143775 40,000 children starve
to death each day --------- 143578 We, the Urbana-Champaign IMC, support
IMC Switzerland ---------143649 'Wild Party Girls' video maker must pay
SWT student -------- 143164 + zeropaid.com (filesharing) ------------ 143070
autonarchy.org.il ------------ 143863 +20 Long altercation cascade around
Poulsen and ChuckO ------- 143836 +3 about the middle east -------- 142683
+1 Bad habits in the middle east ----------143775 40,000 children
starve to death each day while you contemplate having another relica of
your personal wonderfulness. COOTCHIE COO ======== Please remove (english)
by ??? 3:07pm Sun Mar 3 '02 Why didn't Extinction Cartoon's parents follow
the logic presented in this post? BTW, I thought there was supposed to
be some kind of IMC policy against reposts. ========= Stop posting this!
(english) by Outlaw 3:13pm Sun Mar 3 '02 You're wasting bandwidth. We've
all seen this before and frankly it's disgusting. You are demonizing children
and childbearing to compensate for the jealousy you harbor against those
who can procreate. Yes overpopulation is a problem and so is homphobia
but the only people who read this site are activists so if they all stop
breeding then the only ones left next generation will be the ones who don't
give a flying fuck. The population is going to plunge soon anyway whether
we like it or not, what with Israel goading India and Pakistan in to nuclear
war. ========== Mark Biaskmnmnfkkkfkldll is the Editor (english) by JC
3:31pm Sun Mar 3 '02 warrior1777@msn.com Download attached file: losing_youvbqmvf.wmv
(mimetype: video/x-ms-wmv ) As long as it is the homosexual community on
this "Progressive Newswire", it's ok to repost. Again I appreciate the
chance to post my stuff but cannot stand someone who stands for nothing.
Mark Bidhajkgfjfdkf edits out whatever "He" wants along with the other
"Unknown Editors". At least we all know that the "Homosexual Community"
is welcome here, all 4-10% of them. As far as Heterosexuality, without
it we would not have to put up with idiots from the "Love Revolution",
for they would not exsist, which is a good thing. hmmm... All I know is
it seems us people with half our brains left are "Losing" the rest. Oh
well see ya. Help Screw the CIA by signing the petition below. http://www.petitiononline.com/WARRIORS/petition.html
In closing have a listen to the song made by a real "Peace Activist", one
that was not so concerned with what hole and with whom you were having
sex with. Later JC www.thelastamericanwarriors.com ======== Do you really
care? (english) by Dhunter 3:36pm Sun Mar 3 '02 If the people who posted
this really cared about overpopulation, they would advocate some useful
policy or idea towards reducing population, like reviving family planning.
Or they might post something that attacks people for having MORE THAN TWO
children, which would make sense. But demonizing parenthood itself won't
convince anyone of anything. And demonizing BABIES?!?! Egad! And claiming
that heterosexuality isn't the norm? Maybe we're seeing the first evidence
of homophile people who are also creationists. They obviously don't know
a damn thing about biology. ========== the solution (english) by duznt
matter 3:44pm Sun Mar 3 '02 As i said to you last time if you want to make
a difference heres what to do. Invest in a rope and go neck yourself!!!
That way you and all your sicko friends can help reduce overpopulaion!!!
Please HELP make a difference!!! ========= Babies - Human Overpopulation
(english) by Elaine 4:20pm Sun Mar 3 '02 address: Petaluma CA, USA ewood0220@aol.com
I agree 100% about the babies and more babies--human, that is. What we
need are more animal babies--wolf babies, wolverine babies, butterfly babies,
whale babies, etc. The problem is--God, or the Creator. He created this
world/universe/plane and made us the way we are--desirous of having sex
and babies. So now the human population is destroying nature and our once
beautiful earth which was populated by beautiful plants and animals. Now
it is becoming more and more populated with ugly people. The way events
are unfolding--more and more people, that is--there will eventually be
widespread starvation and death of a large portion of the human population.
Unfortunately, with the human propensity for blindly overpopulating its
species, the whole miserable senario will start all over again with the
few humans that will be left. But perhaps that is the way the Creator designed
it--The world as a prison in which its inhabitants suffer. The world is
a perverse paradox. We follow our instincts and kill ourselves off. We
try to create shelter and feed ourselves and thus destroy nature by cutting
down the trees and creating agriculture which destroys biodiversity. We
solace ourselves from the misery of existence by enjoying a drink or food
that we prefer and ruin our health. We eat meat and cause untold suffering
for animals--factory farms, slaughterhouses that skin and butcher animals
alive. Yes, that is true. The fast production of assembly-line butchering
does not allow for cattle to always be rendered unconscious and so a great
many butchered cattle are skinned and cut up while still conscious. Our
hog factory farms are polluting our waterways. Ranching of cattle out west
is destroying the ecosystems on which they roam, plus all the predators
are being anilated--the coyotes, wolves, lions, jaguars, etc. A sad and
ugly world. Created by God. Elaine ========== Another thing (english) by
MsShel330 4:20pm Sun Mar 3 '02 I'd also like to point out that many Lesbians
are becoming or trying to become parents biologically with the aid of sperm
donors. Not to mention the many closeted gays that have children in marriages.
So breeding isn't something that only heterosexuals do. ======== JC (english)
by someone 4:25pm Sun Mar 3 '02 You know I really doubt this is representative
of the vast majority of homosexuals. I think probably 99% of them would
disagree highly. In any case I do wish they would stop posting this. ===========
I again will say (english) ============ by JC 5:01pm Sun Mar 3 '02 warrior1777@msn.com
Download attached file: american_pie_1st_cutqplegh.wmv (mimetype: video/x-ms-wmv
) I will say one more time...I could care less about your "Sexuality".
The CIA, Bushes, Big Business, are screwing us, and all the Gay people
want to say is "Look at us, look at us, accept us, accept us, etc etc".
This sexuality crap has nothing to do with the "Worlds Problems", and if
you believe it does, well have you heard the term dumber than dumb? There
is plenty of food and everything else. What there seems not to be enough
of is MONEY. SEXUALITY has nothing to do with it and is a waste of time!
Be as Gay as you want, but not on my time! As far as Lesbians using sperm
banks. There is more than enough evidence that shows when a child is fatherless
the chances of them becoming degenerates rises rapidly. Facts are facts.
So NOW you think just making fatherless babies is a good idea? You sure
with a two woman relationship the chances of the bogus "Postpartum Depression"
is doubled? Now you can have two crazy ass mothers with an excuse to kill
their children? Just keep making the confusion more confusing...that always
works. Later JC www.thelastamericanwarriors.com ======= Reducing overpopulation
- Where to start... (english) by Injun Joe 5:09pm Sun Mar 3 '02 Fire up
the ovens, stoke the flames white hot and burn alive every God forsaken
faggot and dike on this planet! ======= Right on the mark, Elaine (english)
by God 7:14pm Sun Mar 3 '02 =============- Man and NOW Women and their
Free Choice (english) by JC 9:44pm Sun Mar 3 '02 warrior1777@msn.com Men
and women and their "Free Will", screw up this world. Not anybody or anything
else. God or Good, has nothing to do with that. Maybe Good should of made
us all like robots. Always choose to do the "right thing". How you see
otherwise I do not know. www.thelastamericanwarriors.com ------ --------
143649 'Wild Party Girls' video maker must pay SWT student (english) ------
9 comments total; here's 2 WTF?! (english) by Russ Schultz 1:48pm Sun Mar
3 '02 If you're stupid enough to get drunk and take your shirt off in public
with movie cameras around, you shouldn't be too suprised it ends up being
sold. Not to put too fine a point on it, but being in public pretty much
waves your right to privacy. This has nothing to do with capitalism stealing
the rights of any poor individual. Its all about stupid people who regret
what they did when they got drunk. ========== Different things (english)
by Mike 2:00pm Sun Mar 3 '02 stepbystepfarm@shaysnet.com Hey Russ, TWF
in return. You are confusing two very different things here. Yeah, SHE
is responsible for letting herself get drunk, going topless, etc. Which
means she has no gripe against those who got a good look THEN. But that's
an entirely different matter than "distributed" photos, etc. Here it's
not only a matter of "a release signed while drunk" but NO SIGNED RELEASE.
Duh...... it's only "public figures" photos of whom can be "published"
without consent. "Public place" makes no difference. As anybody in photography
can tell you, you cannot publish without a "release". ======= Judgment
is worthless (english) by Cirus 2:28pm Sun Mar 3 '02 As the video company
defaulted, my guess is that they've stripped their assets to zero (or didn't
have much in the first place) and the judgment cannot be collected. I know
this isn't a political analysis and far too practical for you anarchists
out there, but here it is. ========== (Karl Kraus would have loved this
as an illustration of his main gripes (public immorality commercialized
while privacy repressed; he wanted it turned around too) --------------
--------http:143578&group=webcast We, the Urbana-Champaign IMC, support
IMC Switzerland in its mission of providing an open and independent channel
of public communication. We are saddened that IMC Switzerland is currently
offline as a consequence of the legal action by Aktion Kinder der Holocaust.
We pledge our solidarity and support. This controversy pits two important
but irreconcilable principles against each other: on one hand, unfettered,
uncensored free speech; on the other, the repudiation of racist and antisemitic
rhetoric. The Urbana-Champaign IMC has also found itself caught between
these two principles in the past, and we recognize the significant moral
and ethical quandary IMC Switzerland finds itself in. The cartoon panel
at the heart of the controversy is part of a series critical of Israeli
policy toward the Palestinians. It bears repeating that it is not the pro-Palestinian
stance which is at question here. It is only the final panel, which by
implication equated the Israelis with the Nazis, which triggered the ADKH
protest. We do not accuse the cartoonist Latuff of antisemitism, although
we believe that he had not fully considered the moral implications of the
cartoon panel at the time of its posting, and we believe he has not yet
shown any real understanding of the core complaint against him. He boasts
of "having struck a nerve"; he has, but not the one he thinks. In particular,
we must explicitly reject as repugnant the rhetorical device of equating
Israeli policy with Nazism, a hyperbolic comparison that is at best tasteless,
deeply offensive to most Jews and Germans, and historically untenable.
The Nazi "Final Solution" killed nearly one third of the world's Jewish
population within half a dozen years; the AKDH is not wrong to assert that
such ground should be tread lightly. We accept that their motivation comes
not from a desire to stifle criticism of Israel, as has been alleged, but
as a genuine cri de coeur. Nevertheless, the mission of the IMC movement
requires that free speech must prevail. IMC Switzerland exercised sound
moral judgement in deprecating but not removing the cartoon. We feel that
this is a perfectly acceptable solution. We call upon the AKDH in friendship
to reconsider their suit against IMC Switzerland. Proceeding against the
IMC would be, we strongly believe, ineffective or even counterproductive.
The Latuff panel is, ultimately, too insignificant to merit the closing
of IMC Switzerland. Given its international nature, the Internet cannot
be purged of all expressions of antisemitism -- or any other type of insanity.
But the Internet also allows for new opportunities for education and bridge-building,
and we find it more productive to concentrate our energies there. We send
all our best wishes to IMC Switzerland in hopes that their site will soon
rejoin IMCs throughout the world, giving voice to the voiceless. ucimc.org/front.php3?article_id=4239...
========== ======== LATUFF HAS IT EXACTLY RIGHT (english) by FREE PALESTINE
6:02am Sun Mar 3 '02 What a bunch of zionist wimps they have over there
at Urbana-Champaign. Or maybe I should say Urbana-Champagne, because it
looks like they're drunk drivers. The Latuff cartoon depicts perfectly
the relationship of the lowly IMC U-C peasants approaching their zionist
sovereign lord and master. This attitude is why there need never be any
compromise in depicting the zionazi foe. The reality is that no matter
HOW you portray the zionazis, they will always cry "antisemitism" and run
to their IMC internal allies for protection. This is further evidence that
IMC which likes to pose as a "radical" group seeking social justice is
nothing of the sort. It's just another group of Democratic Party moderate
wannabes who have no real understanding of oppression or how to deal with
it. In a few years, you'll see them doing a Jerry Rubin routine, working
in the stock market for the next Enron, becoming government bureaucrats
and heading up news desks at CNN and Fox. =========== Genocide is Genocide
(english) by Lloyd Hart 6:59am Sun Mar 3 '02 dadapop@dadapop.com Genocide
is Genocide regardless of the numbers. Walking softly with Israel is an
obsurd policy. The fact is, the leadership in Israel under Ariel Sharon
is not interested in peace and is actually following an expantionist policy.
They are more interested in wearing the Palistinian Authority down by slaughtering
Palistinians and proping up an alternative puppet Palistinian leadership
that will do Sharon's bidding. The right wing and settlement population
especially do not wish to let go of the water in the West Bank. Over the
last 15 months Sharon's actions speak for themselves. These are the actions
of someone who planned to kill a lot Palistinians. Only a strong PA can
control Hamas, Islamic Jihad etc. who I see as Sharon's close colleagues
in genocide. But this is clearly not Sharon's objective. This kind of maniacal
thinking is completely equatable with that of the Nazis. And if you think
that the entire global Jewish community acts as one completely united organism
when someone points a finger an screams "Anti Semite" your completely wrong.
I have personally put Latuff's cartoon's up on my site because he is right
on the money when it comes to fundamentalist Jews who use their religion
in the same manner as when the Christians exterminated Jews, Native Americans
and any one else that stood in the way of their empire. So please do not
beg at the feet of these fanatic fundamentalist Jews who think they are
safe from criticism because we all are horrified at what took place in
the Holocaust. And if anyone is wondering, my mother witnessed in horror
as all of my Grandfather's Jewish colleagues were taken to mass graves
and shot during the Holocaust in Latvia. I believe my mother would not
lie about such terrible things considering she was almost sent to the ovens
herself. Genocide is Genocide regardless of who is pulling the trigger.
=========== This is bullshit! (english) by Aybe Sea 7:15am Sun Mar 3 '02
"Now get down on your knees and say your`e sorry"!What the hell is this?
