page 278, The strategy of communication
Table 8.1: Some distinctions between the functions
of the cerebral hemispheres
left-hemisphere specialization/\/\/\/\right-hemisphere
analytic, deductive/\/\/\/\dialectic,
exclusive (either/or)/\/\/\/\inclusive
order from order/\/\/\/\order
identity, familiarity,symmetry/\/\/\/\novelty,
verbal, propositional/\/\/\/\non-verbal,
words, numbers, letters/\/\/\/\
models,plens, pictures
digital end iconic/\/\/\/\iconic
and analog
rational, intellectual, lineal/\/\/\/\poetic,
humorous, intuitive
bottom up/\/\/\/\top
Table 7.1 reproduces a classification of the functions
of the two hemispheres drawn up in 1971 by the psychologist Paul Bakan,
who described the left brain as predominantly digital and the right brain
as predominantly analogic.
Table 7.1: Functions of the cerebral hemispheres
(Bakan, 1971).
Left-brain functions
Right-brain functions
verb pre-verbal
analytic synthetic
rational emotional
spatial temporal
analogic digital
objective subjective
active passive
tense relaxed
personally, I would choose to turn the last
terms around even or better yet,
change this in my eyes unfortunate (since
rocks are so eminently tight) example into:
artificial/sterile/i(n)solate, egoic (in)organic/flowgo/embedded/harmonic
euphoric depressed
syrnpathetic parasympathetic
propositional appositional
Chapter 7: On telling left from right, page 237
Table 7.3: Joseph Bogen's psychological distinctions
(1977) between leftbrain and right-brain modes of knowing (and therefore
modes of communication), as quoted by Campbell (1982, pp. 241-2). coloured
by me and take note: inverted from most of my usual choices)
left brainmagheteen
lineal [straight-line]/\/\/\/\nonlineal
historical [diachronic]/\/\/\/\timeless
Table P.1: Context theory: Lexicon
page 315
A The old view (excludesB)
The new view: (includes A)
(conserved) information (created
and destroyed)
symbolic, imaginary, and real
the physical
level of complexity the biological, social,
and cultural levers of complexity
systems (not dependent on theirenvironments) opensystems
(dependent on their environments),'dissipative structures' (Ilya Prigogine)
solar system,
clockwork, heat engine, forcefield organism
in milieu, system in environment, ecosystem, population, community, socialsystem,
information network
mass, inertia,
force, momentum. charge, etc. codes, messages,information,
noise, redundancy
and reaction report, command,question,
response (message)
of matter-energy by matter-energy relations (in principle reversible)
ofmatter-energy end information by information(irreversible)
objects relationships
between entities relations between relations
of patterns
few or
no levels manylevers
of organization, communication, and reality
simplicity great complexity
outside observer observer
in system
(not dependent on time) diachronic
(dependent on time)
machines cybernetic
machines, robots, computers
variables recognize
up' analysis (simpleto complex) 'top
down' analysis (from complexity tothe structures of complexity)
single-level logic explicitly
hierarchical logic
yes/no, either/or logic (TypeA)
an either/or
one-dimensional spectrum (black-grey-white) between 'true' and 'false'
(Type B)
a logic
of binary opposition (ff nota, then b) (Type C) many-valued
and many-leveled logic,
either either/or
or both-and (both-and is subordinate to either/or)
both both-and
end either/or (both-and is dominant over either/or)
(taking apart) dialectic (putting together)
(Newtonian) causality goalseeking, constraint
probability instructions
forproduction end re pro ductio n
to novelty open to novelty
order from
order order
the context of ordinary space end time
evolution, endhistory, within specific contexts inspace end time
linear (proportional) end lineal; (straight-line) causality goalseeking withinhierarchies of constraints, positiveend negative feedback (mutualcausal processes),selfdifferentiation,selfreproduction
equilibrium, non-equilibrium, orrandom states internal to system self-regulation in relationto environment(s), order through oscillation energy source in environment
energy source in system present effects are the result of past causes present effects are the result of the interrelation ofprogrammed instructions, futuregoals, end environmentalconstraints, including naturel endsocial selection, end socialization
no memory dependent on memory (genetic, neurological, social, individual, preconscious, unconscious, etc.)
