A note on illustrations:
have collected a whole gallery full of paper fruitbags, appealing
pictures from calenders, magazines, etc, but most of them (58 pages worth)
are diagrams by the various cosmologists just mentioned and reflect the
content of the book rather poorly but I find attempts to correlate tone,
colour, scale, frequency and flow phenomena into sequences of sorts by
means of such and models irresistable, however irreconciliably idiosyncratic
they are, this field is indeed as multifacetted as that of rare and common
crystals. To me the mental giants are the least boring people in the world
and the inconsistencies between them will prove to be the enigma's of the
21 century's teens and twenties, may they all shine and be revered and
represented in the range of didactic tactics
(other major influences will be found in
the bibliography). Post script (june 99): meanwhile I managed to scan and
display some pics; accesible via the index)
the lord up above and the lady down below:
the lord of light levers and leaves the lady around he loves to use a hand
to shine some light into her body so tightly earthbound for such blessings
it lays in waiting down below patient yet ready and eager to grow. Proportionate
share and surge for mind and muscle stimulates autonomy, selfsufficiency,
voluntarity, attraction, vitality and choice.
Dedicated in general to: souldiers,
misunderstood jews, jokers, outcasts, refugees, proud presidents, poets
and prisoners, the homeless, humble and meek, streetmusicians, dancers,
draftees and all ballsy and brave besides intelligent youths with an urge
to become creatures of sustainable hobby-habits, especially
to: the wellmeaning but misled as
well as the willfully irresponsible people in "power", specifically
to: the memory of John D Hamaker
(died in '94), who authored "Survival of civilization", he gave me a worldwide
focus for natural mimicry, by
extension to: Julius Hensel (died almost
a century earlier) whose legacy and inspirations I searched for in what
was then East Berlin and Leipzig, lovingly
to: most people mentioned in my
bibliography, fond(ling)ly
to: lock and key Mad Onna who's
ass I 'll kiss and anal shit I can take if she sings the best of these
words.... (if she only knew what wood I do, to make her, make her love
me)...., but above all
to: my
father, mother and the soil organisms that got me this far besides everybody
else who turned out to be someone to help me crisscross the States and
Europe several times peddl-, thumb- and biking, this is a poor attempt,
but the best way I know how to repay your kindnesses with some of my own.
A wondrous work
of wasteless words which propagates melioration of priceless preciousness.
All the prose of every lesson formulates lack
and reaches for what is missing, a truly merry song merely accompanies
uninhibited twine up and sexhibitionistic mi- and macrocosmic mimic that
mixes forces from below and above, within and without, scaled up and down
to where we take considerable influence on provision of and for its reju-venerable
requirements: musical rockcrushing.
"A book must be an axe for the frozen sea within us" (Kafka).
Nothing is impossible for those who
don't have to do it themselves (Weiler).
'we owe gravity coherent emotion', (Gurdjeff).
"The coming era can only be wholistic if we
integrate the mineral stage of existence" (translated from "something in
nothing" by Arnold Keyserling).
"The assembly and particular mix of minerals
is like a cookie cutter code key that guides what develops from rock",
(Dan Winter).
Young at heart ones loves to blow mud bubbles
minds altered by an intentional peek at scores and spans of aeons can palpably
perceive and see why: namely that there aint no conviction quite like a
headstrong and stubborn one. (poetpiet).
Setting rock to flow and grow 'presievibly'
helps receive radiation 'hospitiatably' whereever they set up a prefractory
jubilation station.
Preamble on vertical viability versus
speed and space: Everybody invariably
talks of what they are and have inoculated themselves with or gravitated
towards; the degree of projection, transference and alienation differs
greatly though.
Once the main aim becomes bridging distance
to digest space, our cycling assumes a restlessly linear pace, so those
of birth, death and fertility suffer; sights set on heading through
time lose credibility till their tangible titbit terminals are recognized
and remembered to restore balance now and then when space is given into
such frozen timespans so they can take place.
I got a stone to grow and feed to the crops
I raise they 'll be so tasty, my friends will shower me with praise, rock
is a more peaceful project when sent through time than a perfect
projectile to hurl through or guard some space, it thus doesn't bring
down any preys nor threatens this, that or the other race. I first flex
some well when to dust I grind and wet that unlocked lifeclocking
rock to feed the forerunners up of all that which feeds my fully
lust and lovefilled mind.
