A Walk in the Sun, 64
absorption frequencies,
Academy of Science, 88
agribusiness, 13 agriculture,
2, 6, 8-9, 11-12, 18,
ancient Irish-Celtic form,
76 corporale, 13 techniques, 48
Allison effect, 89
Altars of Unknown Stone,
alumina, 7, 27
AMA (American Medical Association),
and electrical anesthesie, 52
Amazon jungle, forest canopy
of, 56, 58
American Indians, 48
ammonia, as insect attractant,
77, 78
as insect sex scents, 86
ammonia infrared signals, as emitted by sick plante, 77
Ancient Mysterics, Modern
Visions, 79
Andersen, Dr. Arden, xi
antenne, 30 insect, 64 wire,
used in Mahlon Loomis' experiments, 51
antenne design, in relation
to rock shape end placement in rock gardens, 33
Apulia, Southem Italy, 18
Arab science, 18 Arkansas State, 77 Army Air Corps, 5 artificial manure,
Aschuara tribe, 58
Ashley, Achsah, marraige
to Mahlon Loomis, 52
AT&T, 88 AtLen, Hugh
GJ., 54
atmosphere, end ELF waves,
55 effected by lightning, 53-55 of Japanese forest, 35 of the
human body, 54
atmoshphere, the, as paramagnetic,
atmospheric waves, 53
as "brain waves," 54 atomic
energy, 15
atoms , paramagne tic behavior
of, 4 3
Audubon,JohnJ., vii
Australia, 80 bacteria,
in soil, 82 Baghdad, 18
Bahamas, viii bamboo shoots,
effected by electric storms, 64 barbed wire fences, as antennae, 56 Barrow,
George Lennox, 61
Bartington Model MS2 CGS
Meter, 79, 80, 82
basalt, 15 basalt, in rock
gardens, 47
basalt, in veil restoration,
Bears Den Mountain, 51 Beaver,
Paul, 58 beekeepers, 26
bees, humming of, 86 bees,
(kept by Frederick 1I), 18
Belfast, Ireland, 5 Belleek,
Ireland, 61
biology, importance of paramagnetism
in, 43
birds, 9 banding, 18 eggs,
8 lice, 18 migration, 18
bismuth, as diamagnetic
in model round tower, 88
Blackjack the mule, 26,
Bloom, AUan, 76
Blue Ridge Moumtains, 51
brain waves, 54-55
atmospheric, 54
brain/bodycontinuum, 55
brein research, 89
Breadirom Stones, 7, 8
Breezy Hill, 36
brick, as paramagnetic,
burlap, 55
cabbage looper sex scent,
calcium nitrate, as diamagnetic,
calcium, as paramagnetic,
Canada, 12
cancer, 37
Cape May, New Jersey, vii
Cape May Warbler, vii-viii,
72, 75
carbon daling, 58
carbon dioxide, 28
carborundum, as paramagnetic
in model
round tower, 88
Carson, Rachel, 9
Castle del Monte, 18
Catalina flying boats, 62
"Catholic/Shinto,_ as description
of author, 35
CatoctinMountain, 51
cattail marshes, 9
cattle grazing, in relation
to roumd towers, 36, 61
Celtic history, 5
Center for Fronier Sciences,
CGS, (Centimeter, Grams,
Seconds), 44, 79 82, 88
CGS meters, 79
chaotic mathematica, in
study of paramagnetism, 45
chemical companies, in universiy
funding, 76
chemical farming, 75-76
chemical fertilizers, 82
chemical industry, 9, 13
chemical propaganda, 81
chemical weathering, 22
chemistry, 6
imporeance of paramagnetism
in, 43
Chemistry in the Application
to Agrier~lture, 6
Chickens 8 cholera
in, 8 diphtheria in, 8
China, 19 as origin of geomancy,
38 relations with Japan, 39
Chinese bellflowers, in
rock gardens, 47
Chinese soil, 19
chopsticks, 39
Christ, iv, 11
Christians, iv
circuit, electronic, 69
Cistercianmonks, 18, 19
classic sedimentary rocks,
clay, 22
clear cutting, 72
Cleveland, Ohio, Mahlon
Loomis studies and teaches in, 52
ClosJng of the Amenean Mind,
Thc, 76
Cocannouer, Joseph, 28
coherence, in electromagnetic
energy, 86-88 spatial, 57 tempora!, 57
cola fusion, 89
colloid, 22
Colorado, red rocks of,
compaction,ofsoil, 17
compost, 30, 79, 82
c omp o s tin g, 6, 9
computer models, 55
concrete, as paramagnetic,