the system
is (a) the sum of its parts (Newtonian mechanics);
(b) more
than the sum of its parts (theology, early general systems theory)
system is other than its parts (not a sum of anything) (Gestart psychology)
increases in system entropy
increases in environment
chemistry, biology, and biology, ecology,
(actually or potentially)
context-constrained, context sensitive
of nature', 'natural law'
codes of messages, rules of behavior
closed systems tending towards increasing disorder (positive entropy) open systems maintaining or increasing order (neutral or negative entropy)
ultimately classical information theory (Shannon end Weaver) systems theory, communication theory (semiotics), the human end social sciences
and chemical change natural evolution,
production and social development, human
history, and
social, political revolution
3 Some axioms of communication
318 Postscript Context theory
Here I have jotted down, in no particular
order, as many of the axioms of communication in context theory that presently
come to mind:
_ All behavior
is communication (Bateson). (Whatever else it also is, all behavior is
_ Society
is impossible without history; communication is impossible without memory.
_ Every
act communicates messages at many levers, conscious and unconscious.
_ In living
and social systems, silence is communication.
_ In living
systems, the organism cannot not communicate.
_ In social
systems, the person cannot not communicate.
_ In a
communications system, nothing never happens (Ray Birdwhistell).
_ Every
message, organic or social, is both a report end a command (Warren McCulloch),
as well as a question (Bateson). (Whatever its source or context, a message
is a report about some situation or other, a command to respond in some
way, and a question about the appropriate response.)
_ Communication
signifies the processing of information.
_ Communication
is not the same as understanding.
_ Understanding
takes place at a level distinct from that of the communication of information
which makes understanding possible. A so-called 'failure to communicate'
is in fact a failure to understand, which may bespeak relations of pathologicalcommunication.
_ Communication
is a function of organized complexity (constrained diversity)
_ Communication
is an attribute of open systems.
_ Systems
involving or simulating life or mind are open systems,dependent on their
_ The environment
of an open system is of a higher logical type than the systems it sustains.
_ An open
system may be organic, ecological, social, economic, and/or abstract (i.e.
epistemological, ideological).
_ Intention
may be conscious or non-conscious, but outside of legal concerns, what
ultimately counts are effects.
_ No communication
can be adequately understood or analyzed solely at the level at which it
_ Communication
always involves levers of communication (levers of reality, levers of logical
_ Every
message involves at least four levers of organization: perspective (which
constrains) orientation (which constrains) framing (which constrains) punctuation.
_ The more
complex and diverse a system is, the more complex and diverse its modes
and levers of communication will be.
_ Information
may be analog (continuously variable), or digital (discretely coded), or
both at once, in which case the informationis iconic.
_ Information
communicates both content end relationship.
_ Inorganic
nature is the ecological basis of organic nature.
_ Inorganic
end organic nature are the ecological basis of society.
_ Society
is part of nature, end nature is part of society, but they are not the
same parts.
_ The production
and reproduction of whatever is known as the 'means of subsistence' is
the ecological and economie basis of all other social relations.
_ Social
relations, including production, exchange, and reproduction, are dependent
both on matter-energy and on information.
_ The medium
is not the message, it is the means of communication.
_ Information
is distinct from the matter-energy medium that carriesit.
_ Mind
is an attribute of social relations, individual and collective, conscious,
preconscious, and unconscious.
_ Brain,
nervous system, hormone system, gene system, end so on are the organic
or biological basis of the social end individualcategory of mina.
_ There
are as many kinds of intelligence as there are modes of communication.
- Information
may be symbolic, imaginary or real. Real information stands for real relations
end events.
- Imaginary
information appears to be independent of its context. In the positive sense,
the imaginary is essential to invention, intuition, imagination, and vision.
In the negative sense, the imaginary is essential to perversion and pathology,
especially in colonization, where real hierarchies of power are first decontextualized
and second symmetrized or inverted.
_ Symbolic
information is information standing for otherinformation, which may itself
be symbolic, imaginary, or real.
