AIMS: Gradual publication of an ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF ALL PEACE PLANS, in digest form, gathered from all available sources. DISCUSSION OF ALL PEACE PLANS in scarch for the rightful end sensible ones.
RECOGNITION OF ALL HUMAN RIGHTS, being the greatest degree
of TOLERANCE AND IMPARTIALITY which is morally still justified. This implies
ANTI-TOTALITARIANISM or condemnation of communist, nazi, and other dictatorships.Contributions
are welcome. Reprint Is free and desired. Published, editod end distributed
by J. M. Zube, 35 Oxley Berrima lN.S.W., Australis Postal Code Number:
__ __ _ _ ___ __ _
_ _ _
The Possibility of
Developing Insurance Facilities in Asia, in Colonies and New Countries,
through applying the Milhaud System; together with some Reflections on
this System by Ulrich von Beckerath, Berlin, 1938 (A reprint with permission.
See p. 267 The Editor.)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
file was created near end of nov 98; last minor changes in dec 98
tool Nedstat installed near the end of nov 98 but incorrectly till remedied in july 99
see what else poetpiet can puzzle people with here
check the intro to this and other files in this first batch of guest appearances
all sorts of currency issues
(I kept the page numbering
of the 20 c (auz), '68 peace plan pamphlet in for the exquisite purpose
of later scanbloop corrections; volunteers anybody?)
The Problem
11 The popularisation of the Insurance
Idea in Asia through Public Insurance
111 Traits Differentiating Public from Private
Insurance 211
1V, Organisation of a System of Public Insurance
on the Assumption that in the Near Future no Specific Guaranteed Capital
will be Available nor Reinsurance with Private Companies
A, Initial Stage
B, The Goal to Aim at
C, Nature of Obiects to
be Insured and Extent of Insurance Protection
D, Dependence of the Uniform
Magnitude of Contributions on the Size of a Society
E, Advantages of a Moderate-Sized
Society 214
F, CompuLsory Membership
of part 2
G, Grant of an Insurance
Dependent on Voluntary Membership for Objects not subject to compulsory
insurance 217
H, Mode of Paying Contributions
(I is not in my copy either)
1, Due Dates 217
2 Means of Payment ,
of part 3
J, The standards of value
in legislation to insurance in Asia, more especially in Iran
K, Indemnification
of losses only through reinstatement of destroyed values and not through
cash Payments
L. Tariffs
of part 4
M. Dispensing with Reinsurance
in Private Insurance Offices 246
V) Fresh Legislation 248
V1) Insurance of Nomad Tribes 249
V11) Co-operation with a Country is Private Insurance
Offices 250
V111) Federation of Public Societies
1 Time of foundation
2 Federational aid in catastrophes 250
3 Statistics prepared by the federation
4 A federational periodical .. 251
Concluding Remarks
They deal
with many subjects such as:
the currency
sides to the French
5 continues the second half of the Concluding Remarks
page 256
= and, ffl = m,
teut = but.....................
for some
more remarks on remaining, uncorrected mismorphscans go to the guest_app.
I will start with showing
the quote on the last page:
MONEY (other than that for and of its own
business as one among many, implied here I believe (piet)) HAS
''Prof Murray N. Rothbard
in: "What has Government dane to our Money?"
PEACE PLANS No. 12 will resume again the publication of about two dozen short plens per issue and wilt contain an index covering issues 1-8 and 12
politics as I perceive it is nothing but universal insurance.
Emile de
G I R A R D I N, 1852
11. The
popularization of the insurance idea in Asia through public insurance
Small associations based
on mutuality corresponding to the mutuat aid funds of the guilds end corporations
in mediaeval Europe, end even in ancient Rome, are no doubt also to be
found in Asia. For instance as regards diverse regions, travellers report
that camel drivers replace one another's collapsed or stolen carmels precisely
as formerly the German "cow guilds" came to the assistance of the peasantry.
