-in-law is owed about $40K,
not counting ten >year's worth of interest by her ex. He's in a different
>state. The IRS managed to nail him once by snatching >his tax refund,
but since then nothing. Dealing with >the state gov of his residence (FL)
has been a gross >exhaustion of time and effort. ---------------- Those
who can should pay, but I'm talking about poor fathers, who can barely
support themselves, may have no income, and might be even incarcerated
already. There is a question of efficiency, too. Taking much time &
spending much money to try to collect little from poor dads doesn't help
poor women & children, does it? Have you studied the ratio of collected
child support to tax expenditure in collection enforcement? Have you guys
discussed this subject on Femecon? It's a topic in which feminist economists
should be interested. And where is an EPI paper on the matter? I suspect
that there is no empirical evidence for an argument that collecting delinquent
child support is better for poor women & children than public assistance
is. Also, there is a problem of escalating the trend toward increasing
criminalization & surveillance of the poor. ***** The Independent (London)
July 1, 1999, Thursday SECTION: COMMENT; Pg. 4 HEADLINE: The Left Is Creating
a New Scapegoat: 'Deadbeat Dads'; Strip Away the Moral Rhetoric and You
Will Find That Finance Is Driving This Issue BYLINE: Helen Wilkinson IF
SINGLE parent mums were the target of the right's moral disapproval for
much of this decade, now a new scapegoat is in danger of being created.
Deadbeat dads and feckless fathers have begun to exercise the energies
of New Labour. Today, after heavy leaks, the Social Security Secretary,
Alastair Darling, will unveil Government's plans in its White Paper to
criminalise fathers who are delinquent in paying child support. Delinquent
payers, we're told, may be banned from driving and, potentially, sent to
jail.... Strip away the moral rhetoric though, and you will find that finance
is driving the issue. Rising rates of divorce and relationship breakdown
have produced more and more lone parents dependent on benefits, and more
and more children in poverty. Welfare-to-work in America and the New Deal
for lone parents in Britain tackles one half of that equation - by encouraging
single-parent mums to get back into work - but child support reform, getting
non-resident fathers to pay for their offspring, tackles the other. The
proposals, right down to the language of deadbeat dads itself, have a distinctly
American flavour. But the infringements of personal liberty and the tactics
chosen by many American states are quite shocking. Massachusetts has led
the way, with among other things, the power to revoke driving licences
when faced with non-payment of child support. More controversial still,
posters adorn the Boston subway with photo identikits asking you if you
recognise any of these "criminals". Closer inspection reveals them to be
dads delinquent in their payment of child support. The hard-hitting campaign
in Massachusetts has been effective, and child support collections have
risen dramatically. Partly as a consequence, other American states have
followed their lead, encouraging worthy neighbours, friends and even family
"to do the right thing" and snitch on those dads who are not accepting
their moral (financial) responsibilities. There is no doubt that this kind
of punitive approach has its virtues. It has certainly worked to shame
some dads, predominantly middle class ones, into accepting their responsibilities.
Quite right too. But the American approach also has its weaknesses. It
can alienate and stigmatise those who are unable to pay, perpetuating vicious
cycles of exclusion. Many "deadbeats", as Americans like to call them,
are actually poor. More and more research has come to light that it's not
so much that they won't pay, as that they can't. Poverty, that unfashionable
word in the late Nineties, stands in the way, and posters which name and
shame the poor and disenfranchised simply reinforce their sense of exclusion
from a society that seems reluctant to accept its moral responsibility
to them.... ***** You don't mean to say that poor British & American
dads can all go The Full Monty to make money, do you, Max? That only happens
in a movie. :) >>>>>>>>>> >Neoliberals invoked a feminist-sounding argument:
we should make men pay, >instead of having women & children dependent
on the state. I don't think >this is a progressive argument at this point
in history, though. The same >for household labor, I think. I'd rather
*socialize it in a non-gendered >fashion* (and/or leave it undone to the
extent it's possible), rather than >keep it private and try to divide it
equally between genders, as Ehrenreich >has it. Better Engels than Ehrenreich.
>>>>>>>> > >[mbs] Looks like you're to my right on this one, >feminist-wise.
Why should the state subsidize >irresponsible behavior by men? Guaranteed
public assistance beats being dependent upon individual men, whose incomes
are not reliable sources (sometimes because men in question are irresponsible,
but often because of unemployment, underemployment, sporadic employment,
etc. which are beyond their control). BTW, besides promoting the rhetoric
of "personal responsibility," welfare reformists have had an ideological
agenda of promoting marriage & women's financial dependence upon individual
men, to which feminists -- even liberal feminists -- are opposed: *****
Los Angeles Times November 11, 1999, Thursday, Home Edition SECTION: Part
A; Page 1; National Desk HEADLINE: House Votes to Boost Poor by Teaching
Fatherhood; Legislation: $160-Million Bill Hopes to Expand on 1996 Welfare
Reform bu Prodding Absentee Dads into Marriage. BYLINE: Melissa Healy,
Times Staff Writer DATELINE: Washington The House of Representatives, seeking
to reverse decades of surging out-of-wedlock births, on Wednesday approved
a $ 160-million effort aimed at boosting marriage among the nation's poor
by teaching fathers who are absent from their children's homes to uphold
their parental responsibilities. Urged to "make dads count," lawmakers
swept aside objections from the National Organization for Women and civil
libertarians and passed the measure on a broadly bipartisan vote of 328
to 93. Rep. Nancy L. Johnson (R-Conn.), the measure's chief sponsor, called
the legislation "a giant step forward" for poor children and their fathers.
For the first time, she said, welfare-related legislation "is going to
recognize that dads do count and that we can help dads to be better fathers
and better providers." Indeed, the measure marks a significant first step
toward achieving a key social goal of the welfare reform law of 1996. Many
of that law's chief architects hoped that it would help reestablish the
tradition of marriage and two-parent families in the nation's poorest communities,
where more than two-thirds of children now are born to single mothers.
But the 1996 law avoided language that enshrined marriage as an explicit
objective of programs for the nation's poor. And until recently, virtually
all welfare reform programs and money have been used to help wean mothers
with dependent children from public assistance. Except for initiatives
cracking down on fathers who failed to pay child support, few welfare reform
resources or services have gone to fathers who are absent from the home.
The House measure would begin to change that. It would establish an organization
to make five-year grants to groups that commit to "promote marriage" as
well as "good parenting practices, including the payment of child support"
through counseling, mentoring and job training of noncustodial fathers.
The grant-making body envisioned by lawmakers would operate separately
from the government's welfare system, which many believe has done much
to discourage marriage among the poor. Passage of the "Fathers Count Act"
comes at a time of broad political attention to the challenge of drawing
absent fathers into their children's lives. Backers of the bill estimate
that 23 million children live in homes without fathers, a tripling over
the last 40 years. Recent federal figures show that unwed birth rates have
dropped in 12 states, including California, although they have gone up
elsewhere. Vice President Al Gore, campaigning for the Democratic presidential
nomination, has proposed his own package of aid to encourage marriage,
support fathers' involvement with their children and shore up two-parent
families working for low wages. President Clinton is expected to sign a
version of the House measure into law, although Senate action on similar
legislation is not expected until next year. The fine print of the House
measure also contains a provision that could spare California as much as
$ 300 million in future federal penalties. Echoing legislation passed earlier
this year by the Senate, the House bill would waive further federal penalties
on states that fail to meet targets set out by the 1996 welfare reform
bill for establishing central systems to handle child support enforcement.
In October 1998, California failed to meet a key target laid out in the
law: to establish a single statewide office for the disbursement of child
support collections to custodial parents and their children. By the letter
of the 1996 law, that failure should mean that stiff federal penalties
already incurred by the state would be doubled. By waiving the double-penalty
provision of the 1996 law, the House and Senate measures would spare California
many hundreds of millions of dollars. The "Fathers Count" grants would
go to state agencies as well as religious and independent social service
organizations. The likelihood that many of the grants would be made to
"faith-based" organizations drew considerable criticism in Wednesday's
floor debate. Several lawmakers warned that, as churches and religious
missions use federal funds to do their work, there would be an unconstitutional
breach of the firewall between church and state. But House lawmakers rejected
two amendments that would have placed significant restrictions on which
religious organizations would be eligible for funds and how a religious
group could use them. "To claim that our Founding Fathers were for separation
of church and state is either rewriting history or being very ignorant
of history," said House Majority Whip Tom DeLay (R-Texas). "It is simply
impossible and it's unwise to try to separate people and their government
from religion." Wednesday's measure had the backing of groups across a
wide range of the political spectrum. Along with the broad backing of the
House Republican leadership, it won endorsements from such liberal-leaning
groups as the Children's Defense Fund and the Center for Policy and Budget
Priorities in Washington. But one notable voice of dissent came from the
National Organization for Women, which argued that giving money to programs
for noncustodial fathers would undermine support for custodial parents,
mainly women. The measure's requirement that the promotion of marriage
be an explicit goal of funded programs also irked leaders of the prominent
women's group. "Pressuring a poor woman to marry the father of her children--without
regard to his character--could do great harm," said Patricia Ireland, president
of NOW. "Congress is telling women that the way to get out of poverty is
to find a husband." ***** Yoshie ------------------------------ YF: Those
who can should pay, but I'm talking about poor fathers, who can barely
support themselves, may have no income, and might be even incarcerated
already. . . . You are implying that court awards are excessive in light
of some fathers' incomes. This could be, but I doubt it. Awards have been
found to be paltry, not excessive, though it's possible the topic could
stand more research. If awards are not excessive, then all the angst re:
poor fathers is irrelevant. Obviously if dad is in jail already, there's
not much child support enforcement can do to him as far as docking his
wages goes. The article you quote alludes to evidence that awards are excessive
but provides no specifics. If the poor fathers were living with their poor
family, they would still have to make such payments. It's even possible,
if one takes a jaundiced feminist standpoint, that the family-minus-father
gets more of his dough with a child support award then if he is still in
the home. As for efficiency, collections more than justify enforcement
expenses, though collections could improve significantly. I don't know
if this has been discussed on FEMECON, and I'm not there any longer. >>>>>>>>
. . . I suspect that there is no empirical evidence for an argument that
collecting delinquent child support is better for poor women & children
than public assistance is. . . . >>>>>>> The question is not easily informed
by empirical evidcence. One would have to compare the existing, patchwork
system with two imaginary alternatives: one where CS enforcement was very
good, and another where the now extinct AFDC was back and in reasonably
good health. The latter is much less likely than improving CS enforcement.