_ Memory
in communication may be genetic, neurological,immunological, unconscious,
non-conscious, personal, and/or social.
_ Communication
is impossible without coding. A code is not of the same level of communication,
reality, or logical type as the messages it makes possible for goal seekers
toconstruct, send, or receive.
_ A code
is a set of constraints, a code of rules, that permits goalseekers (i.e.
communicants) mediated by the code to construct mutually understandable
_ A code
always includes a syntactic or ordering function (similar to the role of
logistics in strategy).
_ A code
may be primarily semantic, having to do with the organization of sensing,
meaning, and/or signification.
_ A code
may be primarily pragmatic, having to do with the organization of various
kinds of value, notably use value, exchange value, and survival value':
_ Semiotic
freedom is the relative freedom to produce, reproduce, and communicate
within the constraints of a code or codes.
_ Information
is the ground or basis of sensing; sensing is the ground of meaning; and
meaning is the ground of signification.
_ Sensing is coded information;
meaning is coded sensing; signification is coded meaning.
_ Survival
value is the basis of both (digital) exchange value and (iconic) use value.
Both kinds of value are created in production and expressed in exchange.
_ The simplest
kind of information is coded variety (W. RossAshby), a signal.
_ Two or
more kinds of variety constitute at least one kind of diversity.
_ Relations
of communication and organization may take the form of difference, distinction,
opposition, contradiction, and paradox.
_ Difference,
the ground of distinction, is defined as analog (continuously coded).
the ground of opposition,contradiction, and paradox, is digital (discontinuously
_ Language
is a communication system found only in human societies. No naturally evolved
animal communication, including dolphins, insects, and apes, has been shown
to possess all the characteristics of language. (I
would add: Nor do all human languages 'occupy' all grammar niches for instance;
each emphsizes and/or leaves out other parts, each center of gravity is
a variant of neighbour near and far. Piet)
_ Language
is distinguished from other modes of communicationmainly by (a) our use
of abstractions, syntactic negation, endtense, end (b) our use of language
to talk about its owncharacteristics.
_ Teaching
language to apes is no exception to the distinction between language and
other modes of communication. Apart from unconscious cuing by the investigators,
the domesticated dependance on humane it requires is a social intervention
into nature. It is a product of the social order of reality (history),
not of the naturel order (evolution).
_ Objectivity
in communication is imaginary.
_ Subjectivity
is both unique end real, teut also collective.
_ Metacommunication
(communication about communication) signifies:
(a) communication
about communication in general (e.g. this sentence);
(b) communication
about a particular communication (e.g. 'This message is in English');
(c) communication
in one mode of communication about the communication of another mode (e.g.
a threat accompanied by a wink, or a wink accompanied by a threat).
Metacommunication of type (a) is
restricted to human society. Metacommunications of types (b) end (c) are
found throughout the human end animal worlds, notably in play. To distinguish
'play' from'fight', end 'co-operative competition' from 'competitive competition',
a metamessage is required, the equivalent of 'this is play' (Bateson).
Mutual agreements about meta-messages
are agreements to change or 'reframe' one or more of the dominant codes
of restraints (the rules of the context) shared by the communicants.
these fabulously accurate quotes it is yours truly, piet the poet: Hitec
armers and farmers vs nomadicly foraging and afforesting families
Colourseparated and page filling aphorisms:
Make ends meet: generation and radiation, night and day, male and female
magnetism and electricity, implosion and explosion. Our
crush-rush course turns dickface fuckers into plump and fair fruit pluckers.
Read your leader aright or follow the dealing
cheaters direction to fight. The
black south of innocence mingles mellowly with the melting white north
of wiley braves on middle golden mean ground. Take
flight without fright, be fair without fail, emit time to fully pass grate,
enliven evil to redeem worthily. Rock
is saved, future tense, canned, con- and preserved or enveloped time, fresh
and moistened dust starts to develop and organize rythms of metabolisms.