These associations it seems, have not even always written rules.
It may be reasonably
supposed that the highly developed guilds of China include mutual aid funds,
but even Chinese authors reporting on the associational life of their country,
confess that it is difficult to obtain information on the subject. This
may be possibly due to the fact that formerly the Imperial Chinese Government
mistrusted associations generally with the result that in some provinces
even the most useful societies had to adopt the form of secret leagues.
Then, too it was necessary to keep secret the funds of the societies from
rapacious officials.' The attitude of the Fiaachu Emperors calls to mina
that of Trajan, otherwise a great ruler, who prohibited all societies,
to the point that, as transpires from his correspondence with Pliny, he
would not even allow the formation of voluntary fire brigades.
The responsible statesmen of Asiatic countries should in any case collect
end publish the available information about mutual aid groups It might
very welt be that important discoveries would thus be made regarding the
technique of insurance. This supposition will not be lightly dismissed
on a priori grounds if we remember that, for example, the merchant guilds
of China conducted their operations in various spheres in a manner that
would have done honour to the best theorists. Here
is an illustration. They invented for themselves the t a e l system, which
is theoretically very remarkable, operates excellently in practice, end
is, above all, safe against inflation. It is true that an Act of the Nanking
Government of 1934 abolished it officially, but unofficially it is still
widely used. Indeed when the Giro Bank of Hamburg was reconstructed at
the time of the Seven Years' war, it served as a model, after Sonnin had
called attention to it, The merchants of Ning-po developed a banking systea
with 210 effective
safeguards against a "run", a system that also automatically secured that
Ning-po's balance of payments should not be thrown into confusion by external
trading, And here is another example. The credit insurance system of the
Hong merchants of Canton, which was based on mutuality, served as a model
for the New York Act of 1829 relatinq to the protection of bank deposits.
In explaining the bill. Governor van Buren specifically referred to that
system. One thing is certain, the system of
mutual aid funds in countries like China India; or Iran would be greatly
furthered if the respective governments instituted enquiries on the subject
end published the results (This opportunity
could be utilised for making a collection of all local end provincial regulations
relating to fire protection, which undoubtedly would yield valuable data)
The extensive enguiry conducted in 1893 by the American labor Bureau into
Building and loan Associations might be taken as a model here, inasmuch
as it effectively stimulated both building end saving in America end also
led to these associations learning of one another's existence end benefiting
by their mutual experience. It would be frequently practicable to utilise
the arrangements of local mutual aid funds in the formation of pub tic
insurance societies Of course, if a statesman desired to furnish his country
with an efficiently operating insurance system without undue delay, he
would not be satisfied with developing the existing popular mutual aid
groups, he would, on the contrary, proceed as, for instance the Prussian
kings proceeded before trim. He would establish public insurance societies
with compulsory membership, base them on mutuality, end arrange for the
fullest self-government.
It readily suggests itself that in order to achieve something as rapidly
as possible, it might be best to start with establishing a private insurance
office operating on the model of a European or American company - that
is, finding its clients through commission agente, covering its administrative
expenses during the first few years by means of an orqanisation fund end
having recourse to reinsurance where its financial strength proved inadequate.
There can be no objection to establishing such private offices, say joint
stock companies the
shares of which are held by the State. Such companies would, in any event,
gather experiences' end if skilfully conducted they might prove profitable,
extending also their activities to domains not at first open to public
insurance, However, the goal- within about
two decades or less, really to insure the greater part of the objects that
need insuring in the country - is not to be
attained in any Asiatic country by private companies. Even the largest
insurance company anywhere would lack the capital required for paying commissions
end could not secure the number of acents needed. Difficulties too, would
be experienced in reinsuring on a sufficiently broad scale. The goal might,
however, be attained by public insurance.
