(semi-cryptic) names, (up)dates and sizes for all of them at the bare
bone index
(mostly diy = unhypered
= copy paste jobbies) linkfiles
here (so far):
Most recent
2000) one:
(to try alienate none), a sixth,
a fifth,
a second priority file with Balkan
sites, lists and (re)commentation
(almost fully hypered),
a third: recent_links.htm
a second: new_links
and a first (98)
link file: commendablinklist.htm
Later links via
descriptions to the main features at this site are here: Blabsabs_Index.htm
(1) Bottom
and) arouse
Switch to any of
all other files within this site via
(2): /guest_appearances/intro_to_currency_issues.htm
or (3):
or (4):
or (5):
1= almost
as (internalinkrich as)
2+3+4+5 together
your presponses at me, aim responses to me
too, iow:
send your
(re)actions to:
last edits:
june 2000
prominent names of people who made them live for me and brief descriptions
for the main files wherein I deal with em in turn and various mixtures
for this multiplicitously lush site named:
tag file randomly lists a number of terms floating about and cropping up
in the different sections of both 'left' and 'right'. Though
none of them are defined in these files, they are grazed and alluded to,
above all, I attempted to place'm in timely and spatial perspective; my
categories bleed into the one scaled, staggered and rounded out whole made
up of the by themselves too partial, com- and departmentalized parts. None
of the descriptions in this file will have as much validity by themselves
as they can when entrained with the rest.
But first,
a prepiet: the scale hopping and popping presumptuously providential
proportion picker.
or predicamentalize
'n please or poison
and propel or imprison and expel
or pounce************
palliatives or perplex peevishly
or pontificate
or pile up******
on or posses***********
and peruse or pervert******
or pump******
or pilfer*****
or pomp****
or privatize
or prosecute
by Poetpiet
Find similar (though lots more prosey) sorts
of colourcode things at:
is an attempt to capture my whole site in one alinea.
It appears in
the file called BLABSABS = Bottom
Line Aphoristically Ballistic Solutions Arouse Beleaf Systemics also
(clickable below). If democracy wants to protect minorities
rather (if you arrived here via search engine,
their listing me up to this 23rd word must have been incentive enough)
than impose majority rule, it had better take note of these ancestors and
keep 'm happy, personification of such hap- and helpless critters would
be keynote of any and all new and improved religion, humble and benevolent.
We are o so good
at buggering biomass
aloft. Oh humble Microbe
soft, where do you want to grow to stay and wend your way aloft?
(see bottom of doc). The
economy ultimately runs on metabolization of sunshine,
the rate of which
is a prime candidate for a truely honest standard of value, suitably stimulated
with the crop sweetening charge with which any paramagnetic rock(dust)
can endow it.
All greenery results from (gets
woven by) the interaction of dust (bashed
unstashed ashes), water time and sun (heavenly
The full spectrum trace minerals present in
lava's, basalts, and glacial gravels act as catalysts in the process of
growing disease resistant, nutritious and tasty foods, so let baptism of
such stuff as can soak up, then re and prestructure all the good and simple
things in life expand the reach, range and after effects of sonic resonances
of group endeavours in religion for instance (bu
it can be seen to suit every discipline all the more perfect if it tends
to 'ultra long runnable pragmatism'), ; so
far but poorly employed in sermons, concerts, speeches and presentations;
go listen to a rock grinder and imagine what this glacier and volcano
frict fract action mimicking size reduction could do for ecology, (humility,
humus and putting an end to scarcity, phallic fallacies, life atrophying
technology addictions and protheses production not to mention extasy) when
instruments become pageant pilgrim taskforce, truely moving instrewments.
I regard a basic and common kind of (p)recursion
as the most provisionary recursivity, in the same sense, innovative (pre)venting
understood as (p)reduction,
enabling metabolization of minerals, oxide reduction, reversed fireworks,
ashes the hard way; it is more manly to throw water into rock than vice
If matter is
but light with a talent for accretion and intense densifying, putting on
weight and it into the scale, with life un- and enfolding between these
extremes it follows that such refreshment where and when growing conditions
are favorable is a good idea. Render
back to regal lender his legal tender; the rate of photosynthesis could
serve as an accurate and regional value standard as was noted earlier;all
this would contrast perfectly with the exclusive, top down and speculative
emission foundations playing havoc with the cooperative roots of capitalism;
expressed constructively makes the provisionary difference between provision
of abundance versus reactionary fighting over scarce goods.