Meetmating rock and ice comes of age when they are wraught to grow together
so generation and radiation find a dynamic balance.
nomads are grim reapers desertifying their territory, thus devolving to
arm drilling scum chased into uniform by scarcity. Matriarchal
armies will be harmless rockmilling botanists,
once the underdog finds discipline and union,
checking the much to encourage the little. Man
gathers mute momentae: petrified, fluid and fiery to tune and tone body
with discerning lust, choozy soul and questing spirit. Which is to say
real men deal in futures, mixing and lining them up, string-wringing them
out to come them wel alive. Woman bleeds and falls apart blindly,
especially when not given a choice.
gossips, ads, shows, poly-tickles, proposals must become free for all,
but the enactment of judgments, approvals, allowances, authorizations and
attractions are to be womens domain. Men may choose which colour, music
or climate to join and defend.
matriarchy was characterized by virgin sacrifice, and patriarchy by war
with soldiers, then what will toddlerarchy or childarchy be like? Mudpie
musicals with mystical fruitfactory's and treehouses? The trouble is, nobody
since jesus, himself only a poor reflection of Cernunnos and Mercury, seems
to attain and maintain such wide scope awareness with enough focus, puff
and charisma left over from involuntarily cashed in hard knocks to start
growth fostering and transparant institutions with.
Hell, the future is right where you are standing
on it, it is only the past you are foolfilling when you rythm 'n rulehelp
it to leaf out on a par with taking core age courage.
naked and seasonal solar fire and hailed as and mimicked by a king played
an annually recurring role in matriarchal magics of sympathy (not once
and for all as far and wide as possible like in fire power possesed patriarchal
societies). Diamonds
for the lonely queen, tailings for her subjects.
Let greedy grasp become fast and loosely squeezish clasp.
Clock around a rock as follows for the first
and second halves of an interglacial: preglacial biomass a waning = history,
jagged and ragged bottlenecks; postglacial biomass a waxing= herstory,
groves and droves in paradise. Physically
neglect the splitting to open and suffer the mental abuse of dividing to
rule. A queen without a
lover is like a rock without sexcalibur. Let's
go, nice and slow easy does it, feed the flow, rip, rap, pump pre-airing
mineral oxides, biosphere's bare bottom rung tooth, claw, horn, nail, beak
and bone,
and then let growing time cover them with alive
skin for all, are we weighing down the light again, if we do not let it
leave, we will not stay well enough in tune so atone, soak some floury,
flex, flux, flocculantly flow of softened stone..
nor herstory: No spirals, no cycles, just a line that ends in an eternity
after judgment, yet started in and with the moment of mercy characterizes
the ambitious projects of Taoism, monotheism and macho fanaticism, groping
and hoping for, griping and hyping about a lasting erection, a tree of
life, a tower of Babel, a new earth, Walhalla, Elysiae, happy hunting ground
or a Messiah. This cannot be now, wasn't before and will not be anything
but a shame to the humility of well com- and disposed compost as long as
dominant dogma's discount body and its wisdom to wield some awkward doctrines
intending to save them from humbling temporality.
The following pieces are a bit crude and I am
ashamed to admit to their authorship but here goes, waste not want not.
Swap the crime revealing histories for the
swiped benefit announcing herstories. I
would guess the best remedy, re- and defusal of bullying behaviour is nipping
it in the bud, childsplay really just notch up the surveillance stagger
from bigger bullies buggering and belittling littler ones to better bulliebusting
to bring 'm to heel. Man
is pointed and aimed at the past and next nights delights. their challenge
is to focus on preprovision fervently for Her favors to win. Woman aims
at and hopes for schemes and dreams about daytime delights catching social
waves they may rule, solidarity past their skin and anchors for the presently
recurring echos.
Papa the past and represent it; do the laundry, mama the present
and scent it: please eve, weed and weave kid the future and prepresent
it. grind them clocks ya little mockers. Don't
let him run (her) past, out of and/or on and/or away with and/or
from her. "But there
'll be so much too many people", what she meant was patriarchy en masse,
she could handle one man while boisterously barking up life 's ingredients
into trees, working the worship, raising freshly minted currency, away
from pompously lording hoards. Executive
judgement demand scapegoat sacrifice but exacting justice will come up
and through with a toylike tool. During
these as in most other days all bad guys need good guys, all fathers need
sons and rulers need subjects, all handy crafts become manifesterations.