Congress, issues charter
to Loomis Aerial
Telegraphic Company, 54
Coon, Nelson, 27
copper wire gauze, used
in Mahlon Loomis'
experiments, 52
corn, 9 grown by Frederick
II, 18 insect-resistant, 77
corn earworm larvae, 9corn
earworm motie, 77
corporale America, 13"
corporale communism," 76
corporations, in universiy
funding, 75, 76
cosmic energy, 28
cosmos, the, magnetic moment
of, 44
cotton, grown by Frederick
II, 18
cows, kept by Frederick
I, 18"
crane end the turtle" rock
formation, 33, 39,46
creationism, 7
crop rotation, 6, 76
cross breeding, 19
Crusaders, 18crust prate,
Crystalline Fields,_ ix
Curie point, 47current flow,
69D.C. 222 Tektronix oscilloscope, 66D-Day, 61
Dance of the Continents,
Darwin, Charles, 7
DC battery, 47, 48
deer horen (fire weed),
del Moral, Roger, 25
Devinish Island, 61-62qualiy
of grass, 61
Devinish Tower, 36
Devin-Adair Company, 6
diamagnestism, 37, 46, 79
definition of, 88
diamagnetic propertjes of
plants, 36
Dictionary of Chemistry,
43. 46
Dictionary of Physical Geography,
Dictionary of Physics, 43Diekctrie
Aeriak, 64
dielectric resonators, 64
digital meter, in CGS meters,
disease, as nature's scavenger,
disease resistance, in healthy
plante, 77distilled deionized water, 80DNA, 90
DNA research, 76
Dog Rock, Australia, 69
dogwood, Diiidoping, solid-state,
drought, 28
Dublin, Ireland
Dupont, 27
Dust Bowl regions, 20
earth, the, as an organism,
14magnetic field of, 45magnetic moment of, 44earth's crust, 22 earthquakes,
11, 14 earthworms, 75, 82
Eco-agriculture, 76
ecosystem, disruption of,
electric storms, 64
electric sound field, 86
electric generator, 44electrical
anesthesie, 52, 55
electromagnetic coil, of
CGS meters, 45
electromagnetic photon spectrum,
52electromagnetic waves, 64
electron, 90electronic communication,
in life processes, 88
ELF spectrum, used in anesthetics,
ELF waves, 35, 47, 71
ELF waves, and rubber bands,
86 and stimulation of insect scents,86 atmospheric, 54-58, 70, 88detection
of, 55-58
elitism, in science, 55
Enniskilen, Ireland, 61Erne
Valley, 5
erosion, 17, 19, 21-22
ESP (Extrasensory Perception),
55, 89
Estimated Erosion and Sediment
Yeld,USDA Proceedings, 17
ethanol infrared signals,
as emitted by sickplante, 77
ethanol, as insect sex scent,
86 as insect attractant, 77, 78
Evans, E. Estyne, 5
evaporation, 17
evening primrose (Onagrarirae),
Exploring tbe Spectrum,
44, 64, 86
falcon eyries, 35
fallow, allowing fields
to lie, 29
false ground, in radio tower
construction , 69
family farm, 9
famine, 72
Faraday, Michael, 37
farmers, American, 72
farming, development of,
77 and RC. Soil Meter, 81
Farming and Grdening for
Healtb and Disease, 5
FDA, 88
Feng Shui, 38
Fermanagh Couny, Northern
Ireland, 5
ferro magnetism, definition
of, 47
fertilizer, production of,
fiber optics waveguides,
fiberizatation, of soil,
Fibonacci series, 38
field strength, of magnetic
field, 44
fireweed, 25
flashlight, water flow experiment,
64, 65
flatland areas, 20
fluorescent light bulb,
as model, 55
fluorine, 7-8, 27
Foggia, Italy, 18
Forces of Nature, 13
forest, 12 Nature gods of,
forest fire, 25-26
Formation of Vegetable Mould
Through the Action of Worms, with Observations of Their Habits, 7
Fourier transform spectrum,
Frank, Anne, xFrederickII,
full moon, as guide in planting,
full-wave antenne, 70
galvanometer, used in Mahlon
experiments, 52-53
gamma radiation, 64
garden art, 39
Garriy, Devin, 6
gathering, 77
gauss, 44
genetica, 19 maize,
90 Mendelian, 90
geology, 13
