Except for most underlined lines in grey I
left all these adresses 'unhypered' for esthetic reasons; but
for real lazy bones I tacked some clicklinks on to the "new links" file
(same style as this one at first. I
like a different colour per category, so you will have to add the 'prefix'
(http://www in most cases) yourselves as follows for instance: leave it
in the location bar and remove what was tagged on after it, now add the
adress you fancy with a copy, paste, enter sequence.I
appended some of the main sites in clickable format for the lazybone and
budgetbound blinker in my
links file: logistic
aids and search engines poetry and publishing
government, economics conspiracy classics,
power mongers reports on digital policies
and other news services, native sites join
the race from and back home botany and 'border
crossing' (smuggling dark n dense into light) video
and film images plus sound sources artsy newdity
and nogotsjensayshones some very learned and
correspondingly dry bits
x x x
ranked the plus or minus 300 sites listed in this file here similarly (minimal
descriptions added when the name isn't indicative enough or merely acronymonious)
into the following themes: logistic aids and
search engines trees as calenders, alphabet
models, infrastructure and sustenance mature
tree magic; periodic pleaches and pleasures (..if
all goes well our attention oughta all add up to stands of and standing
for 'm not to mention respect for (their magnitude in) old age.) raw
food; letter origins, symbolization polyfidelity
and extended families economics, politics
and sacred geometry taskforces, secrecy,
inertia, and other momentae indiginous,
voluntary and 'rizing racisms, and/or fledgling ideologies takes
on the dustily powerful fresh powder placement
greengoods (grinders, dusts, seeds, trees, fruit)
my kind of green pro(-)vision; (p)reduced uprizaroucellwall-wellwill
green militants, bickering about babylonian green unclean +-doing.
ice age cycle juggling, gaian cosmologists
immanentors and inventors of fabulously clean energy ancestors
and progeny, all sorts of metamentors rainbow
fame, fun, family, variety and fabulation
your site to join the
(see bottom of this file)
External bookmarks and placemolders:
learning and earning issues by other sitemakers, a little short on scientific,
long on intuition sort of eclectricks none of which (a handful excepted)
reflect my intent explicitly. Though
we all seem to live through the same real time, we come at very local forms
of it from a myriad of angles, rates of vitality, stages of lifespans,
etc, endless variance rules. My stint
of blippaclip-chipper and dapperly tapping of keys has shown me the net
grows in all directions and even though it is merely a promise (easily
monetizable though), a skeletal key conveyance to and of idealism, much
like permaculturists reasoning from a position when all incompatibilities
and mistranslations are ironed out and abundance unfolded,
few in either category get anywhere near close to the locks that really
matter (yet) if you ask me; all bones no meat to reflect the all desert,
no greenery of the (still!) ruling Babylonian paradigm. But.... everybody
knows the net grows even if I had never entered Universities, read
any Gilder or Wired, both deeply split up from capitalist gadget love (unbelievably
unleavable, tis lodged) (See Rickels, Deleuze, Demeo). May
our receivership attain to, prime and partake of sustainably inborn narcissistic,
primary metabolism: the radiation transforming process blooming, bearing
and bursting into bird song. Following such
purely personal values, certainly not welcome in mass society, among mores
of city builders and slave drivers gets one closer to the relatively much
longer lasting forces which make for legend, wether it leads, ails or gets
lost. Anchor your heart.
up the adressee, some hints on getting
there for those not very familiar with the
interknot moves made here yet. If
you should get some sort of a 'cannot find or contact the file at this
server' type of message, it is reasonable to assume the error lies with
you (us) and in the last part of the adress. Try lopping (backspacing)
a bit of the end specs, up till the last slash; it is no use to do this
with the term after the first slash cause that only gets you to the server,
then again, as a last resort you could use such a term for a search there
if they have such a function. For
instance: http://csf.colorado.EDU/lists/pen-i (where the latter part should
read: pen-l) lets you get close enough with: http://csf.colorado.EDU/lists/
to take it from there. Fiddle around with
server names if it can't even find that (at different times before giving
up cause it may be down temporarily). Sometimes
it seems to help adding the l to .htm or even merely a / behind
a domain name; when I do so in this file, it means that you won't get there
without doing so.
logistic aids and perspectives:
technology and culture (lots of academic texts) Today
on HotWired! Wired
Digital: HotWired - Threads SuckREWIRED
Threads: HotWired 4.0 -- Topics (Need I
introduce these occasionally brilliant netwits?)