Would have been great if IMC Champaign/Urbana expressed a solidarity wish
without the gratuitous asskissing accompanying it. Too fucking bad if a
certain segment of a social/religious entity is offended by this or that.They
have a choice.Like it or leave it. OPEN PUBLISHING NEWSWIRE!Fair warning
right there!I don`t see any of entitled outcry against the photo with two
entity soldiers standing over the body of a Palestinian man for a trophy
photo op!Which I`ve seen about every day since it was published!Don`t tell
me that that photo wasn`t published over there.What do they have to say
about that? I certainly don`t like it even if the situation was reversed.But
you what? I just skip by it.I don`t have the unquenchable desire to control
what everyone else chooses to read. Champaign/Urbana IMC;get your heads
out of your asses!The shutting down of IMC Switzerland for lawsuit purposes
is censorship! Sure your`e upset and aware-just don`t kiss ass!I really
don`t find Latuff`s art offending personally.If he or someone else posts
something I don`t like, well, I`ll turn the page!Simple as that. So I hope
you guys think before you embarrass your regular readers next time.You`ve
just added to the fodder of the right! Thanks! ========== Free Palestine
Censorship (english) by imc rules! 7:23am Sun Mar 3 '02 If there is censorship
why are your stupid comments on here every day? ============ Let the Truth
Be Known (english) by human 7:23am Sun Mar 3 '02 There are plenty of examples
to show how Zionism equates with Nazism that would easily win in a court
of law. Also, the term "anti-Semetic" does not equate exclusively to Jews,
it does to Christians and Muslims as well when Zionists behave in a racist
and hateful manner toward them in the Holy Land. I say, let them have their
law suit and bring their own behavior out in the open in front of a court
of law. Plus, even authentic Jews say the Holocaust has been overblown
by the Zionist Jews. There are many anti-Zionist Jewish organizations who
will vouch for the credibility of IMC Switzerland's right to hold up free
speech in this particular matter. ============ blackmail (english) by 23
8:03am Sun Mar 3 '02 Indeed genocide is genocide. Indeed the Israeli government
are behaving like nazi's No, Latuf's cartoon cannot be called racist or
whatever. Yes, IMC Switserland is on it's knees, because of the double
morale of a group of Israel supporters. IMC is an open newswire and can
therefore not be responsible for all of it's post. Closing the site is
a weakness. Yes, the Israeli warcriminals should be brought to justice
and dealt with. That should be the discussion, and not the closure of the
IMC, because of the weak knees of it's volunteers =========== Abused often
become abusers (english) by profrv@etc 8:04am Sun Mar 3 '02 Comparing Israel
to the old South africa might be closer to the mark but when it comes to
free speech it doesnt matter what the alleged 'offence' is."Free speech
I may tersely define as ,no opinion a law,no opinion a crime."Alex.Berkman.This
is a basic human and civil right.The only response to an attack on free
speech is massive retaliation up to and including capital punishment. Your
fucking around with us? Not for long.KILL all CENSORS! "I'd buy that for
a dollar." =========== Speak For Yourself, FreePalestine (english) by marco
8:13am Sun Mar 3 '02 I had a very long polemical response to you but I
deleted it. I should just completely ignore you, but I have this urge to
call you an asshole that won't go away. Asshole. marco ======== Chilled
not shaken (english) by swiss miss 8:17am Sun Mar 3 '02 I was thinking
about how to support IMC Switzerland and thought of recomending this new
site, set up to counter this kind of problem. http://www.chillingeffects.org/
When I went there I was rather chilled to find it down. You can still see
it with the google cache at http://www.google.com/search?q= cache:BhVduLaD6qMC
:www.chillingeffects.org/+&hl=en How often are legal threats used to
silence Internet activity? Help us to find out and counter baseless threats
with the "chilling effects clearinghouse." This website is the beginning
of a project being developed by the Berkman Center for Internet & Society,
the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), Stanford Law School's Center
for Internet & Society, Boalt Hall's Samuelson Law, Technology and
Public Policy Clinic, and clinics at law schools across the country. The
Chilling Effects clearinghouse will catalogue cease and desist letters
and present analyses of their claims to help recipients resist the chilling
of legitimate activities. The project's core, this database of letters
and FAQ-style analyses, will be supplemented by legal backgrounders, news
items, and pointers to statutes and caselaw. Periodic "weather reports"
will sum up the legal climate for online activity. We hope to create a
public resource by which people can know their rights when dealing with
such issues as fan fiction, copyright and the Digital Millennium Copyright
Act, trademark and domain names, anonymous speech, and defamation. We expect
the project will generate both a base of resources for Internet users who
face legal threats and a set of data from which to analyze the out-of-court
effects of those threats to chill legitimate activity, or, conversely,
the extent to which unlawful activity on the Net proves resistant to legal
action. Until the site is fully operational, please email news@chillingeffects.org
if you have a notice to submit to the database or would like to be kept
informed about the project's progress. ========== Thanks! --Wendy Seltzer
Fellow, Berkman Center for Internet & Society ============ The Critics
Should Take Note (english) by ML 11:08am Sun Mar 3 '02 The critical comments
above about the U-C IMC Steering group's statement reflect the inability
of their makers to realize that IMC will NOT take a side in this dispute,
other than to stand up forcefully for the Swiss IMC's right to conduct
their editorial policy in the manner they see fit. The statement does not
back away one inch (one centimeter?) from it being a call for the Swiss
IMC to be able to resume publishing immediately. For the IMCs, this is
a freedom of press issue. In this case, there are conflicts between this
fact and other's freedom of speech. If an IMC makes a decision about what
to do about any particular article, it is editing. If a government makes
such a decision (or forces it on an IMC), that is censorship. We oppose
censorship. We retain the right to edit as we see fit and support the Swiss
IMC's right to do likewise. Point of clarification: The statement is specifically
on behalf of the Steering group at U-C IMC. This should have been noted
when it was posted. ML is a member of the U-C IMC Steering group. ======
Latuff as courageous as ever; but not UC IMC (english) by Tremblay 8:01pm
Sun Mar 3 '02 I've always believed that Latuff was never afraid of calling
a genocide a genocide. And I still firmly believe so. Latuff has courage
to say things like they are. What saddens me is the absolutely lack of
courage of the volunteers at the Urbana Champaign IMC who wrote their "letter
of support" to IMC Switzerland. It looks like a group of pretentious intellectuals
got together to tell AKdH that they "believe [Latuff] has not yet shown
any real understanding of the core complaint against him." Who is UC IMC
to say what Latuff (or anyone else) understands and doesn't? It goes even
further in its prescription of thoughts and 'understanding' by saying "[Latuff]
boasts of "having struck a nerve"; he has, but not the one he thinks."
So UC IMC knows what people think? And then they go and say "a genuine
cri de coeur." Crisse de calisse, how many hours did the UC IMC people
spend looking in the thesaurus to find the expression "cri de coeur" in
hope of impressing their AKdH pals? Not to mention their claim that Latuff's
work was "insignificant".. Without the shadow of a doubt, Latuff is one
of the most constant quality contributors to Indymedia, let's hope that
he'll continue to contribute despite UC IMC's pretentiousness. -------------------------
COMMENTS ON THIS ITEM AT URBANA (4239): email this story | download as
PDF | print article Urbana-Champaign IMC letter on IMC Switzerland by gehrig
6:23pm Sat Mar 2 '02 (Modified on 1:50am Mon Mar 4 '02) article#4239 zemblan@earthlink.net
Here is our letter of support for IMC Switzerland. I have also posted it
on IMC Austria and IMC Germany. We, the Urbana-Champaign IMC, support IMC
Switzerland in its mission of providing an open and independent channel
of public communication. We are saddened that IMC Switzerland is currently
offline as a consequence of the legal action by Aktion Kinder der Holocaust.
We pledge our solidarity and support. This controversy pits two important
but irreconcilable principles against each other: on one hand, unfettered,
uncensored free speech; on the other, the repudiation of racist and antisemitic
rhetoric. The Urbana-Champaign IMC has also found itself caught between
these two principles in the past, and we recognize the significant moral
and ethical quandary IMC Switzerland finds itself in. The cartoon panel
at the heart of the controversy is part of a series critical of Israeli
policy toward the Palestinians. It bears repeating that it is not the pro-Palestinian
stance which is at question here. It is only the final panel, which by
implication equated the Israelis with the Nazis, which triggered the ADKH
protest. We do not accuse the cartoonist Latuff of antisemitism, although
we believe that he had not fully considered the moral implications of the
cartoon panel at the time of its posting, and we believe he has not yet
shown any real understanding of the core complaint against him. He boasts
of "having struck a nerve"; he has, but not the one he thinks. In particular,
we must explicitly reject as repugnant the rhetorical device of equating
Israeli policy with Nazism, a hyperbolic comparison that is at best tasteless,
deeply offensive to most Jews and Germans, and historically untenable.
The Nazi "Final Solution" killed nearly one third of the world's Jewish
population within half a dozen years; the AKDH is not wrong to assert that
such ground should be tread lightly. We accept that their motivation comes
not from a desire to stifle criticism of Israel, as has been alleged, but
as a genuine cri de coeur. Nevertheless, the mission of the IMC movement
requires that free speech must prevail. IMC Switzerland exercised sound
moral judgement in deprecating but not removing the cartoon. We feel that
this is a perfectly acceptable solution. We call upon the AKDH in friendship
to reconsider their suit against IMC Switzerland. Proceeding against the
IMC would be, we strongly believe, ineffective or even counterproductive.
The Latuff panel is, ultimately, too insignificant to merit the closing
of IMC Switzerland. Given its international nature, the Internet cannot
be purged of all expressions of antisemitism -- or any other type of insanity.
But the Internet also allows for new opportunities for education and bridge-building,
and we find it more productive to concentrate our energies there. We send
all our best wishes to IMC Switzerland in hopes that their site will soon
rejoin IMCs throughout the world, giving voice to the voiceless. Make a
quick comment on this article. your name your email (optional) comment
heading comment add your own longer comments (including web links and multimedia
uploads) Extremely well written by JW 3:15am Sun Mar 3 '02 comment#4243
Couldn't have said it better myself. :) Is cowardice a way out for IMC?
by Latuff 7:30am Sun Mar 3 '02 comment#4244 latuff@uninet.com.br LATUFF
HAS IT EXACTLY RIGHT by FREE PALESTINE 8:24am Sun Mar 3 '02 comment#4245
What a bunch of zionist wimps they have over there at Urbana-Champaign.
Or maybe I should say Urbana-CHAMPAGNE, because they're acting like they're
driving drunk. The Latuff cartoon depicts perfectly the relationship of
the lowly IMC U-C peasants approaching their zionist sovereign lord and
master. This attitude is why there need never be any compromise in depicting
the zionazi foe. The reality is that no matter HOW you portray the zionazis,
they will always cry "antisemitism" and run to their IMC internal allies
for protection. This is further evidence that IMC which likes to pose as
a "radical" group seeking social justice is nothing of the sort. It's just
another group of Democratic Party moderate wannabes who have no real understanding
of oppression or how to deal with it. In a few years, you'll see them doing
a Jerry Rubin routine, working in the stock market for the next Enron,
becoming government bureaucrats and heading up news desks at CNN and Fox.
This is bullshit! by Aybe Sea 9:29am Sun Mar 3 '02 comment#4249 "Now get
down on your knees and say your`e sorry"!What the hell is this? Would have
been great if IMC Champaign/Urbana expressed a solidarity wish without
the gratuitous asskissing accompanying it. Too fucking bad if a certain
segment of a social/religious entity is offended by this or that.They have
a choice.Like it or leave it. OPEN PUBLISHING NEWSWIRE!Fair warning right
there!I don`t see any of entitled outcry against the photo with two entity
soldiers standing over the body of a Palestinian man for a trophy photo
op!Which I`ve seen about every day since it was published!Don`t tell me
that that photo wasn`t published over there.What do they have to say about
that? I certainly don`t like it even if the situation was reversed.But
you what? I just skip by it.I don`t have the unquenchable desire to control
what everyone else chooses to read. Champaign/Urbana IMC;get your heads
out of your asses!The shutting down of IMC Switzerland for lawsuit purposes
is censorship! Sure your`e upset and aware-just don`t kiss ass!I really
don`t find Latuff`s art offending personally.If he or someone else posts
something I don`t like, well, I`ll turn the page!Simple as that. So I hope
you guys think before you embarrass your regular readers next time.You`ve
just added to the fodder of the right! Thanks! Let the Truth Be Known by
human 9:42am Sun Mar 3 '02 comment#4250 There are plenty of examples to
show how Zionism equates with Nazism that would easily win in a court of
law. Also, the term "anti-Semetic" does not equate exclusively to Jews,
it does to Christians and Muslims as well when Zionists behave in a racist
and hateful manner toward them in the Holy Land. I say, let them have their
law suit and bring their own behavior out in the open in front of a court
of law. Plus, even authentic Jews say the Holocaust has been overblown
by the Zionist Jews. There are many anti-Zionist Jewish organizations who
will vouch for the credibility of IMC Switzerland's right to hold up free
speech in this particular matter. The Critics Should Take Note by ML 11:44am
Sun Mar 3 '02 (Modified on 4:00pm Sun Mar 3 '02) comment#4254 The critical
comments above reflect the inability of their makers to realize that IMC
will NOT take a side in this dispute, other than to stand up forcefully
for the Swiss IMC's right to conduct their editorial policy in the manner
they see fit. The statement does not back away one inch (one centimeter?)
from a being call for the Swiss IMC being able to resume publishing immediately.
For the IMCs, this is a freedom of press issue. In this case, there are
conflicts between this fact and other's freedom of speech. If an IMC makes
a decision about what to do about any particular article, it is editing.
If a government makes such a decision (or forces it on an IMC), that is
censorship. We oppose censorship. We retain the right to edit as we see
fit and support the Swiss IMC's right to do likewise. Point of clarification:
The statement is specifically on behalf of the Steering group at U-C IMC.