>>>>>> Also, there is a problem of escalating the trend toward increasing
criminalization & surveillance of the poor. >>>>>>>> If you have a
new law you have new enforcement and new criminals. The question is whether
the law is appropriate or not. It is true that the 'deadbeat dad' thing
has been a safe haven for faltering liberals, but we don't want to blame
victims (abandoned families) for the deficiencies of their would-be political
champions. >>>>>>>>>> Guaranteed public assistance beats being dependent
upon individual men, whose incomes are not reliable sources (sometimes
because men in question are irresponsible, but often because of unemployment,
underemployment, sporadic employment, etc. which are beyond their control).
. . . >>>>>> Yes but this is exactly what we don't have and are not likely
to see for some time. >>>>>>>>>> BTW, besides promoting the rhetoric of
"personal responsibility," welfare reformists have had an ideological agenda
of promoting marriage & women's financial dependence upon individual
men, to which feminists -- even liberal feminists -- are opposed . . .
>>>>>>>>> Marriage promotion has been a theme, but better child support
enforcement is not exactly a marriage promoting device. In principle it
could discourage some marriages, since for the man the union becomes more
financially binding. After the fact, effective enforcement puts less pressure
on the Mom to remarry. The bill you cite is purely symbolic bullshit. $160
million is a meaningless number in the context of any national issue. NOW's
point that it could reduce money elsewhere in an $1800 billion budget is
ridiculous. As far as income goes, two-headed households are better than
one. Obviously there are non-monetary factors that could work against the
economic benefits, but these factors can work in both directions as well.
Big social policy is usually done with blunt instruments, sort of like
bread, peace, and land. There are casualties in all such endeavors, but
on the whole at this point in time I don't think you have made a case that
less child support enforcement would be better than more. In your follow-up
post, you say: Max, take a look at this, too. Allowing the welfare reformists
to have work & child support substitute for public assistance has increased
the problem for poor mothers. Yoshie >>>>>> CS payments have always been
used to offset welfare payments. What's new is rising enforcement. As for
paternity, social workers explained to me a long time ago that determining
paternity was good for children, besides helping the state do collections.
Think about the difference between growing up knowing or not knowing the
identity of one's father. Also the potential effect on the father of knowing
that he is known. To administrate you need rules, and rules are usually
drawn imperfectly. Obviously if benefits are based on mothers providing
information they are unable to provide, this is a problem. It is plausible
that the state would draw rules to squeeze an extra percent out of the
caseload, or trim benefits. Neither is it surprising that in the process
of reorganizing huge systems, including the participation of profit-thirsty
contractors, there have been and will be huge screw-ups. This does not
mean the underlying principle -- the state should be informed of paternity
to facilitate child support enforcement -- is wrong. cheers, mbs ---------------------
>You are implying that court awards are excessive in >light of some fathers'
incomes. -------------- court awards are never excessive on poor men. there's
a standard forpetesake and they take into account the need for a non-custodial
parent to take care of themselves. these "reports" are shite: they're being
pumped out by the father's rights groups in this country on the basis of
shoddy data in an effort to work up a frenzy against tougher CS laws which
aren't especially tough on most poor men--unless they already in trouble
with the law for some reason. and the father's rights initiative that are
going after the CS laws are funded primarily be men who *can* afford to
pay. the uniform child support and custody act passed in 1992 which was
supposed to help make the states more uniform in the way they award support
and organize custody. the standard is 17% of gross after FICA for 1 child,
20% for two, blah blah. this roughtly is about 1/6 of gross. it's pretty
standard for the divorce agreement to go w/ that. this is not excessive.
this is easily afforded by a noncustodial parent on minimum wage, but i
suspect most noncustodial parents are making more than minimum wage. the
stats used are notoriously unreliable (see kathryn edin's work on this).
most poor people hide their incomes. this includes fathers who maintain
that they are too poor but who make their living doing other thing--hustling,
working off the books. sorry to break the news folks, but i've lived in
this world. people "cheat" the welfare system all the time and they should.
but noncustodial parents shouldn't cheat their kids--out of time, attention
or money. and if they can't afford that then they can do what my sister's
ex did: he did the daycare and did the shopping. there is no reason why
there needs to be an opposition between demanding that parents take responsibility
for the children they produce by sharing their incomes with them and also
pursuing more generous welfare and un/underemployment benefits. but we
absolutely have to make sure that noncustodial learn how to share their
incomes even if they don't live with or see their kids as often as they
might like. they need to learn to share their incomes with others without
feeling that have to have some kind of control over how that money is spent
and/or assuming that it can only be spent for the wrong reasons. if noncustodial
parents aren't paying, it is often because they feel they don't have control
over the money or don't see their children. now, tell me, if that's the
case, then why would anyone thing your average joe taxpayer's going to
want to spend money on more generous welfare bennies administered through
the monolith of the state? and for all the rhetoric of child support enforcement
i can assure that it doesn't happen in florida. *it takes three months
to get an appointment. during they time, you get sent letters for no reason
telling you that you must contact them for non-compliance. the CSE had
no reasonable explanations for this letter. *if you go to welfare which
is what someone told me to do given my weird circumstances, you are not
eligible for housing or food assistance if: --you have cash/car assets
over 4k --you are not eligible simply because you're unemployed and ineligible
for unemployment benefits --you are not eligible for free food from the
charities/govt surplus b/c they'll only take if you're eligible for foodstamps
first. --they do not take account how much you might owe in credit card
debt, student loans, etc --if you have a mortgage, forget it (and most
people would) --ostensibly welfare is supposed to go after the deadbeats
but they don't. given the larger political climate--that of a rising father's
rights movement which, theoretically, i support in so far as i think fathers
need to be more than wallets -- we are up against a growing tendency to
view child support as some sort of rip off. it is also an attempt to wrest
away and shatter any and all advances we have made. the fact is, we can
not expect a state policy or economy that respects and rewards the work
of children/family/home if we do not encourage individual men to respect
that work and those responsibilities. that's all there is to it. imagining
that we can simplly side step this by only ever pushing for change at the
macro/state level is a grave mistake. what must also happen is that noncustodial
parents recognize their obligations to the children they create. for if
they cannot respect those obligations and the work involved therein, they
cannot ever develop an understanding of the division of labor of a complex
interdependent economy. and that, to me, is a prerequisite for building
a socialist society. if you don't recognize obligations to those who you
know, how can we create a socialist state built on a sense of obligations
to distant others? we can't. people who view paying child support as some
kind of burden are simply symptomatic fo a wider cultural propensity to
reject paying for anything that doesn't immediately affect you or is in
your interest --as we see in the rejection of taxes for public schooling
or of any govt spending really. noncustodial parents who see paying child
support as a burden do so because they somehow think they're paying the
custodial parent and supporting his or her lifestyle and have no control
over how that money is spent. we need to address that. kelley -- Occidit
miseros crambe repetita magistros "that cabbage hashed up again and again
proves the death of the wretched teachers." --Juvenal, 1st century AD ------------------
kelley wrote: > > and for all the rhetoric of child support enforcement
i can assure that it > doesn't happen in florida. -------------- This would
seem to be the point at which analysis should begin -- and the framework
for such an analysis might be provided by Kenneth Burke's category of "Political
Rhetoric as Secular Prayer" -- essentially, that political rhetoric points
in the opposite direction from political practice. He gives the following
example: . . .when Roosevelt, some years ago, came forth with a mighty
blast about the death sentence he was delivering to the holding companies,
I took this as evidence on its face that the holding companies were to
fare quite favorably. Otherwise, why the blast? For if something so integral
to American business was really to be dissolved, I was sure the President
would have done all in his power to soften the blow, since he would naturally
not go forth courting more trouble than he would be in for already. To
use language consistently in such cases, rather than for stylistic refurbishment,
would seem almost like a misuse of language, from the standpoint of it
use as a "corrective" instrument. And I think that a mere treatment of
such cases in terms of "hypocrisy" would be totally misleading: it would
not be judicious, but litigious. *Grammar of Motives* (1945), 393 (Such
ironic discounting is powerful in the proper context, but it too needs
to be discounted, as Benjamin DeMott argues in his fine Hudson Review article,
"The Little Red Discount House." Irony can operate as a sort of universal
solvent of meaning, reducing human discourse to mere babble.) If Burke
is correct (and in this case relevant) then we can be assured that as long
as "all the rhetoric |
of child support enforcement"
continues there will be no great change in the behavior of noncustodial
parents and children and custodial parents will continue to suffer. So
what to do? What are our priorities, and how are those priorities Perhaps
a beginning would be to drop the rhetoric of individual responsibility
and attempt to generate a rhetoric of collective responsibility -- but
perhaps that would not feminist enough for Kelley. :-) And perhaps it would
not be moral enough for Barbara Ehrenreich. It would be morally repulsive
to be so concerned with the immediate and practical problems of children
and their mothers that we failed to concentrate on keeping our feminism
and our moralism pure. Carrol --------------------- >So what to do? ----------------
firstly, not buy every piece of tripe that comes off the newswire. (just
as an aside: i just got involved in a world i know nothing about --information
security and technology--which actually makes me a good tech writer (articles,
background, fact checking, newsletters, etc) because i can translate complicated
stuff to the general audience that i'm writing for. that's actually how
my boss "sells me and my services" to our clients: "jerry, meet kelley,
she doesn't know anything, but she writes real good" heh. it's fascinating
to me how these media "stories" are spread as i do the research and check
the facts. and it all happens because reporters are hungry for predigested
info provided by "experts". hold yourself a press conference, add some
charts and "data" and all of a sudden. interested readers should check
the canadian news btw for the results of this process in terms of the recent
suicide of a guy who couldn't keep up with his child support and alimony
payments. it's scary how they're exploiting these so called "think tanks"
------------ > What are our priorities, and how are those priorities -----------
my priority right now would be to make sure that CSE works. that would
be, well, what i'm doing: writing an article about my experience in the
nightmare of TANF so that ordinary lefty type gets a klew. (like you, carrol,
i don't bother with the idiots who don't and won't ever care.) let's say
i was eligible for welfare. i should also think the ex should pay. he makes
32k. family income is 70k (which ironically includes 7k from the father
of his step daughter PLUS child care expenses pro rata.). his mortgage
is on a house worth 85k. so he's not paying out the nose for housing. he's
not bad off, iow. but he has a father's rights atty who'll encourage him
to do anything. he should be paying, even if i were eligible for welfare,
don't you think? yeah, socialism would be nice. but we're not there yet.