If necessary, public insurance may get along w i t h o u t
r e i n s u r a n c e and w i t h o u t i n i t i a l c a p
i t a l. The experience of two centuries has demonstrated that. This circumstance
is important for Asia where capital is scarce end where reinsurance for
at least nine-tenths of the objects insured will, in the absence of pertinent
stati stics, be out of the question for a long time yet. (This
does not meen, naturally, that reinsurance might not be feasible for one-tenth
of the objects, p r o v i d e d this one-tenth is successfully
The methods of pub tic insurance companies differ from those of private
insurance. There is, however a consensus of opinion in Europe that in the
present circumstances of this continent such a difference does not tell
in favour of one or the other method; according to circumstances, both
methods may be justified. For the time being, in the greater part of Asia
the application of the tested, special methode of the public insurance
societies would be alone practicable if a comparatively large proportion
of the possessions requirinu to be insured, are to be really insured within
a few years. In this connection statesmen
should pay special attention to the considerations advanced by Paul Alglave,
who in 1901 published (through Chevalier-Maresq) a work of nearly a thousand
pages on the German public insurance societies.
In his final comments, this author expresses a preference for public societies,
but he admits that these societies would not have introduced the necessary
technical improvements had it not been for the competition of private offices.
On the other side it might welf be contended that this argument is weakened
by the fact that in countries like England end America insurance has developed
mainly along p r i v a t e e n t e r p r i s e
l i n e s. 211 But this
may be countered by the consideration that during recent years in these
countries, too, some economists end even some political parties have asked
that private insurance should be supplemented by public insurance, on the
ground that the latter does not meet all justifiable demands. The most
serious criticism of private companies end one hard to refute, is that
they must either forgo insuring all sections of society or even the greater
part, or speed economically excessive sums on canvassing The private companies
operating in Asia have not as yet insured as much as 1 % of the population.
The cost of securing a new client is about equal to the amount of the first
year's premium; often it greatly exceeds this. The second, end not less
weighty, criticism directed against private offices, is that where the
premium is not promptly paid, the insured is deprived wholly or partly
of protection by insurance. Morally, this criticism is, of course wholly
unwarranted' for private companies are not charitable institutions. On
the other hand, public societies collecting their premiums as taxes are
collected, frequently even through the tax collector, cen afford to be
more generous to those in arrear with their premiums because they are certain
later, when the insured are again solvent, to recover what is owine them,
even with an additional percentage (Private companies
could do the same. Comp, 269-276. The Ed (=Zube))
III. Traits differentiating
public from private insurance
The characteristic features of the first public
insurance societies were the following:
a) Compulsory membership for all inhabitants of
a certain category or a given administrative district, for example for
alt house-owners of a province. (The claims of private
insurance offices may ai the same time be fairly met, more especially by
freeing the larger objects - factories, bazaars, caravanserais, bonded
warehouses, etc - from compulsory membership) (See pp 269ff The
b) Collection of outstanding insurance contributions
with the aid of the authorities by means of a curtailed procedure namely
by leqally classing outstanding insurance contributions with outstanding
iaxes, (In the case of certain societies in Prussia
all contributions cue, end not only outstandinq ones, are collected by
the fiscal authorities.) (See the comment on p. 272 The Ed)
c) Exemption of societies from all taxes end from
chaiges for all business transactions, if possible also exemption from
payinq postage. (The author assumes here the existence
of a postal monopoly, a monopoly which he attacks e g. on p 24 and 119
Regarding tax exemption see the comment on paqe 275 The Ed.) Such
a society could naturally not be established by private contract. It presupposes
legislative action or decrees.
IV, Organisation of a System of Public Insurance on the Assumption that in theNear Future no Specific Guaranteed Capital will be Available nor Reinsurance with Private Companies
To begin with, a small model society should be
established in a district where the influence of the Government is sufficiently
strong. Following this example, similar societies would be gradually established
more especially in neighbouring districts, allowing fully for local peculiarities.