This should have been noted when it was posted. ML is a member of the U-C
IMC Steering group. Zionist-Nazi Cooperation by Holocaust Family Member
12:15pm Sun Mar 3 '02 comment#4255 Those of us from Holocaust families
who support the Palestinian liberation struggle know for sure that the
Zionist State of Israel is no different from Nazi Germany in its actions
against the Palestinians. This should come as no surprise. The Zionists
have a history of cooperation with the Nazis, including the Transfer Agreement,
a means by which certain Zionist lives were saved by breaking the boycott
of Nazi goods, which existed in the 1930s. The State of Israel is a fascist,
racist, militaristic, theocratic puppet state of US oil imperialism. Latuff's
drawings are not anti-Semitic at all, and remember both Jews and Arabs
are Semites. The horrifying actions on the part of the State of Israel
against the Palestinians are completely indefensible and the Zionists who
shake the Holocaust schtick are utterly despicable and hypocritical. The
Zionists were in fact nowhere to be found when it came to resisting the
Holocaust. Regardless of political ideology, it is understood by most of
the Jewish Community that it was the Red Army of the Soviet Union that
literally saved our lives, as the turning point of WW2 was the Battle of
Stalingrad and it was the Red Army that arrived in Berlin first. In addition
to the connection of Israel to Nazi Germany which does exist, the anti-Semitism
which exists here in the US and has been expressed on Independent Media
must be condemned and removed to "Hidden Articles." We had a series by
some outfit claiming to represent Latinos, which spewed forth anti-Semitism
since they wanted to be the capitalist representatives of the Latino population,
and not the Zionists, although both support capitalism. I do not believe
they represent Latinos; I believe they represent one of the many fascist
groups we have in the US. There is a vast difference between asking an
article be removed or moved to a different section and shutting down a
website. The Zionists must be condemned for this censorship and for their
torture and murder of the Palestinian people, and theft of their homes
and orchards, all with American tax dollars. Defend Free Speech Si; Defend
Zionist Racism No! by d elliott 12:45pm Sun Mar 3 '02 comment#4256 quibono@aol.com
Your coming to the defense of the Switzerland IMC is laudable; your remarks
concerning the distinction you draw between Nazi and Zionist racist criminality
shows a shallow grasp of the matter. "A There is a quantitative distinction
which can be drawn between the two historical phenomena but not a qualitative
one. Ideologically the two are siblings born of the same Blood and Iron
Bismarckian context -- or as Herzl put it "Blut und Boden" (blood and soil);
both reflected aspirations of emerging Central European bourgeois/petite
bourgeois strata to get into the big game until then the playground of
the Western powers UK, France, USA plus the Tsars: colonialist expansion
into territories populated by, in Kipling's immortal phrase,"the lesser
breeds without the Law". voluntary reconciliation with the Arabs is out
of the question either now or in the future. If you wish to colonize a
land in which people are already living, you must provide a garrison for
the land, or find some rich man or benefactor who will provide a garrison
on your behalf. Or else-or else, give up your colonization, for without
an armed force which will render physically impossible any attempt to destroy
or prevent this colonization, colonization is impossible, not difficult,
not dangerous, but IMPOSSIBLE!... Zionism is a colonization adventure and
therefore it stands or falls by the question of armed force. It is important...
to speak Hebrew, but, unfortunately, it is even more important to be able
to shoot - or else I am through with playing at colonizing."Vladimir Jabotinsky,
founder of Revisionist Zionism (precursor of Likud), The Iron Wall, 1923.
"We must expel Arabs and take their places." David Ben Gurion, future Prime
Minister of Israel, 1937, Ben Gurion and the Palestine Arabs, Oxford University
Press, 1985. The IMC movement is an institution in its infancy, including
in its volunteer ranks many whose knowledge of communications technology
is fantastically impressive. We who are about to become obsolete salute
you. And the concepts of non-hierarchical relationships and cooperative
work have advanced mightily. But. Many IMC people lack background in political
issues other than the ones, like environmentalism and "globalization" as
it has emerged in the last few years. Evidence of a lack of historical
background is everywhere evident. Many seem to believe that the resistance
to capitalism and the accompanying war-mongering began with the movement
against the War in Vietnam, which itself is viewed as a chapter of barely
relevant ancient history. Here are three texts, which if mastered, you
can ignore everything Noam Chomsky ever wrote and still have a perfect
grasp of the globalization phenomenon, as well as the key to understanding
everything said and done by the zionists and their Ideological State Apparatus:
Das Kapital, Vols. I,II,III: "Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism"
by Vladimir Lenin; (don't assume that I am a "marxist-leninist" because
I am not, but I know expert analysis when I see it - this work predates
the October Revolution); And: Three works by Dr Lenni Brenner, two downloadable
from the Web: begin with "The Iron Wall: Zionism in the Age of the Dictators".,
and don't miss "Jews in America Today" which you may find still available.
While you're at it find Power Structure Research on the web and download
the reading list. Start with H. Zinn and the Foners, and study US history
in detail. That's where the bodies are buried, millions of them, in the
sense of Corpii Delecti. Epistemological doubts? Check out Ignatiev. And
Buddhist psychology. That should keep you from getting in a rut! And since
communications is the chosen field, don't forget Brecht "theorie of radio",
but Do read the "Diaries" of the first genius of mass communication: one
Paul Joseph Goebbels. disappointing letter by deva 12:49pm Sun Mar 3 '02
comment#4257 bleechk What a weak letter It gives the rabid zionists validity
in their efforts to silence all criticism of Israel Latuff's cartoons do
not say that what Israel is doing now is equal to the holocaust, but it
is making the point that there is a similarity in nature - oppression and
killing of another people. There is a reason over a hundred Israeli soldiers
refuse to participate - also, Nazis called themselves a superior people,
a racist statement - and the Jewish religion calls themselves the chosen
people, which is also a fundamentally racist statement. The relentless
cry of 'anti-semitism' is driven by an effort to be the chosen people,
driven by a belief, conscious or unconscious to be superior. The zionists
cannot stand to just be people, amongst all sorts of other people. They
want their special place. Latuff is entitled to express his opinion on
the matter, and it is an opinion that has some reflection of the current
situation. He is making a reasoned point. Efforts at censorship should
be refuted, without kissing up to the one attempting the censorship. Support
for free speech rights for Latuff and IMC should be unequivocal, not also
including statements on how justified the mouth foaming zionists are and
would they please reconsider because the internet is just not policable,
as if we would if we could. What ass kissing! One scientist published a
paper on his genetic research which indicated that Palestinians and Jews
are racially identical. The powerful zionist lobby, declared him anti-semitic,
and managed to have the study completely squashed, with all issues of the
magazine it was published in withdrawn and the researcher censored. It
is completely unacceptable to them to have to be equal to Palestinians.
They want to be superior. They are racists It is disappointing to see any
IMC bowing down to racism. Suffering doesn't have a race by Dissenter 1:25pm
Sun Mar 3 '02 comment#4259 You are to be congratulated for having acted
in support of Switzerland IMC, but some of your assertions are too reprehensibly
dangerous to go unchallenged. Specifically: "In particular, we must explicitly
reject as repugnant the rhetorical device of equating Israeli policy with
Nazism, a hyperbolic comparison that is at best tasteless, deeply offensive
to most Jews and Germans, and historically untenable." Dismissing the parallel
between Israeli policy and Nazism as a "rhetorical device" is insulting
to those suffering Israeli atrocities, as well as to thinking people to
whom the similiarites are clear. The above assertion assumes arrogantly
that your own bias is fact. The Israelis have gone out of their way to
ensure that the Palestinians are under a virtual house arrest, as demeaning
and murderous as any pogrom suffered under Stalin or the SS. There are
more ways to kill than the gas chamber or lining up people and shooting
them, and the IDF has done them all, including poisoning water wells and
ripping up houses and farms. The list expands as the commanders "think
outside the box" as it were. How many people have to die before parallels
can be drawn with the Holocaust? How much blood needs to be shed today?
Ironically, it seems "remembering the holocaust" precludes really internalizing
what should be its lessons ... that we must be on guard and fight actively
against repression of all people. The sacrosanct place "the Jewish plight"
and the "Holocaust" seem to occupy for people seems to do the opposite.
Meanwhile, the people who are suffering and dying must be experiencing
horror similar, if not identical, to that of the Jews in Nazi Germany.
Dogmatists like the AKdH are practicing the same racism they denounce.
Comment from an Urbana-Champaign IMC member by Travas 3:01pm Sun Mar 3
'02 comment#4260 As a member of the UC-IMC, I find it hard to believe that
the Steering group would publish such a statement. Perhaps I should show
up to more meetings. The Zionist policies of Israel should be equated with
Nazism; the parallels are painfully obvious. "In art, Morality is nonsense
In practice, it is immoral In people, it is a sickness." Please Read and
Attempt to Understand by ML 4:06pm Sun Mar 3 '02 comment#4265 Travas, I
would encourage people to attend Steering group meetings and participate.
We welcome the input. On the other hand, I also ask you to carefully reread
the original post and my comments below it. Most of the criticisms are
entirely misplaced and misconstrue what the statement says. The U-C IMC
Steering group took no position other than in support of the Swiss IMC's
right to follow their own editorial policy. Any assertions that the we
took a position one way or the other on the conflict in the Middle East
itself is simply wrong. I do not see us doing so, but you're welcome to
bring it up, if you'd like. disappointed by loel 4:12pm Sun Mar 3 '02 comment#4266
loel@coolrio.com As a cofounder of Houston IMC and having worked with both
LA and NYC IMC's I want to express my extreme disappointment in the letter
that UC IMC wrote concerning the closing of the Swiss Site and the Latuff
cartoon. It is clear that the authors of the letter do not have a real
grasp of what is going on in the Isreali - Palestinian conflict. Israeli
policies are racist and fascist, just as those of the NAZI's were. The
parallels and similarities between them are obvious. I am one IMC contributor
and supporter for whom you do not speak. loel coleman otro vez by loel
4:23pm Sun Mar 3 '02 comment#4267 "Any assertions that the we took a position
one way or the other on the conflict in the Middle East itself is simply
wrong" The following statement from the letter reeks of taking a position
that the Isreali policy is not as horrendous as it is and is therefor suggestion
that their policy ought be whitewashed. This is called "[taking] a position
one way or another..., etc." "In particular, we must explicitly reject
as repugnant the rhetorical device of equating Israeli policy with Nazism,
a hyperbolic comparison that is at best tasteless, deeply offensive to
most Jews and Germans, and historically untenable." a few personal comments
by gehrig 6:30pm Sun Mar 3 '02 comment#4270 zemblan@earthlink.net I'm speaking
for myself here. And I'm scratching my head, trying to figure out what
letter it is that some of you folks seem to have read, because it doesn't
seem to be the one that got posted. Take another look to see what I mean.
The letter posted here _explicitly supports_ IMC Switzerland's decision
not to remove the cartoon. It _explicitly_ condemns censorship. Yet we're
accused of promoting censorship. Wha-a? The letter posted here _explicitly
refuses_, in as many words, to accuse Latuff of antisemitism. Yet we're
accused of flinging the accusation of antisemitism around for political
purposes. Huh? The letter posted here _explicitly_ notes that the bulk
of Latuff's series was not controversial; only a single panel was, and
for reasons the letter spells out _explicitly_ as being the "Jew = Nazi"
bit. (Which, by an amazing coincidence, is what AKDH said too -- except
that everybody was too busy shouting their hatred at them to hear what
_they_ had to say.) The letter posted here _explicitly notes_ that free
speech is the central notion of the IMC movement, and that free speech
must prevail. So we're accused of being against free speech, natch. The
letter _does not defend_ Sharon or current Israeli practices. I'll say
that again: the letter _does not defend_ Sharon or current Israeli practices.
Neither does it condemn them. Why? Because the letter isn't about the Mideast.
It's about AKDH and IMC Switzerland. The letter also doesn't take a stance
on conflict diamonds, global warming, Microsoft's monopolistic practices,
African debt forgiveness, or Enron's ties to the Bush White House, for
the same reason. Nevertheless, from the responses, you'd think the whole
thing was one big valentine to Ariel Sharon and signed by Zionists Are
Perfect, Inc. So I have to ask -- what letter did you guys read? The only
points where there is anything like controversy in the letter's stance
are these two: 1) The letter rejects, not criticism of Israel, not criticism
of Zionist policy, not criticism of Sharon, not criticism of American support
of the Israeli right, not criticism of international Jewish support for
the Israeli right, not criticism of the IDF, not criticism of the conservative
Evangelicals supporting Israel blindly, but _simply and solely_ the rhetorical
trope of "Jew = Nazi." But even this little call for responsible rhetoric
is enough to set off some people shouting, "Zionists! Eeek! Zionists!"
And the letter goes on to explain _why_ the comparison should be rejected:
not because Zionists should somehow be immune to criticism -- believe me,
I hated Ariel Sharon before some of you were even _born_, and am not at
all naive about what's going on now, even today -- but because there are
some forms of pure rhetoric which do nothing but make respectful discourse
needlessly difficult, and the cheap-shot exploitation of tragedy is one
of them. Is that really so difficult a point? Is that really so hard to
swallow? Again, that is the key word: "exploitation." It is no less skanky
for an anti-Zionist to exploit the horror of the Holocaust as a vehicle
for condemning Israel than it is for a Zionist to exploit the Holocaust
as an excuse to build more West Bank settlements. Is that really so difficult
a concept? Yet I read responses from people who seem to think that we have
argued that any criticism of Israel is antisemitic (!) or some other such
nonsense. Reread the letter; it's spelled out there, and it's not what
some of you are saying it is. 2) The letter accepts that, without further
evidence, there is no reason to attribute motivations to the AKDH other
than what they say they are. It seems a not-very-buried assumption on the
part of Latuff and his defenders that AKDH, a priori, is not really what
its very name says it is, but is instead some sorta se-e-ecret Zionist
front. Evidence? How dare a progressive ask for evidence! Let's all just
instead! How dare anyone suggest that there may just be two sides to the
story? There's certainly no shortage of overt antisemites who delight in
the "Jew = Nazi" comparison because they know how specifically hurtful
Jews find it; give me five minutes at Google and I could pull up a hundred
examples from the kinda guys who sign their posts "88" (a white supremecist
code for "Heil Hitler"). Folks like David Irving, he of the "I am a Baby
Aryan" jingle, who have no bones about their intention to spiff up ol'
Uncle Adolf's image. If you think that doesn't happen, and happen a lot,
you're being naive. But -- and this is where AKDH goes astray -- that doesn't
mean that everyone who makes such a comparison is inherently an antisemite.