furthermore, while i presented a bleak scenario, let me also say that the
advances we have made also saved us. when the dork of an ex tried to reduce
cs pymts even though he's making more than he used to make, the courts--while
they initially accepted his application for a reduction--quickly changed
their tune once i filed my own letter noting the circumstances: that he'd
paid up what he owed and yet canx payment on the checks without telling
me in an attempt to punish me be/c he thinks it's taking to long for me
to finish the diss (and by all measures i'm far ahead of most people! idiot).
hell, when my bank asked why he did it, he said, "oh i have the money,
i just want my canx checks before i'll give it to her. now, you'll think
he's an asshole. but the fact is, he paid his child support to his other
children when i was married to him. the only reason why he's being an ass
now is the father's rights movement. he's got a lawyer that encourages
him to do whatever he can to get out of paying or pay less. so discourage
and fight that tripe at every damn turn. i spoke to CS people where he
filed on the phone and they were very kind and very understanding and were
outraged that my ex had tried to do what he did. they had his expense papers
that you have to fill out and his income taxes right in front of them.
so they knew that he was an idiot. right now, he's refusing to pay day
care money according to our divorce agreement. while it's a pain in the
ass and i've got to wait. i do have a good chance of making him pay what
he owes. it's just that it is an incredible pain to do. lots of paperwork,
lots of waiting around in offices. we should not encourage the spreading
of these rumors about the hardships of fathers unless we have real solid
evidence. so, what should we do? make all divorces require child support
agreements in which non custodial parents have their wages immediately
garnished. very simple. you'll get rid of a lot of problems that way and
you'll eliminate the enforcement bureaucracy. you can encourage employers
to hire men by reimursing them for bureaucratic or adminstrative overhead.
right now, a non paying father ends up paying by sending his check to a
social service agency who, in ny, charges him 4 bucks per week or pyment
for such overhead. the agency then mails check to custodial parent. get
rid of that middle man and give the 4$ or even half that a week per child
custody paying dad to the corp. believe me, corps love that stuff. it's
like gravy or free money to them. ---------------- >Perhaps a beginning
would be to drop the rhetoric of individual >responsibility and attempt
to generate a rhetoric of collective responsibility >-- but perhaps that
would not feminist enough for Kelley. :-) And >perhaps it would not be
moral enough for Barbara Ehrenreich. It would ---------------- i disagree.
we're not at that point yet. people who don't think they're responsible
for their own children be/c they don't have control over how "their" money
gets spent will not be capable of understanding collective responsibility.
we're just not there yet. talking about it as if we aren't won't get us
there. people learn collective responsibility by starting out small. just
as you once argued to me carrol that people will be persuaded by the solidarity
you and others exhibit, you already understand this. you already understand
that rational argument doesn't necessarily persuade. what persuades are
role models of decent behavior and practices of commitment to something
larger than yourself. if that is encouraged in terms of one's own family
we have a better chance of creating the kind of people who understand responsibility
for the collective good and for others whom they do not know. finallly,
i don't think any of this is funny. if it weren't for a lucky break and
the fact that i have a whole bunch going for me that a lot of people just
don't have, i could have found myself with utterly no food in the cupboard,
no money for gas and no way to get any but by stealing. i sat there at
one point contemplating prostitution because i did not know how i was going
to feed my kid otherwise. so, if you can find the time to type away at
lbo, i'm sure you can find the time to organize people into some sort of
coalition to provide help to people who need it. kelley -- Number six reason
why Beer is better than Jesus..... When you have a Beer, you don't knock
on people's doors trying to give it away. --------------------------------
kelley wrote: > my priority right now would be to make sure that CSE works.
that would be, > well, what i'm doing: writing an article about my experience
in the > nightmare of TANF so that ordinary lefty type gets a klew. --------------
Whoa there. You ignore the whole of my argument in which I attempt to set
a context for this question. Let me put it this way: On the basis of the
information *you* have provided, the proposal that we can help children
and mothers by "making CSE work" is as totally unrealistic as would be
a proposal for socialism now. You have fallen into the academic trap (an
honorable trap as academic traps go, but a trap nevertheless) in believing
that one need merely state the truth and all will be well. Who is going
to make sure CSE works? Why hasn't anyone done it already. If the powers-that-be
were even minimally sincere in their rhetoric of responsibility this would
be an accomplished fact already. Why hasn't it happened? Why has TANF happened
but CSE languishes? On what basis do you think that merely exhibiting the
rightness of making CSE work will contribute to making it work? You would
think I was insane were I to write a 10k expose of the suffering of the
Brazilian people under imperialism and conclude by with the following:
What should we do? We should stop imperialism. But this is exactly the
post you have written. The whole ruling class offensive for the last 25
years has had at its core the rhetoric of responsibility. And yet "they"
have not carried through on that rhetoric in perhaps the one area where
it might have made sense. Clearly they are not about to just because you
write stinging articles. Carrol ------------------- carrol, i proposed
a very reasonable solution. did you read that far. when people get divorced,
provisions should be made for the noncustodial parent to fork over 17%
of gross after FICA. garnished right from his or her wages. earlier i also
said, fight to bring back the social safety nets. that will immediately
help lots of people and it will eliminate the temptation for men to not
pay. you know where i got the idea? from reading child support chat rooms
last month. you know who said it? a man who'd tried to get out of paying
but who was forced to have his wages garnished. you know what he said,
"look guys, it's better to have your wages garnished b/c then you don't
see the money and you learn how to live without it" just like taxes. you
just know that they're going to be taken from your paycheck and you budget
accordingly. CSE: you do not understand it. when getting divorced you make
arrangements for child care expenses and child custody and visitiation.
everything else between a man and woman are separate. most people transfer
the cash directly without state intervention. the data that those articles
drew on is for those people for whom this arrangement doesn't work. child
support enforcement was always typically only ever handled through the
state when people were poor. so the data is screwed, more on that below.
CSE *does* work, as max said and as i said. clearly you didn't read anything
i wrote. you missed that spot. i said it works. if it didn't my ex would
have kept on not paying. just the threat of it made his shape up. he is
only messing around with the child care b/c he thinks he can. if that were
automatically transferred to, he couldn't. (no duh, we should work on gov't
provided child care. but we're not there yet. if we can't get parents to
take care of their kids; how do you propose to get people to pay taxes
to take care of others?) CSE WILL, I REPEAT WILL will make sure that my
ex pays what he his kid. it will act as a threat to make sure that he pays
up. for most men, that's all it takes. as i said, i firmly believe that
one of the biggest problems is the father's rights movement. confront that
head on. those are things we can do--by exposing it and by exposing shite
statistics. we can do it right here, right now by countering the negative
publicity. CSE has always been around. the reason why it's a problem now
is that it is a bureaucracy and it moves slowly. do you have any answers
to help women out right now? what will it take to get this to move forward,
these plans you have? huh? individual responsibility is taking care of
yourself. taking care of your kids IS a form of collective responsibility
that is not much different than the collective houseing, cleaning and childcare
that has been mentioned. it's only your lack of firing synapses that make
you see it otherwise. you will say, oh i mean collective responsiblity
on a grander scale. all you're advocating kelley is small scale collectrive
responsibility to one's family conceived a privated bourgeois family. okey
doke. tell me, how do you propose to explain to someone why they should
support a socialist welfare system? what will you appeal to? why should
they prefer that approach and not what we have already? what do you think
will persuade the average joe sixpack and suzi winecooler? why should they
join you? oh yeah, and what about racism. why is racism wrong? why should
people be anti-racists? why, indeed, should they be communists? why is
captalism wrong or, as charles would say, "incorrect"? why was the diallo
trial outcome wrong? what would convince the average jack scotch 'n' cigar
and helen pinot noir? self-evident is not an answer. you've still not explained
to me what the practical outcomes are that make it matter whether we support
activities for moralistic or for not moralistic reasons. in other words,
you have not explained why getting people on the socialist bandwagon is
a bad idea if it plays on their moral sense that they should fight injustice.
so what is it that makes the sense of fighting injustice so horribly fatal
to the socialist future? also: people cheat the welfare system because
they were trying to survive. so they didn't report fathers' incomes so
the fathers could help them out. as you must know, no one could survive
on welfare bennies. the "data" your studies relied on relied on that research
where they found that men weren't making enough to get by, but that's because
they were underreporting income for a reason. so good i'm glad they cheated
the government. but cheating your children is not the same thing as cheating
the government. cheating the govt in order to get welfare bennies AND help
from the father was to help your children have a better life. cheating
your child by maintaining that you don't make enough money is doing it
for your own selfish reasons. i don't care about the history of welfare
reform. it's done and over with. i know all about what happened and i did
what i could at the time to stop the nonsense: we organized teach ins and
ralled people between 94 and 97 trying to fight the rollback of welfare.
btw, the feminist push to get men to take care of their children was around
long before welfare "reform". blaming it on anything other than the operations
of capital is nonsense. you engage in nonsense when you criticize attempts
to help people right here and now. as ehrenreich said, how convenient for
you. in the end, i cling fast to that old fashioned notion that men need
to bear the responsibility for the consequences of sticking their dicks
in places that might create a child. (right now, at a hacker list i'm subbed
to, i'm listening in on a convo about macking hoes) women already know
what that responsibility is. we need to create practices that reinforce
for men that same responsiblity. and that means that they need to bear
the burden of supporting that kid--practically first and foremost, but
materially if circumstances (like abusiveness and complete inability to
get along) mean that they cannot. poor and working class families are the
leaders in building alternative collective family arrangements, please
see judith stacey's _brave new families_. they really have some insights
that the enlightenederati might try to learn from. i absolutlely think
that right here, right now men need to learn how to bear the very collective
responsiblity associated with raising a child. that's not an individual
responsbility, that's a collective one. and btw, if you're so big on collective
then why the fuck are you living in an efficiency whining about your low
income? move into or do the hard sweaty work of creating a collective where
you help take care of other women's children and make it work and provide
a real alternative that can be built on in the socialist future. i'll bet
if you try real hard you can dig up some men and women that will be more
than happy to work it out. there were such collectives in the backwoods
hole i lived in, replete with war protestors who didn't pay their taxes.
i'm sure you can find them in ohio. if you want to get rid of the bourgeois
privatized family, then you have to start working on developing alternative
ways of having families and living together. why should only parents create
collectives? single people should be involved too. my part in this convo
is over. i find your position morally repugnant as well. what shite. everything
you stand for relies on moralizing about capitalism and racism and sexism,
it's just that somehow or other you think it's not moralizing. well, sorry,
bzzzt. wrong: it is. -------------------- lley wrote: > should be made
------------- By whom? How will they get the power to make the provisions.