geomancy, 38-39 Chinese
end Japanese, 46
Glendalough Tower, Ireland,
66-67, 70
gneiss, 22
goats, kept by Frederick II, 18
God, 7, 11, 13, 18, 43,
76, 82, 88 gods, Nature, 34
golden mean of the ancient
Greeks, 38
Goldman, Jonathan, 85, 86
Gorter, Dr. CJ.,
gothic cathedrals, as dielectric
waveguideantennae, 66
government agencies, in
university funding,
granite, 8, 22 in
rock gardens, 46-47 in round tower construction, 70 in veil restoration,
Grant, U.S., signs charter
of Loomis Aerial Telegraphic Co., 54
grants, in umiversiy funding,
grapes, grown by Frederick
II, 18
grass, in relation to round
towers, 36
gravel, 22greenhouse effect,
Gulf Coast, 21
half-wave antenne, 70"
Halle of Ivy," 78
Handbook of Chemistry and
Physics, 79
headumters, Aschuara tribe,
Healing Sounds: The Power
of Harmonious, 85
heaven, 39
hemp, grown by Frederick
II, 18
Hensel, Julius, 7, 27
herbs, 27
High Sierras, 26
Hiroshima, 12
Hitler, x
Holborn, 33
honeybees, 75
"Horse," ancient turle of,
Howard, Sir Albert, 3, 5-6
Huagramona River, 58
humam body, as antenna/amplifier,
Human Impacts on the Nitrogen
Cycle, 75
hunting falcons, 18
igneous rock, 22
impedance, 69
impedance match, 81
"Improvement in Telegraphmg,_
Inaba, Norio, 33-34, 39
incoherence, of energy,
India, rural villages, 56
infrared frequencies, 66
infrared radiation, 86-87
infrared, sound-stimulated,
insect antenne, 64
insect attractants, 77
insect damage, 77
insect resistance, in healthy
plante, 77
insect sensilla, 65-66
insects, as nature's scavenger,
78 and scent emmission, 86-87
insecticides, xiv, 8-9,
86testing, 76
insulator, im radio tower
construction, 69
ionosphere, 53, 55
Ireland, 5-6, 29, 36, 62
Irish people, beliefs, 36
Irish beef, grass-fed, 61
Irish Department of Public
Works, 78
Irish Heritage, 5
iron, 7, 27 as characteristly
magnetic, 47
iron oxide, as paramagnetic,
Ise, sacred groves of, Shinto
Shrine, 33, 34
Isle of the Immortals, 39
Jackson, Wes, 48
Japan, 12, 33-34, 80 central
mountains of, 34 history of, 34 occupation of, 34, 36, 69 Japanese alps,
12, 224 Paramagnetism in Japanese gardens, 38, 39 Japanese people, beliefs,
Jerusalem, 18
Johnston, David, 11-12
jute, 55, 66, 71
Kamakura period, 46
Kami, 34, 36
Kansas State, 77
Karuizawa, 12
Kiely, D.C., 64-65
King, Ann P., 75
kites, as antennae, 56
Klein, Dr. Jeffrey, M.D.,
Koolin artifical teeth,
Kornberg, Harry, xi
Kyoto, Japan, 38
land protection policy,
Langmuir, Irving, 88-90
Leimer, Lee, xi, 80-81
Lettcrs of a Radio-Engineer
to His Son, 51
light, behavior along flow
of water, 64, 65sound-stimulated, 85-86
lightning, 53, 55, 64, 88
lime, 7, 27
limestone, as diamagnetic,
78in rock gardens, 47
Little Blue Lycaena butterfly
(Lyeacnaptcudargiolw), vii-viii
Little Switzerland, North
Carolina, vii
lobbyists, 75
loess soil, 19
Loomis, Mahlon, 51-52, 56,
69 and ammospheric waves, 53 kite experiment with wireless transmission,
52 lack of recognition, 54
Loomis Aerial Telegraphic
Company, chartered by Congress, 54 Lough Eme, Upper end Lower, 61
Loughcrew, Ireland, 72
low-energy systems, 89
Macon, Georgia, 80
magma, 14, 22 magnesia,
7, 27
magnet, 79 im creation of
electricity, 44 magnetic dowsing, 38
magnetic field, 46-47, 80and
paramagnetism, 43 effects on diamagnetic and paramagnetic substances, 37
in creation of electricity, 44 of the earth, 48of the cosmos, 48
magnetic flux, 44, 46
magnetic force, 36
magnetic moment, 43, 44,
magnetic resonance, 88
magnetism, importance to
biology, 47
magnetite, 47
Mahlon Loomis, the Discovery