If your idea of a race is to cleave space
in yet against time at the highest possible pace, it removes and remotes
you from life; an arms race even kills it outright unless it leads to collective
meteor monitoring. A rocky time spacing race isn't really hip till it gets
a grip on intimacy.
dustfree society: Freeing
dust from rock helps ground cover incorporate it.
I ain't a one trick pony and don't do'm equally well but let you be the
judge about which one is or what ones are right on the money and worth
the effort if any, many startred out as spifffily spluttered commendably
harmonic audibles and so a younger audience will most likely lend an ear
happily (verrukt).
Born in a not quite sunken, but subsiding, subtitled and subsidized land
I wasn't long kept out of touch yet longer than I wanted, with written
brainfood other than in that which foreigners call Dutch, I was raised
and subsisted on it 18 years straight but wrote only two thirds as much
.........as this work in it (http://huizen.dds.nl/~poetpiet)on
the same subjects, (due to extensive travelling)
with even more poetic liberties taken, neologisms coined, wordwelds and
longer winded phraseologies than here half the time (not
to make up for smallish vocabulary or discourage plagiarism and so be unmistakably
(in)comprehensible, but to escape censure, reveal secrets, and dig for
the connections that got shredded and dumped on, all reflections on the
difficulties of differentiation and crushing rock to make it come alive).
English has been a second language most of the time since the late seventies,
(my late teens), the third being German, in which I wrote nearly nothing
but read some of the best (yet little known) works on religion and culture
and Lessing),
economics (Beckerath, Rittershausen)
and agriculture (Hensel);
it is obvious to me that these 'disciplines' as well as law and technology
are ever such relatively relaying, parallel, perpendicular,....in short,
multipolar partners, take for instance the analogous bloatings from monetary
inflation and artificial fertilizers, life's pollution (modern
and perverted sense, see Ernest Young) desecrated
mental and physical current respectively (dealt
with extensively in chapter 2: (p)restoring
animation to momentum), not to mention endless
evidence that man bites off more than he can chew or if he juicelessly
chews on anyway, certainly cannot digest.
peculiarities and implications:
Text-segment are always indicated with a Capital letter at the start of
a line, usually a different fontsize also and reflect grammatical complexity
with macrocosmic maturity, which is sensitivity to celestial subtlety and
timeliness according to Arnold Keyserling who even manages to correlate
the periodic system with our planets, but it doesn't jive with the attempts
by Walter Russel very well (concentric
versus coil model and suspiciously 2 dimensional, Keyserling predictably
correlates elemet valende groups with planets. Winter comes up with a platonic
geometry link a la Secret Doctrine).
Luckily (or unluckily, see the Auzzie journey
digest) her(m)etics never have floated a collective
boat very well.
The shorter pieces
are relatively straight "up and down", they are much like slogans or aphorisms,
eminently quotable in any company attending the deed I pine to start an
army (which follows the armed tyrant disarming forces) for and sing those
hymns of praise which rhythm and rhyme best. They take turns with the longer
alineas which branch, twist, curve, slide and interlock to make for
deeply revealing significance rather haphazardly. So the aphorism sizes
also indicate complexity and/or continuous spurts of insight, the ingredients
of which may have received due puzzling and patterning process, they suffered
additions, roundouts, reshuffles and intrusions over as much as 10 years
afterwards and the finished 'bites' are roughly rearranged by side swiping
theme and derivative around the main issue, I try to make the most of paper,
I use waste when I can, to me the amount of bites I can fit on a bit of
biomass has the connotation of mineral content in produce, which is a major
determinant for nutritive value and structural integrity and not purely
a question of taste anymore but measurable with a little handheld 'brix'
reader (see
Acres, Philip Callahan recently started selling a more sophisticated (and
3 times as expensive) spectrometer).
I am a great fan and firm believer in the
virtues of reread-worthyness thanks to dense and complex composition that
challenges mental penetration, they are like the hard ones among woods
grown in deep dark sheltering shades, yet try to differentiate as precisely
as hard rock can be made to feel fine and feed multifarious fare fairly.