When you talk about change you have to use active verbs or you are merely
talking to hear the tinkle of your own voice. You don't have to convince
me that such provisions would work. All sorts of things including pure
communism would/will work if they can be brought about. Power! Kelley,
Power! And that has to be built -- and it doesn't make any difference whether
the goal is socialism or a school crossing sign, just showing the need
won't help -- no one will listen to you until you build a political force.
The more long (and totally convincing) arguments you write showing that
fathers should be made to pay child support the more you also convince
me that you aren't serious politically. Forget the need and the justice
of it. I agree. Show me how the force to put it through is to be generated.
I don't think it can be. I don't think you can get women organized on this
basis. If you can, I'll say I was wrong. It is a worthy goal, as is the
destruction of imperialism or the eradication of cancer -- but like those
goals not a goal that can be won by showing that it is a worthy goal. Get
down to organizing arguments by the second paragraph or I'm not interested
in reading an encylopedia to find the crucial material hidden away someplace
in the middle. Carrol ----------------------- Carrol wrote: >Why has TANF
happened but CSE languishes? On what basis do >you think that merely exhibiting
the rightness of making CSE work >will contribute to making it work? -------------
How can CSE be "right" for feminists, though? Unless one accepts that poor
women have a responsibility to establish paternity of their kids, must
allow the state to track records of their sex lives, etc.? Is a poor woman
supposed to extract the social security number, driver's license number,
etc. from a guy before she fucks him, even if it's just a one-night stand?
This gives a new meaning to the word "scoring." :) ***** Los Angeles Times
March 24, 1997, Monday, Home Edition SECTION: Part A; Page 1; Metro Desk
TIMES STAFF WRITER New lines are being drawn in the battle to improve the
collection of child support for millions of children nationwide. But the
latest confrontation features an unlikely set of combatants: poor mothers
and a government that believes that too often the women are unwilling to
help obtain the support payments that could help lift them out of poverty.
The dispute is being driven by federal welfare legislation that requires
mothers to do more than they've ever done to help find the absent fathers
of their children. That means providing detailed information, even if the
mother doesn't have it. The new federal guidelines, as well as proposals
being considered by California lawmakers, are designed to jump-start a
child support system that nearly everyone agrees is ailing. But they are
also likely to push the responsibilities of mothers--and fathers--into
uncharted realms that raise a host of troubling questions about privacy
and the punitive nature of many aspects of welfare reform. Government officials
say it is all about raising the level of personal responsibility and providing
the financial security and male role models that are lacking in the lives
of so many poor children. Critics, however, say that welfare mothers, already
in dire straits, now face a host of new problems: They could be denied
assistance if they cannot dredge up the minutiae of a relationship that
may have been short-lived and ended years before; and under tight new welfare
time limits, which call for most mothers to get jobs within two years,
many of them will soon begin to be shut off aid anyway. Although the paternity
provisions have received little public scrutiny, the issue of child support
looms large in any discussion of welfare reform because most everyone agrees
that improving support collections could help reduce the welfare caseload.
Under new federal standards, women on welfare must provide a Social Security
number, an address, a driver's license number--something more than just
the father's name, or risk a minimum 25% reduction in the family's cash
grant. States that do not sanction a family for noncooperation could lose
millions of dollars in federal funding.... ***** For the entire article,
see my post titled "More on Child Support." ----------- >*How many* fathers
of kids on welfare make 32K, have the family income of >70K, and a house
worth 85K??? That's what I'd like to know. Empirical >stats please. > yoshie
----------------- well, thanks to child support enforcement, very few.
in those situations, they make sure that men cough up the lousy 5200$/year
plus pro rata childcare. with that and 10k as a fulltime adjunct we can
live quite well, thank you. did you miss the part about how most people
can't get TANF or what? child support enforcement isn't about welfare.
the feminist movement to insist that men pay did not have anything to do
with welfare initially. it had to do with making sure that men took care
of the children they brought into the world and for keeping women out of
poverty--which doesn't mean you collect welfare. that is NOT the issue
re child support enforcement. child support enforcement is for ALL women
and children regardless of how much they make. got that? kelley ---------------------
You are not answering my question, though, Kelley. You don't imagine that
most fathers of kids on welfare make 32K, do you? What works for you, because
of the income level of your ex, doesn't work for other poor women, does
it? ***** The Plain Dealer July 8, 1999 Thursday, FINAL / ALL SECTION:
Cassell and Amy Hanauer Conventional wisdom says the economy is booming.
And it is true that inflation and unemployment are low and the stock market
and corporate profits are high. But if you think that you're struggling
more financially than your parents did, you're probably right. Our just-released
"State of Working Ohio, 1999" found that 80 percent of Ohio's workers make
less money in real dollars per hour than comparable workers 20 years ago.
Men in general, black men in particular, high school dropouts and those
earning less than median have been especially hard hit. Vast inequalities
remain with women lagging behind men, minorities lagging behind whites
and those with less education lagging behind those with more. The poor
have become poorer. But so has the middle class, and both lie further than
ever from the wealthy. To abuse a clich: The rising tide has not only failed
to lift all boats, but it has left most Ohio workers toiling harder than
ever to just stay afloat. Real wages have dropped for the typical Ohio
worker - the person right at the midpoint - from $12.47 per hour in 1979
to $11 in 1997, a 13 percent fall. While the drop was steeper during the
1980s, the wage continued to erode over the decade of the '90s. Women still
earn considerably less than men in Ohio. This "gender gap" has narrowed
over the last 20 years, but the narrowing is due to a drop in men's wages,
rather than an increase in women's. Women's real median wages have continued
to hover just above $9 an hour since 1979. Men's real median wages were
more than $15 an hour in 1979 and fell to just $12.66 by 1997, a significant
drop, but still 37 percent above what women earn. Minority workers in Ohio
also get by at a substantially lower wage. Ohio's black male workers have
been hardest hit, with a 28 percent plunge in their real median hourly
wage, from $13.88 to $10. Because of this dramatic decline, a race gap
continues to exist and indeed to widen in Ohio, despite drops in white
male wages. While white women's real wages increased slightly between 1979
and 1997, black women's real wages declined over the period. Workers without
high school diplomas - a full 24.3 percent of Ohio's over-25 population
in 1990 - saw their median wages plunge from $11.17 an hour in 1979, to
a dismal $6.75 in 1997, a 40 percent drop. Though dropouts struggle most,
workers in every educational category through college completion lost earning
power between 1989 and 1997. Wage inequality grew dramatically between
1979 and 1997 in Ohio. Although wages eroded for workers across almost
the entire income spectrum, those who were already earning less had steeper
declines. The lowest earning 10 percent of workers had the largest median
wage drop, 17 percent from $6.47 to $5.36. But all workers below the middle
had wage drops of between 14 percent and 16 percent.... ***** If they are
regularly employed at all, I'd think that most fathers of kids on welfare
earn wages which fall into the category of the lowest earning 10 percent
of workers, making about $6.00 or so. That's barely enough to support one
person, it seems to me. >most people can't get TANF ------------- Thanks
to tight eligibility definitions, end of entitlement, etc., legitimated
by the rhetoric of personal responsibility. -------------- >child support
enforcement isn't about welfare. the feminist movement to >insist that
men pay did not have anything to do with welfare initially. it >had to
do with making sure that men took care of the children they brought >into
the world and for keeping women out of poverty--which doesn't mean you
>collect welfare. that is NOT the issue re child support enforcement. >child
support enforcement is for ALL women and children regardless of how >much
they make. got that? -------------- As the subject line shows, I'm not
talking about ALL women and children; I'm talking about the rhetoric &
reality of child support collection in the context of welfare reform. I've
already said that those who can pay -- like your ex or the ex of Max's
sister-in-law -- should pay. Yoshie ------------------- At 07:18 PM 3/26/00
-0600, you wrote: >Kelley, > >I'm overposted. > >The debates on this are
(I have come to believe) almost exactly >the same as those over "free speech
for racism." I don't believe >in free speech for racists, and I don't believe
in fathers not >helping to support their kids -- and in neither case is
it either >desirable *or politically possible* to get the law to do it
for you. > >Do you have enough friends to beat your ex up? Or to put up
>a picket line outside his place of employment? Or to sit near >him in
restaurants talking loudly about what a creep he is? > >Your idea of getting
the state to do it is as utopian as would >be the request to wait for socialism
to do it. You condemn >one kind of daydreaming and substitute another.
> >Those who say wait for socialism for women's liberation destroy >the
movement for socialism. Those who want the capitalist state >to perform
the functions of the socialist state come to treat >enemies as friends
-- and sabotage both the movement for >socialism and the struggle for necessary
reforms under capitalism. > >Make enough trouble for enough non-paying
fathers (and for >everyone else concerned) and Fathers Rights Groups will
be >demanding an effective CSE. Campaign for an effective CSE >and nothing
will happen except to reinforce the rhetoric of those >who blame women.