and Inventor of Radio, 53manganese, 7, 27
mantle rock, 14
manure, 29-30 green, 29
mathematica, 55
Mayan pyramids, 85
McClintock, Barbara, 90
mechanical weathering, 23
megalithic pictograph, 72
megalithic tombs, 36, 72
as dielectric wavegaude antennae, 66
Mendel, 19
Mercer University, 80
mercuric oxide, as diamagnetic,
mercury, as diamagnetic,
mercury vapor, in fluorescent
light, 55
metamorphic rod 4 22
metamorphism, 22
meteorite cones, of the
moon, 48
Meyer, L.D., 17
mica-minerals, 8
mica-schist, in round tower
construction, 70
Middle East, 11, 18
Miles, John, 51
millet, grown by Frederick
II, 18
Millikan, Robert, 90
Milton, John mineral deposits,
mineralization, of soil,
8 2minerals, 27 paramagnetic, 30
Mississippi, state of, 12mitogenic
rays, 89
model round towers, end
insect scentemmissions, 87
molecules, paramagnetic
behavior of, 43 Momoyama period, 47
monks, Irish, 63, 71-72
moon , as paramanetic, 48
moon rock, measurement of,
Mount Asama, 12
Mount Fuji, 12
Mount Hood, 11
Mount St. Helens, 11-13
mountain formation, 22
N'rays, 89
Nanzen-en stroll garden,
NASA, 55 Nan~ral History,
Nebraska, fields of, 77
nervous system, 88
Netherlands, x
Nevada, end erosion, 21
"never aging rock,_ 39New
Hampshire, diffs of, 35
nicotine sulphate, 18
nitrogen, as diamagnetic,
nitrogen fixation, 75
Nobel Prize, 89-90
noise, in radio spectrum,
Nordeng, Donald, 33
North American wood warblers,
north end south pole magnetism,
Northern Ireland, on the
Denegal border, 5
N, P & K (nitrogen,
phosphorus endpotassium), 6
nutrients, airborne, 28O'Brien,
Dr. Edward, 80-81
oak wood, as diamagnetic,
oats, grown by Frederick
II, 18
Ocean in the Sand, The,
oil drop experiment, 90
Oklahoma, fields of, 77
olives, grown by Frederick
II, 18 |
open resonators, 65-66
Oppenheim, New York birthplace
of Mahlon Loomis, 52
orbital, 43
Ord, George, vii
Oregon, 11
ores, 14 1
organic compounds, as diamagnetic,
37, 46
organic molecules, as photonic
oscillators, 54,
Origins of Continents and
Oceans, The, 15
oscilloscope, 58, 66, 68
Oxford, 58
oxygen, 28as paramagnetic,
29, 79-81
ozone, depletion of, 7
O'Brien, Dr. Edward, xi
PC. Soil Meter (PCSM), 80-82
PACs, 75 Painter,
Dr. Reginald, 77
Painte Indians, 26
Palenque, 85
Paradise Lost, 85
arrangement, in geomancy, 4647
Paramagnetic Relaxation,
paramagnetism, x, 9, 27-29,
37, 43, 8 as plant growth stimulans, 78 definition of,
88 in rocks, 36 in round tower building material, 70
in soil, 35, 79-82 measurement of, 30 physics of, 30 :nt, first for radio,
53 chological science," 89 n State, 55 -olation, 17 u, 58
pesticides, 9 (in rock classification),
pheromone, cabbage looper,
87-88 lippines, 64 phossphate of potassa, 7
phosphor, in fluorescent
light, 55
phosphoric acid, 7, 27 :eon,
definition of, 64 :'eon electromagnetic spectrum, 86
aeon energy, 53, 64 Ocean
harmonica, 86 ocean waves, 88 ????????sorry
got the book in my shop window, can't check it now
photonic communication,
in life processes, 8
photonic oscillaeors, 54,
photonic waveguide, 64 physics,
x, 6
importance of paragmagnetism
in, 43 of volcano formation, 14
physics and the Environment,
physics Today, 75, 89
physical weathering, 22
:CRAM - Photonic Ionic Cloth Radio amplifier Maser, 55, 56
pigeons, kept by Frederick
1:I, 18 as, and earthquake/volcano detection, 12 kept by Frederick II,
Pike, Robert, xi, 80
plant growth, controled
by rock placement, 47 stimulated by music, 86
planes, as diamagnetic,
Pliny the Elder, 12
Polyethylene filter, 87