Take a deep breath again, another 11 line
sentence coming up: I often compound several
emphases and meanings through strategic use of comma's and parentheses
for instance, resulting in long lines, so that depending on where in your
succesive (and I hope eventually successfull)
attempts to read me you get flung from my roller-coaster-thought-trains
and drilled out of these worm squirm holes of high speed timeterrain gaining
thought, failing to lean into their turns when your in(clin)tonation veers
away from the next segment or conclusion (my
multi-million micromiles worth of (dirt)biking speak here)
you must retrace, -read and -phrase to achieve the full flavor of closely
correlated following; not an uncommon phenomenon when acquainting oneself
with an unfamiliar and potent author's words thanks to the mental
time border crossing exchange rates of phrasecoining which gradually substituted
for sword crossing encounters over already animate and at certain times
especially inviting, open(ed) physical space, those were in their turn
the still earlier forms of conflict since they arose during the mating
season (and lasted no longer initially).
Meantime most disputes are banned to arbitrary breaches broachable by a
cunning which compulsorily collects violence autonomy contributions besides
other coinage rights and calls itself culture, wether this is driven by
the same powers that make a school of fish swivel and turn, a flock of
birds fly hither and thither or a massive desire to dominate with its center
of gravity in arms industry come about, I don't know, but even I myself
often feel to have sometimes triggered or been able to point to other people
who have certain crowd directive qualities. So, since there is no helping
it, find your alpha, fall in love, join or start a sect, state or commune
and prove not all charismatic leaders are secretive and become massmurderers
or write a book in defense of dust as the ink for livelyer writs (see
mother's milk in gaialogistics) to take the
charge of being a significant other that follows like a shadow.
I hope this gives you, my dear reader, a sense
of what it may mean to delegate and dispense autonomy which gives credit,
namely: to muster help for quenching the most burning questions, like:
how to trace and tend to our rarest blo(ss)oms as well as finding ways
to juggle the dynamics between rewarding the most massive patience and
punishing the most vast and momentous hoards.
Enjoyment of this book will thus take a radical love of ling(u)ae: from
pictography, poetry, etymology and dislexia all the way (back) to the origins
of alphabets and treecalenders.
Unfortunately these and other matters of utmost
con- and sequence, perspective and proportion devolved into more and more
abstraction, some of which I still puzzle over myself (rhyming my favorite
cosmologists, for instance, as alluded to earlier). The subtle shift of
letters and meaning within words, which change (over) time, can be used
as fit fun and joke cracking occasions to help (r)evolve language into
In short: my multiple close call and correlate
clarifications enhance flavors of contrast and show as much of the crosswordpuzzling
wrangle and tangle as blamewordblock to famewordfun of dust to lust
nameword sunlight must allow radically.
So this book contains a range of most simple
and short to such extremely longwinded and convoluted (but
not contradictory except when speaking about Jesus or other institutionalized
personalities) formulations about laws of
nature and culture, that I have trouble following my own associations sometimes,
corrected this book through at least 18 times, if you come across inaccesible
formulations, just think of 'm as hard rocks thirsting for life and worth
the effort of penetrant lag ald lead staggering rereads.
Some of these here my children are wrought
well enough, others less luckily and in need of more attention and orientation,
metaphor, emphasis, etc.
Could I get some feedback from people
on what you thought the best and suggest how to improve the nearest misses?
This would help me make the final and streamlined selection for a better
lasting of this ode to our rocks of all ages. I'd like to offer a real
audio version cause I find young people quick to convert as soon as they
may pay attention to the sonic resonance of an otherwise apparently less
obviously spellbinding piece.
and predilections: Some of this here may be a bit much
too concentrated for most people's mental stomach and I did not staffle
my bits from easy to hard (toying with that
idea, though), but I dare you to mix and stir
it into a more conventional medium with the familiar blood, gore, flames
and explosions all you want, the apparent dilution will yet escape its
reactionary taint to enhance contrast and complete the human spectrum for
once. I hope this is not my last claim to fame, but only a tease and taste,
my role in a big epic script, which I part with freely (considering
Internet dump to attract a publisher and make all souldiers look for a
chance to desert and sign up with me, of course revocably..........well
that's what your looking at ......still working on it.....)