Some people haven't thought it through; some people just can't be bothered
to consider the kind of historical sensitivities you get when you lose
a third of your people. Eventually, though, it's been my experience --
about two decades of it -- that those who are actually reaching for understanding
about the Mideast (rather than excuses to hear their own voices) generally
come to see that there are far better, more effective ways to express rage
against Israeli policy than by intentionally jamming their thumb into the
wound of the Holocaust and then wondering why people get so upset. @%<
more explanation from a u-c imc member by Paul R. 6:54pm Sun Mar 3 '02
comment#4271 paul@mediageek.org I thank gehrig for clearly expaining the
letter and pointing out exactly what it says and what it doesn't. That
said, some further clarification on how this letter came to exist in the
first place is necessary. At the Feb. 24 meeting of the U-C IMC Steering
Group we consented to write a letter of support for the Switzerland IMC,
as the Steering Group, not as the entire IMC, since we cannot speak for
the IMC. In the course of the week the person who had brought the issue
to the group and who agreed to write the letter asked another person, gehrig,
to do it. That is the letter you see above. The Steering Group was not
informed about this change, and a draft of the letter was not circulated
before it was posted. When I saw it here I was surprised. At today's Steering
Meeting we addressed the fact that the letter does not speak in the name
of the entire U-C IMC and that the Steering Group did not indeed actually
consent to the entirety of this letter, since it carries more commentary
than simple solidarity with the Swiss IMC. However, it is also true that
the cat is out of the bag, so to speak. The letter now lives on the Internet
and cannot be recalled or edited to suit our actual consensus. While several
of us are uncomfortable with the letter--all for varying reasons--we also
seemed to agree that there was little to be gained in trying to change
it or issue a clarification, retraction or rewrite. It would be an exercise
in futility and our energies would be better spent on many other activities.
It is my hope that the U-C IMC, its working groups and its members will
be known for their actions and not just one letter that really wasn't written
with full consent in the first place. As a founding member of the U-C IMC
I would prefer look forward to what we can do to further the cause of independent
progressive media and how we can help extend the power of media to the
oppressed peoples of the world rather than worry over this letter. There
is no full consensus of political position at the U-C IMC, as there is
none in the IMC mov't as a whole. Its diversity, transparency and openness
to dissent and debate are its strengths. Gehrig has made points that merit
reasoned debate, and dismissing them and the U-C IMC out of hand furthers
nothing. The U-C IMC is open to everyone, and anyone may come in and take
part in any meeting. Consensus includes everyone in attendance, not just
members. If you wish a new or different statement to be written, please
join us and help us write it. Steering Meetings happen Sundays, Noon, 218
W. Main ST., Urbana, IL. Until then, I've got work to do. to gehrig: by
deva 1:04am Mon Mar 4 '02 comment#4273 Latuffs cartoon series does not
say Jew = Nazi It does say that Israeli National policy has a similarity
in character to Nazi Germany. This is not an anti-semitic position to take
and is in fact an argument that can be made with some justification You
tell all the responders that they must have mis-interpreted the letter.
. . take this quote: "This controversy pits two important but irreconcilable
principles against each other: on one hand, unfettered, uncensored free
speech; on the other, the repudiation of racist and antisemitic rhetoric."
You are implying that Latuff's cartoons are anti-semitic, for if they are
not, there is no conflict of two principles as you say then take this quote:
"We call upon the AKDH in friendship to reconsider their suit against IMC
Switzerland. ÊProceeding against the IMC would be, we strongly believe,
ineffective or even counterproductive. ÊThe Latuff panel is, ultimately,
too insignificant to merit the closing of IMC Switzerland. Given its international
nature, the Internet cannot be purged of all expressions of antisemitism
-- or any other type of insanity." What you are doing here, is calling
Latuff's cartoon anti-semitic and insane, which is again in contradiction
to the earlier statement otherwise. You are pandering to AKDH and their
position. You are saying that they are right, but please have mercy on
Swiss IMC because the internet is too hard to police. . .and because Swiss
IMC does otherwise good work then take this quote: "In particular, we must
explicitly reject as repugnant the rhetorical device of equating Israeli
policy with Nazism, a hyperbolic comparison that is at best tasteless,
deeply offensive to most Jews and Germans, and historically untenable."
You may personally find Latuff's cartoon repugnant, however, it is clear
that many other people, in fact the majority of replies to this post and
others at a couple other imc's are critical of your letter. Perhaps there
is a reason and you should not dismiss it so quick. Latuff's cartoons are
legitimate expressions. There is nothing sacrosanct about 'the' holocaust.
The Jews do not have sole claim there. There were more non-Jews killed
in camps than Jews. The Nazis killed 3 million Soviet POW's in little more
than a couple years. In Bangladesh in 1971, approx 3 million were killed
by the Pakistanis in a mere 9 months, perhaps the most concentrated mass
killing in history. Is that just a holocaust, while we are here talking
about "The" holocaust? many people are deeply offended by this setting
one horror so much above others that most people dont even hear about these
others. It does a terrible disservice to the millions and millions of people
who have died in horrific mass killings across time and the globe. The
Jews have no special claim to suffering. Quote from reply: "Again, that
is the key word: "exploitation." It is no less skanky for an anti-Zionist
to exploit the horror of the Holocaust as a vehicle for condemning Israel
than it is for a Zionist to exploit the Holocaust as an excuse to build
more West Bank settlements." Using the horror of the mass killing of Jews
by the Nazis as a means to stop a current injustice is certainly different
than using it to perpetrate that injustice. That you personally agree with
AKDH is up to you. It was disturbing that this attitude was being put forth
as representing the UC-Imc. Now that it is explained otherwise by paul,
his suggestion to move on sounds good. We all have plenty of work to do.
========== IMC is NOT UC-IMC by IMC Anarchist Organizer 1:50am Mon Mar
4 '02 comment#4274 I want to remind readers that no one IMC represents
the network as a whole or any other IMC for that matter. UC-IMC's statement
is theirs and theirs alone. Please remember that the IMC is a NETWORK of
autonomous collectives, each with very different political perspectives
and experience *and* politics. I come from an anarchist background emphasizing
labor and class struggle. I have been working on the network infrastructure
for IMC since the beginning. Many of us understand that an attack on one
is an attack on all. So, in this spirit, we must not let IMC Switzerland
get shut down. Personally, I don't like the UC-IMC statement for many of
the reasons listed above, but in particular, the naivete expressed in asking
AKDH to drop it's lawsuit. Are you serious? We must demand that they drop
it because we are in solidarity with Swiss IMC and the politics of the
newswire. We must protest this type of pressure tactic wherever it may
occur. In Solidarity, V =========== ----------- Morpheus/KaZaA Controversy
(english) by J. Fleming 11:33am Sat Mar 2 '02 (Modified on 6:09pm Sat Mar
2 '02) A DISCUSSION Administrator--Please let this stay up. I know it isn't
hard news, but it is a gripping soap opera of events. Background: Users
of the popular "peer to peer" file sharing network, Morheus, recently found
that they could not connect to their system. Instead they recieved a notice
explaining that their software needed to be updated. Morpheus' official
explaination told the user that an unnamed partner had unexpectedly upgraded
their software, causing a compatibility issue, and that the new edition
would be available within days. In the meantime, that unnamed partner,
KaZaA, launched it's own P2P network complete with a page greeting Morpheus
users. The Gui and format of Morpheus is retained nearly line for line,
and while Morpheus geuinely has a new edition coming out (both boast faster
downloads and enhanced media capabilities), KaZaA beat Morphus in a mad
race to the internet by at least two hours. It's the author's speculation
that Morpheus was the lawers and money and KaZaA was the developer. Perhaps
Moroheus's upgrade was engeniered so as to leave KaZaA in the dirt, causing
KaZaA to wisley make a break for it. The object of discussion I'd like
NETWORK? For instance, I found the legal documentation for KaZaA to be
written for readability, which is reflective of an atitude i like to see
in an organisation. I'll leave it open. add your own comments =========
you got it backwards (english) by blitzen 12:06pm Sat Mar 2 '02 Your speculation
is almost exactly backwards. Check this out: http://www.zeropaid.com/
news/articles/auto/03012002b.php (the file sharing portal; over 20 miljon
served) =========== THanx for the correction ... (english) by J. Fleming
6:09pm Sat Mar 2 '02 ...i'm getting that crap off my machine right now.
=========== Morpheus is not the probem; KaZaA is the problem posted by
jaquer0 on March 01, 2002 @ 06:55pm The frustration of many of us who use
Morpheus when, beginning Monday night, increasing numbers were unable to
log in, has mostly been viewed as a mess-up by MusicCity/StreamCast Networks,
the parent website/company of Morpheus. This is not the case. To understand
what is going on, it is important to realize that there really aren't three
different programs (Morpheus, KaZaA, Grokster) but one core program from
a Dutch company. To this core, different "skins" and different pointers
to ad servers and the home page of the sponsoring group have been added.
Largely decorative elements not essential at all to core functionality
is what differentiates one from the other. The original one was KaZaA,
which was based on the technology of FastTrack, a small Dutch software
house also known as Consumer Empowerment. FT/CE created KaZaA as its consumer
arm. The same small group ran both. From the beginning FT/CE wanted to
run a way-cooler-than-Napster file sharing service but one that would operate
with a suitable legal framework, i.e., licenses. It repeatedly, and unavailingly
sought agreements with the music mafia monopolies. As a gesture of good
faith, it configured KaZaA to not present MP3 search results of files encoded
at more than 128kbs. Hit by a lawsuit by something akin to a Dutch equivalent
to the RIAA, FastTrack/KaZaA was ordered to shut down file sharing on its
network at the end of November; the company explained that it was unable
to do so due to the architecture of the network; and was then threatened
with $30,000/day fines for every day it refused to do so. It was days away
from a court hearing/day or reckoning when suddenly, over a weekend in
January, the original founders of KaZaA announced they had sold most of
its assets to Sharman Networks. The announcement was very short on details.
ONE detail however that eventually did come out --it is placed very prominently
on the home page of the KaZaA web site-- is that the original developers
of the FastTrack technology no longer have anything to do with this project
and the new owners now control the further development of the program.
It is a highly unusual announcement, a monstrously successful technology
platform goes out of its way to PROUDLY BOAST that the people that brought
you this way cool breakthrough platform no longer have anything to do with
it. Why would you BOAST that you have lost the development team of such
a smashing success??? My *suspicion* is that the original team INSISTED
it be made clear they are in no way responsible for what THIS new outfit
is doing, and Sharman networks is just trying to put a positive "spin"
on what is essentially a statement disowning KaZaA. It is these new owners,
and this new development team, that less than a month after the takeover
of KaZaA announce THEY have a significant new upgrade to the program and
begin distributing it publicly on Feb. 11. Like previous upgrades, this
one is spread "virally," i.e., upon coming into contact with an upgraded
supernode, a 1.3.3 version of the same "brand" of the program is asked
to upgrade to the new version. The upgrade executable is kept on every
upgraded user's computer, which makes it fast and easy to replicate a code
change. There were no incompatibilities between the 1.5 client and the
1.3.3 versions reported for two weeks. The two different versions apparently
interoperated well, even though the majority of the base of the network,
people using Morpheus, weren't upgrading as there was no upgrade available
for the Morpheus-branded product. Then the evening of the 25th, out of
the blue, Morpheus users started to be locked out of the FastTrack network
with the message about their software being too old. Go to the newsgroups
and check out the posts. The first ones are Monday evening, and immediately
EXECUTED ATTACK. It did not his EVERY Morpheus user at once because of
the nature of the network, many Morpheus users were connected to the overall
network through Morpheus supernodes. Over a couple of days, as fewer and
fewer Morpheus supernodes survived, more and more Morpheus users were locked
out. The existence of two auxiliary upgrade files offered by Grokster is
damning evidence that this was a carefully planned purge of the morpheus
client. One deletes Morpheus settings from your registry. The other deletes
your old list of supernodes, replacing it with a new list. Upgrade instructions
for Grokster, which seems to simply be a stalking horse for KaZaA/Sharman,
tell users to uninstall the previous versions of the three programs AND
run these two files. Why? For a long time I had ALL THREE installed. I
did not see any issues. But it sure is an effective way of driving any
Morpheus clients from the networks. Now, the grokster tech support people,
who for once have been quite active, insist the fault lies with MusicCity/Morpheus
for not going along with the upgrade. But MusicCity says it has no such
upgrade available for a very good reason: it wasn't told about it, nor
was it offered a software upgrade. As a licensee, it takes the fasttrack
technology as is, in a black box, so to speak, and merely puts its own
wrapper on it. The head of MusicCity says he isn't even sure who controls
FastTrack technology now. Moreover, MusicCity confirms that the "you must
upgrade" diktat isn't coming from them. That being the case, it MUST be
coming from KaZaA through their new 1.5 client acting as supernodes. There
is simply nowhere else for such a widespread message to originate: either
it comes from the MusicCity logon server, or the supernodes. I tend to
believe the statements by the head of Music City, if for no other reason
than KaZaA/Sharman is not talking to the press. They won't answer emails,
even from their special email address from press inquiries, even when the
email came straight from the domain of one of the world's best-known and
most prestigious news organizations. They have no phone or physical address
that anyone can figure out. Their own website is nonexistent but the domain
registered by some fairly low-level employee of this "brilliant digital"
outfit. Given everything that's been going on this week, you'd think they
would have said SOMETHING. If the purge had been accidental, or if they
had a leg to stand on in blaming music city for the situation, they would
have said something. Their silence condemns them. In the court of public
opinion, on an issue like this, there is no fifth amendment. There's no
Sharman statement because this wasn't an accidental, or even foreseen but
unavoidable result of the advance of the technology. This was planned,
premeditated, with malice aforethought. I stress that there is no inherent
conflict in the two technologies, and if there were, we can assume by now
KaZaA would have made it public to explain what is going on. And I do not
believe there has been the slightest change in the core technology at all:
you do not learn, as a programmer, how a complicated code base like KaZaA
works in three weeks, and you CERTAINLY aren't ready to release to MILLIONS
of users a change in the way the core of the program works in that short
a time, and MORESO without the help of the original programmers. The capacity
to lock out older clients was, unfortunately, already built into the FastTrack
code base. It was used in the fall to do the upgrade to version 1.3, to
fix the "security" issue, which, as not many people know, was simply that
an independent team had reversed engineered the technology, what FastTrack
used to call its "peer to peer stack," and was ready to go public with
it. The 1.3 version of the technology was evidently done in a hurry, as
it required a couple of 1.3.X revisions to fix bugs, and the truth is the
PREVIOUS versions worked better. I'm willing to bet what the new development
team changed in version 1.5 was the revision number and perhaps a typo
or two and the copyright notice. I suspect they turned off the super nodes'
capacity to log on clients directly, so that people MUST go through a central
server that, it turn, unleashes some ad server on them. At least I suspect
so, because I don't see any johndoe@?????, which, it is believed, is how
users who |
bypassed the logon servers
were identified. And whatever code already existed in the program to spread
upgrades and eventually shut out previous versions was turned on. Those
are all the changes. So the truth is that Morpheus users were locked out
by supernodes running version 1.5 of the client software. They were locked
out by decision, not by inherent interoperability problems, unexpected
clashes, software bugs or anything else like that. That decision came from
Sharman Networks, and if ever a corporation deserved the adjective "shadowy"
this must be it. Another person here has detailed the results of an investigation
into Sharman, and everything seems to point to is being a front for or
associated with brilliant digital. And who is brilliant digital? Go to
their web site and have a look around. Look closely, for example, at the
biography of their executive team. Takeover. Buyout. Management buyout.