Mobilizing for terrific vertical traffic:
Ideally ballsy braves can deliver proof of their prowess and excercize
their muscle in solid ball games resulting in polished and powdered rock
in emulation of the once statuary (but since crumbling) achetype and role
model Cernunnos who let his wealth run away onto and into the ground for
which all creation loved him. Historians may scoff at this romantic 'potion
notion' taken from a myth they interpret bluntly as just another deified
hunting hero but if we are ever to use our mettle and metal peacefully
(Cernunnos' torqued ramheaded snake leads
me to suspect he minted 'coin of the realm', a thus, wether or not modulated
and fancified model is a good start).
Combining voluntary multiculturalisms and
racisms with decentralized and relatively private particulars vs nonencrypted
but multiply translated and transparantly, impersonal yet 'special' generalities,
averages, laws and statistics follows the golden rule of complementarity
like ebb and flow, more centralization must logically entail more openness
and nondistortion. I hope to entice you all to take note of some obcure
work, such as the founding of open cooperatives advocated in the 30ties
by Ulrich von Beckerath or Edgar Milhaud, the biotectural pleaching any
long term lifetime spanning planning can incorporate and execute besides
lots more, have fun.
a few bits of autobiographical peculiarities
and namedropping credits to show what made me tick 'n tap this site together
issues: native title, terra nullius, aboriginal
life, slavery, genocide, mating grounds, nomadics, subsistence, burial
grounds, prior appropriation, human rights, autonomy,ethnology, anthropology,
subsistence, sustainability, selfsufficiency, Robert
Wrangham, Alphonso Lingis, Indiginous issues, Oscar Kiss Maerth, Robert
Lawlor, Pierre Clastres, Gilles Deleuze, Felix Guattari, Morgan, Lewis
Hyde, Marcel Mauss, Aby Warburg, Franz Oppenheimer, Lawrence Blair, Duerkheim,
George Bataille, Jack Weatherford, vine Deloria, Jim Craven, Louis Proyect,
Eric Wolf, Jane Schneider,
currency unification, strategies for currency
unification, Roland
Vaubel, Heinrich Rittershausen, Ulich von Beckerath,
spectrum exploring, spectrum exploiting
George Gilder, Cato Institute, Wired Magazine,
Philip Callahan description:
How to arrive at the minority honouring, enhancing and protecting sort
of majority rule, the so far more often than not tainted promise of democracy,
equal yet plural and including all so far vote- and voiceless beings by
and with definition. How to constitute
the emission of money in an honest competition leading to fair unification
and cleaned up co-operative capitalism?
How to stand up for, behind and under old
growth, feel for their stature and benefit from their suspension inviting
infrastructure. How to abandon exothermal reactions in favored of more
nourishing and slightly less perishable flame and fire forms such as fruit,
abundant amounts to be declared a soon to be forthwith enforced human right.
How determine wether the information industries
are merely surfing the spectrum or if they burden, distort, drain,
trash and harness, iow civilize it; I argue to explore and stimulate rather
than tame and/or colonize it
as indispensably Antaeuslike antennae/valves
fending for fruit, fruit finders, fruit furtherers, NAFEX, North American
Fruit Explorers, Pomona, de Kiem, permaculture, pleaching, tree pleaching,
biotecture, treehousing, long term provision, family trees, groves, fruitgrowing,
William Lyons, The language crystal, from
Grammar Publishing, Gabriel Cousens,
Kundalini awakening, Daniel Reid,
raw food, Natural Hygene, Hygenic community network news, Helen
Jean Story, Arnold Ehret,
Fresh Network, instinctology,
Claude Burger, old growth protection, planning
for old growth, nutritional value, vitality
description: Pointers to inspire
long term planning and provision; achieving optimized nutrition, housing
and solar energy reception by varying plant, other being, specie and/or
race ages stages and densities.