The sphere of activity of the first model society snould be a district
containing not more than 100 000 inhabitants This was the method followed
in Prussia and in Switzerland, countries whose insurance arrangements have
been exemplary for many decades Prussian experience more especially might
be here very largely utilised. It would be advisable
that a work highly esteemed among german speaking peoples, that by the
Present Managing Director of the Pomeranian Feuer societaet Landesrat a.D
Dr. Erich Brunn, "Die Geschichte der Pommerschen Feuersoietaet" (history
of the Pomeranian Fire Insurance Society), Stetting 1935 should
be translated into French end into the language of any country in question
The intersted parties would thus learn that almost the same insurance problems
requiring soition in Asia, had presented themselves in Prussia end how
they'`were grappled with successfully.
The goal ought to be that all insurable possessions
should really be insured. If, for instance, insurance in Iran is 'operated
by societies restricted to districts having approximately 100.000 inhabitants,
then about 120 such societies would be required. Once the first model society
has been established, end operates successfully enabling alt interested
partjes to study it, it would become feasible to establish other societies
in ten such districts in one year, with the result that in about twelve
years every district in Iran would have its public insurance society. In
India end iina such a rapid pace could naturally be only imagined on the
supposition that the provincial governments should have obtained the necessary
authorisation for action, ch a society could not possibly be established
"centrally", that is by o n e man for a territory containing, say, about
100 million inhabitants.
However, let us confine ourselves to Iran ohich during the last decade
-that is, since the accession of the present Shah- has developed with amazing
rapidity end which therefore enters first into account for insurance arrangements
(the author had for some time seriously considered
migration to Persia. In an advisory capacity to the then existing Persian
government The Ed.) Estimating the number of Iranis inhabitants
as roughly 12 million (some two milion families)
end - apart from the posssions which are at present insurable by private
offices on the European model the average Insurable property per family
at 10.000 rials (1 rial equals 4,50 grams fine silver),
the total sum insurable by the neely established societies would be 20
000 million rials.
Assuming for the first few years an average annual damage quotient of roughly
10 per million -far too low an estimate -, this quotient would represent
the necessity of collecting for administrative end valuation expenses,
fire fighting arranqements etc. altogether about 20 per million, which
would be equal to roughly one-fiftieth of 20.000 millions, or 400 million
rials, per annum, Here it may be noted that according to the prewar statistics
of the Russian Semsivo Offices (See Sergowsky, 'Theorie
der Feuerversicherung', Prag, 1931, published by the Erste Boehmische Rueckversicherungsbank),
which would ie fairly applicable to present condition in Iran, a damage
rate exceeding 10 per million would have to be anticipated. Of the estimated
revenue of the insurance societies of at least 400 million rials, given
the methode of payment proposed in the sequel, at least 40 million rials
could be diverted to the Central Goverment, which amount it could devote
to the furtherance of every sort of insurance facilities. The necessary
fire protection expenses could also be allocated out of the 400 million
rials. The Prussian public insurance societies calculate that about one-fourteenth
of receipts have to be devoted to fire-protection. For Iran the percentage
proportion would probably be somewhat higher.
The following estimate is relevant in the above connection. Assuming 1.200.000
insurable buildinqs in Iran, a fire frequency of 1 per 100 buildings annually
would be equivalent to 12.000 fire damages or 1.000 month. On a moderate
estimate, this is equal to 30 fire-damages a day. It would be scarcely
an exaggeration to suppose that today one-third of these damages mean economie
ruin for the parties affected, reducing them indeed to beggary. The
introduction of the type of insurance here proposed would prevent accordingly,
on a conservative calculation, the creation of ten beggars daily.
Actually all kinds of
objects enter into consideration, buildings as well as tools end products
of labour. Those to be insured in Iran include about 1,100.000 small-scale
proprietors, primarily therefore peasants, But owners of landed estates
end their obiects would not be excluded from the category of the insured.