Sale. Again and again and again. The CEO does not boast of the way cool
products he shepherded to market, the insanely great companies he built,
the technology awards his people garnered. The bio reads like the typical
rap sheet of a vulture capitalist. Look at their
products. What do they
produce? Tools for adware, spyware, snitchware. Look at their "piracy"
policy. In addition to making all sorts of outrageous claims that have
no support in law, like the typical LIE that their product is "licensed"
not "sold" (a lie because the law regulates these sorts of contracts; a
purchase sale contract is what is involved in over-the-counter retail boxed
software purchases, no number of statements by one side can change it);
they also explicitly PROMISE to load your computer down with spyware and
snitchware and cooperate with the Microsoft stooges from the Business Software
Alliance in getting you reamed. And the question naturally arises: WHAT
are people associated with such an outfit and such extreme views doing
buying control over the leading p2p file-sharing network and its technology?
And why are they doing EVERYTHING in their power to DRIVE OUT the largest
of the companies associated with the network, even at the cost of losing
MILLIONS of users? What is it that they have planned that requires that
MusicCity be out of the picture? Given the silence of Sharman, the extreme
and peculiar way they have approached the beginning of their ownership
of KaZaA, the precarious state of the company given the legal threat hanging
over it at the time of purchase, the statement conveying the message from
KaZaA's founders dissociating themselves from this current outfit; the
links to brilliant digital; the nature and character of brilliant digital
management, products, and statements; I think the file sharing community
must become extremely alarmed. I do not think it can be excluded at this
point that KaZaA is being turned into, in effect, a trojan horse controlled
by the corporate cartels and the monopoly mafias. Will future versions
of the software report back to the RIAA and the Business Software Alliance
what you're sharing and downloading? What is the relationship between sharman
and brilliant digital? How much did they pay for KaZaA? And ... whatever
did happen to the lawsuit that was potentially going to bankrupt KaZaA
in a matter of days? I have, alas, no real answers, but answers are required.
------------- jaquero al | March 1, 2002 @ 8:55 pm | hawcable.net | Mozilla/4.0
(compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows 98; Win 9x 4.90; Q312461) That really sucks!
Morpheus was really good, despite the countless adds, i hope they manage
to outsmart and outplay the evil kazaa corp(sounds like the survivor tag
line doesn't it? MikeHunt | March 1, 2002 @ 9:32 pm | .........dsl.lsan...pacbell.net
| Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows 98) ...good job - jaquero!!
I'm sure some answers will surface over the next few days.... nathan |
March 1, 2002 @ 10:23 pm | hawcable.net | Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE
6.0; Windows NT 5.0; Q312461) what do Mulder and Skully have to say about
this? Crazy Horse | March 1, 2002 @ 10:26 pm | .........dsl.sntc...pacbell.net
| Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows 98; T312461) Something REALLY
stinks over at Kazaa/Grokster. BEWARE !!! BOYCOTT !!! Blubster !!! Foreverboard
| March 1, 2002 @ 10:56 pm | View Profile ....client.attbi.com | Mozilla/4.0
(compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows XP) Opera 6.0 [en] " I think the file sharing
community must become extremely alarmed." I agree beware. Brian | March
1, 2002 @ 11:41 pm | ...........dynamic.ziplink.net | Mozilla/4.0 (compatible;
MSIE 6.0; Windows 98) So many questions, and so few answers from Sharman/BD.
Something isn't feeling right with the KaZaa program anymore. They are
planning something. They are hiding too much. eos_venus | March 2, 2002
@ 12:23 am | .ns.resnet.cua.edu | Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows
NT 5.0) as an oper for the morpheus irc chat, let me just say how hellish
these last few days have been, and that there is very little that pisses
me of as much as kazaa's actions over the past week. their homepage is
encouraging morph users to ditch morph for kazaa, etc etc, which i find
revolting. I hope... (Read More) TheSacredEdge | March 2, 2002 @ 1:23 am
| alink..com | Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows XP) Opera 6.0
[en] Some sorta plot to shut down file sharing, i spose? Pitiful thing
is its WORKING... I've been in the MC chats all night, and people are so
ticked off about Morpheus being down that they're going to Kazaa... They
won't listen to any real details. wiggum | March 2, 2002 @ 2:26 am | View
Profile ... | Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows 98; UTVI) Great
article! I think a Boycott of Kazaa is called for. I wonder what implications
this will have for the US court case against fasttrack? Now that Morphesus
has converted to Gnutella, effectively AOL Time Warner are now suing what
it created (Read More) Alx5000 | March 2, 2002 @ 3:05 am | View Profile
..libre.retevision.es | Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)
well, after this best-seller like story, i dont really know what to think...
kazaa, morpheus, audiogalaxy... all of those have repeatedly filled our
computer with their ads or their spyware... isnt it time to boost open-source
development? there are a few good OS P2P programs [most of them for ...
(Read More) --------------------- This pamphlet consists of five
articles : 1. Autonarchy - Direct Democracy for the 21st Century. ----
In 1968, when the French Unions and Communist Party realized they lose
credibility by opposing the strike, they joined it so as to take it over
and use it for their own purposes. The French Communist Party ordered its
Union, the C.G.T., to demand a wage increase to buy off the workers and
stop the strike. Pompidou's government realized that the Communist Party
wants to save itself, and the system of representatives, and agreed to
a 15% increase of basic wages, plus a reduction in working hours. To everybody's
surprise the workers rejected this offer. They declared : "We do not want
a larger slice of the economic cake, we want to run the bakery". This demand
was, of course, rejected by the French government, by the Communist Party,
and by the Trade Unions. Accepting it would have made them all redundant.
Gradually, after weeks of strike people began to drift back to work and
the strike gradually subsided. Why ? The reason for the failure of this
unique strike was the inability of the strikers to unify the decisions
of all meetings all over the country into a single decision. Society must
have the means to unify many decisions into a single decision. This is
necessary for running an electricity grid, transport and communication
systems, health and education services, etc. The main justification for
Central Government is its role as unifyer of decisions. The inability of
the strikers to produce an alternative system for unifying many decisions
taken all over the country into a single decision binding the entire society
enabled the Central Government to reassert its authority. Gradually the
old system of representatives in France reasserted itself. Is this the
end of the story ? NO WAY ! The motives for this strike have not disappeared.
Quite the opposite. The motives for the 1968 strike are stronger today
than ever before, not only in France but everywhere. The 1968 strike in
France was directed against antiquated authority relations, against hypocrisy
and corruption of politicians, against all Political Parties and Unions,
and against the inability of citizens to have a say in decisions affecting
their lives. These motives are stronger todaythan in the past. Since 1960
at least 40% of the electorate in the USA never bothered to vote in any
election to Congress and at least 30% did'nt vote for Presidents. People
abstain because they find elections ineffective in bringing about real
change. Today, as in 1968, Political Parties and leaders inspire boredom
and disgust. Most voters in the West today vote "against", not "for". The
1968 strike was unexpected and faced problems never faced before, it lacked
means to unify decisions taken all over the country into a single decision
. This enabled the French government in 1968 to reassert its authority.
Today electronic communication provide the means to solve this problem
in a new manner. 3. Magnetic Card Direct Democracy ( M.C.D.D.) Personal
computers, Computer networks, magnetic-card technology, faxes, cellular
telephones, and communication satellites, did not exist in 1968. Today
their use is widespread. Millions today use magnetic cards daily to handle
their finances. Autobank Computers add decisions taken by millions of magnetic
cards and display the totals within seconds. By equipping every telephone
with a magnetic card-reading device magnetic card technology handling our
money can easily be adapted to handle our politics. It can add, within
seconds, decisions made by millions of citizens, and display totals immediately
and continously on TV. Direct voting on every political issue, and proposing
decisions to vote on, by each and every citizen, never possible in the
past, is possible today. The technical reasons for having representatives
are no longer valid. The old battle cry of the citizens against the absolute
authority of the King: " No taxation without representation" must be changed
today into a new battle cry against all forms of representative authority
possible today for every citizen to propose and vote by means of a magnetic
card on any issue at any time and to see vote totals on TV within seconds.
DirectDemocracy is on the cards, technically, and historically. It will
replace the complicated and expensive system of Representative Democracy.
It is far more democratic than Rule by Representatives. It is the ultimate
democracy. It is too democratic for many democrats. It will save a lot
of money by abolishing all jobs of political representatives, deputies,
will save millions spent on running Houses of Representatives, Governements,
Presidents. Moreover, it will abolish corruption and favouritism. No one
will have extra authority worth buying. Buying and selling votes will be
a criminal offence. Political Parties will have to change from vote collectors
into spreaders of ideas. Autonarchy means 'self rule', direct rule by all
citizens. Autonarchy is not Socialism, Socialism is rule by the Socialist
Party, and State ownership of the economy. Autonarchy is direct rule by
all citizens with employees ruling their places of work. Autonarchy is
not A-narchy. A-narchy means 'without rulers' or State, Autonarchy is a
State run directly by all its citizens. Autonarchy combines aspirations
of original Socialism and Anarchism for a society based on freedom, justice
and equality, updating them for the 21st Century. ===snip===
Understanding makes possible liberation from repetitive undesired outcomes.
In Direct Democracy the ruled are the rulers. ===snip===
Dec. 2. 1996 IS AUTONARCHY POSSIBLE ? Dear David, Thanks for your letter.
Since the collapse of the USSR all discussions on alternatives to Capitalism
have stopped. Socialists stopped suggesting State ownership of the economy.
Anarchists barely mention communes. The collapse of the USSR has ruled
out Socialism as an alternative to Capitalism. The anarchist option cannot
even be tested by history due to its rejection of any kind of State. As
a result all those who reject Capitalism nowadays produce critiques of
Capitalism but no alternatives to replace it. We must go beyond criticizing
and start to consider new alternatives. Return to 'True Marxism', 'True
Leninsm', Trotskyism, or Anarchism, is backward looking. Marx, Bakunin,
Lenin, or Trotsky, knew nothing about Magnetic Cards, Computers, Sattelites,
Optical fibres. These technologies were beyond the boundaries of their
imagination. The political implications of electronic communications revolution
are ignored by all political thinkers. The revolutionary changes in communications
technology make it possible, for the first time in history, to transfer
and add up millions of decisions taken far appart into a single total in
seconds and to display it continously on millions of TV screens. Political
decision-making by millions of people is now possible. Politics is decision-making,
and when means of communications change, decision-making changes. Traditional
political thinkers, Left, Right, and Centre, ignore the consequences of
the communications revolution on political decision-making and thereby
render themselves irrelevant to 21st Century politics. We need NEW ideas
taking account of new technologies, not return to old ones. Political systems
like those of the USSR/China are outdated and reactionary. We need a political
system more democratic than Capitalism and more egalitarian than Socialism.
Magnetic Card DirectDemocracy (M.C.D.D.) is such a system. It can also
be named Auto - narchy meaning Self - rule. You asked : " How can 200 million
people rule themselves directly ? " " What about production, distribution,
police, courts, and the army ? " " How can one guarantee that a small group
will not take over power ? " " What about the Constitution ? " Let me try
to aswer your questions : FIRST. Every telephone must be equipped with
a magnetic card-reading device enabling users to pass a magnetic card through
a slit and send its data to a local computer as is done in supermarkets
today. The udials a number and slides the card through the slit for identification.
Computer programs at the other end check the identity and prepare for further
input. Just as in an Autobank. Every citizen will have an additional secret
PIN (Personal Identification Number), or Voiceprint, to prevent people
from using cards that do not belong to them. In remote areas wireless telephones
will transmit this data via sattelite to the computer. Peoples decisions
enter computers which add up totals. This technology functions in most
banks and supermarkets all over the world today. In the 21st Century much
of telephone transmission will be by optical fibres greatly increasing
capacity and speed. Using this technology every citizen can make every
political decision. The guiding principle of Autonarchy is: EVERY CITIZEN
can easily handle 200 million data inputs. A million or two can be fed
into a local computers calculating totals to pass on to central computers.
Solutions to problems of production, distribution, etc, will be given by
panels of experts for production and distribution when facing the need
to do so. There is a fundamental difference between creating solutions
to social and political problems and DECIDING WHICH SOLUTION TO USE. Experts
invent solutions to problems. Politics is about deciding which solution
to use. Many believe expertise grants authority to decide.It does not.