How to stand up for, behind and under old growth, feel for their stature
and benefit from their suspension inviting infrastructure.
Pleaching and all visionary work around it such as designing, planting,
thinning, etc, means to stimulate and guide branchfused framings and figurations
in such a way that the term biotecture springs to mind and life.
and other sonorous sounds of harmony and desire:
origin of letters, letter origins, symbolization, language, linguistics,
neologisms, metering, measuring, secrecy, White Goddess, tree-alphabet,
tree-calender, Lawrence William Lyons, John
Philip Cohane, Jean Joseph Goux, John Michell, Robert Graves, Arnold Keyserling,
Dan Winter, Lewis Thomas, Robert M Hoffstein, Donald Mccloskey,
Deirdre Mccloskey, Willem Hietbrink, John Michell, Robert Jungk,
James Joyce, Aby Warburg, Bibliothek fuer
Zukunftsfragen, Mystical key to the English language, Pleroma, Angel Innovations,
logos, law, visualization tools, golden mean, tree of knowledge, origins
of the alphabet, alphabet models
Reaching and ranging from the temporality of substance to the agelessness
of symbol can be helpful: witness the stability of gold as a backdrop standard
measure to help different monies relate (the
subject of the values standard file) or considered
more closely one can say: symbols aren't hi and holy, incorruptibly timeless
objectivity is subject to and more often than not even causes: corruption,
slavery, etc. The attrition, evolution, erosion, wear, tear, use and choice
of languages and individual(?) words change as do meanings, only seemingly
attached to them; onesty about hyrarchy of meanings is the issue I attempt
to adress, showing how mutations and metabolizations of abstract symbols
always have and mimic perfect models in ancient processes: cycling
substances form edible past compost to fresher more assimilable versions,
the very stuff that functions as the throat grease which starts the whole
cycle over again. 88888*******88888
spin off thereof (the above): Jed Rasula, sibling
strife and polarity, plagiarism, alphabet origin, Stan Tenen, Meru Foundation,
Dan Winter description:
Plagiarism courtcase peripherals, a truly Shem and Shaun like performance,
this one about the rotation of letters to derive others as already described
in the 17th century by Johannes Petrus Ericus by the way, other principles
and precursors touched upon as well, all with reference to this sort
of eternally accursed opposition between fireside fabulation and
calaim stakers 88888*******8888
charismaz, magnetismz and primitivismz
magnetism, charm, charisma, kundalini, biophysics, kundalini experiences,
Sexual Suicide, polyfidelity, Daniel Reid, George Gilder, J D Unwin,
Jean Francois Lyotard, Libidinal Economy, Pacific wall, J H Noyes, Peter
Duisberg, Oscar Kiss Maerth, Robert Wrangham, Camille Paglia, Alphonso
Lingis, James Demeo, Alphonso Lingis, Robert Lawlor, Dan Winter, Gabriel
Cousens, Muktananda, Jane Schneider; Oneida community, Demonic males, The
beginning was the end, cannibalism,
We as a smart species went from fear of fire to fuel use and waste, to
fuel consumption, metering and fine tuning, all the while building for
and brooding on the bigger bang, now we may do well to learn (about) fuel
making before creative destruction of 'innovation driven and rewarding
capitalism runs out of easy and relatively innocuous raw material. Prime
candidate will be oxide reduction; arguably the most powerful process ever,
but it has endless gear shifts to go when starting from scratch, I find
and feel it the best and most powderful factor fostering and sustainable
chain reaction leading to tranquility instead of present tendencies indicating
mutation to insular or worse, deadlocked shreds. Fiery fun is an all time
mating ground favorite from cameleon to white house pyrotechnic potency;
procreation and provision are nowhere near harmonizing, mass societies
tend to be vain, proud, arrogant and inventive, oblivious to fellow creatures
adn eventually leave deserts in their wake.