However, the large objects of these owners,objects such as castles, big
earehouses, end the like, should be end could be left to private insurance
offices; but their small objects, such as flour mils, barns, etc, might
very well be insured in the same society as the objects of peasants
It would have to be settled whether the r e i n s t a t e m e n t
p r i c e, the s a l e v a l u e, or any other kind of value,would
be paid in case of loss. It may be noted in passing that insurance only
properly fulfils its social purpose when the indemnity paid enables the
insured to replace the damage object by a new object of good quality, e
g, a house burnt down and perhaps 30 years old, to be reelaced by a new
house, not worse than the old house was immediately after beine built this
appears to contradict the fundamental insurance principle, according to
which an indemnity should never leed to the enrichment of the insured.
Yet it is a feasible proposition, end experts have long since pondered
over ft, namely that enrichment may be excluded by treating a s a loan
the difference between the reinstatement value end the safe value at the
time the loss is incurred. This loan might be repayable within 12 to 15'
or more or fewer, years' the amount unredeemed at any time paying about
i i monthly interest (This would meen say,
in the case of a loan of rials repayable within 12 years, a payment
of 10 rials a month for interest end amortisation)
In this way the insured could not enrich himself by the added value Incidentally,
indemnification on the basis of the original value would have a result
not contemplated by European insurance experts in this connection: it would
materially reduce arsons committed out of revenge. If the enemy of the
insured knows that the latter would really suffer little or not at all
through fire-damage he will not have recourse to arson. In this connection
it may perhaps not be amiss to refer to a fi Im that was for a time very
popular in Germany.That film was based on
Gerhart Hauptmann's film "The Weavers".There
we find described how in a Silesian village, mutinous weavers are on the
point of setting on fire a large spinning milt, but desist when one of
them calls attention to the fact that the mill is insured against fire,
Those competent estimate the risk in Asia of buildings being set alight
through revenge as decidedly considerable.
As has been hitherto the case in all countries, the authorities should
begin with f i r e i n s u r a n c e, later, perhaps alreacy
after a few months, other risks, e.g., storms, floods, hail robbery, even
war, among others, might be dealt with, Insurance of persons (against
death, illness, invalidity, end accidents
) would readily follow if once insurance of objects is established That
is, the idee of insurance as such must be impressed on the masses by a
striking exemplification, such as that of insurance against fire.
Of course, if the insurance
principle is to be realised by a society, the latter must be of a certain
minimum size In genera!, modern insurance technicians demand a fairly large
size, i.e" a fairly large number of risks, in order to permit the opei
ration of the insurance principle end of the law of larqe numbers In practice
this means that the contributions should not seriously fluctuate from one
due date to another end that there should be no need to establish exceedingly
large reserve funds, say, larger than would correspond to the average of
the annual levies. No insurance scientist is likely to be satisfied with
an office that insures objects end operates on modern principles, which
has insured fewer than 1000 objects This minimum would be in fact reached
if one society were established for aboutevery 100.000 inhabitants. Most
modern insurance offices have insured considerably more objects end many
specialists consider that a s t a b l e insurance undertaking
operating without reinsu
rance and reserves, requires
that at least 20.000 separate objects should be insured, the largest of-which
should not exceed five time the value ot an average object. Buteven ehere
the number of insurances is relatively small, decidedly satisfactory insurance
protection is attainable, if we remember that
t h e m e t h o d o f c o l l e c t i n g t h e
c o n t r i b u t i o n s is of
great importance,although this importance cannot be easily demonstrated
mathematically. To illustrate, Managing Dir.Dr. Brunn reports in chapter
5 of his abovementioned work concerning a small firefund which in the eighteenth
century peasants of the cathedral lands of Cammin in Pomerania had established
on a basis of mutuality, The fund was already long established end had
154 members when in 1782 the authorities examined its soundness. It had
always given satisfaction to its members. That
was because the peasants paid their contributions i n k i n
d end received their indemnities also in kind.