Deciding is choosing. Choosing depends on preference. ==<snip>==
PRINCIPLES OF AUTONARCHY Every citizen has the right to propose,
and vote on, every political decision. People represent themselves only.
Representing others is illegal. Every citizen has one vote, and only one
vote, on every political decision. All votes have equal weight. Majority
decisions are binding. Needs of the poorest must be attended before needs
of the less poor. Needs of the sickest must be attended before needs of
the less sick. Excepting these two, needs of the many must be attended
before needs of the few. Protecting species from extinction and Nature
from destruction and pollution is compulsory. All employees must have the
right to propose and vote on every decision concerning their work. All
employees in a country, trade, or firm, can form employee autonarchies
of the country trade, or firm. Employees at a site are the highest authority
to decide matters of their site. They have the right to veto any other
decision concerning their site. Teachers, students, and parents, have the
right to propose and vote on the content of their education and how they
should be taught, on a national and local level. At any educational site,
staff, students, and their parents, are the highest authority to decide
policy and practice at that site. Staff and students at an educational
site can veto any decision concerning their site. Students have the right
to veto decisions by staff and parents. Any minority, while obeying majority
decisions, has the right to campaign for its views and to propose - after
a year - a new vote on previous decisions. Any minority has the right to
express its view. Minority rights are irrevocable. They do not depend on
the minority's views. All cultural groups have equal cultural group-rights
irrespective of their size. People can be appointed to carry out decisions.
Appointees have no authority to make policy decisions. They have authority
only to carry out decisions of those who appointed them. Appointees can
be changed any time. Each member of a family has equal authority in deciding
matters of their family. Wives have same authority as husbands, and from
the moment they ask for it so have the children. Obstacles to Autonarchy
are neither technical nor financial, but political, social, and psychological.
Autonarchy is more democratic than any Democracy. It is the ultimate democracy.
It gives people more political freedom than any other system by enabling
them to live according to their own decisions. Freedom means living by
one's own decisions. In society, work, family, freedom is limited by decisions
of others. Autonarchy allows more freedom to more people than any other
system. Of the many objections to Autonarchy I consider here two: 1.
Is it desirable that all citizens decide directly all political issues
?. 2. How can one prevent the 'Dictatorship of the majority ' ?. Here
are my answers: 1. There are many examples of majority decisions producing
disasterous results. Is it therefore wise to allow majorities to decide
every political issue ? Whatever the answer it cannot serve as a justification
for any other political system as there are examples of every decision-making
system producing disasters for the decision makers. No political system
can provide a guarantee against decisions producing disasters for the decision
makers. We can leave aside unforseen factors not taken into account by
the decision-makers. Such factors will always emerge and cannot be avoided
nor can decision-makers be blamed for failing to foresee them. We must
consider cases like, say, the majority which voted the Nazis into power
in Germany in 1933. The disasters resulting from this decision were not
brought about by unforseen accidents. They resulted from the priority principle
of a majority which put its own wellbeing above the wellbeing of all others,
and was willing to dominate, oppress, and exterminate 'inferior people'.
Such preferences by majorities, minorities, or individuals, can occur again
in the future. They prove nothing about a decision-making system. The question
that matters is : Can disasterous consequences of decisions change priority
principles that led to such decisions ? The possibility that decision-makers
will stick to a priority principle that produced disasters decreases as
the number of decision-makers increases. A single person is far more dominated
by anxieties, obssesions, and fixations than a group. Had Hitler's generals
succeeded to assasinate him in 1944 they would have surrendered long before
he did thus saving Germany, and the rest of the world, much suffering.
Hitler survived the assasination attempt and due to his obssesion he continued
with a lost war for another year causing much suffering to Germany and
to the rest of the world.. Autonarchy, based on political decision-making
by all citizens, is less prone to personal whims than any dictatorship,
or representative democracy. 2. Majorities can do worse than err, they
can try to oppress minorities. Minorities oppressed by majority decisions
will resist as best as they can, and undermine the stability, security,
and prosperity, of the entire society. A wise Autonarchy will introduce
measures to safeguard minorities from oppressive majority decisions. Laws
protecting minorities from oppression and requiring a special majority
to modify them must be introduced. Minorities need laws protecting them
from oppression by majorities. A good example is the regime established
by the ANC in South-Africa. Having won an absolute majority in the last
elections the ANC could have introduced laws granting rights to blacks
while denying them to whites. This could have been done democratically,
by majority vote. Black racism would have been met by White resistance.
This would have plunged society into violence, insecurity, and instability,
as in the former White racist regime. Wisely, the ANC did not use its majority
to grant special rights to blacks. It created a regime where rights do
not depend on colour of skin. Autonarchy must legislate laws to safeguard
minorities. An Autonarchy will be viable, durable, and prosperous, only
if it grants minorities the same group-rights which the majority enjoys
and desists from imposing the majority's beliefs, culture, or language,
on any minority. In cases of differences between geo-cultural regions,
as in the European Community, there is a point in creating a federation
of smaller Autonarchies rather than a single, large, Autonarchy. A system
can be devised wherein some decisions are made directly by all citizens
of the federation while others are decided by citizens in each Autonarchic
member of the federation. The right of an Autonarchic member of the federation
to veto decisions of the entire federation must be ensured. Laws protecting
minorities from majority oppression enhance the cohesion of the Autonarchy.
Creativity in this direction can produce a political system which its citizens
will enjoy rather than just endure. I'm sure I did'nt answer all your questions
and probably created more than I answered. Answers will be invented by
people facing actual situations. ==<snip>== . In politics "impossible"
often masks "undesirable". Check if those saying DD is impossible desire
it. Remind Elitists that, contrary to Plato's critique of Athenian Democracy
2500 years ago, both Aristotle and Socrates supported it, and even today
we benefit from its achievements in art, philosophy, and politics. Direct
Democracy will stimulate people's involvement in their community and society.
It will awaken their responsibility for their community and society. It
will inspire political creativity and goodwill stifled by all other political
systems. It will raise humanity to a higher level and will change not only
society but also individuality. It will transform the "person" from a bored,
and indifferent, member in a static, corrupting and alienating political
system into an active shaper of a consciously evolving society concerned
with the well being of the community, society, and humanity. Return to
begining of Manifesto email aki_orr@netvision.net.il ============= Two
parties, both for war and domination (english) by DutchMoon 7:50am Sat
Mar 2 '02 Hello, I thought you might be interested in a website called
youngrebels.com. Example of content: "There are many of us who are determined
to live a life of peace. We're not supposed to recognize each other. We're
not supposed to hear about each other. We're not supposed to think for
ourselves. It's simply not in the best interests of the dominators. But
we are here. There are infant minds of all types in every direction desiring
a peaceful existence in order to explore our minds, our lives and the universe
we find ourselves in. For the first time in human history, our technology
allows us to witness the condition of life on Earth. We can choose to proceed
along a destructive path, or we can reach out to each other and exist in
peace. There's no reason why we should be anything other than a community
of friends. It is our choice to make." www.youngrebels.com Please forward
this e-mail to anyone interested in a peaceful future. Thank you www.youngrebels.com
no it doesn't (english) by ooga booga 10:35am Sat Mar 2 '02 direct democracy
doesn't work. It leads to total anarchy! ========= your point being. .
.? (english) by liberAtion 11:42am Sat Mar 2 '02 "Direct democracy doesn't
work. It leads to total anarchy!" And why is this a BAD thing?! What's
wrong with anarchy?! =========== whether (english) by junglejaws 8:00pm
Sat Mar 2 '02 whether it leads to anarchy or not, that wasn't the thrust
of the post, which was to present a GOOD reason for those fucking chip
IDcards. The reason was excellent, but the other adverse affects ARE NOT!
bigbrother, privacy, individualrights... Vote or no Vote, it don't fucking
matter (english) by Adam Weishaupt 11:53pm Sat Mar 2 '02 The powers that
be will make sure profit and corruption will win, or they'll make the economy
squeellll like a pig! ------------------ The Movement under pressure and
danger from Ultra More Radical than Thou Whites (english) by disgusted
5:39pm Sun Mar 3 '02 (Modified on 10:22pm Sun Mar 3 '02) A trip down memory
lane for Chukee and others? The Movement under pressure and danger from
Ultra --------------- 143863
+20 the old hullabaloo around ChuckO's cheering again (only a couple of
commenters here) militant dunces
(english) by Mark L. 10:48pm Sun Sep 30 '01 emptyflagpole@hotmail.com I
hate to quote the Economist, but the indulgent, imbecilic tactics of the
BBloc and other such groups during such a sensitive time do indeed fit
the archetype of the protestor as a "militant dunce". Consider for a moment
the implicit elitism of intentionally using tactics that will only garner
revulsion from the very masses you purport to serve.Or do you truely think
that a person of color will be won over by the example of someone they
generally see as a symbol of their having at least *some* representation
within the present system being beaten and pepper sprayed? I don't mean
to put Ramsey on a pedestal; clearly he's where he is today at least partially
as a way to con the non-whites of D.C. into feeling represented and involved.
However, the con has *worked*, and won't be undermined by such a non-sensical
attack. You seem committed only to preserving your Fuck Shit Up boy's club,
not in building a movement with a chance at changing the world. If our
ideals are at all democratic, it should be broadly recognized that confrontational
tactics in general only produce more resistance and reinforce the doctrines
we supposedly stand against. If our ideals are at all anti-authoritarian,
we should all see the irony in attempting to force ultraradicalism down
the throats of an unprepared world through violent coercion. I think the
truest "direct action" during these times is education through dialouge.
If this cause is one that we believe in, we have to allow it to withstand
the test of dialouge with people who disagree with it. If we can't handle
that, then we have no business pretending to care about "the masses", because
the masses can't choose to change until they have awakened to the ruse
they have been indoctrinated to believe. I, for one, don't believe that
awakening will come from the smoke of a burning flag on the scene of a
terrorist attack. -Mark ============ <snip> Finally, someone wrote
that the ANSWER rally and march were not "in the here and now." The short
answer is that during an imperialist war crisis the ruling class is almost
completely controlling everyone's perceptions of reality, so if most people
think you are "well-adjusted" to the here and now during a war crisis,
you are probably doing something wrong. In the broader sense, in my view
being an effective revolutionary means that you have to have one foot in
the here and now, and the other foot in the vision of the socialist world
to come. Also, please don't just go and start supporting the war just because
some supposed Stalinist advised you to oppose it! :-) In the struggle,
Lou Paulsen member, Workers World Party, Chicago www.workers.org ========
Many different thoughts....Kind of a critique (english) by Wankstor X.
Muzzlebutt 11:59pm Sun Sep 30 '01 systemp@dog.com Hm. There are many parts
to this story that seem yet to be confirmed, and others which, I believe,
result from growing pains. First of all, I was helping out this weekend
with a microbroadcast of the IMC-DC webfeed, so while I was comfortably
sitting at home far away, I wasn't completely disconnected (in fact, we
think some hams DFed us Saturday, and now we'll wait for the inevitable
FCC letter). This did, however, give me a chance to watch the C-SPAN coverage
of the second action Saturday (IAC). From the stuff I've seen/read of the
ACC action, I haven't yet heard of either DC Cop Honchos getting knocked
around. Chuck0, can you provide any confirmation? I DO know that asst.
Chief Gainer was somehow exposed to pepper spray, but that apparently happened
because somebody 'spiked' his helmet with it - noboby actually sprayed
him. There's a pic of Gainer on DC Indymedia getting his eyes washed out
with water. But I heard of no direct physical clash with either of those
men. The second point is, I think this nascent movement needs to stay "on
message" when it comes to specific events. I realize the ACC was still
protesting the IMF/WB in its own way, but for fuck's sake, did we need
two-plus hours of speechifying before the IAC march? Everybody and their
fucking mother got up to speak out about a myriad of issues, from the destruction
of the environment to gay rights to freeing Mumia. I think the thing that
killed me the most was when C-SPAN did a shot of the crowd and right in
the center-front of the screen is a guy YAWNING. Use your numbers to advocate
a crystal-clear demand. In this specific case, it seemed that that message
was supposed to be no war and racial tolerance. Don't get me wrong, all
the issues brought up are worthy - but all should also be given their own
time and place for protest, for maximum impact. Otherwise, it does begin
to sound like a cacophony, which does absolutely nothing to win hearts
and minds - and we need many more hearts and minds before we start affecting
significant change on a global scale (or even on a national one). Which
brings me to my final point - folks like Chuck0, who are the real revolutionary-types,
pure in ideology and solid to the point of stubbornness in their convictions,
are an essential part of any overall movement for change. However, they
almost never get what they want: as masses for social change grow to that
critical stage, where they actually GET SHIT DONE, the overall message
of the masses tends to moderate. It's just a function of growth and size.
This phenomenon helps grow numbers, even if it restricts the scope of potential
change (for now) down to some 'key' demands. That's just the way social
revolution works. It's why the revolutionary will never, ever be extinct.
But you also NEED the middle class to get those numbers, because that's
where the people are. And we all need to wake up and realize this fact.
I mean, While out at the NAB Radio Convention/Media Democracy protest in
SF last year, a friend and I went to a workshop at the convergence center
with about two dozen other folks. We all sat in a big circle and introduced
ourselves, explaining the reasons for being there. One of the guys in the
group was an anarchist named 'Spaz.' He was the radical's radical, gutterpunk
style - dreads, nails up thru the baseball cap brim, the whole nine yards.
Hardcore in all perspectives on life. When it came to Spaz's turn to speak,
he basically said (and I'm paraphrasing), "The middle class are my enemy.
They are all consumerist sheep, and they need to go just as much as the
ruling class are." And my friend and I are sitting in the circle across
from Spaz thinking, wait a minute, WE'RE middle class, and we're here with
you! My friend, as we walked back to our (gasp) hotel room, remarked, "Shit,
I've got a mortgage. I wonder what Spaz would think of me if he knew?"