my so far futile *?) attempts
to engage this man see: priority_issues.html
fragment near the bottom called: mail missive for Cato thank tinkerers)
containing some strong reservations and acknowledgments (also
in 'dualities and gender') drawing attention
to the following spectrum expert netscore: Callahanzilch,
zip and zero; Gilder galore (OBRL and
ACRES (editor@acresusa) bookstores carry Callahan's
work and
meanwhile I have scanned and uploaded some of his precious work as an appeteazer
myself).... shows you how the cards
are stacked light and blightweight wise. (*?)=
the word lifespan became conspicuously prominent in Gilder's vocabulary
after I sent the comments in the link before last......; just one more
of those suspicious enough little 'contacts'
x x x search
engines: trace.wisc.edu/world/web
x x x beaucoup.com
x x x albany.net/allinone/ (a
big collection of them)
x x x I use Alta vista, Infoseek,
webcrawler and http://www.metacrawler.com
10 fer one) mostly.
x x x
Robert Graves angle: calender and alphabet inspiring symbolic characteristics;
a Gravesian periodical)
x x x //deepsky.com/~graves (Graves
society; I was 21.184 when last there)
x x x imaginet.fr/~flg/aca
x x x eoe-magical.org/tree1.html
tree lore)
x x x cosmopolis.com/df (David
Fideler's page; author of a book about Jesus as Sungod) 'permapleaching
branchfusion): magick.net/arborstu
x x x wizzards.net/arborstu/links.html
x art, 10 x horticultural and 10 x friendly (rainbowz) links
x x x Defending,
living in and standing for/under old growth: newforestsproject.com
mainstream reafforestation effort, US nationwide and international: 4.400
communities and 120 countries)
x x x forestsforever.org (bilingual,
Californian; 20.000 visitors in the past year)
x x x http://forests.org
(2 and a half million visitors so far)
x x x yippee!
pretty informative page about biotecture)
x x x tree.org (hemp
for pulp and other print links)
x x x nyu.edu/projects/julian
A lovely collection of stuff about trees)
x x x earthisland.org/ei (SF, CA
institute with periodical, interns, etc.)
x x x fanweb.org (forest
action network from British Colombia)(are
sattelite loaded images comparable to the use of a worse poison to stop
an already very irritating one I wonder??)
x x x ran.org (rainforest
action network based in San Francisco)
x x x
raw food: rawtimes.com
x x x nildram.co.uk/veganmc (bikers;
part of a biker net webring. 523 sites as of the twentysecond of july 99)
x x x netshel.net/~bdolphin/blatant.htm
and http://www.rain.org/~da5e/rawfoods.html
bookstore and dale kirby on Joe Alexander's book; he is the gentlest of
signpainters. A true cornucopian!)
x x x living-foods.com/ (see
x x x
worduse, -forging and origins:wolinskyweb.com/word
of wordplay links)
x x x ozemail.com.au/~caveman/
site) x
x x ftp://blaze.trentu.ca/pub/jjoyce/fwake/asci_texts
full text of the wake)
x x x http://www.rpg.net/quail/libyrinth/libyrinth.omphalos.html
big site about Eco, Pynchon and Joyce)
x x x reversespeech.com (technical
x x x danwinter.com (lots
of fairy tale displacing space fabulation there, so beware but plenty valid
new co nnections
made despite great losses in translation; on the whole p'raps as costly
and specious as other speculative space travels)
x x x meru.org (see
the bottom of the linguae chapter for some fresh evidence from the controversy
between these 2 last mentioned 'chickens with egg in the face, shipshape
wrighters and wreckers, shemmy dan and shauny stan', at least that is what
I started calling them since Tenen sent me irate missives; I do hate
what he hates as mentioned above and will not stand for being associated
to closely with outer space animators; I go for inner time on that one
like Hensel
did; describe Rocks as respectable ancestors; a veritably genealogical
family tree!)
Poly fidelity fuse priming,
tantrics, frequency fostering sex, intergenitational
contact, mass aging media;
the mess age from which there is no escape; dead or alive. For extended
families see the yellow section
about intentional community. I am not advocating a focus on genital sex,
to cerebrate all of creation one must stay as horny and as ..go here
to read on. x
x x deoxy.org
orientation with sexual overtones) lovemore.com
x x x
x x x
from the bottom up:
imperative principles (if not reading) to aid the incessantly fresh attempts
to liberate, seceed and emancipate from, start up, autonomize,
in other words: make selfsufficient and independent numerous derelict lots,
mininations, territories and (bio)regions like whole watersheds (preferably,
since that would be able to pioneer, demonstrate and show an integral alternative
way to hark back to constituencies both mute and very vocal):
substance of this site is in German
not the links) (the best work there was written
in the 30ties by Ulrich von Beckerath', posted here along with some
other classic social reformers from the monetarily savvy anarchist corner,
in or translated into German;
as I said elsewhere, he would make up for Hitler and all the other German
speaking evil ones, past and future if only his ideas were given a go for
a century or so.)