The contributions consisted in transporting house timber to the site of
the burnt-down building (the timber came from
the l Forests end was mostly obtained gratis)
end in the delivery of corn, straw, etc. when fire destroyed the harvest
of one~ of the members. It is thus evident that many a peasant eho might
find it- difficult to- pay a cash premium of as little as 1 thaler, might
nevertheless easily contribute m a t e r i a l values or
l a b o u r worth 20 thaler, especially if he is not being
p r e s s e d for time. For instance, we may readily imagine that,
where a house has been destroyed by fire, the neighbours might devote for
sone months a few hours daily, for rebuilding by transporting, by deliveries
in kind, end by personal labour. In this way a small insurance society
such as that of our Pomeranian peasants, comes to be as effective as a
group ten or tenty times larger, but collecting its premiums in c
a s h. Facilities should be created to enable the peasants of almost
all Asiatic countries, who are short of cash but possess material values
end labour power, to contribute in goods end services. In other worde,
the efficient functioning of an insurance system in countries with an economie
system such as that prevailing in Asia should not be made to depend on
f a v o u r a b l e e c o n o m i c c o n d i t i o n s
providing sufficient r e a d y m o n e y.
There is an 'optimum' for
the size of an insurance institution, that is deviations from this optimum,
in an upward or downward direction are prejudical, of course only to a
slight extent where the deviation is within moderate limits. The size of
insurance undertakings has a similar economie effect as the size of factories,
whose lucrativeness is greatest where the size is within certain moderate
limits (According to pre-war statistics, daily
papers, for example, with an edition of 80.000 copies, yield the relatively
highest surplus.) Leaving aside however, that
from a purely business point of view the size of every undertaking has
a maximum beyond which it ceases to be as advantageous as a smaler undertaking
there is the fact that ininsurance matters an extention beyond a certain
limit is technically undesirable. ltis true that according to the laws
of probability an insurance office should yield the more u n i f o r m
results the l a r g e r its size. But experience shows that
this is by no means the case and that, on the contrary, a moderate sized
societyis more advantageously placed than a very large one, this because
the homogeneity of the business done, almost necessarily decreases with
increase in size. In this connection the investigations of the Swiss
Insurance Supervisory Authority about-the
stability of the insurance offices operating in Switzerland have yielded
valuable conclusions. And there is also the psychological-aspect. In the
case of the insurance societies to be established in Asiatic auhtorities-
the size of the societies, 'at' least to begin with should not prevent
the iheured from' feeling that they are-bound together as neighbours. In
the case of fires, for instance, every member shoud be able to reach the
iscene' of the fire within a day's journey in order to betable to convince
himself personally how the insurance'office; deals with fire-damages. The
experience of smalt insurance companies in Germany, and probably in the
whole world, have shown that even high premiums are willingly paid if the
members have seen the place of thefire themselves, have received a direct
impression of the extent of the fire, and can
personally assure themselves how the insurance
society's management deals with fire
losses. The moderate size of an insurance society
- whose contributors feel themselves neighbours - possesses a further advantage.
Arsons on the part of the insured in order to drair the fire indemnity,
are frequently discovered where the n e i g h b o r s take
a personal interest in the fire. Similarly the deliberate ignoring of precautionary
measures with the same object in view, which plays an even more important
part than direct arson by proprietors, is almost always soon revealed,
if the n e i g h b o u r s participate in settling the loss
incurred or where the settlesent at least takes place in their presence.
The determination not to pay an incendiary a considerable indemnity out
of their own pockets creates in the contributors a great and strong interest
to ascertain the cause of the fire, end what the shrewdes settlement official
of a large-scale private insurance company might very likely not discover,
will be exposed by his neighbour.
In the case of medium-sized or small insurance
societies, where the members feel they are neighbours, and where heavy
contributions are imposed when heavy losses are incurred and light ones
in the opposite instances, the members keep an eye on the fire protection
arrangements of their neighbours end tfiose of the other insured, e.g.,
whether water buckets are available, whether the wells are in a proper
state, etc.