And if you don't have the strength to do >the former, you certainly dont'
have the strength to do the >latter. > >The principle is, don't fight for
reforms that can only be won >if one is strong enough to get something
even better. It only >leads to piddle and empty theorizing. > >Carrol ---------------------
jesusfookingchristalmighty 1. get off your ass and help poor women and
others right now. that was one of my first statement. create alternative
institutions. can't any one read? i was NOT expecting the state to take
over and that was exactly my point in the first godamned place re the ehrenreich
debate. the state isn't our friend here. so work on alternative institutions
2. it is very reasonable to try to get a uniform law passed for garnishing
wages or at the very least make it *automatic* that it goes through the
social service system, rather than direct payment. that would be very simple
and a very effective way to get men to pay. when my ex was one day late
paying his ex wife when we were married, the collection agency was on his
ass the very next day. he was never late after the first time they embarassed
him 3. work on wider social change as well 4. really put your hands and
feet where you mouth is and go out there and take care of other people's
children. the two of you have a lot of nerve to call the above piddle and
empty theorizing. this stuff can work. i did the sharing child care stuff
when my kid was little. we formed a collective. then we decided to make
a bigger community wide one in which people could pay full price or defray
by contributing: legal assistance, meal making, cleaning, teaching, accounts,
grant writing, computer skills, typing, etc. these things work. go out
and do them. yes, i know, it sounds all third way. but you know what? i
don't care if you do them while also fighting aginst third way nonsense
you will have built the foudations for a better society because people
will have been building the capacity for engaging in real collective enterprises
in which they learn how to work to gether, to share burdens and joys of
doing something together, they will know what it really takes and experiement
so that we will create a ferment of people activiely shaping that very
alternative world. oh screw it. i have more fun arguing with ken about
zizek. all i know is that from all i've read on this list, i'm ashamed
to call myself a marxist anymore. thank god for ken l, patrick, and mike
yates because they give me hope that marxist also have a sense of integrity
and outrage at injustice. and a sense that and i've called myself a marxist
since i was 16 when i saw some goofy flik in social studies class and said
to the teach, "hey what's wrong with that" kelley is this that difficult
to follow. am i that bad a writer that you cannot figure this out? jesus.
i sure hope someone was reading and understood. man. --------------------
Kelley: >1. get off your ass and help poor women and others right now.
that was >one of my first statement. create alternative institutions. -------------------
I've been involved in the Ohio Empowerment Coalition, a statewide welfare
rights coalition (which is supposed to be low-income people's organization,
though its agenda is often set by a non-recipient organizer). The OEC is
now organizing the "Stop the Clock" campaign, demanding, among other things,
that (1) Ohio implement a moratorium on time limits if Ohio enters a recession;
(2) Ohio extend its three-year time limit to what is allowable by the Federal
government; (3) Ohio change its sanction policy, ending a sanction when
the recipient complies; etc. Alas, the agenda just doesn't go far enough,
though (which has been the source of frustration for some OEC members);
the OEC is settling for this because this is what HB 578 says (introduced
by Rep. Dale Miller of Cleveland). The OEC held a speak-out on time limits
on March 23 at the Statehouse, but only about fifty people showed up. (Sad,
given that _on paper_ the "Stop the Clock" campaign has been endorsed by
Ohio Council of Churches, AFSC, SEIU Locals, NARAL Ohio, NAACP, etc., literally
dozens of organizations; why couldn't more people show up???) We got stuck
in the map room on the lower level, while, at the same time, the American
Bar Association was having a cocktail party, which in contrast attracted
perhaps about 300 guests, on the 2nd floor. The OEC will have a Lobby Day
on Thursday, April 13 at the statehouse. If anyone in Ohio is interested,
call 513-381-4242 or e-mail the Contact Center at . It is also sponsoring
the Statewide Welfare Conference on April 13 & 14 at Lenox Inn, Reynoldsburg,
Ohio. I wonder if Tom Lehman could help the OEC, hooking them up with the
steelworkers. BTW, Ohio has $733.9 million in unspent TANF funds! They
don't even fucking spend the money they got!!! I'm all for alternative
institutions, but I don't think they can meet the needs of poor women and
children in Ohio (especially if recession comes). Why not make the state
pay? They got money! Yoshie -------------------------- Yoshie Furuhashi:
> ... > I'm all for alternative institutions, but I don't think they can
meet the > needs of poor women and children in Ohio (especially if recession
comes). > Why not make the state pay? They got money! ----------------
The problem is that Welfare simply confirms the position of the ruling
class, and as long as there's a ruling class they are going to play with
Welfare in the time-honored manner. It is true that alternative institutions
cannot, at this time, meet the needs of poor women and children in Ohio,
but that is substantially because most people still believe in bourgeois
social democracy. That being the case, it's much more fun to show up at
a cocktail party of the Bar Association than a meeting about defending
the rights of the poor, and in fact more meaningful -- if one is going
to have a bourgeois state one might as well hobnob with the bourgeoisie
and write a check or a letter to one's favorite politician in the morning
if one happens to feel like it. One has drawn a line, one is inside the
pentagram, safe from the devils. So, while it is certainly a good thing
to try to shake more money out of the government, one shouldn't be under
the illusion that anything is being changed -- it's a temporary measure
against problems which can be actually solved only by anarchy and communism,
organized from the ground up. Gordon ------------------------- Max, Kelley,
& Carrol: Max replied: >>>>>>>>>>> >Guaranteed public assistance beats
being dependent upon individual men, >whose incomes are not reliable sources
(sometimes because men in question >are irresponsible, but often because
of unemployment, underemployment, >sporadic employment, etc. which are
beyond their control). . . . >>>>>>> > >Yes but this is exactly what we
don't have and are not >likely to see for some time. ---------------- Maybe
we should start off with a point of agreement rather than disagreement.
All of us agree that it's better for poor women & children to have
guaranteed public assistance than being dependent upon individual men.
Given this agreement, I'd like you to recall that the idea of enforcing
child support (fathers' personal responsibility), along with that of enforcing
work (mothers' responsibility), created a *wedge* that divided potential
opponents of the Welfare Reform: some wanted to *nix* the Welfare Reform
totally, while others thought that they could *tinker* with the whole package
to *make the Reform work*. The rhetoric of stepped-up collection of child
support from fathers of kids on welfare came in very handy for the Welfare
Reformers, for it helped them to put a "feminist" gloss on it: fathers,
not just mothers, must take responsibilities for kids. One of the reasons
why folks couldn't *nix* the Welfare Reform, I think, is that a lot of
them thought they could *fix* it to their liking. The hegemony of the neoliberal
rhetoric of personal responsibilities is exactly the reason why guaranteed
public assistance is "what we don't have and are not likely to see for
some time." It follows that we gotta fight this rhetoric, *refusing* to
think that the burden of social reproduction should be *privatized*, be
it carried by mothers, fathers, or both equally. ------------------- Kelley
wrote: >the stats used are notoriously unreliable (see kathryn edin's work
on >this). most poor people hide their incomes. this includes fathers who
>maintain that they are too poor but who make their living doing other
>thing--hustling, working off the books. sorry to break the news folks,
but >i've lived in this world. people "cheat" the welfare system all the
time >and they should. but noncustodial parents shouldn't cheat their kids--out
>of time, attention or money. and if they can't afford that then they can
>do what my sister's ex did: he did the daycare and did the shopping. ----------------
You hold two practically contradictory positions: (a) "people 'cheat' the
welfare system all the time and they should"; but (b) "noncustodial parents
shouldn't cheat their kids--out of time, attention or money." How does
the State collect child support from fathers who are "working off the books,"
cheating the system? Cheating the system allows them to cheat kids. Also,
some women can't afford to welcome fathers' attention due to the history
of domestic violence. Remember that one of feminists' objections to the
Welfare Reform has been that it makes it difficult for women to leave abusive
relationships. ------------- >if noncustodial parents aren't paying, it
is >often because they feel they don't have control over the money or don't
see >their children. now, tell me, if that's the case, then why would anyone
>thing your average joe taxpayer's going to want to spend money on more
>generous welfare bennies administered through the monolith of the state?
----------------- Recall the rhetoric of stepped-up child support collection
enforcement has been used to suggest that taxpayers should not foot the
bill for raising illegitimate children -- that's parents' responsibilities.
Some people bought this rhetoric -- hence weak oppositions to the Welfare
Reform. Under capitalism, what is personal responsibility is _by definition_
what is not social responsibility. You can't have both. The idea that you
can have both at the same time under capitalism probably explains the success
of Clinton, Blair, etc. among liberals. Yoshie ---------------- Just sent
this to Doug offlist, but I can't stop laughing at Lou, so figured send
it on to y'all. And in a previous post to his list, Lou says C of C, is
"mired in the Democratic Party." Huh? The CPUSA sure is, even DSA has gotten
much more agnostic. C of C, at least here on the West Coast, sure isn't,
at least the newsletters I get don't proclaim the necessity to be a delegate
to the Ca. Democratic Party or join a Democratic Party club. Though a stalwart
of C of C here was a staffer for Tom Ammiano in his run for Mayor of S.F.
recently. Course the local Burton-Brown machine, does everything possible
to fight the more left elements of the local Democratic Party scene. Michael
Pugliese P.S. And Jared Israel! (Borba) Fine talk from one published in
TruthInMedia, a far right, anti-NWO rag from Arizona. "The question is,
if a leaf walks the tightrope from east to west, does anybody tremble?"
RE: The Suicide of New Left Review (posted by Doug Henwood to LBO-Talk)
From: Louis Proyect (lnp3@panix.com) Date: Wed May 03 2000 - 15:36:37 EDT
Next message: Carlos Eduardo Rebello: "RE: The Suicide of New Left Review."
Previous message: Louis Proyect: "Re: TURN OF THE CENTURY LAND GRABS IN
EAST AFRICA" In reply to: Mark Jones: "RE: The Suicide of New Left Review
(posted by Doug Henwood to LBO-Talk)" Next in thread: Borba100@aol.com:
"Re: The Suicide of New Left Review (posted by Doug Henwood to LBO-Talk)"
Messages sorted by: [ date ] [ thread ] [ subject ] [ author ] >Where will
Doug get published in future? I have an old roneo machine I could >lease
him. > >Mark Jones But given Doug's drift, wouldn't the NLR be just the
kind of place that he'd find eager to print his articles? Truth to tell,
Doug has never written an article incorporating his new politics, not even
in LBO. It's mostly semiconscious bleats, not worthy of print. Frankly,
I don't think that Doug could "write" prose like Zizek, Bourdieu or Butler
if his life depended on it. Doug, of course, is an expression of the hopelessness
conveyed by Perry Anderson's piece. His crusade on behalf of the execrable
Zizek would even make him more comfortable with this crowd. On the other
hand, he seems genuinely excited by the Seattle and Washington protests,
neither of which somebody like Perry Anderson, who lectures in the department
run by Robert Brenner at UCLA, would have bothered with. I think Doug is
a classic example of the middle-class intellectual who is attracted to
the workers movement, but not part of it. Like the leaves on the tree,
they tremble in the wind from the east or the west. The wind has been blowing
from the west for 25 years now, but there are signs that things are changing.