Will somebody please post
some in english?.....I
did just that meanwhile myself: guest_appearances/intro_to_currency_issues.htm
(about 88K each);
work by Beckerath, Zander, Rittershausen and Zube informing about the symbolic
currencies with Hensel, Callahan and Hamaker thrown in for good measure;
to present a little something on subtle
ones as well. I went to Australia to accomplish
this but ended up with a course correction toward indiginous issues on
which I and the custodian of Beckerath's remaining work (thousands and
thousands of repetitive yet beautiful letters (20
on a good day; an achievement idolized and emulated by John; most of them
have micropublishing as main theme) available
from him on microfiche) did not see eye to eye; for more backscratch turned
bite see the appendices).
x x x Another
economist who deserves some focus now is Roland
Vaubel (did him as well); he is one of the hundred something or so
economics professors from Germany to speak out against a rush job for the
arguing in favor of a proof of balance delivering step by step sort
of progression as best for most such cases in a big fat academic tome about
currency competition and unification.
Two of the all too rare bits of info on John Zube's by now 1400 microfiche
issues, see my appendices and value standard chapter.
x x x art.net/Poets/Jennifer/anarchy
x x x http://www.newciv.org/GIB/BOV/BV-620.HTML
been there a good long while) The later version of this adress, a huge
site, has been renamed:
its the (London) people who put out the encyclopedia of social inventions
x x x
additions: Progressive
Economists Network (PEN-L) Archived @ CSF Communications for a Sustainable
Future. I go see their entries often since
they attempt to strike a balance in, and make a stand for matters like
nativity, ecology and.....their unfortunate and atrociously reactionary
conceptions of economics! Home
Page (title) for a major (Marxist) contributor
to scanning stuff) to the far and wide flung
clique just caricaturized. For my attempts
to challenge these geezers see:
x x x http://www.geog.le.ac.uk/ijccr/
journal for community currency research with message board) x
x x http://cac.psu.edu/~jdm114/
economists includes messages board) x x
x http://www.progress.org/econolink/
little trilingual service from Australia)
x x x http://www.greenmoney.com/gmg/index.htm
money online guide by the RCC group //inusa.com)
x x x http://www.goodmoney.com/
Ethical and Environmental Investing and Consuming & Corporate Accountability;
frequent updates, sensible articles, NH based)
currency) x x x Majordomo@wice.xs4all.nl
x x x adressing the highbrows and bosses:
libertarian thinktank) (see accuracy.org about their supposed recent slide
and shift to the right) x x x lp.org
libertarian party) x x x line.dk/line
network europe) x x x normeconomics.org
editor hobbyhorse: parity in monetization, maximum seven times that of
raw material prices) x x x
adressing lowbrows and bases: mondragon.mcc.es/english/mcc.htm
(the basque co-operative; meager site so far)
x x x transaction.net
SF outfit set up to grow go go with a capacitous infrastructure for conferencing,
Bernard Lietaer posts some juicy stuff here and there are discussions about
new schemes such as the stone society (died
a quiet death again I believe); an autonomous
and imaginative scheme; have yet to find out if it is hybrid or viable
and principled) LETS links:
x x x u-net.com/gmlets/explore/found/index.htm
stuff by Richard Kay) x x x lets.net/localmoney.html
x x x subs to LETS list-servz: mailbase@mailbase.ac.uk
x x x mailbase.ac.uk/econ-lets/files/history.txt
x x x azstarnet.com/~circ/circhome
of: Money for new communities) x x x lightlink.com/hours/ithacahours/index.html
money, a new book out now) x x x //members.aol.com/efs.society
+ schumachersociety.org
(small is beautiful
fame) x x x
ancient and all but forgotten meaning of the word refreshed; a positive
twist to y2k's emblematic potential) x
x x ex.ac.uk/~RDavies/arian/local.html
good, I am proud of this one as my first reciprocal linksite; controversies.html(this
is where 'I' live and am prolonged and promoted to at this gent's site)
the female camp:
transiting to: antenna.nl/menu/vrouwen.html
Dutch branch of apc.org (Ass of Progr Comm)
helping out small female initiatives, 5 Dutch links listed, thereafter
English ones) x x x for-giving.com
and compassionate.org
(a 145 page book by
Genevieve Vaughan to be found here; a feminist criticism of exchange)
x x x netaxs.com/~nvweb/tranet
extension of Susan Meeker Lowry's already respected publication)..