In the case of those
insured in a large private company where fixed
premiums are paid, the personal interest is absent. This remark
suggests the desirability of weighing the m o r a l risk as
it affects insurance societies, namely, the risk inherent in the
p e r s o n i n s u r e d, which is large with careless, neglinnent,
or criminally disposed persons end small otherwise. In general, the imoral
risk should not be minimised. It amounts probably to half the total risk,
perhaps even more - that is, fire indemnities might be broadly half what
they are, if so many fires were not occasioned maliciously or through the
negligence of the insured parties. The shall return to this aspect in the
section dealing with indemnification. It would be advisable to organise
a meeting of the members after every considerable fire-loss where they
might, on the one hand express their opinion on the fire and the lessons
to be learnt from it end, on the oiher where the office manager might furnish
information on the nature of insurance protection, e.g the danger of under-insuring,
the need for protective arrangements etc. Such explanations presented immediately
after a fire, and if possible near the scene of the disaster, would always
make a profound impression. Meetings of this kind would be less practicable
to arrange in the case of large-scale offices.
In districts of about 100.000 inhabitants, one fire-damage a day might
be expected. That is about as much as the m a n a g e r of
the district society can at the beginning personally examine end
s u p e r v i s e the settlement of. Accordingly, the optimum for
an insurance society at the initial stage is about 100.000 inhabitants,
In his "Rechtslehre", especially in par 8, Kant
stated that everybody is entitled to compel another to form part of a
"juridical community" that would perait both to possess property by right
end to protect this property against depredations. Kant's principles could
be easily extended to justify to the same degree compulsory membership
in a juridical community which, in the case of fire, indemnified the affected
party end membership in a juridical community for protection against theft
and murder. But apart from this, the experience of two centuries has taught
us that the initiation of a system of insurance orotection embracino a
sufficient number of persons can seldom be accomplished without resortinq
to compulsory membership. However, experience also shows that, particularly
at the commencement, compulsory aembership is frequently regarded by the
individuals concerned as an abuse of State authority. The insurance contributions,that
is,are considered as a new end unjustifiable tax. Should it also happen
that at its inception there are really some abuses, then not even absolute
rulers riould be powerful enough to force insurance through Such was the
case over two centuries ego in Prussia, wherc the grandfather of Frederick
the great was:
unable to overcome the opposition
of the population against a compulsory insurance system
The weightiest argument
of the population against obligatory insurance nes at the time the difficulty
of paying the contributions i n c a s h. It was urged
that a house-owner could not possibly find the money for all the payments
due from him end was therefore constantly obliged to beg for a respite,
today of the tax-collector, tomorrow of the mortgage creditor, end the
day after of some purveyor. Even quite insignificant additions to the expenses
payable in ready money, it was said, could ruin those house-owners who
had reached the limit of solvency, end among these would have to be counted,
it was then contended, the large majority of course, those who argued thus
did not know that a good insurance arrangement reduces regularly the
i n t e r e s t b u r d e n on house property end this by a
far larger amount than is involved in the insurance premium. lt is however,
a fact that this favourable influence does not affect all houseowners forthwith
end that during the first few years some of them may actually experience
difficulties in making payments because of the system of insurance protection,
But all these arguments are satisfactorily disposed of by a system of paying
contributions based on Milhaud's p r i n c i p l e s. With this system
the lack of ready money in the national economy or among individuals, ceases
to form an obstacle to the smooth working of an insurance system. In the
succeeding chapter we shall examine this subject more closely.