I am king scarcity, pompous, pretentious,
self flattering and broodscattering, I hog the dames. My fool holds counsel
at the internal flame fanning fun fair. There
once was a man who set himself up as god cause he thought he knew every
thing there was to know. A cocksure-fire-enslaving jealous son of a witch,
scaring and demanding the fruit out of his fellowmans hand to mouth, (b)eating
potential rivals and turning the world upside down. Not him, no he was
not evil but his subjects and in the rage of impotence the promising story
of the redeemer was born, a lusty looker begotten to find what the loser
lost and fetch it back to end the freak occurence of his story for ever
and everlasting life before repetition, identity, stockpiling and mutual
annihilation. Our
good for greatest numbers of goal getters get suckered into auditioning
for this task with righteous abandon to this very day till they find a
sense of direction and set up shop to magnetize static, swelldigging their
very own fountain of youth, the only one that she can make matter when
she callibrates her clutcher around it. This was a very riddly way of showing
the horseplay from seasonable horniness diverted to untimely abstraction
and converting back again. The
worst is over really, believe me I think so and I should know though strange
enough I cannot for the life of me throw out one of my poems by heart..mmmm
isn't that strange.
.Genesis revisited:
According to Oskar Kiss Maerth the alpha male
Adam, who disapprobativable attained and proved to have maintained status
by means of cannibalism mainlined for many a millenium, as commemorated
in the religious imagery of Tibet who's inhabitants did not supress this
memory of our diet directed leave from apedom, was described as tempted
to eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge (malebrain) which gave him the
troopstud(might)rights to more of his victim fellow'man' 's tempting females
perhaps. The parable dressed in an orchard metaphor must be a typically
Jewish, satirical way to joke, a melancholic sense of (and or banned by)
humour which (nevertheless) shines through in their frequent commemoration
of greenery and seediness while roaming the deserts.
The story of Cain is evidence of success for
the related territorial instincts, the domains that were large and exploited
smartly enough to develop a semblance of inner security and means to expand,
boot out all misfits and losers who congregated in the cities which were
for the most part repositories of slaves and their labour (see ch 7 and
the inthrow for my take on Noahs takings; condemnation of leaves 'n twigs
'n branch 'n trunktaking. Abraham started buying and
selling of land but supposedly substituted animal for human (pr)offering,
a 'progression' pioneered by Jews, for which they earned praise from Graves,
who may or may not have known that those to start first are soonest satest?
Had these 3 names really stood for only 3
people, the damages and improvements would not have been so extensive nor
would they have been so famous cause they as certainly as regrettably didn't
remain unique and ignored as rolemodels and trailblazers not to say desertifyers;
rolling stones becoming badly bleached bones. One of the arguments touted
by white supremacist religious freaks and righteous scolders of mass society
to impress me most went as follows: Jewish genes are dominant and can afford
high dilution mongrelifying. If that is true though the holocaustic containment
came about a multimillion years to late, give or take a few ice ages. I
love 'm though, such lively ones sometimes, and how they pester each other
pathetically, worse than the Japs I bet, maybe I'll have to go see how
well ra is down there. Some
men will celebrate, no matter how little he has or how much his scope,
hide, hair, tip and toe are tested and tried in the attempt to keep heaven
and hell apart. Picking
off stragglers is like pruning for plumper peaches..oops bad example, you
prune peach nor plum trees, you cull and thin the young fruitset.