Pompeii, 12
potassa, 7, 27
potassium, 14
power grids, as antennae,
priests, Shinto, 34
Princeton, 75-76
ProJScam, 76
pyramids, Mayan, 85
quarks, 90
|quartz, 22
in rock gardens, 46
queens University, 5
radio, firse patent, 53
radio aerial transmitter,
built by Mahlon Loomis, 52
radio commumcations, discovered
by Mahlon Loomis, 54
radio emissions, produced
by statie
generators, 51, 52
radio range stations, World
War II, 69
radio reception, end trees,
radio region of the spectrum,
radio waves, 66
radio-telephony, 51
rainfall, 17
rainfall erosion index,
recrystallization, 22
red-winged blackbirds, 9
religious structures, as
dielectric antennae waveguides, 66, 67
replacement agriculture,
resistance, 81 electrical,
resonans antenne system,
resonans standing waves,
in the atmosphere, 55
River of the Tapers, 58
"rock of the ten thousand
Bons," 39
rock gardens, Japanese,
38 rocks, 11 crystalline, x Nature gods and spirits of, 34
paramagnetic, 88 paramagnetic, in rock gardens, 47 placement end shape
inJapanese gardens,39 placement and shape in relation to the sun, 38 vitality
of, 35-36 volcanic, 48
Rocky Mountains, 20
root growth, 28
roots secretions of, 29
rotatlon, of atoms end molecules,
round towers, 72 and impedance,
69 as ELF radio antenne paramagnetic amplifiers, 71 as dielectric waveguide
radio antennae, 64 as ELF/VLF aneenna amplifiers, 58 as dielectric wavegmde
antenne, 66 lack of recorded history, 61, 63
Round Towers of Ireland,
The, 36, 61-63
rubber band experiment,
Rubek, Dr. Beverly, 89
Russia, 72
Ryogen-en garden, 46
saltwater, 70-71
sand, 22
Scattery Island Tower, Ireland,
63, 71
scent molecules, 66end insects,
86-88 schiet, 22
Schumann, W.O., 53
Schumann waves, 53-54
science, 2, 11as opposed
to manipulation, 76
scientists, women, 89
sea, nature gods of, 34seawater,
55, 66
Secret Book of Gardening,
38, 46
sedimentary rock, 22sediments,
semiconductor, definition
of, 64
Senate, passes charter of
Loomis Aerial Telegraphic Company, 54 refuses funding to Mahlon Loomis,
sensilla, insect, 64-66
sensor coil, in CGS meters,
shadow wave, 70
Shannon River, of Ireland,
streep, kept by Frederick
II, 18
streep grazing, in relation
to round towers, 36
Shmto religion, 33, 35,
shrines, Shinto, wooden,
36 Shroud of Turin, 58
sick science," 89
Silent Spring, 9
silica, 7, 22, 27 silicate, 15 silt, 22
Silver, Kenneth, x, 58 slate,
snakes, end earehquake/volcano
detction, 12
Socolow, Robert H., 75
soda, 7
Sodia, 27
7-8, 17, 19aeration of,
29, 79 and paramagnetic ELF force, 72 as condenser,
69 books on, 43 clay, 69 compacted,
29 composting of, 79 depleted, 27-28, 30
erosion, 29-30, 81-82 fereility, 29 health, 28, 34 health,
end paramagnetism, 46, 80 paramagnetic, 55, 82 paramagnetic,
as radiation condenser, 58 restoration of, 27 soggy, 30
spirts of, 34
vital force of, 36
volcanic, 48, 80-82 Soil and Health, The, 3, 6
soil and water conservation,
17 soil bacterie, 82 soil dispersion, 21
soil formation, 12-15, 22-23 soil mineralization,
82 soil organisme, 9, 79, 82 soil
pareicle, 21
soil quality, end
paramagnetic reading, 80
Soil, the 1987 Yearbook
of Agriculture, 21
solar energy, 28
solid-state physicist, 37
sound harmonica, 85
sound waves, 86
SouHheast Asia, 64
sow dhisde, 26
spectra! charts, early,
spectrophotometer, 87
spectrum, brein wave region,
55 electrical anesthesie region, 55
gamma radiation region,
infrared region, 66, 86,
lightning region, 55
radio region, 55
Ultraviolet region, 55
visible region, 86, 88