But even with our present imperfect payment system there is a great and
manifest advantage in obligatory fire insurance. This should enable a tactful
statesman to overcome any initial resistance. He must follow the example
of the Prussian rulers end introduce the first insurance societies with
compulsory nembership immediately after great conflagrations in the districts
where they had occurred. Experience shows that the population of those
districts does not in such circumstances regard compulsory membership a
burden, but a benefit, certainly not an abuse of State authority. Add to
which that immediately after the establishment of a public insurance society
the credit conditions of the particular district, owing to the increased
security of the creditors is markedly improved but should not, ot course,
be exaggerated. Let us suppose that in a country district of 1.000.000
inhabitants there are 10.000 buildings belonging to poor peasants as well
as perhaps 10 large factories end a large bonded warehouse. Should the
factory owners and also the customs be compelled to participate in the
insurance scheme, it might well happen that if a factory or, what would
be worse, the bonded warehouse burnt down, the levy impcsed might considerably
exceed the paying capacity of 10.000 peasants. The factory owner or the
customs authorities would accordingly receive the full indemnity they were
entitled to. Hence all objects should be exempt from compulsory participation
which in the case of fire-dasage, would impose excessive contributions
on the members. Naturally, the society iould not receive the c o n t r
i b u t i o n s for those large objects, but this disadvantane - leaving
aside that it is balanced by the diminution in the risk incurred- is not
too great, it is just such objects which are preferred by p r i v
a t e i n s u r a n c e c o m p a n i e s, more particularly
by the foreign companies operating in Asia. Accordidingly, large obiects
need not forgo the protection of insurance because exempted from compulsory
participation. Such exemption offers, on the contrary the conditions
for a peaceable coexistence of public end private insurance creating thereby
the possibility of protecting by insurance of all property in need of being
insured (precisely as at present in Germany).
Model texts for the required laws on compulsory membership in French might
be found the legislation of the Swiss cantons, to which we refer here for
the information of the reader.
The laws of Asiatic countries might be more liberal in o n e
point than most Swiss laws are at present namely by waiving compulsory
membership in all instances where a proprietor establishes that he is adequately
insured privately. The State should never force its services on the
people or the individual, if these have already helped themselves or are
able end willing' to help themselves This priciple of the Prussian statesmen
of the memorable period between 1807 end 1813, 217
by the way, already Confucius end Lao Tse constantly reiterated, should
guide the rulers of Asia. A true statesman takes pride in bringing his
people a step nearer to responsible manhood.
In many cases there will be a doubt whether a
given object should or should not be subject to ccmpulsory insurance. In
order to allow of an amicable settlement of such ases, there should be
a provision that the society may insure certain objects even if their owners'
ere not obliged to insure them in the society. Here is an example:
It is doubtful whether a given mosque of the value of 1 million rials is
subject to compulsory narticipation. The peasants in the village concerned
would probably strongly esire that their mosque should be insured in their
society. There need not be any obection to this. However, some limit to
voluntary insurance must naturally be fixed. It might be, for instance,
provided that no object would be insured which, in the case of a total
loss would impose on the members a greater monthly contribution than he
equivalent of the wages of an adult for one day, (Objects
of more than five-fold he value of the average insurance amount n o society
should insure at its own risk.) hence it follows that fairly large
objects might be insured by relatively small socities if the indemnity
may be paid in instalments and of, in addition, there is a proision in
the insurance conditions that when there is an unusual multiplication of
fire-losses the societies payments to the individual sufferers from damage
may be deerred until the statutory maximum contributions in the succeeding
year, or even in ucceeding years, suffice to pay for the fire losses. These
restrictions would, of ourse, not apply to the degree that the several
societies reciprocally granted a rensurance to one another. We shall return
to thisiaspect. (A maximum levy, say triple the
annual 'normal levy', should be fixed for the paying members.)
Considerable latitude in
the matter of voluntary participation would have to be allowed as regards
insuring objects that are n o t buildings, harvests tools,
furniture, and the like, and much else which may come to light after the
establishment of society, are probably not compulsorily ascertainable,but
nould be easily dealt with y voluntary insurance.
It is also feasible that the society should later undertake kinds of insurance
deendent wholly on voluntary membership, e g., insurance against storm
damage and burglary. We cannot enter into details here
here to go to part 2