If sex was the last ditch and line of selfdefence,
value and proof of recklessly hedonistic archaism, then repressive hoarding,
herding and settling itself is up for the revenge of free will and natural
selection, the only thing guaranteeing vitality.
to divide and depend may be the road to socialism and capitalism but it
sprung its variety in- and ensuring bounds no matter how and/or cause deeply
desired by workers and/or planners respectively, the latter had to take
a few steps back from personable intimacy on equal terms each time they
came up with something bigger, better and faster to raise the rape stake,
just to get a little perspective, but only God doesn't abuse that kind
of distance, making sure he hides in everything at the same time. Be like
Dan Winter and my mother for that matter, make the weather your living,
main topic in life and reason to live.
pits dependence and division against fruitharvesting nomads, sowing farmers
and crushing miners; most dirtphobic administrators become traitors, roadblocks
tollgates and rationers all too soon and none too reasonable, I fear they
dare to hold their own breath along with every body elses. Clutching at
the symbol for frantic identity: repetition and escalation, perverting
organic growth, they resist dispersion fiercely with their contageously
cramped consciousness.
cult's ambiguities (their) con sequences:
I function well as a concept engineer and word mechanic, in effect an enthusiasm
inoculator advocate for genuine patriarchy which came to balance matriarchy,
not the overhype only apparently shiny, clean formula 1 ball and brash
nose offender, uninformative and coercively commercial suc(k)tion tender
vendor version, but a brotherly spirit bond that applies its inherent force
to open the layaway border bound abutments and helps 'm meet the till then
strayed, waylayed light of logo-law for freedom to grow to and fro gravity
which witches and weaves the wood up and down with these thus repentable
prevents pursuing for trade traffic on the vertical route that has us hit
the road a different way, namely to crunch and crumble christenable crystals.
Would you like a comfy hitec armor to hit your road with too, jesus? Hints
of such potency were at my ear all through childhood when I heard my fathers
presence flow away through the phonewire to far off parts of the world,
I learned to think big that way.
uncooperative and rigid, scheming to tame, subvert, -ject and -due are
the male monomaladies of false fatherhood; first animals were allotted
pictographic delegates to rehearse capture and taming, then specialization
introduced culture and division of labour which scarred and scarcified
beauty so ensuing socialization and monopoly could march hand in hand amidst
powerplay and rottenness. Armies were formed as a first vicious circle
to aid targetting, but got out of control due to overwhelming success which
sustained exclusion and shortage, sons were yoked and harnessed to servitude,
the invincible, unapproachable and unrepresentable father myth began spilling
over into economics and unleashed dominance wars over mental ideologies
as well as physical currencies which institutionalized secrecy and lies
besides monetizing resource rape.
The constitutionalization of respect for
life springs eternal locally, but so far it soon yields to much less sustainable
yet massive onslaught of unneighbourly encroachment forces, just because
they are more aggresively disciplined, less endowed and ambitious mentally,
nor are they so much upwardly mobilizing as laterally subversifying. In
a just society the people unable to follow an argument without feeling
they are losing it, instead of it them, who try to bend it to their will
by breaking its back with intimidation, force and guilt trips will not
be allowed to carry on as if they owned their sphere of influence, not
even and better yet: especially not their own children who may be at some
disadvantage with a lack of animate objects for affection around. Once
restrained and monitored they will be allowed to vent their violence on
rocks or if they insist on animate outlets: at most on themselves and maybe
similarly disposed consenting adults.
Penetration potent enough to pack the punch
that parts the veils of inertia cluttering her space will get us
back in the ter-ra-ce. Collective
responsability and herdlike identity must be measured mostly by the degree
enforced laws embody them, not by the virulence of its sentiment and popularity
among peoples and individuals. Proper lawmaking and voluntary freedom forces
are needed. Does
anybody have the life story of Walter Zander? He worked alongside Beckerath
but became engrossed in Zionism where his former focus found no welcome
as far as we can tell from here, for now. I ran into a book arguing for
making Jerusalem an ecumenical elbowrubbing location. Seemed a bit unrealistic
to me. Life's leafy lairs lay and leave the
laws lying down behind the dusty dotted dead letter lines.
Only cowards are honest, let women rule
politics. Wizfully
(l)inking: I sink into a sea
of ink to precord what she may think about my shrewd love story of clunky
clink softening incling that can truely link. Once more I wish I knew a
wife and her men so I need not tell you a here nor there, a his nor her
but a truely dary story about how one fine day they made a clean dry dusty
pile of money, it was coin of the realm itself. Here is how they would
grow it tout after working water in to get it perked straight up
right back out of their home somewhere in the yards and megamiles of eco-guerrilla
woeman's landfolds.