stands for: national organization for raw materials; their rule is not
to exceed the economy's monetization beyond 7 times what raw materials
on peace, taskforces and violence
monopolies: plus some related
reporting (mostly reactionary) may
all early and natural agression be directed at, employed for, succumb to
and perish in the most temptingly staged attempt at processing rock into
richly fertile crumb. nonviolence.org
contrast with the one above) x x x planet-peace.org
x x x http://acgc.org/peacelinks.html
60 of them....who? Well, those well intending hope for the bests of course)But
unfortunately it will take handling a few tyrranies before we can curb,
transform and abandon conventional weapons alltogether folks! go
to poetpiet's priority file x x x radio4all.org/crackcia
x x x gn.apc.org/caat
against arms trading) x x x foe.co.uk/CAT
for alternative technology (at friends of the earth))
x x x peaceworks.org
x x x militia-watchdog.org
x x x wwfreepress.com
update: may 98) x x x technocracy.org
maker(s?) on extended leave since early this year)
x x x http://landru.i-link-2.net/monques/
was (referred from previous adress) visitor
2216 at this Onalaska, Wa, I suspect one man (a
president no less) operated site including
links to stats! Last update in june 99 (no
counter there anymore))
x x x ratical.com/rat_haus
calamity critics) x x x monochrome.com/AMOK
bilingual, German and English) x x x worldmedia.com/caq
action quarterly) x x x gcc.ca/sovinj/index.html
(secession) x x x execpc.com/~talossa/patsilor.html
(merely playful micro nationalism) x x
x http://www.teleport.com/~jstar/terror.html
'perilous times'; prime paranoia (every thing about surveillance types,
techniques and taskforces) x x x
linkers to political issues:
x x x corpwatch.org
x x x m2n.com:200/free/links.default.htm
links to alternative press sites)(down and defunct the last two times I
x x x skalman/nu/seven
whole spectrum, including places like stormfront.com where you find info
on Posse Commitatis info, a sound idea but often tainted with very far
out rightwing reactionary touches though. On separatism alone for instance
he lists 200 sites) 3
Dutch sites: http://www.antenna.nl;(various
causes, MamaCash, etc) http://plaza.wxs.nl/sdn/
with babylon the big bad translator)
x x x http://www.xs4all.nl/~united
ordered European activists (500+ groups);
usual this that and other but supporting migrants and refugees, maybe
even their own support from rock bottom ground floour on up thoroughly
enough some day)
social reformer and anarchist
sites: anarchy-online.com
x x x teleport.com/~jwehling/AnarchistSites
x x x spunk.org
x x x self.gov.org
(the makers of Freeman mag, a veteran libertarian
x x x worldmedia.com/archive
x x x //flag.blackened.net/daver/anarchism/tucker
x x x essential.org/monitor
x x x lbbs.org
x x x webcom.com/~peac/PEACTREE
x x x
(federation of Am Scientist fighting
x x x wavefront.com/~homelands/peaceful
x x x geocities.com/CapitoHill/1549/nik
playing at sec)
x x x ctheory.com
(lots of academically hi and dri caliber hairsplitting)
x x x
sacred geometry and synergetics:
he the ultimate all's well that ends well, not bothering to do links much?
Many contributers and credits though plus great graphics; don't forget
a ten foot pole to push the paranoia out of the way)
x x x intent.com/bruce/links
he lists the Tenen site and not Winter's)
x x x xs4all.nl/gdj/FocusLocus
x x x http://www.beautifulcode.nl;
cute, striking "struck" java animations, very floopy for another Dutch
site, but only in "it" as well: http://www.vpro.nl/frontend/index.shtml
a more unceremonious and modestly Dutch version of the BBC
x x x angelfire.com/mt/marksomers/ggc.html
Fuller explanation"; a dissertation)x x
x luckymojo.com
x x x worldtrans.org
x x x http://www.eagle-net.org/phikent/phi.html
x x x http://www.li.net/~george/
(check his huge and luxuriating but unpruned it seems, polyhedral art and
sculpture linklist for some pretty pics)
x x x ftp://ftp.teleport.com/pub/users/pdx4d/artindex
x x x hoberman.com/fold/more
the promise and products of telescopism)
x x x newciv.org/Synergetic_Geometry
Hawkins' nifty page, lots of cool Quicktime moves)
x x x critpath.org/bfi
official Buckminster Fuller site) x x x
(a Dutchman
linking to Lets in Wageningen!! How come I don't know this geezer yet?
used to go read "Acres,USA" there (I had to
suggest they start carrying it myself first)
but the ag U is fucked; sold it's soul to the devil)
x x x //kcbbs.gen.nz/users/rtomes/index
a really fine site, indepth and far out; technical, few graphics)
x x x cris.com/~rjbono
text online entirely) x x x archdome.com
x x x members.aol.com/Lambdom/Home/ILRIHomePage
research; neat graphics) x x x
teleport.com/~pdx4d/synhome x x x
for a good one to lead into the next category see Anthony Judge's work:
of International Associates); besides being editor of an Encyclopedia
of world problems he comes up with a valiantly comprehensive take on the
I Ching (uia.org/uiademo/met/chingudx.htm, a strong flavour of clerkyness
amongst his references though, almost more like describing the problem
area sign posters rather than people working on them militantly enough,
meaning trying to stimuliberate and direct the top rather than the bottom
of the foodchain; another such however well intended but merely academic,
white collar conglomerate is the:
European Research
Center Of Migration and Ethnic Relations: ercomer.org/wwwvl/alphabetical/index
operated by 30 staff members of the Social Science faculty, Utrecht University.