Just ask Billy boy: he'll tell
you tis a heavy burden to have the American public put and then picket
pubic rockets in the people's presidential pockets. 8*88*88*888*****
to deal with egomaniacs and their testosterone driven agression:
secretive centralization, IMF, world bank, CIA, FBI, secrecy, encryption,
monopolies, vested interests, life after television, George Gilder, Pierre
Clastres, Bucky Fuller, Ulrich von Beckerath, Jean Joseph Goux, J D Unwin,
Theodor Lessing, de- and constructive agression, insurance mathematics,
taskforces, liberation armies, tyrranicide, encryption, symbology, secession,
freedom fighters, humand rights, human duties, mercenaries, militia, privatized
securities, United Nation taskforces, freedomfighters, eco-guerillas.
description: Reactionary agression and the vicious
circle of scarcity enhancing fights caused by regressive power struggles,
the explosive testosterone concentrations well fed brutality of clumps,
gangs, huddles, bands, battalions and divisions of all too similar opponents,
each side of which delegates some and specializes in other functions to
start the whole chain of lobsided polarization and division ruling in the
first place can easily be outgrown by provisionary measures, dressed up
sportily to boot and destined to outgrow present arms races faster than
Bill Gates could overgrow the legendary JP Morgan.
In the spirit of Pierre Clastres and Ulrich von Beckerath I propose
to devote half the army's expenses, paraphernalia and personell and/or
time to peace making, (re)construction, conversion and conflict resolution.
for postrivalry; sur- and revival through,
at most adorned, naked
pow(d)er(ing rituals)
Whole Earth Review,
Whole earth Catalog, Co-evolution Quarterly, Fuller Institute, Centre for
Alternative Technology, voluntary association, prosthetic aspects of technology,
prosthetics, new sports, green politics, biomass accumulation, biomass
amassment, metanoia, pronoia, religion, Peace movements, green Parties,
Bioregionalism, Ecology movement, Annals of earth, Ocean Arks Institute,
Jose Arguelles, Lawrence Blair, Michael S Schneider, Jonathan Tennenbaum,
Buckminster Fuller, Arnold Keyserling, Ernest Young, Lawrence Rickels,
William I Thompson,
micro-organism population
explosion, pollution description:
smallest common denominator, largest common divider: a callibratable imitation
volcano, a boobball tower,Taking the compostheap as a model for lively
yet humble identity construction. ***88**888888******888888**88**
standard variety and stability
alternative economics,
open society, centralization, noncommercial publicity, subsistence nonsecrecy,
systemic referencing, transparancy, affairs of state, personability, wealth,
photosynthesis rating, green politics, biomass accumulation, biomass amassment,
regional value standards, soilbanking as value storage, store of value,
autonomy, selfsufficiency, mutualism, co-operation, nonreactionary anarchy,
constructive anarchy, statutory law, human rights, human duties, human
pleasures, body, soul and spirit, voluntary association, indexation, categorization,
automation, businesscards, ID, voluntary association, voluntarism, free
association, open associations, federation, public, autonomy, economic
ethics, crossreferencing, accountability, public access, opening principles,
strategies for currency unification, currency competition, monopolistic
distortions, legal tenders, non coercion, LETS, seedsavers, local exchange
and trading systems, clearing houses, automated record keeping, private
money, private payment systems, token emission and redemption, clearing,
tax foundation, secession, private money tokens, unemployment, self employment,
harmless competition, differentiation, open centralisation, encryption,
accountability, proportional representation, currency competition, money
redemption, lifespan of currencies, emission rights, legitimization, money
emission, emission privileges, money emission and redemption, Mammon and
the black Goddess, monetary freedom, anarchism, anarchy, social reform,
Land Trusts, Schumpeter,
Hayek, J D Unwin, Robert Graves, George Gilder, Bucky Fuller, Jean Joseph
Goux, Jean Francois Lyotard, Cato Institute,
Cato Journal, libertarianism, freebanking, Durrell Foundation, preventing
inflation, fighting inflation, American Institute of economic Research,
The currency famine of 1893", Sound currency, Mutual Banking, Libertarian
Microfiche Publishing, John
Zube, Ulrich von Beckerath, Heinrich Rittershausen, Walter Zander, Lysander
Spooner, William Butler Greene, Benjamin Tucker, Liberty, John Dewitt Warner,
Thomas Paine, Proudhon, Leopold Kohr, Judy Shelton, Roland Vaubel, Lewis
Hyde, Donald Mccloskey, Philip Mirowski, Michael Lewis, Tom Greco, E Riegel,
Hannah Arendt, Mary Lehmann, Paul Glover, Robert Swann, Conrad Hopman,
Richard Kay, mercantilism,
imperialism, Positive Alternatives, Center for Economic (defense)
Conversion, local value standards, regional value standards, rates of photosynthesis
as value standards, value standard stability, value standard improvement
description: Emission rights
entail redemption duties as key principle in decentralized money emission
to relieve crisis, federation during spurts of growth and constant public
access to the specific, dated currencies can get us out of present hell
holes and conflagrations of greed stampedes.