That is why he walks the tightrope between Zizek and Seattle. (Too many
metaphors? Shoot me.) Louis Proyect ---------------------- On Thu, 04 May
2000 06:03:38 -0700 Michael Pugliese wrote: [Regarding Doug] His crusade
on behalf of the execrable Zizek ... -------------- Doug, do you have any
possible explanation why people are loosing their vision / patience / solidarity
[??] because of your tacit interest in a Lacanian social theorist? It seems
to be that the very effort to read a particular theorist has lead to a
widespread break in party ranks. The issues used to be, how might we improve
the lot of the majority of the population of the planet, what about food
distribution, unionization, the critique of transnational capitalism. Now,
the more relevant question seems to be: have you read Zizek? Has this every
happened before? A theorists considered such a threat to a political organization
that anyone who even touches on his work is deemed suspect? Pretty soon
we'll be a beleaguered bunch, hiding our Zizek essays between copies of
Brecht, Lukacs or Lenin (we'll have to wait and see about Bloch and Merleau-Ponty
and Agnes Heller). Theorists on the run, darting from library to library...
copying essays in tattered form and scuffing them between Adorno and Althusser.
Psss... have you see in? His new book on Lynch. It's been banned. It fills
your mind with complications, sharpens the senses and engages the critical
mind. No wonder they hate it! Shh... they're coming. Quick, into the cellar!!!
Bring Kant. Shouldn't someone be embarrassed about this? ken ---------------------
Subject: RE: The Suicide of New Left Review (posted by Doug Henwood to
LBO-Talk) From: kelley (kwalker2@gte.net) Date: Thu May 04 2000 - 12:34:55
EDT sorted by: [ date ] [ thread ] [ subject ] [ author ] Next message:
Michael Perelman: "Re: Pavlovian marketing" Previous message: Reese: "RE:
Zizek's (Cockburn's) Lenin" In reply to: Doug Henwood: "RE: The Suicide
of New Left Review (posted by Doug Henwood to LBO-Talk)" Next in thread:
Rob Schaap: "RE: The Suicide of New Left Review (posted by Doug Henwood
to LBO-Talk)" Reply: kelley: "RE: The Suicide of New Left Review (posted
by Doug Henwood to LBO-Talk)" >It's pretty weird. As even LNP3 conceded,
the stuff I write about hasn't >changed much, nor has my prose style. I
still care about economic and >social polarization, exploitation, the despoilment
of the natural >environment, etc. etc. - all those issues of "real" politics
that the >enemies of the "merely cultural" disparage. Apparently any sign
of >interest in the psyche (a distraction that leads us from the struggle,
>even if many people don't perceive any need to struggle), or gendering
>(aside from what Carrol characterized as the exploitation of women, as
if >that were a self-evident, straighforward field of analysis), or sexuality
>(nothing material about that, of course!), or discourse (plain speech,
>unambiguous slogans, that's what we need! forget Marx's interest in Hegel)
>makes you a wanking dupe of the bourgeoisie. > >Doug well, i post again
since ken lawrence made it clear that he didn't reject the early marx.
marx certainly didn't call for slogans and banners, though i guess lenin
did. well, i don't get the hero worship and necrophilia myself but hey
it takes all kinds! but it seems to me that the passage below explains
how engaging in both practical and theoretical debate is important and
the reasons for doing so should be historically founded (based on the specificity
of time and place, culture, etc) " "For even though the question "where
from?" presents no problems, the question "where to?" is a rich source
of confusion.... [W]e wish to influence our contemporaries [earlier he
notes the importance of recognizing particular historical exigencies within
each country that critical theory must attend to and take seriously]...The
problem is how best to achieve this. In this context there are two incontestable
facts. Both religion and politics are matters of the first importance in
contemporary Germany. Our task must be to latch onto these as they are
and not to oppose them with any ready-made system such as the _Voyage en
Icarie_. [...] Just as religion [by which marx means theory, philosophy]
is the table of contents of the theoretical struggles of mankind, so the
political state enumerates its practical struggles. Thus the particular
form and nature of the political state contains all social struggles, needs
and truths within itself. It is therefore anything but beneath its dignity
to make even the most specialized political problem--such as the distinction
between the representative system and the Estates system--into an object
of its criticism. For this problem only expresses at the political level
the distinction between the rule of man and the rule of private property.
Hence the critic must concern himself with these political questions [which
the crude socialists find beneath their dignity]. By demonstrating the
superiority of the representative system over the Estates system he will
interest a great party in practice. By raising the representative system
from its political form to a general one...he will force this party to
transcend itself--for its victory is also its defeat. Nothing prevents
us...from taking sides in politics, i.e. from entering into real struggles
and identifying ourselves with them. This does not mean that we shall confront
the world with new doctrinaire principles and proclaim: Here is the truth,
on your knees before it...We shall not say: Abandon your struggles, they
are mere folly; let us provide you with the true campaign-slogans. Instead
we shall show the world why it is struggling.... [...] Our programme must
be: the reform not through dogmas but by analyzing mystical consciousness
obscure to itself, whether it appear in religious or political form. It
will then become plain that the world has long since dreamed of something
of which it needs only to become conscious for it to possess it in reality.
It will then become plain that our task is not to draw a sharp mental line
between past and future but to complete the thought of the past. Lastly,
it will become plain that mankind will not begin any new work, but will
consciously bring about the completion of its old work. 1844, from Letters
from the Franco-German Yearbooks--a reply to Ruge's claims about the futility
of engaging in actually existing political struggles." --------------------
Aw, c'mon, you blokes! Can't we just think Zizek is an often appalling
writer, who chooses to be ambiguous when the need for ambiguity is not
apparent, whose metaphors maybe intrinsically pretty but whose relevance
to the text is not apparent, who quotes Althusser's worst bits too often,
analyses all the fun out of shagging, rejoices in some sorta Lacanian denial
of agency just before he tells us how to exercise it, and hides his occasional
sledgehammer points (I like it when he has a go at Foucault and his acolytes
here and there) amidst a thick porridge of glutinous verbiage. I mean,
a lot of us have to read a lot, and we should demand the right to get cross
at writers who gratuitously make that hard to do. Edward Thompson, Raymond
Williams and Marvin Harris knew how to write about culture - so that people
within the cultures they were discussing could understand 'em! For my part,
I kinda wish Doug would write about Zizek a bit more. Mebbe I'd get a kahlew
what the bloke's on about ... him and that even more outrageous torturer
of readers everywhere, Jacque if-you-reckon-philosophy's- hard,-wait-till-I-psychologise-it-for-ya
Lacan. And, Doug. Is there any chance of transferring my LBO subscription
to the electronic option? I feel so out of it having to wait for the clipper
to ply the South Seas ... Cheers, Rob. -------------------- skip threads
----------------- > Apsken@aol.com wrote: > > >We can read here literally
hundreds of posts on the nuances of sexual > >desire and satisfaction,
which are taken oh so seriously by our scholars, but > >not one serious
discussion of, let alone a declaration of support for, the > >brave Austrians
who have battled selflessly on behalf of immigrants whom > >their bourgeoisie
and their country's fascists have terrorized. This is > >Marxism? Bullshit.
It is narcissism, no matter how much windy dialectical > >mystification
is appended to it. ----------------- Oh, pulllease... You're very good
at informing people that there are things you do not understand, and you
are very good at insisting that because you do not understand something
it must be dangerous. And since both statements together do not make a
lot of sense to me, I can only think that you are scaring yourself unecessarily.
But when you try real hard to scare other people, it gets a little more
than I can possibly bear. Let me put it another way: you return again and
again to Zizek and 'desire', but haven't shown much interest in border
politics, and certainly not much knowledge of the political campaigns in
the EU on this. When Ken or I have argued why the antiHaider protests will
not fulfill what you claim is their content (defending migrants, anti-racism),
you just trundle along with another post -- can we set the calender by
the next one? -- about that darned Zizek. In other words, it's all really
a backdrop to some foolish argument about 'leadership', where content is
little more than a passing reference. Mack suggested you can have the emperor's
clothes... You seem to have taken a few twirls in the outfit already. I
think the keyword here is 'desire'. ciaou, Angela - -------------------
skip threads --------------------- Doug wrote, > You know, Ken, I admire
all the activist work you've done over the > years,I really do, but this
constant anti-intellectualism, which I > supposed is meant to heighten
the contrast between people who've done > real politics, like you, and
those who are just a bunch of academic > wankers - well, it gets very tedious.
Alienating and pointlessly > divisive too. ------------------- Being an
intellectual myself, and with many comrades who are professional scholars,
I am not anti-intellectual. Opposing scholasticism and academic aloofness
is something quite different, and is a fundamental stance of every revolutionary
intellectual. The problem affects not just intellectuals, but declassed
professionals of every type. Some scholars, lawyers, doctors, etc., put
their skills at the service of the working class, the poor, and the oppressed,
by joining them in struggle, learning the ways in which those skills can
be useful to the struggle, and doing so. For a splendid example, read Arthur
Kinoy's autobiography, or Conrad Lynn's, or any biography of Karl Marx,
or C.L.R. James, or the scholarly writings of George Rawick (forced out
of three tenured professorships because of his involvement in the movement),
and many others. But the most vocal academic participants in LBO-talk are
the other kind, who presume to wag fingers at masses in struggle rather
than joining them or working in solidarity with them. Most obnoxiously,
the two most vigorous proponents of Zizek's writings, Ken M and Angela,
are the very ones who argue the principle of abstention, unless the mass
movements measure up to their standards. Philip Ferguson's observation
about Zizek's racism, which I forwarded to LBO-talk earlier, is directly
pertinent. No scholar who is truly connected to the insurgent movements
of today could have dared to write such a phrase. It is symptomatic not
only of Zizek's detachment from mass struggle, but also his contempt for
those who are engaged. --------------------- > Which mass movement? Organized
how, towards what end? Where are the > front lines drawn? What's the response
on those front lines when the > folks on the other side fight back? If
you have any answers to these > questions, then you've got a theory, whether
you like or acknowledge > it or not. What did Marx write? Manuals of revolutionary
praxis? ------------------------ Of course I have a theory, and I have
been upholding Marx's theory and practice. Yesterday and today I specifically
cited Marx's (and Engels's) writings on the Paris Commune, which they regarded
as the greatest revolutionary advance in history, only to see those references
disparaged by the Zizek-worshipping Mackendrick, who wants no part of Marx's
revolutionary doctrine, but professes to admire Marx's "philosophy." (The
Civil War in France is one of the finest handbooks of revolutionary practice,
and the stance of Marxists, ever written. But our LBO-talk scholars can't
take the time to read that small book.) I spelled out the strategy of dual
power, and its importance, by which workers and oppressed people learn
to view themselves as potential and rightful rulers of society. You cannot
approach mass struggles for proletarian emancipation as though ordering
from a menu at a restaurant, selecting this tasty one, avoiding the other.