(and accidental) community: ecovillages.org
x x x www3.ic.org/user/cmty/fic/
x x x ic.org
x x x ibicc.com/dsg
x x x cmagwell.com/users/cmty/orgs
x x x pscw.uva.nl/sociosite/TOPICS/Activism.html#NEWSGROUPS
x x x ecotopia.com/home
x x x http://matu1.math.auckland.ac.nz/~king/Preprints
large site, but mostly about ecology and social history, emphasizing gender
polarities) x x x intouch.nl/evn
village network; last update: '95) x x x usit.net/public/plenty1/
x x x gn.apc.org/
kinds, mostly England based, peopleinaction)
x x x gopher.well.sf.ca.us:70/1/WER
x x x x x x scs.leeds.ac.uk/pfaf/ecovill
x x x gaia.org/evis/gen
x x x oneworld.org/postive_news
x x x tao.ca
elegant, a full spectrum activist page) x
x x bodyelectronics.com (john
ray's methods, see comments elsewhere) x x
x intouchmag.com/bodyelectronics
x x x homel.gte.net.inrvoice/bodyelct
x x x utoronto.ca/utopia
society for utopian studies) x x x well.com
whole earth catalog and whole earth review (a quarterly) crowd)
x x x worldwide-interads.com/schmookler/lib
known popular author, wrote parable of the tribes)
x x x cop.com/info/abs-essa
x x x worldgov.org
so many world parliament schemes, merely skeletal and barely alive (yet?....my
next linklist has a sizable category filled with this sort of site)
x x x marginally
intelligible about the barely marginal:
anthropoetics='generative anthropology';
of goofy psycho perspicacious text, bores me quickly though)
brilliantly about the brilliantly brainy:
x x x mtsu.edu/~dlavery/Wittoc
Irwin Thompson) x x x http://muse.jhu.edu/demo/aim/52.3rickels.html
and http://www.slip.net/~dasein/carroll.html (some
of the all too rare and few bits by the eminently subltle and cryptitious
Lawrence Rickels) x x x uta.edu/english/apt/d&g/d&gweb
and guattari) x x x kidoki.nl/calvin_and_hobbes/links.htm(guess
autonomy: Native
american oriented:
RobertWard/index.html pretty
fat site textwise (an exception among native
sites unfortunately. It has had over a million visitors since last november!!)
x x x dickshovel.com/www.html
x x x //firstnations.com
based big site)
x x x indians.org/welker
visitors since feb 96)
x x x luckymojo.com/sacredland
x x x ratical.com
x x x montrose.net/users/fouche/Church
(a Ward Churchill book)
x x x hanksville.phast.umass.edu/misc/NA
x x x //niikaan.fdl.cc.mn.us/natnet/
and links by Gary Trujillo; 20699 visitors since sept 19 97 as of sept
16 98)
x x x Chiapas
oriented sites: ezln.org
of the main chiapas sites)
x x x eco.utexas.edu/Homepages/faculty/Cleaver/Chiapas95
x x x peak.org/~justin/ezln/ezln
x x x snafu.de/~ruedden
efforts for indiginous and non migrant peoples: nativeweb.org
for native cultures around the world)
x x x halcyon.com/FWDP
world documentation project)
x x x hri.ca/uninfo/defender
nations, human rights)
x x x docip.org
Peoples' Center for Documentation, Research and Information)
x x x koeln-online.de/infoe
x x x (Institut
für Ökologie und Aktions-Ethnologie; bilingual, German and English)
x x x survival.org.uk/
tribal peoples)
x x x hookele.com/netwarriors
in Geneva)
real big linkers:
x x x //home.vicnet.au/~aar
x x x http://www.unpo.org
x x x bloorstreet.com/300block/aborl.htm(#6)
x x x lib.uconn.edu/NativeTech/links
x x x
indiginous environmental
networks: alphacdc.com/ien
following links among others)
x x x alphacdc.com/alpha/ailinks
x x x conbio.rice.edu/nae
x x x emagazine.com
x x x earthwins.com
x x x islandpress.com
x x x honorearth.com
x x x mrsolar.com
x x x menominee.com/nomining
gender and climate
issues: id.mind.net/community/orgonelab;
OBRL at Greensprings center in Ashland Oregon, the director: James Demeo
should shortly coming up and out with: 'desertification of the patrist
hearland'; one of the few places to carry books by Callahan, kudoz!!)