It goes without saying (but I will anyway) that I don't want to be exterminated
in the revolution - I wanna help. I'm here, after all. That weekend, Spaz
stood in the face of the riot cops when we tried to bum-rush the Hilton
(where the NAB was holding its radio awards banquet), and I stood between
them in no-man's land, snapping photos and recording audio. We all did
our part, and that protest (for such a just-budding issue like media democracy)
was very successful. The important thing to remember is, you don't have
to agree with everyone all the time. We're all working for a better world
here, and I think it's safe to say that we all share the same genral direction
when it comes to pushing in that direction. Remember that at the next big
demo - who knows, when you need someone to watch your back, that someone
may just be me. I have too much respect for Chuck0 to dis his politics.
I mean, where would we be without infoshop.org? However, it does absolutely
no good to overstate our gains, because if push ever came to shove, and
we had to show our strength or lose for good, I'd want to be damn sure
that I had the firepower to back up the confrontational rhetoric. I have
a sneaky suspicion that we're not there yet. It's a critical juncture in
the history of this movement. There may need to be an adaptation of tactics,
depending on how situations unfold. Evolve or die, in effect. I am torn
over the results of S29-30. It was good to see *something*, but the seeming
lack of coordination over street/public tactics I think might have hurt.
I hope we get another chance to get some of our points across before Armageddon
comes. If y'all want me to leave now, just say so. -wxm ====== Me again
very briefly (english) by Lou Paulsen 7:10pm Mon Oct 1 '01 wwchi@enteract.com
I received a very friendly e-mail this morning informing me that the authors
of the original statement are in fact solidly antiwar and that the question
is just about what "rallying cry" is most appropriate. On reflection, I
will leave all my remarks on people being "carried away by the war crisis"
on a strictly if-the-shoe-fits basis, and I cheerfully apologize to anyone
who thinks I was trying to make them personally wear a non-anti-war shoe
that doesn't fit. If nobody wears the shoe and it turns out I was just
talking to myself, it wouldn't be the first time. Past that there can be
a whole lot of discussion but it doesn't have to be on this thread, and
there will be plenty of avenues. I will say this, though: I honestly believe
that we really do have to say that we are against the war as statement
number one, because if we don't, we run the risk of being willfully misrepresented
by the media and everyone else. And we have to watch how they are using
ordinarily progressive demands/ideas to build the war drive. As an example,
the Chicago Sun-Times, which is so crazy for war these days that it's like
an old Nazi German paper, had a big article today reading "War is Only
Hope for Afghan Women"! There's a spin you don't see every day: the Pentagon
is now waging an anti-sexist war! Anyway, I'm done for now... see you all
in the streets! Lou Paulsen ============ 10 Amherst rads burn flag make
big news then (english) by another favorite 5:59pm Sun Mar 3 '02 Amherst
dilettantes burn flag and go to posh apartments rented by mommy and daddy
to eat veggie burgers and post news of their exploits on Indy media. Commandante
ChuckO the overweight yet all knowing couch potato and veteran web page
designer calls it a blow against the man. Right wing talk show hosts across
the US last night and CNN interrupted their coverage of the fiasco abroad
to focus on 10 self styled Patty hearst types out of that radical strong
hold Amherst. Reporters giggled and the FBI was content as ten (wow) heirs
to millions reacted to flag wavers by burning two flags denouncing shopping
malls and marched away. Rush Limbaugh called it "exactly what I need to
villify the blame America first crowd". When asked why he did it Amherst
Anarchist Wing Nut said "why not man we are gonna turn this motha over
biatch". His girlfriend Heidi Ann Seek threw in "he is soooo dreamy". Across
the US radicals like ChuckO reported to his fellow computer geeks that
this action "proves our militant movement and tactics are close to toppling
the junta" he then got on his sat phone to inform a group of radicals sunning
in the Riviera while begging unemployed Italians for money before they
return to their hitch hiking forays into the North East. Sub Commandante
Trash Talk of the Amherst Worms not Anthrax collective reprted from the
Riviera that "they would return when the Junta has come to realize our
power and we are poised to ascend to lead America". Trash Talk condemned
"activists who look normal at working class campuses across the US who
are currently assisting in doing security at Arab/Muslim buisnesses and
trying to educate the public about the complexities of the situation overseas
are a bunch of reformists helping their friends the Arab Capitalists to
protect the means of alienation of the resources from the people" after
taking a breath he added "when will these soft shelled sell outs realize
you have to turn this motha over biatch" "you can't break eggs with out
making a little Omlette" and " I don't have time to educate the masses
they support Imperialism anyway"! It seems less cool activists and organizers
from working class backgrounds across the USA are wasting their time trying
to reach out to people in their communities to start a boring educational
process to educate average people to the real issues facing us as we move
into the future and trying to stop Anti-Arab/Muslim violence. Yesterday
when a bunch of Crime Thinkers showed up having not taken baths in three
weeks and wearing shirts that depicted a flag burning to assist in doing
security for the local Mosque. Arab community leaders told them that their
help was not needed. WIng Nut said "See these fascist Capitalist Arabs
are just part of the problem" ======== It's good to be anti-Chuck0 (english)
by Outlaw 6:37pm Sun Mar 3 '02 But you're doing it for the wrong reason.
Chuck0 is not militant enough. He's a whiny little Marxian crypto-statist.
He considers freedom of expression a 'bourgoise conceit' and attacks Bakunin
by accusing him of being a 'dead white male'. ========== This is how COINTELPRO
Works! (english) by Anti-Capitalist 6:39pm Sun Mar 3 '02 This is a good
example of how COINTELPRO works. If this isn't the work of government agents,
it's the work of somebody who is too cowardly to come forward and sign
their name to their criticisms. Chuck0 has always been very open about
his thoughts and opinions. Some folks may not like his criticisms of other
groups on the Left, but he has always stuck to a principled critique of
their politics, tactics, and methods. Who would have an axe to grind against
Chuck0, that they would post an atatck like this? Bill White? The International
Action Center? =========== I didn't know Indymedia had a reruns season
(english) by justliketheteevee 6:55pm Sun Mar 3 '02 Hey, this is a good
bit of marketing. If there aren't any hi-ratings slagging matches going
on at the moment, just pull an old one out of the can. It works for the
teevee, don't it? Maybe we can even keep reprising this bit long after
everyone concerned is dead of old age- just like I Love Lucy! ===========
Which is it? COINTELPRO or the Statists?Moron (english) by @DD$ 7:11pm
Sun Mar 3 '02 Personally, it seems the original post was prophetic. To
call it COINTELPRO is moronic. How many people left their EMail contacts
above standing with the original post? Including IMC insiders? Come on
AC aren't you just in denial? I would be more apt to think Chuck0 was the
COINTELPRO puppet. Bragging on the internet about militant tactics? After
911? I do not think Chuck is COINTELPRO just horribly and acutely mistaken
and amateurish. The fact is that the assertion Chuck made that militant
tactics were alive and well has not been proven out. In fact, the opposite
has been so. Why is it that any time anyone disagrees with you it is immediately
called "COINTELPRO". Maybe the one who claims it the loudest and most often
is the guilty dog barking loudest. Which is it? huh? IAC? Bill White? COINTELPRO?
The original post is hardly indicative of the racist Mr. White, nor Communist
friendly enough to be IAC. The poster seems to be voicing some very real
and legitimate questions about how we move forward from here without being
ground to red,white, and blue hamburger. ======== The IAC? (english) by
Makhno 7:19pm Sun Mar 3 '02 There is one group that is really skilled at
using racial politics to slime their opponents: the International Action
Center. Since Chuck0 has been outspoken about them, it stands to reason
that they had this little "bomb" ready for the next time he criticized
them. ========== Hamburger (english) by Anti-Capitalist 7:42pm Sun Mar
3 '02 If the original poster is trying to prompt a fair debate, they aren't
doing it in a constructive manner. This is quite clearly an attempt to
smear one activist who spoke out about what he thought. Perhaps it doesn't
really matter who spent several hours compiling the information for this
attack, but it is quite clear that they are using race--among several other
things-to attack a well-respected anarchist in the anti-capitalist movement.
Perhaps this person simply fears militant tactics. Perhaps they have a
vested interest they are trying to protect. Chuck0 was correct when he
argued that militant tactics were possible after 9-11. This has been demonstrated
at various protests since 9-11. The ACC held a militant, un-permitted march
of over 2000 people on September 30th, at a time when people argued that
there shouldn't have been any protests. This march was empowering for the
people who participated and it encountered only a few problems with the
police. There were only minor injuries from the cops and nobody got arrested
for anything serious. What's more, this wasn't the only ACC action that
had been planned for that weekend. Several ACC activists had also planned
a takeover of D.C. General Hospital. If the occupation had worked, several
hundred people would have taken over an abandoned building on the campus
of D.C. General. There were plans to even start up a pirate radio station
in the occupied building! This plan didn't work out, mainly because of
sloppy post-9/11 security culture, but this action really demonstrated
that members of the ACC had taken Genoa into account when planning for
the World Bank/IMF protests. ========== Anti Cap is off base. Chuck cooked
own goose (english) by @DD$ 8:12pm Sun Mar 3 '02 This is hilarious. Chuck
is so self righteous. I am sorry I meant to say Anti Cap. You are soooo
concerned about this aledgedly respected "Anarchist" and the personal attack
on his stupid statements. Where has the ACC been? they couldn't take over
DC general because they including Chuck advertised it on the internet.Nothing
since Sept.29. NADA. They have done nothing and you know it. You talk about
things they planned to do. You got nothing.You've done nothing. To be honest,
I don't remember ever seeing the "well respected" ChuckO anytime we were
ever getting arrested. ====== question.. (english) by onlooker 8:26pm Sun
Mar 3 '02 So who appointed Lou Paulson as spokesperson for all people of
color? a thought agent in our midst (english) by electron-proton ion helium
plasma 8:50pm Sun Mar 3 '02 the atricle wasnt very objective, chuck0's
statements do not properly fit the question asked nor form a proper rebuttal.
needless to say, i'm disappointed that a true activist would paint someone
in a manner not befitting them. however, after perusing the pro-anti chuck0
comments, i quickly concluded that chuck0 en masse with his organization
is bereft of the anti-imperialist, anti-capitalist movement. i was appaled
at chuck0's comment on the african american police chief that was knocked
down. it seemed rather senseless and sadistic, an inept tactic that can
endanger the entire gathering. to add, the police (albeit, foes at the
moment of protest) arent the proverbial cossacks (a few perhaps). the gathering
isnt centered around them, rather the govts policies, that endanger the
basic functions of human life (police included). the police arent an extended
arm of the draconian politician, rather "sheeple", an unthinking, unfeeling
entity. we protest for their sake as well. conc: chuck0 is a mole ==========
what the fuck? (english) by Mark Bialkowski 9:31pm Sun Mar 3 '02 mbialkowski@rogers.coMAPSBLOCK
Someone remind me what the point of this article is again? platdragon.cjb.net
========== Who is "disgusted"? (english) by IMC Volunteer 9:33pm Sun Mar
3 '02 It turns out that "disgusted," who posted the screed above, is infamous
Washington peace nazi Carol Moore. Ms. Moore has an axe to grind with Chuck0,
as well as anybody who advocates tactics that include acceptance of violence.
Moore also has shown in the past a willingness to use race-baiting to discredit
and attack her opponents. Here is a key passage: "US:ChuckO we know one
thing. You didn't knock anyone down. So a bunch of white kids running over
the African American Police Chief is inherently anti-capitalist? Attacking
a chief who is trying to pull together a predominantly black city of many
nationalities after being terrorized is inherently Anti-Capitalist? We
are working for a new world without capitalism but we do not see this as
Anti-Capitalist. We see it as stupid, shallow,and possibly sabotage!" This
reads almost exactly like the rants that Carol Moore posted to various
email lists before A16 happened in Washington. Moore attempted to discredit
violence against police officers by pointing out that they were mostly
black. This is of course true, but Moore ignores the fact that the Washington
police force has consistently attacked activists without any provocation.
In essence, she is using the race of many of the police officers as a reason
against activists defending themselves from police violence. Of course,
this hunch could be totally wrong. I don't remember Ms. Moore being that
concerned about Crimethinc books. In any case, another rant on Indymedia.
========= I Think Not (english) by Anonymous 10:22pm Sun Mar 3 '02 Volunteer,
I suspect you're mistaken. The last time I checked, Carol Moore was pro-capitalist.
Remember, she is a member and elected official of the DC Libertarian party.
------------------ ----------- The Arabs have 80 percent of the British
Mandate Borders. Israel has 20 percent (english) by Baruch Cohen 4:36pm
Sun Mar 3 '02 (Modified on 6:35pm Sun Mar 3 '02) Baruch_Cohen@hotmail.com
Read article Originally the British Mandate Territory included Jordan or
the East Bank. The British gave the entire East Bank to the Arabs in 1946.
Thats 75 percent of the land. Israel has only 20 percent of the land, since
the British Mandate in 1917. While the Arabs have 80 percent. U never here
about the Palestinian state as such, created in 1946, built over more than
2/3 of the British Mandate and with no Jews allowed to live in it. The
name of that state is Jordan. So what do we have now in the Middle East:
The the Palestinians have a country (Jordan). There, they have evolved
faster than any science could ever explain, to become "Jordanian People".
This "people" made peace with Israel. The other Palestinians, who were
left on the back burner, managed to make you think, that Jordan is something
else. Think about it for a while. Jordan which is Palestine. That is one
big Palestinian state and I guess that is not enough for Palestinian imperialism.
add your own comments The Israeli's were givin 20% as a gift ! (english)
by ZIONAZI Moron 5:31pm Sun Mar 3 '02 They were given 10%and they stole
another 10% and that isn't enough?n The Arab people made room for a down
trodden people to have a home and they turn it into a police state apartheid
regime. reposting... (english) by Omar Farook 6:23pm Sun Mar 3 '02 address:
Brossard, Montreal Before I begin, I would like to declare my biases, not
only is my name Arab, I am a Muslim, Arab, Palestinian refugee. This article
conveniently fast forwards history to 1948 and misrepresents the attack
of 1967 as a defence. Please afford me the courtesy of a few lines of comment
in which I would like to clarify a Palestinian perspective 1- The league
of nations had declared Palestine under the mandate of Britain. A superpower
at the time, Britain was required by international law of the time to look
after Palestine while creating an infrastructure that would enable the
people living there to eventually reach a stage when they can rule themselves.