When they erupt, you join them, in actual presence or in solidarity, regardless
of specific criticisms you may harbor. They may not always choose the best
tactics. Engels wrote, for example, "The most difficult thing to understand
is the holy awe with which the Commune reverently stopped before the portals
of the Bank of France. This was also a serious political error. The bank
in the hands of the Commune -- this would have been worth more than ten
thousand hostages." But this was written in the context of his unconditional
support for the Commune. That is the attitude I'd like to see expressed
by LBO-talk's scholars, but so far it has not been manifest by most of
them. Ken Lawrence ------------------- Which ones? Surely you're not about
to join the Michigan Militia or the Christian Coalition, which are mass
movements in at least some sense.So you are choosing the tasty one over
the tasteless one. The Million Man March would be a bit more problematic,
but you'd have to think twice about it at least, no? Compared to, say,
Justice for Janitors, which is pretty hard to say no to. Queer Nation?
Would you have joined that mass movement, when it was one? You're acting
as if the definition of "mass struggles for proletarian emancipation" were
self-evident. I'll bet there were lots of non-proletarians in the anti-Haider
marches; I'll bet too that lots of proletarians voted for him, and got
a thrill when pointy-heads denounced Haider. I'm just guessing, extrapolating
from the way folks like George Wallace and David Duke work here, but I'm
also guessing I'm right about this. So where does the true proletarian
come down? Doug ------------------- This seems like sophistry to me. It's
true that no constructive discussion can occur if the participants are
not agreed on the meaning of words. But with the exception of Alexander
Cockburn, Jeffrey St. Clair, and a handful of tiny sects, I can't recall
many socialists having difficulty sorting out which struggles reflect the
true interests and aspirations of workers and oppressed people. All such
struggles attract the participation and solidarity of others who sympathize
with and support their aims, and often involve contradictory pressures,
and even some parasitic participants. Not every proletarian impulse is
progressive -- witness the chauvinistic currents at the Seattle mobilization,
for example -- and participants in genuine mass struggles often fiercely
disagree on tactics, but those are always the realities of authentic struggle.
Not every mass protest of proletarians reflects the actual interest of
the class, either, and some have to be actively opposed, not ignored, such
as racist strikes. The abstentionists on this list remind me of the liberals
who deserted the civil rights movement after SNCC raised the slogan "Black
Power!" I can't recall any Marxists who departed, although there were many
who opposed SNCC's turn to self-reliance and separatism as the road to
Black liberation. That does not mean that every specific action of emerging
movements require endorsement, especially when internal conflicts within
the movements are still playing out, but that is a far cry from abstention.
As far as I know, I have never been gay, but every year in Jackson I joined
the Gay Pride march and gave a speech in solidarity at the rally. This
did not oblige me to choose among the conflicting currents within the Mississippi
Gay Alliance. Ken Lawrence ------------------------ > Do you have any evidence
for this? How do you know what people do or don't > do? ----------------
I have no personal knowledge of people's activity, so I do not discuss
it. I address their arguments. When these lovers of theory and philosophy
vigorously oppose taking to the streets, I believe they mean what they
write, and respond accordingly. Ken Lawrence -------------------- thread
skip -------------- Kelley: oh yeah, and btw, it was the Come as You Are
masturbate-a-thon yesterday. i had a hard time raising any money, no one
would sponsor me. I figure that this wanker list was quiet yesterday raising
money and other things for a good cause, eh? kelley (doing my job to ensure
that this list is frivolously concerned with eric's sox, whether yoshie
favors spitting or swallowing, if ken still favors throwing paint and wearing
latex and sparklies, if justin's hairstylist *really* knows, if doug daddy's
porcelain is far out, if pugliese will ever do the hustle with me, just
why it is that max wants me to buy him lunch of pieroges and kielbasa,
whether the two carrols date and which is top and bottom and if he's considered
a third wheel, and just what chaz means when he says he's a black woman).
Principles of Self-pleasure Leah Rumack April 26, 2000 -------- ---- --------
In the early 1900s, schoolboys were terrorized by social purity educator
Arthur W. Beall and the Women's Christian Temperance Union on the potential
damaging effects of "self-abuse," including lesson number 9: "The more
you use the penis muscle, the weaker it becomes." And much to Beall's horror,
there could be a lot of weak willies in the wind soon (leading to nervous
degeneration and insanity), because the second annual national masturbate-athon
is coming on May 7. Chronic masturbators should take the day off work to
raise money for the Black Coalition for AIDS Prevention. "I think of it
like Mother's Day," says Sandra Haar, the co-owner of Come as You Are,
one of several sex shops across North America participating in the marathon.
San Francisco's Good Vibrations, the big mama of the funky sex shop universe,
declared May National Masturbation Month five years ago. It is not, however,
in The Farmer's Almanac. Masturbation, says Haar, has poked its head out
of the social stigma closet, but it still needs encouragement. "It's seen
as an adolescent thing -- like if you're an adult and doing it, you're
kind of a loser." Historically, masturbation has certainly been dealt a
bad hand. In Genesis, God condemned Onan for spilling his seed on the ground
rather than conceiving an heir by his widowed sister-in-law, Tamar. In
the 16th century, a famous anonymous treatise entitled "Onanaia: or the
heinous sin o f self-pollution, and its frightful consequences in both
sexes considered, with spiritual and physical advice to those who have
already injured themselves by this abominable practice" set the tone for
the anti-"self-abuse" diatribes of later generations. Ills thought to be
brought on by masturbation included stunted growth, cowardice, causing
one's eyes to have a "dull, sheepish look" (well, duh), blindness, nymphomania
and death. "We are socialized to look at our bodes as a site of sin rather
than a site of pleasure. Masturbation allows us to be in unity with all
of who we are," says Juanita Smith, executive director of Black CAP sagely.
Joan Marsman, a sex therapist who runs orgasm support groups for women,
says she encourages masturbation as a nice way to get to know yourself,
but "if it causes you anxiety or nightmares, than don't do it. It is optional."
But if you think that just because the era of seeing masturbation as a
sign of insanity is over, you try to get people to pay you -- by the minute
-- for a masturbate-athon. (Is that a sponsorship form in your pocket,
or are you just happy to see me?) It is fraught with social peril, as is
evidenced by the prompt response I received from the first person to call
when you're trying to raise money for a cause -- Mom. "No. Go away. Get
lost, you meshugina. What do you want from my life?" Also included in the
litany of responses were: several comments (one from boss) to the effect
that "this could get expensive," two requests for pictorial evidence, one
offer of webcam services, one offer of "No money, but you can fantasize
about me," three mentions of my likely relative expertise in the area,
and po lite quantitative inquiries as to length of my personal record before
committing to a per-minute rate. "Maybe they're worried you'll wear yourself
out," offers Haar helpfully. I am truly devoted, but so far I've only raised
a sorry $45. So c'mon, Mom. Puleeze. Your donation will come in handy.
---------------------- on slogans 0661 and this (0899): >From *Report on
an Investigation of the Peasant Movement in Hunan* We must combat the counter-revolutionary
talk of a "movement of riffraff" and a "movement of lazy peasants" and
must be especially careful not to commit the error of helping the local
tyrants and evil gentry in their attacks on the poor peasant class. Though
a few of the poor peasants leaders undoubtedly did have shortcomings, most
of them have changed by now. They themselvesd are energetically prohibiting
gambling and suppressing banditry. Where the peasant association is powerful,
gambling has stopped altogether and banditry has vanished. In some places
it is literally true that people do not take any articles left by the wayside
and that doors are not bolted at night. According to the Hengshan survey,
85 per cent of the poor peasant leaders have made great progresds and have
proved themselvesd capable and hard working. Only 15 per cent retain some
bad habits. The most one can call these is "an unhealthy minority," and
we must not echo the local tyrants and evil gentry in undiscriminately
condemning them as "riffraff." This problem of the "unhealthy minority"
can be tackled only under the peasant associations' own slogan of "strengthen
discipline," by carrying on propaganda among the masses, by educating the
"unhealthy minority," and by tightening the associations' discipline; in
no circumstances should soldiers be arbitrarily sent to make such arrests
as would damage the prestige of the poor peasants and feed the arrogance
of the local tyrants and evil gentry. This point requires particular attention.
*Selected Works*, Vol. I, pp. 23-24. Kelley merely despises democracy and
therefore sneers at all the methods by which democracy can be made an actuality
rather than of leaders swaying through advertising and *her* kind of manipulative
slogans rather than the leninist slogan which summarizes and gives focus
to the practice of the people themselves. Her boorish sneering at slogans
while utterly ignorant of the history of their political use gives the
lie to her claims of extensive political practice. She has rather engaged
in bureaucratic dominance based on intellectual charisma. The comparison
of political slogans to tv advertising or to the campaign slogans of a
political party is mere historical ignorance. Slogans *summarize* practice,
and cannot be formed except in the context of a particular practice at
a particular time and place. They are the polar opposite of naive attempts
to "reach people" who aren't listening through the brilliance of one's
individual command of smart rhetoric. They express in corrigible form the
practice of those already to some extent involved in the struggle. U.S.
slogans are apt to be poisoned by the spontaneous identification of slogans
with advertising. Fore example, the proto-slogan, "Nix don't fix" is clever,
but it does not even contain a gesture towards formulating the experience
of those whose practice generated it. If the movement it sort of summarizes
continues to grow, growth will both come through the debate over reformulating
that slogan and in the forging of more complex slogans in the course of
expanded practice. But even this primitive slogan, with its rhyming echo
of the ad jingle, can serve to remind people acting on their own intiative
in this or that particular locality and context of what can connect their
action with that of unknown thousands around the nation or the world. Carrol
------------- ---------------- Kelley: i did say a thing about slogans
carrol. i didn't sneer one way or another except to laugh at people who
i knew would reject slogans and yet engaged in their use in a game of oneupmanship.