VLF radio region, 55
Speculations in Seienee
and Teetnology, 89
sphinx modh, 26
spin, of atoms end molecules,
spread, of radio waves,
statie, 64
statie generators, 51
statie spark machine, 52
steam, in volcanic formation,
steel pipes, used in Mahlon
Lommis' experiments, 54
stone, 8
stone castles, 78
stone rings, ancient, 36
ancient, as dielectric waveguide
antennae, 66
as male end female, 38
straw, 7
subsoil, 27-29
sulfur, 7, 27
sun, end rock placement,
38, 47
connection to geomancy,
38, 39
sun end shade, as paramgnetic/diamagnetic,
Sun Goddess,Japanese, 34
surface chemistry, 89
susceptibility, property
of, 44, 46
Sykes, CharlesJ., 76
Syntony and Spark_The Origins
of Radio, 54
Syria, 18
Tang dynasty, 39
target waves, 68-70, 72
Tavoliere, Plain of, 18
technocrats, 55, 58
tectonic plates, 14
tectonic dheory of land
formation, 15
Temple University, 89
Temples of Ise Peninsula,
Tennu, Emperor, 34
Tentokuen landscape garden,
Terra Alto, West Virginia,
as site of Mahlon Loomis'death, 54
Tesla, Nikola, 7, 51
theory of diamagnetic substances,
theory of evolution, 7
thermal energy, in volcanic
formation, 14
thorium, 14
tides, as effected by moon,
Tokugawa period, 38
Tokyo,Japan, 12, 33
torque, 44
charges in, 46
trace elements, 26
translocation of genes,
transmitter, 81
transpiration, 17
trees, end TV end radio
reception, 56 as dielectric antennae, 56, 58 spirits
of, 34
Truman, Harry, 11
TV reception, end trees,
two-coil chamber principle,
in RC. Soil
Meter, 81
Tyndall,John, 7, 36-37,
U.S. Geoological survey,
universe, 3
universiq, demise of, 76
university ftmding, 75
university agricultural
experiment stations,
University of Leyden, x
university research, and
corporale control,
75, 76
uranium, 14
USDA, 19
Utah, end erosion, 21
Ultraviolet (UV) region
of the spectrum, 55
VE day, 61
Vermont, cliffs of, 35
vibrations, of atoms end
molecules, 44
Vlkings, 63
Vincent, Dr. E.A., 13-14
vitality, enhancement of,
VLF waves, 55
atmospheric, 56, 57, 58 detection of, 55-58
volcanic action, 20-21
volcanic ash, 12-13
as paragmagnetic, 37
volcanic cones, 14-15
of the moon, 48
volcanic eruption, 11, 13,
volcanic pressures, 23
volcanic rock, 12-13, 28-29,
48 as paramagnetic, 37
volcanic soil, 14-15, 48,
volcano, 11-15, 19
von Liebig, Justus, 6-8
W. Harrington, John, 11
Walters, Anne, x
Walters, Charles, xi, 27
Walters, Fred C., xi
Washington, state of, 11-12
water, 11 as diamagnetic,
capillary movement of, 28,
water erosion, 20
wavegrude antenne, 64
weadhering, 21
weed, origin of the word,
weeds, 19, 78
"Weeds, Guardians of the
Soil", 28
Weed Control Without Poisons,
27, 28
Wegener, Alred, 15
West Springfield, Massachusetts,
residence of Mrs. Mahlon
Loomis, 52
West Indies, viii
wheat, disease-resistant,
77 grown by Frederick II, 18
white swans, 62
white quartz, in turde rock
formation, 46
wild asparagus, (fireweed),
Wllkinson, Dr. Robert, xi
Wilson, Alexander, vii
wind erosion, 20
wire telegraph, 53
wireless radio system, first,
Wollny, Ewald, 17, 19
wood, as diamagnetic substance,
wooden towers, used im Mahlon
experiments, 54
World War II, 5, 19, 29,
62-63, 78
yin and yang, 36
in geomancy, 46-47
Young, Otis B., 53
Zeeman Laboratories, x
Zen gardens, 46
zero aperture, 57
Well, here is the beginning of the sample pages from a preturn of the century book called: "Life, its foundations and means for its preservation" by a Callahan 'precursor called: Julius Hensel
as translated and published by Charles
Schindler in 1976 from Hergiswil, Switserland.