They reasoned or rather preseasoned as follows: H2O is the first foremost
marriage made ever (Hensel), two parts male to one part female. Oxygen
exists freestyle and tethered, the former serves internal oxidation and
seems to favor animate mobility; and the latter sports volcanism: exothermal
reactions flashing only briefly with lots of down time in between which
results in substance akin to more stolid forms on longer cycles, catching
the very big waves only. They
decide to reverse the preponderance of the last mentioned fireform and
therewith the directions biomass book balances take and so try to move
mobility upscale a bit. They started to pounce on the punchable and polishable
wealth of rock under the soles of their feet, hopping some through a gratefilled
tool they toted, a toy they ployed, an instrument they played and a cross
they bore all at the same time. They just loved the versatile choker poking
with zinging spring and twanging spoke of the crackpottily musical rockdrum
steelgrinder. Their wistful exercutions soon yield some fluffy and until
subjected to their close relative, frightfully flighty natural currency,
since they work this devilishly airtight gravel in a matching same yet
besting and bettering way, so their vertical border broaching accomplished
with strategic hardware the design of which proves mentally to be as watertightly
continent as the rocks are physically until subjected to this object with
its objective of desirabilitation which works at peace for once.
Now they have
a soil bankable and tree barkable mineral money to show for their churn
and give to their honey who shows it in her turn all the ways of organiclimate
zone accountability by floccumating it with the clear and phlegmaticly
flowing oxides, which suspends this flour on its way up to cloudfill the
sky, it is indispensable for a good mudbath and compost while showing up
shiney marbles in a solar polish and chime dish made of glass.
So the whirly
girlish rock is opened to be filled with water and warmth empathetically,
thus suspended it will in time provide framework and woven skin for all
from fast to loosely fitting kin, now that she is not from any longer lacking
means longingly dumb but got laid in the sun so her shades of gray start
organizing their way back to colour in the light of time. Thus they fund
and mate, found and date the shine and rain to marry sun and moon. All
fuels, solid, soft and intangible, yes, even thus far elusive fresh air
appears, reduced from basic bulk and trace element exposure to just newly
arriving beams from the very old selfsame sun grow and show up, thus greening
the trailblazed way with quintessentialization of the four elements evoked
from the top end of the food chain ladder.
Wetted dust grows up over the crust in the shapessuch shade, shelter, food
and fun livelyhood provisions will shed, a demand and monstration which
meets the sun's supply and stands us in good stead with and within our-sex
is-tense citations if anybody cares for proper book keeping.
William Irwin Thompson
in: The american replacement of nature: Two profoundly
true but opposed males: one is immanental, and sees divinity within the
pattern of connectiveness of Earth, animals and women. The other is transcendental
and sees earth, animals and women as an imprisonment of spirit and cosmic
mind. One wants in, the other wants out. One is a wave, which bycause of
its own infolded order, feels itself to be in resonance with everything.
The other is a particle, which bycause of its limited selfdefinition feels
alienated and alone and wishes to have power over the others that impinge
on its self inflicted boundaries. For the sake of a working distinction,
let's call these two types of human males the poet and the engineer. The
poet loves ambiguity, complexity and the lingual, erotic play with words:
the engineer loves logic, manual system of control and computational machine
codes of one meaning only. Small wonder that the kind of smart scientific
adolescent, the kind that rarely gets the girl but often does get beaten
up in school for his good grades, has turned his intelligence in the direction
of getting rid of the embarrasment of sex and the insult of death. From
the Greek Oristaea, modeled after the Babylonian Enuma Elish to Moby Dick,
women's wet biology doesn't often carry the day against warrior's steel,
but in Gilgamesh the poetic revenge is outstanding.
Divide and concur with encompassed dualities
Doknow met willbe to have a passionately fruitful and hypertranspirational
wallow. Harlekinetic
gender bender picks up space and span for time and life.
Friction of Provision:
Violent or integrating waterways; glaciers and torrential floods or growth
giving dew and rain. Which would you want to claim responsability for?