Prior to that Palestine, like the rest of the region, was under the rule
of the Ottoman Empire. 2- Where the Ottoman succeeded in fending off the
Zionist conspiracy of settling in Palestine from 1897 till the fall of
the Ottomans, the British did not attempt to block the attempt. Behind
the scenes, Zionist capitalist conspired with the inherently racist British
rulers of the time not to only to look the other way while Zionists started
flocking to Palestine but to actively set up an environment that would
support the creation of a Jewish State. Laws were instilled by which Palestinians
would hang for carrying a knife while Zionist settlers were build armed
militias. The Palestinians resisted. Revolutions, hunger strikes, general
strikes. The British looked the other way and the second world war eventually
started. British "Lord" Belford had given a promise on behalf of British
government which conflicted directly with an agreement made with the Arabs
(Hussein McMahon)to allow them to create an Arab state in the Arabian Peninsula
and the Levant (Currently the area Palestine, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan) as
well as Iraq. 2- WWII came and the Zionists used every hook and crook to
settle Palestine. They broke an embargo enforced on Nazi Germany in return
for allowing certain individuals (and only these individuals) to leave
to Palestine. The Haavarah, as it is known, is well documented. By the
end of WWII the Zionists had managed to bring to Palestine the Jewish platoon
that fought with the Allies. This was the core of the Zionist forces. A
well-trained army in the camps of the Allies equipped with its arms. Arabs
Palestinians were managing resistance by buying hunting rifles from Syria
and smuggling them to Palestine. After the second of WWII the Zionist started
attacking the British as well as Palestinian villages which they had been
doing in raids (similar to those of nomads). In 1947 the resolution of
the UN to divide Palestine came to be after the assassination by the UN
envoy Count Von Bernadot on the hands of ex-Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir
and his gang. This first plan of division of Palestine divided the land
disproportionately to the ratio between Arabs and Zionists. THE EXISTANCE
BEEN ATTACKED UNPROVOKED. The area known as the triangle of the Galilee
was supposed to be Arab. In 1948, some 300 towns villages had been erased
off the face of the planet in that region and the area was under Zionist
control. Surely, you no one would presume that this area had demolished
and forced its inhabitants out of itself on its own accord. The Israelis
started an intentional and pre-planned operation to take over Arab land
and terrorise the Palestinians out of their towns and villages by committing
massacres in strategic areas and keeping a few alive in each even to spread
the news about the horrendous acts the Zionists were committing. The story
ignores the disproportionate force between Palestinians and Zionist forces.
To present a picture of this disproportion, by May 1948 the Zionist were
bombarding the British garrison Jaffa (Yafa) the largest Arab population
centre of the time. Keep in mind, the Arabs had been denied arms since
end of WWI. There were several revolts where Zionists were killed. All
went severely punished by the British all the while killing Arabs went
unpunished. Arab brethren did try to come to the aid of Palestinians and
the Zionists used that to their advantage in two folds: First they made
sure that the Palestinian population overestimated the power of these armies
thus facilitating the flight from their hometowns and villages hoping to
come back when the Arab armies arrive. Second, they have been milking the
subject for all the sympathy and rationalization towards their attempt
to explant Palestinians and replace them with settlers victims of WWII
persecution. The truth is, Saudi Arabia was not independent yet, neither
was Jordan effectively. The trans-Jordanian army was lead by a British
General, Glob. The Syrians had just removed the French and so had the Lebanese
and the Iraqis and the Egyptians with the British. The whole invasion was
a fallacy. An HONSET attempt to help Palestinians nevertheless an attempt
that lacked any sophisticated military equipment or planning. It was mostly
honourable Arabs with the exception of a very few regulars. Israel followed
its 1948 organized terror campaign with direct participation in the 1956
This was unprovoked and under and in coordination with the French and British.
You should check with the USS Liberty later on.. The description of the
1967 war is childish and lacks morality. The attacker of three countries
is the protector and the attacked are the aggressors? Israel is one the
of the top 10 exporters of arms. True but the type of weaponry is what
matters. Or may be at this stage what would have mattered a while ago.
Israel has been known to have had 220 nuclear war heads since late 1980's.
Check the story of the honourable gentleman Mordechai Vanounou. Israel
has been created on the land of my father and fathers and mothers of the
men and women of my generation. You may see it as survival of a country
or a people if you so wish to. I, and my people, see this as a question
of oppression since the end of WWI and a question of property rights. And
please keep in mind that this is the same entity, Israel, that champions
the return of property to victims of rule Nazi (1939-1945) while denying
the well documented property rights of Palestinians after its creation
in 1948. The rights are there, the deeds and best of all, the people who
will continue the struggle with your blessing or without it. While you
make of us heroes who stand up for their rights no matter what the odds
are or while you dehumanize us in animalistic imager of men and women who
slaughter their own children or hide behind them for media attention. Thank
WORTH A SECONBD READ After the smoke clears (english) by Mark Bialkowski
4:11am Sat Mar 2 '02 mbialkowski@rogers.coMAPSBLOCK I find that the numerous
history lessons that come attached to any article on the Israel-Palestine
conflict always end up as finger-pointing sessions, an excuse to avoid
the existing issues. -Are there people who currently exist under military
occupation? Yes. -Are there people on both sides who would see the other
side wiped out? Yes. -Are there people on both sides who want peace of
some sort without wiping out the other side? Yes. -Does a 2000-year-old
land claim nullify the right of an existing population to live on a piece
of land? Not bloody likely. -Are there people who legitimately want peace
and have plans that allow both populations to exist peaceably? Yes. -Are
the Israelis going into the sea? Not likely. -Are the Palestinians going
into the desert? Probably not. Working from the above realities, it is
simple to determine who wants a peaceful solution, and who simply wants
blood. Blessed be the peacemakers. platdragon.cjb.net ---------WELL SAID
www.indymedia.org/front.php3?article_id=... actually . . . (english) by
A 6:35pm Sun Mar 3 '02 The Arab states did not, in fact GIVE any territory
to Israel. The Ottoman Empire was dissolved for their part in the First
World War on the side of the Central Powers. This area was divided into
the Arab States, with much of the territory controlled by British or French
mandate. After WW2, the UN/Britain created the state of Israel. A high
percentage of the population living there was Jewish before Israel was
even constituted. The Arab response to this perceived theft of their territory
was to invade Israel from all of the surrounding countries. The result
of that and the subsequent Arab-Israeli wars was the present arrangment
of occupied territories. It is important to mention two facts here, though.
1.) The Palestinian Authority is only the "representative" of the Palestinian
people because the Arab League was angry with the King of Jordan for refusing
to go to war with Israel. 2.) It is widely rumoured that after the creation
of Israel there were severe abuses of power on the part of the new government,
which at least partially led to the subsequent war. This, however, follows
decades of persecution of the Jewish Kibbutzim by Arabs before Israel was
created. I don't know all the facts, and would appreciate anyone who can
add to this for me. Thx. ----------------- 142683 Bad habits in the middle
east Bad Habits in the Middle East (english) by Bruce Thornton 10:08am
Fri Mar 1 '02 (Modified on 11:46am Fri Mar 1 '02) Some Americans and Eurocrats
are all atwitter over Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah's proposal to offer the
Israelis "recognition" and "normalization" if they withdraw to their pre-1967
borders SOME AMERICANS AND EUROCRATS are all atwitter over Saudi Crown
Prince Abdullah's proposal to offer the Israelis "recognition" and "normalization"
if they withdraw to their pre-1967 borders. Any chance of ending an increasingly
surreal and bloody conflict obviously will be attractive. But as W.C. Fields
used to say, "Count your change before you leave the window." A skeptic
might wonder why this offer, which could have been made thousands of lives
ago, is coming at this moment. Could it be because the Saudis have a PR
disaster on their hands, given that the majority of the Sept. 11 murderers
were Saudi and some of their citizens have been financing Al Qaeda? And
that's just one of their problems. A ruling elite of 6000 princely parasites
sitting over a vast population of dispossessed fanatics and a middle class
suddenly compelled actually to work for a living instead of getting money
for nothing, can hardly afford alienating too much its prime Western sponsor.
So we get some flashy PR, since PR crises are usually solved not with substantive
changes but with more PR. Time will tell if that's the case here or whether
the Prince really means it, or even if he does, he can deliver the rest
of the Arab world. Meanwhile more revealing is the reaction of the West
and even some in Israel. We Westerners have a bad habit of assuming the
whole world shares our values. We are secular materialists who assume that
physical comfort and freedom are the prime motives of humans, or will be
once they are educated out of their ancient superstitions. Also, we are
ethical pluralists: there is no single absolute good, but a multitude of
goods, and these are primarily material and hence negotiable and reconcilable.
Finally, we are believers in rationalism: discussion and factual information
applied to a problem will come up with an answer. Armed with these assumptions,
we believe that conflicts can be resolved through rational discussion,
negotiation, give-and-take, and the timely wielding of the carrot of material
goods or the stick of material deprivation. The problem is simply one of
removing or disarming the old-fashioned fanatics and other irrational throwbacks;
patiently explaining to those involved how their material lives and freedom
will improve; providing material carrots and sticks; and overseeing negotiations
in which all parties sit down and dicker over what quid will be given up
for what quo. This has been the modus operandi of the West in dealing with
the Israeli-Palestinian conflict for decades. And it's been a complete
failure. So perhaps it's time to reexamine our assumptions. Perhaps we
should recognize that there exist peoples for whom spiritual reality and
imperatives trump material ones. Such people are absolutists: there is
one transcendent, immaterial God and his truth is one. True reality is
not this material world but that other world of reconciliation with God.
Our job in this world is to live in accordance with God's truth and to
work to realize God's intention, which is to spread that truth to the whole
world. For people such as these, there is no negotiation, no give-and-take
and no quid pro quo. What part of the truth, what part of God does one
negotiate away? What material carrot is big enough to compensate for the
stick of God's eternal wrath? Armed with the confidence that they are on
the side of God, peoples of this sort will rely on force to work out God's
will. If weak, they will temporize by playing the other's game of discussion
and negotiation, knowing that these agreements and concessions are merely
temporary. They can be patient, since God's time is not human time. After
all, Islam has been here before. For roughly 200 years the Crusader Kingdoms
were outposts of the West in the land of Allah. During that time there
were numerous contacts between Arabs and Franks, from trade to intermarriage
to military alliances. But the long-term goal was never lost sight of--driving
the Franks out of Palestine. One of the greatest of Islamic heroes is Saladin,
whose capture of Jerusalem broke the back of Frankish rule. Israel is like
a Crusader Kingdom: an outpost of the West, a modern liberal democracy
with individual freedoms, a market economy, sex equality, and a secular
government that limits religious interference in politics. And like the
Frankish Kingdom of Jerusalem, Israel's existence is an abomination in
the House of Allah. Unfortunately, the Arab world is unlikely to find a
Saladin who can militarily take on Israel, let alone the United States.
Four attempts to do so have ended in defeat and humiliation. But Israel
has existed for a mere fifty years. Another bad habit we Westerners have
is slighting the longer historical view and demanding immediate resolutions.
But the struggle between Islam and the West has been going on for almost
fourteen centuries. What's fifty years? Or even a hundred? Let the Western
dogs snarl and bark, but Allah's caravan moves on to its historical fulfillment.
Until then, play the Westerners' game, flatter their pretensions, palaver
with their diplomats, posture for their cameras, take advantage of their
ethnocentric gullibility, and chip away at their resolve until time and
circumstance work out the will of God, and like the Franks the Israelis--not
the Jews, who have been tolerated in Islam for centuries--will be driven
into the sea. The big question obscured by talk of borders and "recognition"
and holy sites is precisely whether Islam is ready to reconcile itself
with the modern, that is the Western, world, or whether like their ancestors
they are biding their time until the outpost of that world, Israel, can
be destroyed. So far nothing the Crown Prince or anybody else in the Middle
East has done or said suggests that they haven't opted for the latter.
======= Israel the Outpost of the West? (english) by Rob 11:46am Fri Mar
1 '02 I agree with the article's overall assessment, but have two quibbles
that might somewhat undermine it: (1) Islam's "tolerance" of Jews is, like
all tolerance, conditional. It is true that Islam formally recognizes Jews
and Christians as People of the Book, but just as true that those people
may not proselytize (a behavior Jews have long since learned to avoid like
the plague), and in various locales have had other restrictions placed
upon them. It is true that Jews and Muslims have had periods of mutual
success and cross-pollenization (see for example Malachi Martin's "The
New Castle"); but it is also true that longstanding Jewish communities
in the Muslim world were made to pay after 1948, and have largely collapsed
(with some Israeli encouragement, and a lot of good reason to leave). (2)
The distinction made between Israelis and Jews is necessary to the author's
argument, but does not correspond to history or to current reality. Zionism
developed in response to a new wave of pogroms in Russia, using the new
doctrines of socialism. Cynically perhaps, early Zionists advocated the
return to the ancient land as most likely to appeal to the religious sentiments
of their target audience. But the hope the prospect of return gave to that
audience was not cynical. A long-standing tradition among eastern European
Jews (faintly similar to the Hajj) was that one might, at the end of one's
life, strive to emigrate to the Holy Land. The Left, in the US and worldwide,
is out of power. Its only recourse therefore is to construct and elaborate
a compelling, seamless theory regarding the behavior and agenda of the
Right. The Left's analysis largely succeeds in explaining and predicting
the conduct of the Masters of the Universe, but relies on some broad generalizations
about the structure of world power to enhance its appeal to the disenfranchised.
One of those generalizations redefines militant Islam as part of the worldwide
resistance to capital's global domination. Another generalization collapses
Israel's nature into an outpost of western imperialism, erasing the historical
struggle for survival of what was, until recently, one of the world's unambiguously
threatened peoples. Rob |