cause I can for the life of me never lose it, though it takes a 1000 years
to roll in real time, (Zappa's babysnake style
animators welcome), and its obscurity if not
obscureness will last my lifetime I 'm afraid, though I hope to get quite
old and pow(d)erful. I hope too, that my next
work will be less finicki, more off the cuff and reely real or altogether
unnecessary. My graphics, diagrams,
cartoons, models and music making audience is welcome to help me flesh
out these next needed (sorry, addicted to the childlike, I guess) dimensions
before I muddle down that new to me road (by) myself, I am as stuck with
my theme as with my birthday like so many of my rolemodels: M Toonder,
a Dutch fairytale like comic artist (words
written underneath miniature paintings, not in balloons),
I dedicated my simultaneously appearing (quite
untranslatable as explained above) Dutch book
to him; B Fuller with reservations along the lines of Wendel Berry's (with
whom I have (indian)
reservations in turn (see Space Colonies))
and a good few others who never tire of bouncing their old selves off of
yet another face of the earths current lives which can get back in some
sort of better touch through them. I
trust you will see and agree it suits not just me, which is all the reason
it takes to perform the soon to be common human intellect rite with it
or any such pointers: round the world at beck and call in no time flat
for singularity support, entirely voluntary and cheap too. But not everyone
wants to glimpse and glean the few most likeminded compatriots whom one
can get close and even gravitate to physically, that is: with whom one
may relocate, start, have and be a band of and with soil besides mere spirit,
nor needs to when what they share is the autonomating talent for vertical
traffic control, the only direction that counts beyond and between life
or death itself (life's deadly and death's
lively borders).
twist: You are advised to read the remarks on Skeptical
Enquirer's baby/bathwater confusion in the Gaean cosmology section of the
bibiliography before proceeding. The playingcard deck which can spread
over the year somewhat unevenly to allot everybody an impersonal birthcard
shows my life's assignment, groundswell and theme this time around to be
harmonious change through labour on the mineral stage (second
spade, the earthy suit), I am skeptical enough
to consider myself lucky I found this out long after I fell in love with
most common and fresh dust. Its natural, cyclically segregated history,
production, properties and early signs of a previabilitation revival, rivalling,
redeeming thus possibly preventing or fending off an ice age (not
just in, with and at the price of a diamondfuel forestalling, fossil fired
fever as we do now) are my main themes, early
intimations of this war obviating future music are extracted from, and
after modification reapplied (see p 62 of
"prophets without honour", where it is said of Freud (along
who's introvert lines I look the other way in a sense)
that he gave only too familiar formulas and concepts a slight twist so
as to gain a brighter focus and better resolution on and for them, I know
many people are struggling with and through similar phases in turn)
to most classic categories and disciplines in both their secular and academic
versions: philosophy, religion, psychosocial science, economics, music
and physics, in short, both humanities and exact sciences which show the
reach and range for simple directing of the min(e)d in the sense I came
to understand it, refer, date up and reconvert to it.
Earth's water and dry oxide interweaving flux
correlates closely with its precession wobble width when it comes to aging
ill or well according to cosmic clock conceptualizer Walter Russell.
Taurus-Scorpio is one of the often depicted
axis on the wheels Ezekiel saw way up in the milky middle of the sky pie,
if we leave the presently ending (in crisis) yet in hand and working order
era of destruction without integration, along
the axis Pisces-Virgo we would forgo a chance to shift this psychomechanical
gearnotch consciously instead of burdening our already bulging unconscious
even more; this is to say that if we forget
to flex rocks as swell as reason, tension builds and tolerance goes.
History is resonant reminescence, not that
which is finished, over and done with but that which has to be repeated
cause and when it wasn't learned from nor digested without residue.
Main theme:
The academic work done in the past on stone flour application and mineral
(pre)cycling stimulation and mimicry has mostly been tainted with prejudice,
imprecision and inaccuracy, some of it is reproduced by Remineralize the
Earth, a global network and update forum of hobbygardeners (and
ecovolunteers like me for whom nature lays down the law).
Callahan is the most promising and inspired scientist among these who is
qualified and I expect him to come up with the next batch of secrets wrested
and teased from nature's wonderful wristflicktricks and multiply mud, skin,
bark and hide hidden suprises of gentlest power and pulse too, his work
is available from Acres USA, see bibliography under Gaean cosmology. A
questionaire (see flunked flyer, chapter 5) which I sent around to farmers
and quarries elicited no direct response but 7 years later a USDA conference
was held in Beltsville (videao's available
from Dan Winter and the
some relevant sites) about the logistics and
lore surrounding production, deployment and properties of fresh rock particles
and dust. I have held on to a dream of travelling with a rockunravelling
instrument for about twice as long now, perhaps I get to lead a battalion
of them some day.