x x x geocities,com/CapeCanaveral/5104/index
x x x orgone.org
x x x //ourworld.compuserve.com/Homepages/B_Freiholdz
x x x //ourworld.compuserve.com/HomepagesJo_Trettin
x x x
and public green:
(an absolutely model company,
my favorite; 1000+ varieties in stock)
x x x permaculture:
x x x http://www.nor.com.au/environment/perma/data/GLOBFRAM.HTM
x x x http://matu1.math.auckland.ac.nz/~king/Preprints(a
very large site by an older hippy who identifies with Jesus)
x x x peg.apc.org/~pgan (permaculture
global assistence network; not substantially updated since 96 though)
x x x ncat.org (national
(US) center for appropriate technology)
x x x 2012.org/lav (Austrian:
leben, art und vielfalt)
x x x cat.org.uk (center for alternative
technology) x
x x solstice.crest.org and gem.crest.org
(fledglings) x
x x sunsite.unc.edu/london/
x x x (a very large site
(huge) about everything to do with greenery and growing)
x x x
my sense of serving deep green
order to help deprivatized estate
real roxides (P)republisizenable
fresh air to take the place of public
destruction and private profits (to
a degree of depth that makes a difference for and of change): with
rockdustlust: mcn.org/2/chip/hamaker
adopted dad) x x x agevolution.com/hamaker
x x x oberlin.edu/~miller
professor) x x http://metalab.unc.edu/london/
x x x http://metalab.unc.edu/london/orgfarm/remineralization/remineralization.selected-writings
insane adress but indicative of the site extent; the place itself is a
gem in its own right) x x x //members.tripod.com/~moriyahs
neighbour of mine; commercial, with free bibliography and excerpts)
x x x galaxy.mall.com/market/rockflour
stone flower from Eugene, Or) x x x wolflodge.org/auraura.net
crushed but brushed dust, weird commercial site by Robert Ghost Wolf; it
has been retracted or something like put on hold for now it seems; I suspect
he got to busy like brother Daniel coming up next)
x x x danwinter.com/ChampionTrees/forests4
x x x estrie.com/macphi/yarrow
Yarrow is a dowser and very helpful promotor of rockdust use)
x x x x x x government
involvements so far: life.ca/nl/58/organics.html
barc.usda.gov/psi/korcak/agenda x x x barc.usda.gov/psi/korcak/ab-3jc
x x x barc.usda.gov/psi/korcak/rk-mv-ov
x x x granular.com (an
industrial size reduction site)
x x x
protest sites: where they bicker about
babylonian onslaughts which bugger green to become unclean and -done: oneworld.org/tlio/linx;
oneworld.org/tlio/news/land_action; envirolink.org/orgs/tlio/index
land is ours; includes documents on how to legally win time enough to ingratiate
yourself with locals living near a piece of derelict land you set mind,
heart and hand to fixin' up)
x x x http://www.envirolink.org/orgs/ef
earthfirst hotspot)
x x x http://www.freedomnet.demon.co.uk/
x x x //burn.ucsd.edu/~resist
x x x
x x x xs4all.nl/~foe
x x x intouch.nl/strohalm
x x x peg.apc.org/~greenleft
(australian weekly) x x x
antenna.nl/eyfa(european youth for(est) action;
ecotopia organizers; see my green chapter for some personal altercations
with them)
x x x comlink.apc.org/fic
x x x chuzz.co.uk/schnews
x x x dte.org.au
(down to earth)
x x x pnc.com.au/~earthnet/forest
x x x
www1.teleport.com/~jaheriot/ and www.teleport.com/~jaheriot;
nice place but let me add A note of caution
about neoism, psychogeographic associates and Luther Blisset bludgers (=impersonating
they invade and infect formerly and otherwise nice sites like this one
and though they got many a chuckle out of me I deplore those who consider
seriousness a disease and try overcome it at all cost; this is just being
pretentious about and proud of a ludicrazyness that is as dead beat and
opportunistic as their (and therefore unfortunately our) big brother
albeit less hardcore speculative and fabulous(ly rich), they seem to wanna
hide and deride every sense of purpose. A classic case of Jewish motherlike
them or us, what with their fascination for the type of subversion and
co-optation they socalled rise above smirkuriously, wasting our and their
own time with, I will admit, sometimes funny mockery. It is too close to
sabotage and cowardice of the James Joyce variety.