so, i conclude that the meds need to be adjusted coz you're hearing voices
again. as for my take on democracy well here it is again from my post on
working class civil society of which you've heard some about from patrick
bond, except adapted for the US. if you think the below, which is about
how to foster the building of demcratic practices and institutions is undemocratic,
you've got some strange notions of democracy. somday, try looking into
the solidarity movment because much of what we did in the community of
which i speak was modeled on that experience. -----paste----- for one thing,
ehrenreich is being pragmatic and she's asking people to engage in political
practice. get involved and *do* something that will help people and in
the process you might bridge the consumer divides, instead of investigating
one's navel for lint and classifying it according to some ossified typification
of real politics, to wit: > I know it sounds scary, but it will be a lot
less so if we can make >sharing stylish again and excess consumption look
as ugly as it actually >is. Better yet, give some of your time and your
energy too. But if all you >can do is write a check, that's fine: Since
Congress will never >redistribute the wealth (downward, anyway), we may
just have to do it >ourselves. --------------- yoshie: >Ehrenreich is the
Martha Stewart of progressive politics, for Ehrenreich >thinks that housework
is a _moral_ issue _for women_, a spiritually >uplifting testimony to women's
industriousness . actually, she's talking about how the *shared* experience
of gendered labor in the form of housework--the social conditions of labor--gave
us something in common. now, the division of labor and the commodification
of what was once unpaid labor presents us as enemies, as she astutely notes.
the answer, at least one, for her is to create alternative political practices,
as i mentioned above. no, it's not radical or marxist as you would have
it. but if we sit around waiting for the time to be right for radical,
marxist change we'll be sitting around forever. marx surely didn't say
that we could only pursue radical political practices, but must take a
side in the struggles and wishes of the age and move them progressively
forward. she's drawing on an approach that in sociology is evident in the
lit on "civil society". it is in civil society--in the practices of commitment
to something greater than one's self (in union struggles, in organizing,
in volunteering, etc) that we create shared lifeworlds (habermas) with
people we might not ever come in contact with otherwise. in the process
we learn to see the world from the perspective of someone besides our selves
and those in our "chosen" lifestyle enclaves. in the process, (and this
is habermas's schtick) we learn to create alternative social institutions
in which *we* negotiate the rules through which we decide to live together.
these are social practices that might, just might, present real alternatives
to the colonizing logics of the market and state. this involves morality.
the market encourages a morality of self-interest maximization. "let me
keep my own and i will become, without ever thinking about it, my brother's
keeper". the state encourages a morality of obedience to rules said to
be in the service of the greater good: people who one does not know, but
nonetheless depends on through vast intricate divisions of labor. (when
that division of labor breaks down through strikes or disasters we realize
just how much we need people all over the globe in order to enjoy modern
conveniences) civil society, on the other hand, creates and is sustained
by practices of reciprocity and we learn how to create, for ourselves,
the rules by which we are to live together. (and this, i think, is what
sam, brett, eric, i [and maybe angela] often are on about: where do people
fit in? where do we, in this coming utopia, become part of the process
of deciding how it is that we ought to organize our lives. which is why
i think brett's parecon model is interesting but also problematic ] we
might get involved for all the wrong reasons, too. moralistic, selfish,
whatever. my students, for ex, talk about working with the special olympics
simply because they wanted to put that work on their applications to college.
however, in the process, they learned about a world they never would have
known existed and that turns them into people who are much more sympathetic
to the daily lives of the disabled. to bore frances to tears, i'll mention,
yet again, the anti nuke dump protests. while people started out protesting
from a NIMBY position, their involvement in that struggle put them in contact
with people engaged in similar struggles all over the world: latino communities
in texas, ukrainian communities, etc. rural whites were in contact with
those from worlds that, from a distance, they could easily ignore and belittle.
but the shared experience of capital/state oppression made them realize
connections they would never have realized had they not gotten involved
with. they can no longer take the view of observer and ignore and belittle.
"those" people are no longer "those" people. as demonstrated by numerous
social movement studies done on that community and others, these people
went on to get involved in other environmental issues. issues they might
never have cared about before. also, their NIMBY critique turned into a
larger critique of, at first, the state and then of capitalism -- a critique
of the capitalist economy that produced nuclear waste in the first place.
a critique that recognized that it was power companies who were trying
to shuffle the cost of doing business off onto taxpayers, who were make
us pay for the disposal of waste. people also got involved n issues they
might not have cared about were it not from direct involvement--involvement
that they took up themselves for selfish, moralistic, pious reasons to
begin with. this had real consequences when plant closings hit the communities.
1. they were much more cognizant of the rippling effects of the economy
and much more concerned about the people in mexico who were the would be
beneficiaries of the relocation. this, i would contend, is very likely
a direct result of their political engagement in the anti nuke dump protests.
2. their active engagement in struggle meant that they felt a sense of
efficacy--that they could accomplish something, that it was do-able. a
decade of such struggle and involvement, in turn, meant that the last time
a plant announced that it would be closing up shop, the workers walked
out on the spot. just up and left. and, unlike earlier plant closing announcements,
many more people spoke out against the practice. and many more people were
on the side of the workers who were working for minimum wage in a plant
that had promised all kinds of things to that community in order to get
tax abatements: we tore down houses, an entire street, at county expense
for that plant and they paid not one red cent in taxes. five years later,
they packed up and left. a normally very docile community was radicalized
by their involvement in alternative institutions in civil society. twenty
years before, a community sat idly by with a "fuck us over we like it attitude"
toward corporations. twenty years before, the town fathers posted a billboard
on the highway that pretty much announced to the world that we liked getting
fucked over. no more. not after the nuke dump protests. no more, not after
the engagement in protests against the last plant closing. and those engagements
in protest were made possible by civil society *and* by the work of people
thinking about ways to strengthen civil society and to create public spheres
of active, practical engagements with the struggles and wishes of the age.
yes, that would be lousy shit fer brains social scientists, often involved
because they needed the r.a. monies or the research experience or the publications
or because they wanted to piously demonstrate their moralizing concern
for the down trodden. whatever. they couldn't have lasted long in that
project without being affected by it and without learning to see what it's
like in another world-- a world of the rural working poor that they often
disparaged. it was civil society that provided the foundation for the community's
engagement in political practices to begin with. what were they? voluntary
organizations that people often joined out of a sense of pious moralism:
churches, little leagues, the grange, the ywca, book reading groups, women's
league of voters, quilting circles, etc etc etc. how were they the backbone
of a (comparatively) insurrectionary struggle against the state? these
organizations provided the resource and practical infrastructure that enabled
that protest to get off the ground in the first place. they provided a
group of people who were used to donating their time for this or that project.
people who were willing to do the shit grunt work, like typing letters,
licking envelopes, making phone calls, digging up info. people who knew
how to interact with people they didn't always get along with. people who
brought you donuts and hot coffee when you were standing outside the county
office building freezing your tail off waiting from some government official.
while enrenreich ought to go further in advocating such an approach, she
at least did hint that it wasn't enough to write a check out to an organization.
perhaps doug couuld press her on this. nonetheless, i suspect from reading
ehrenreich carefully over the years, she is coming from the above analysis
of what it takes to make social movements work and why it is necessary
to engage in and strengthen alternative social institutions and practices
rather than denouncing them as insignificant. that may well be true in
the long run. i don't know. but my hopelessly optimistic side, one nurtured
by witnessing the transformation i witnessed above, makes me suspect it's
worth a shot. ------------------- snitgrrRl.exe --repeat performance: This
does not mean that we shall confront the world with new doctrinaire principles
and proclaim: Here is the truth, on your knees before it...We shall not
say: Abandon your struggles, they are mere folly; let us provide you with
the true campaign-slogans. Instead we shall show the world why it is struggling....
carrol sez: >Hint: How do 10 million people, > not in communication with
each other ^^^^^^^^ vewy vewy carefuwee? carrol, how the fuck can a slogan
work if there's no communication whatsoever. are you stark raving? are
you stark nekkid even? anyhoo, i'm in snitgrrRl.exe mode because i feel
like max: just reposting the same thing over and over and over and over
and over and over again. loop detect. ------begin paste------ well, i post
again since ken lawrence made it clear that he didn't reject the early
marx. marx certainly didn't call for slogans and banners, though i guess
lenin did. well, i don't get the hero worship and necrophilia myself but
hey it takes all kinds! but it seems to me that the passage below explains
how engaging in both practical and theoretical debate is important and
the reasons for doing so should be historically founded (based on the specificity
of time and place, culture, etc) "For even though the question "where from?"
presents no problems, the question "where to?" is a rich source of confusion....
[W]e wish to influence our contemporaries [earlier he notes the importance
of recognizing particular historical exigencies within each country that
critical theory must attend to and take seriously]...The problem is how
best to achieve this. In this context there are two incontestable facts.
Both religion and politics are matters of the first importance in contemporary
Germany. Our task must be to latch onto these as they are and not to oppose
them with any ready-made system such as the _Voyage en Icarie_. [...] Just
as religion [by which marx means theory, philosophy] is the table of contents
of the theoretical struggles of mankind, so the political state enumerates
its practical struggles. Thus the particular form and nature of the political
state contains all social struggles, needs and truths within itself. It
is therefore anything but beneath its dignity to make even the most specialized
political problem--such as the distinction between the representative system
and the Estates system--into an object of its criticism. For this problem
only expresses at the political level the distinction between the rule
of man and the rule of private property. Hence the critic must concern
himself with these political questions [which the crude socialists find
beneath their dignity]. By demonstrating the superiority of the representative
system over the Estates system he will interest a great party in practice.
By raising the representative system from its political form to a general
one...he will force this party to transcend itself--for its victory is
also its defeat. Nothing prevents us...from taking sides in politics, i.e.
from entering into real struggles and identifying ourselves with them.
This does not mean that we shall confront the world with new doctrinaire
principles and proclaim: Here is the truth, on your knees before it...We
shall not say: Abandon your struggles, they are mere folly; let us provide
you with the true campaign-slogans. Instead we shall show the world why
it is struggling.... [...] Our programme must be: the reform not through
dogmas but by analyzing mystical consciousness obscure to itself, whether
it appear in religious or political form. It will then become plain that
the world has long since dreamed of something of which it needs only to
become conscious for it to possess it in reality. It will then become plain
that our task is not to draw a sharp mental line between past and future
but to complete the thought of the past. Lastly, it will become plain that
mankind will not begin any new work, but will consciously bring about the
completion of its old work. 1844, from Letters from the Franco-German Yearbooks--a
reply to Ruge's claims about the futility of engaging in actually existing
political struggles." --------expect repeat performance for dull and fuckwitted--------
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