Fire has a similar duality to show; ashes the flagrant way or the hard
rock wrench way of internal fire, muscle and music meets most common
and dense tense. Crude
question, rude answer: Do opposites attract each other as
versus versions or is like seeks like the stronger motor and are they the
same both sides of in- and animate, dry and wet. Let's see: dry dynamics
can mean melting pressures or infrequent friction, from giant and rough
tensility through coarse and gritty to tiny, fine and glibly airborn weather
create skin, membranes to moderate flow and finally magically ephemeral
frequencies top the bill of hide and seek liking life cyclic vs structural
or continuous vs. discrete, etc. --sow
a prayer, harvest a prophecy; sow a curse, harvest bad news--
A bit beyond binary:
Digital score is info fire, free as sunlight a fresh outsider coming in
to trade lovely photons the way Jesus would shower his bride. Insider trading
perverts and postpones this blessing in the sense of what the word radical
has come to signify, namely a complete cut, unfortunately not only a lateral
bias results and they fancy their calls justify a formal division between
the haves and have nots their toll for miming the of a closeknit yet every
individual for himself sort of trading room floors crowded like undifferentiated
cellsoup, as if to emphasize that they are all in it together and cacophony
prevents exposure of the push for the next degree of shamelessness, not
registering without amplifying the orchestration of sentiment , etc; see
Max Nordau. Dig
it all ore; dig a tall score: Dig it to the core, digest
me some more ore. Formerly hard ashes are substances thus readied to take
the waters of life to heart and set its content aflow and agrow.
Crystal preprocreators are information fluid-crystalizers
rights, duties and pleasure unwrappers; bones of memory content and index
flexers. Inform
and unfold meets like (p)refold and reform Is info free, is sunshine? How
much to plug in and minimize supply of excess?
The micro world informs in bits and the macro
whirled formz in grits. Loosen up the bonds down below that bind, noose
down the lights from above that blind.
Crystalize info-flow; free and trans fo-stow.
meetmate 'm into green growth between these fibre and metal media, speed
them both through their respective web-net screens to learn counting with,
from and on life beyond dualities. "We
are and become what we beat" says a rocksplitter as he plies his trade
luring rain and shine to come help complete the organic expression of formation
without which complementary but doubly (merely symbolic and inorganic)
derived compression of information (computerscience) is a faul surrogate
and a leaching lurch towards catastrophic times.
Do the media reflect man's inner life?(Rickels).
tool Nedstat installed near the end of nov 98
Is this
the only disfunctionalcounter(ring)
of this site was created/gestating during the 80ties (links
thereto are in the table of contents for instance) and
the rest since then (latest files at tops
of all content files). Last
corrections/updates and add ontos: late july 99; last
major corrections to this file: 1997; last additions: 98; last minor corrections:
july 99;
aim responses at:
A site
Switch to soundbite sampled files of the newer works at this site from
Use the links in the latter half to reach my older work
appetizing one or two line characterizations of the aphorisms, essays and
segments, which vary in size from a few lines to a page or two)(those
with titles are listed in the table_of_contents.htm)
These most mulled over bits are again briefly described (differently,
including proper name plus keyword source(l)inks)
in the abstracts
One may
prefer to switch to my guest appearances and check my credentials first
anyway I hope): /intro_to_currency_issues.htm.
Then there is the off the cuff stuff: my several (11 files) list picks
and interactions via:
of contents for all list post files.
And finally my (another
11 file): correspondence
responses at:
partly hypered) link files
at this site are
and an (almost fully hypered) second priority file withBalkan
sites, lists and (re)commentations
An older
version of the above: Switch
to most main files at this site via the Index
or (via
appetizing one or two line characterizations of their segments which vary
in size from a few lines to a page or two)
here: /table_of_contents.htm.
to some work I admire via: /guest_appearances/intro_to_currency_issues.htm
to my list interactions via: table
of contents for all list post files
or to my correspondence
collection from here
And a still
earlier effort at making yall 'wegwijs' (site-savvy)
see what else poetpiet can puzzle you with here.............or
check the intro to my first batch of guest appearances which concerns all
sorts of currency issues