His son Zeno now holds copyrights. For further (and/or larger efforts you
may try to contact him at Sonnhaldenstr ?, 6052 in the good old ancestral
town already mentioned. (page
numbers are in this colour)
No matter how far off he is on particulars when speculation
(hollow earth, moon as a dish, etc) gains upperhand over empirically
staved intuition I forgive him gladly since he is so right on in the latter
respects. Something in this is going to make some
mind and/or another click toward connecting and harmonizing, a specially
apt term since such subjects as music, shape weight and force (form,
frequency and function as Callahan has 'm)
are treated, Hensel's cosmological inspirations with the efforts by say
Russell and probably a few others I don't know yet. I therefore
consider it justified to refresh these writs if only and that is mayhaps
for no better purpose but the indulgence in a little flex
of the old fireside fonction fabulatrice where it concerns literally
far off stuff like space and planets. Hensel was
a staunch defender of spontaneous generation and some of my sampling will
reflect that.
He personifies rock into familytrees;
approve and do draw the line at present day
personifications as used to start the alien hypes and other perverse transpositions
from traditional, trusty and/or treacherous nature spirits into the eerie
exile of ET et al.
Even if one sees
them for what they are: 'rational' extrapolations and projections of how
ugly we will all soon become if we keep a few mechanism and laws in place.
Hensel cites the Roman poet
Ovid often as you may soon see; then he proceeds to explain the often seemingly
psychedelic imagery the Roman used in sober scientific terms and that means
Julius; his ranking of the elements as they group regroup and metamorphose
has the smallest coming out on top: Hydrogen is the big transformer, the
foam of the waves, the Proteus supreme!
In this first excerpt though,
we will stay much closer to home.....well,...most
the time anyway.
14 Along
with the chemical unions and separations of earth, water and air, the ordinary
physical langs, to which the growth of crystals submits, also played a
role. I should like to draw attention to the well-known fact that the solutions
of ammonium salts as welf as of benzoate salts, after having evaporated
their water content, imitate the shapes of stalks and leaves and water
beyond the edge of the vessel. If, in addition to these two appearances,
we also consider the crystalalization of the frost-ferns on window panes
and consider benzoic acid as a sugar product, and, since ammonia is contained
in the albumin of plante, we have in sugar, ammonia and water the form-giving
elements of the growth of plants, all united. And since, beyond the ammonia,
also calcium, magnesia, potash, soda and other bases take part in that
formation, we understand that the manifold forms of plante are merely subjected
to the simple law of the paralellogram of forces.
From all this we can see why it is necessary that not the whole amount
of rein water evaporates because of constant sunshine, since the young
plants would perish if they could not constantly absorb humidity by means
of their roots. This is taken care of by the clay which retains, efficiently
and constantly, the water in the soil. And since clay is contained in chemical
union with silica, as well as potash, soda, calcium, magnesia iron manganese,
calcium chloride and calcium fluoride in the ordinary feldspar, ...................
the conditions
which must exist in fertile rocks are the following:
1) Finely
ground feldspar, granite, gneiss or porphyry
2) Calcium
carbonate rock
3) Some
gypsum and some phosphate
4) Porosity
of the veil for the admittance of nitrogen and oxygen from the atmosphere
5) Rain
and sunshine
Fine grinding of the rock is of real worth to abundant fertility as it
is evident t at the electro chemical conditions of the material all the
easier shiftable the more numerous the elementary substances are held together
in the smallest possible space.
instructive example is furnished by the easily-flowing Wood's metal, containing
bismuth, leed, cadmium and tin which melts at 60.5° C., i. e., considerably
below the boiling point of water, whereas bismuth metal melts at 271°
C., lead at 327° C., tin at 232° C., and cadmium at 321° C.,
is the importance of the difference as to whether we are dealing with a
simple substance, or a mixture. (Multimoleculism
is perhaps a more fertile value than multiculturalism?)
It is now apparent that when certain occurrences in a melting process analogous
to that of Wood's metal have brought about a perfectly similar mixture
of minerals, the fertility arising therefrom is the greatest imaginable.