(a full size book called
earthdance by Sahtouris besides info about radiation, jazz, native americans....)
x x x gaian
cosmologists and (clean?!?) inventors:
(often infected with paranoia and the conspiracy bug): members.aol.com/BDelphin/
on dolphins and cosmo-technology)
x x x mind.net/aware/
grid, gravity anomalies, geometry, frequencies and magnetics)
x x x //phidias.colorado.edu/jenkins/summary.html
of a big new book on the maya) x
x x not
paranoid at all, but alas, a tad too religious for my taste:
(from the Walter Russell museum
(formerly his home) and homestudy courses launching School for science
and philosophy; Russell was a versatile man indeed but laced his wording
a little too liberally with that three letter one (God) if you ask me.
He did succeed however in translating his awe in very elegant formula's)
I have a painting of his on display and transcribed some poster captions,
see: /immidged_files/wheels_within_wheels.htmx
x x http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/8989/
here to see a nifty animation, and some of the black and white (but
colour lines describing) posters. Russell thought alot about spectrography
and -analysis and he is in the lead when it comes to sobering up rainbow
impulses in a way.
x x x getnet.com/~beng/russell
x x x padrak.com/ine/WEBSITES
linklisting) x x x padrak.com/ine/VOFFWR
Russell) x x x //crash.1hug.co.nz/~hardy
and Russell like or unadmittedly Russell derivative)
x x x earthpulse.com
stuff amongst others)
x x x
(magic, science and conspiracy)
x x x ikaro.com/Hasslberger/
x x x crl.com/~swingate/text(real
conspiracy flavor from leading edge, a very large site notorious for it:
x x x www2.flatlandbooks.com/flatland
x x x http://www.projectearth.com/
(Adam Trombley's thing) more
mainstream organizations concerned with environmental protection at the
high roller level: earthwatch.org
(a large international organization charging substantial fees to participate
in great projects) http://www.oneworld.org/earthaction/
x x x Trilingual
is (in their own words) an
ever-expanding global action network of over 1,500 organisations and community
groups in more than 140 countries.
x x x http://www.iisd.ca/linkages/
is provided by the International Institute for Sustainable Development
(IISD), publishers of the Earth Negotiations Bulletin. It is designed to
be an electronic clearing-house for information on past and upcoming international
meetings related to environment and development policy).(p)ancestors
and progeny: http://www.schoolofwisdom.com/welcome.html
American enthousiast who translated some A Keyserling works (check out
~wisdom/school/wheel for instance; I have also stuck it in my sample file)
x x x spiritweb.org/Spirit
x x x New
Idea(l)s and Old Wisdoms Otto Casanova, a new
science doctor in A'dam x x x (3
Arguelles sites, a better painter than poet fabulator prhaps): victory-net.com
x x x earthascending.com/planetart/panindex
x x x earthportals.com/Earthportals/Portal_Messenger/biospher.html
x x x teleport.com/~dkossy
titbit on O K Maerth)
rainbow sites:
(wrote a book about
its nomadic utopia) x x x welcomehome.org
second reciprocal link) x x x homepage.tinet.ei/~tribalroutes/tribe/index.htm
x x x www.pieman.org/links(a
very long and chaotic linklist by a real hip nethead 60z expert and dylindulgent
jew) x x x theofficenet.com/~redorman
brother is tuned into secession and man to man honourable militatorial
issues) x x x livelinks.com/sumeria
x x x zia.net.com/rainbow
x x x 4 links worth of Hakim Bey: (Peter
Lamborn Wilson: sufi expert and rainbow philosopher and Gnosis contributor
and subcultural upstart) x x x speakeasy.org/~ibbey/mo/
x x x hermetic.com/bey
x x x hok.no/marius/bey
x x x t0.or.at/hakimbey/hakimbey
x x x rawilson.com Another
(in)famously indulgent rantoraver and unknown braver, speculator supreme:
Robert Anton Wilson) x x x deoxy.org
x x x lycaeum.org (lots
of psychedelicate links; people need to be educated about the difference
between horse cure and staples at least; eventually I for one think they
gotta go, be phased out along with all but the simplest of arms.....for
that fabled world of choice) x x x green-travel.com/rainbow.htm
x x x infotec-travel.com/mendicot.htm
x x x zianet.com/rainbow
x x x cures-not-wars.org
x x x november.org
x x x //drcnet.org
x x x hempseed.com
x x x livelinks.com
x x x //marihuana.newscientist.com
x x x perkel.com/rainbow
interactive site)
So far I am listed
at very few of all these sites; that is not counting the ones at
my own server. Here they are: jayde.com ex.ac.uk/~RDavies, hookele.com/netwarriors
welcomehome.org and at a joyce site
Welcome to the competition for:
sites prize
candidates needed. The
winner will be announced the 9th of the 9th at 9.09(9999) of '99
so it must be a queen in her own right. Should
I die unexpectedly I hereby pledge. stipulate- and preliminarily specify
that 9.99 percent of my assets will be fairly divided and smeared out amongst
the sitemakers involved in this list. The rest goes to rock crush n cast
broad attempts besides fruit variety propagating efforts, in other words:
the inheritors and infectees of this site, and good riddance.