My main derivations get elaborately and
somewhat systematically rephrased, -cast and -molded to show the ramifications
of my strategy for many walks of life and stains of thought with great
care taken to vary the versions within my none too rigid- nor rigorously
technical vocabulary. Though I can't pretend I profess a simple style for
formulation, I dare say I succeeded more accesibly at that than B Fuller
(triangulation, tensilities, inventive inventory
taking) and more colourfully than W Russel
(animate as well as inert gender polarities,
divinity, space and spin) cause I am far less
a left brainlobe cosmologist but what I call chaotically comprehensive,
others will surely judge as distractive hairsplit-wit.
Knowledge being judged unfit for the faithful I was discouraged from acquiring
it early on and goaded, lured, baited or pushed instead to play dynasty
with papa while I in my turn thought to call his global erosion, overgrazing
and meantime hormone craze causing meat industry to a much needed and timely
halt. Cooperation the harder but more viable way was easy enough I thought,
like any son of a success does, occasionally even still when finally realizing
radical ones paradoxically but almost invariably get crucified. Beating
my pride in an unfortunately physical rather than psychically (or
was it physical also cause psychically incomplete and undone?)
dissociative way was easier than me dads mental one, (in
a simultaneously worked on Dutch manuscript I am up to 11 pages on him,
barely 2 here). Yet, being somewhat waversome
of character I expended a lot of energy resisting, fighting and figuring
(ab)out these, what I came to feel were well intended but erring macho
I am reminded of a Tarot card I pulled which
showed a shepherd at an open gate, animals inside, bu who is to say he
was not an animal liberation frontline fighter in disguise for whom blood
ties are never enough?
The small s self serving man of action corrupts,
cuts off and spills water, treesap and blood until he learns to respect
the man of thought who traced his roots to humility and invests long term
in seemingly worthless and rigid but nurturing death, not with passive
sympathy only to recoil and retreat in a cynic's shell, but with passionate
empathy which treats life well.
My mother taught me the only way she knew
how to survive these: suffer in silence, skulk in a shell, perhaps hence
my sym- and eventual empathy for almost equally mute and mystified (rather
than mistified, unfortunately) rocks who carry
our day yet. Despite or thanks to all this, my present life's talents,
resources, goals and aims have been finding the pioneers of justice, cleanliness
and inspiration, dead or alive, with a preference for the former at first,
and all thanks to the faith of my parents in me.
A few more reasonable ways, whys and just
how this book might matter most to people struggling to formulate and disseminate
a similar sense of decency It should turn the tide and lead us back to
laying up store in live leaves, shades and houses more than this dead,
yet, thanks to organic inks on hempfibre, at least not clearcut derived
printing paper, fully compostable and then rephotosynthetisizable ones.
worries: I 'm a little worried about the
printing consequences of an Internet appetizer posting, I fear they would
mostly be single sided, so I beg, implore, beseech and otherwise urge,
nay command you to run 20 copies double sided if you do download, or if
that is impossible, wait till I, or help me find a publisher. Isn't that
the least I am entitled to demand?
If this book is to be made from woodpulp,
the trees must be horse drawn from and grown in a manually cared for mixed
forest or a similarly maintained small scale hemp for fibre plantation,
the employees own the permaculture embedded company-acommodation-orchard
complex outright. Nice pipe dream eh?
This book is a bout about love as the golden
mean measure, more universal and stable that the standards of lenght and
weight along which I have tried to realign some of the most ancient, sacred
yet simple, basic yet abused and persistently perverted perspectives, concepts
and meanings about, for, in and of life.
I feel here is something for everyone, especially
young, smart yet ballsy braves who wanna help feminine charm to run rampant,
so wild and free that it turns entire war and time zone's into the voluntary
fun variety of parties, give it a quick thumb and see for yourself, then
let me know.
coming soon
corrections/updates and/or additons: june 2001
aim responses
at: pensievepiet@netscape.net