An astonishing proof of this is shown by the creative power of the flowing
lava after every volcanic eruption, since it contains all the basic feldspar
parts in a homogeneous mixture. That tremendous
eruption, to which the depressed region of the Caspian Sea owes its origin,
the Caucasus, the Elburz Mountains and the Himalayas turned the viscera
of the earth towards the outside, is of great value in the primeval
creation processes. The potash containing
porphyry rocks of Mt. Ararat (melted feldspar) and its trachyte rocks (lava
loosened by water vapor) confirm the tradition handed down of the creation
of the potash-holding grapevine on rocks containing so much potash and
calcium. The event took place, without doubt, in the following way: The
considerable height to which the glass flux of the molten earth crust rose
— up to two or three miles above sea level—surely displaced in a large
circle the heated atmosphere. And thee, hardly had the glowing flux begun
to stiffen than the air layers, held high above until these, precipitated
into the empty space with thunder. The electricity of the atmosphere discharged
itself in thunderbolts of such unusual power that the vapors of the total
earth circumference were drawn into the gigantic air crater bringing on
a cloudburst, which legend has described as the
Flood. Under the effects of that cloudburst,
the hot lava glass flux burst asunder into dust and powder. And out of
such dust and powder, in connection with the rain and the sun, a paradise
That the vineyards in the localities at the foot of Mt Vesuvius throve
then just as today can be believed without any doubt, since, wherever such
a homogeneous mixture of rocks is provided with sunshine and humidity,
there can be no lack of a luxurious growth of plante. The original creation
of the Caucazian human race with its symmetrical body form was possible
only on the condiffon that an enormous mess of rocks remained hot enough
for a sufficiently long time. This was in order to furnish a large quantity
of water (to the Black Sea) with a uniform brooding warmth as it is indispensable
for the growth of rather large beings. In this respect, the sojourn of
the beings in lukewarm amniotic water rich in albumin, probably lasted
a little longer than forty weeks. And the comparatively indepandent beings
surely found, when carried to land by the western winde, a temperature
of the atmosphere and also products of the veil which kept them from all
want of food and clothing.
I have said that the crushing of rocks
to dust and mud was a main condition for an exuberant fertility. This fact
cannot be emphasized too much. Egypt owes
its fertility to the fine dust of the Nile mud, which is washed down each
year from the mountains. And how could
the masses of China be fed if their enormous rivers, the Hwang Ho and Yangtze,
did not cover their rice fields every spring with the washed-down dust
and mud from the rocky mountains of Tibet? The sugar-containing grapevine
thrives in the calcium carbonate veil of Champagne in France. The oil-supplying
fennel bush, anise and caraway also need a veil rich in calcium, which
at the same time should contain feldspar, so these are often found in vineyards.
In Barletta, Italy, on the Adriatic Sea, according to the report of a friand,
where they plant at the and of October for the 17
time, where they continuously sow and reep without letting the veil rest,
where the grapes grow to a size never seen elsewhere, where, pomegranates,
peaches, pears apples and figs, caused the Greek
seafarers as early as 2000 years ago to describe upon returning home "the
wonders of the Hesperian gardens," the soil could not bring forth such
miracles if the Ofanto River, nourished by numberless tributaries, were
not fructifying the seacoast with its inexhaustible calcium carbonate and
weathered feldspar from the Neapolitan Appenines.
By means of the incomparable fertility
of the feldspar-containing alluvial soil, the calcium carbonate exhausted
by vegetation is replaced by every rain coming down from the towering chains
of mountains in every Jurassic country. This should teach us how rich and
fertile the veil becomes when one applies ground limestone mixed with ground
When the electric lightning of the sunshine penetrates the moist soil,
as an equivalent of its action, a re-grouping of materials and production
of sugar take place. So we must remember that the newborn sugar with its
unaltered carbon dioxide is literally forged to the potash or calcium or
magnesia of the feldspar, which, all of them in their turn, are united
to silica. In short, the sugar and the rock form a closely connected body,
in which the sugar acts as a bridge over 15
which the carbon dioxide and water convert themselves into ethereal oil
substance, while gradually the bridge itself —just as it happens in fairy
sales—also goes across and transforms itself into oil, while also being
submitted to various other chemical charges as long
as the warm sun—the actual sorcerer—shines.
We can convince ourselves that the crystallizing sugar substance, wherever
organic life exists, is the actual foundation, and when studying it thoroughly,
we become aware that it represents rothing else than a union of oil-creating
material with carbon dioxide and water when the opposition of identical
substance and the interposition with dissimilar substance will produce
a physical tetanus contraction. And with this understanding disappears
the imaginary wall which up to now has divided naturel bodies into three
different classes, namely, stores, plante and animale, by virtue of that
mistaken principle that the crystal form and organic life are incompatible
things. The sugar crystal itself proves that it is not a lifeless substance;
on the contrary, living forces are contained in it, which are capable of
manifesting themselves in various directions. This is to say that the living
power in the sugar is apparently deed, butt it is only slumbering and just
needs to be awakened.