let me present the first few nominees and candidates in random order:
Time for candidate
number 1 who would be cozily at home in the category of major collaborative
efforts with distinctively individual flavors if we would find enough of
them to have to differentiate (which might take a few years): This old
hippy and community member has been inspired by Graves almost as much as
I am it seems. Is it any wonder I do and must nominate him? http://matu1.math.auckland.ac.nz/~king/Preprints
and transmillenium.net
bare but 2 of the 3
domain names this man has clamped a claim on: the new (c)agey yet very
open <ffunch@newciv.org> in the city of fallen angels; he seems to be
a well to do hobbyist in possesion of the type of gregariousness I find
a few bites over the top; too many incompatibles; I hate to see links I
like associated with space colonization and other alienating projects)
or globalideasbank.org; its
the (London) people who put out the encyclopedia of social inventions
145 page book by Genevieve Vaughan to be found here; a feminist criticism
of exchange) http://www.for-giving.com
Union of International
Associates; 18 permanent staff members; over 11.000 pages categorized and
crosscategorized; Brussel based bilingual; Anthony Judge authored one over
the top mega part of it; besides being editor of an Encyclopedia of world
problems he comes up with a valiantly comprehensive take on the I Ching
(uia.org/uiademo/met/chingudx.htm, .....if he is typical of all he others
I haven't had a closer look at yet......the lists abound in terms like
international, trans, pan and world this that and everything else but they
come up with local solutions at the end of the line too........see the
bottom of the orange section for more......they link to over 5,252 INGOs
& IGOs; Joyce would have loved this one:http://www.uia.org
Speaking of which,
let me introduce the next candidate who is a major and need one say it:
idiosyncratic contributor to Joyce in High purrs pace: Jorn Barger http://www.mcs.net/~jorn
robot wisdom page including a very prolix weblog for which he uses some
nifty gadgets; it's quite a change from Gilder to Barger but one keeps
up with net naver land either way and a lot more besides.
very large site (huge) about everything to do with greenery and growing)
full size book called earthdance by Sahtouris besides info about
radiation, jazz, native americans...neat server too.):http://www.ratical.com
This is one in close competition with the last one size wise but more anthropologically
and http://www.compassionate.org
Nedstat installed
end of nov 98
last major update early dec 98
Is this
the only disfunctional counter(ring)
of this site was created/gestating during the 80ties (links
thereto start at the last quarter of the index and the last half of the
toc) and the
rest since then (latest files at tops of all
content files). last
major corrections to this file: 1997; last
minor changes took place in july 99
A site navigaid: Switch to soundbite sampled files of the newer works at this site from Blabsabs_Index.htm Use the links in the latter half to reach my older work (via appetizing one or two line characterizations of the aphorisms, essays and segments, which vary in size from a few lines to a page or two)(those with titles are listed in the table_of_contents.htm These most mulled over bits are again briefly described (differently, including proper name plus keyword source(l)inks)in the abstracts file. One may prefer to switch to my guest appearances and check my credentials first (sometime anyway I hope): /intro_to_currency_issues.htm Then there is the off the cuff stuff: my several (11 files) list picks and interactions via: table of contents for all list post files. And finally my (another 11 file): correspondence collection.
An earlier
site navigaid:
Welcome to 4 Mb pics; 7 Mb
text (colourful throughout) Brief
descriptions to the main features of this (Bottom
and) arouse
piet the punchline pioneer who
shuns not hardest of tasks: (no, not leading
a paper and print free life or a personally owned phone, computer and car
free one too, that's easy; but) to pinch pith
to most universally assimilable of powders cause "it ain't so bad to be
a paracletic dabbler with all these newspfangled plexciting and gruesomely
growsomizing autonomobiles") site
are at: (1) Blabsabs_Index.htmSwitch
to any of all other files within it via
(2): /guest_appearances/intro_to_currency_issues.htm
(3): /table_of_contents.htm
(4): /list_posts/table_of_contents_for_list_post_files.htm
(5): /correspondence_file_contents.htm
(almost as (internalinkrich as) 2+3+4+5
responses at: poetpiet@hotbot.com
A still
earlier site guide:
and sonic tone
synced in hancement
*T* rademurkt
applied sporadically
see what else poetpiet can puzzle us with here..or
here.. or
check the intro to this file and all the others in my first batch of
appearances which happens to concern currency issues.
and substantial