The tides to and fro between personal, local and decentralized spec generation
on the one hand, converging into more and more general, open, accesible,
logistechnically enabled centers, thoroughfares and hubs where nondistortionate
mechanisms turf and tabulate to form prices which instantly ripple
back to local planning levels can only become, be and remain ethical if
hub employees find their work a privilege enough to share their info the
instant it arrives: present, implicate, pursue, filter, sift, sieve and
abrade locally, symbolize, sluice through, accelerate and disperse centrally.
Publicity as payment to and subsistence as claim on the community.
Integrity of body, soul and spirit needs the equally inseperable freedoms
to trade, migrate and emit; the unity of logos, ethos and pathos, the interaction
of light and dark resulting in abundance shedding and sheltering shade.
We have a long way to go from Christianity to raising regional photosynthesis
rates to the status of value standards
fronts: sociablility, sharability, community,
community founding, intentional communities, Center for communal
studies, Community magazine, Diggers and Dreamers, Eurotopia, John Ray,
London Institute for Social Inventions.
Cultural analysis, fonction fabulatrice, fables, fiction, Hannah
Arendt, John Ray, Robert Graves, W H Hudson, Maarten Toonder, James Stephens,
J R Tolkien. Guy Gavriel Kay, Aphra Behn, Richard Powers, Tom Robbins,
Henry, Bulwer H Lytton, Lawrence William Lyons, Jean Joseph Goux, Arnold
Keyserling, Theodor Lessing, Lawrence Rickels, Herbert Poetzl, Klaus Theweleit,
Max Weber, Leopold Kohr, Egon Friedell, Emile Cioran, Peter Sloterdijk,
Lou Salome, Manuel Frank, Raoul Vaneigem, Julian Pefanis, Jean Francois
Lyotard, Jean Baudrillard, Douglas Kellner, Geert Hofstede,
Indiginous issues, Native title, first nations,
native culture, non-migrant nomadism, Oscar
Kiss Maerth, Robert Lawlor, Pierre Clastres, Gilles Deleuze, Felix Guattari,
Robert Wrangham, Alphonso Lingis, Morgan, Lewis Hyde, Marcel Mauss, Aby
Warburg, Franz Oppenheimer, Lawrence Blair, Duerkheim, George Bataille,
Kath Walker, ethnology, anthropology,
subsistence, sustainability
description: Protecting
indiginous cultures, socalled first nations or aboriginals, can only succeed
if (the wrong kinds of) border crossing mechanisms (air
pollution, imperialism, etc) are identified,
quantified and outlawed. Forceful monetization must be outlawed. Prior
appropriation must be established and restored. In the light of the fact
that migrations (particularly permanent ones)
were hardly ever first choices it shouldn't be too difficult to reverse
a lot of damage soon: voluntary repatriation will go smooth enough since
deep down in the genes (indigene)
our memories lurk and beckon for and as hard dying old habits, and if preps
are made, invitations extended, a few healthy new (or
old) habits underway, we will see plenty of
remigration. The requirements specified under the orange section (above)
are therefore in most urgently need of understanding and implementation
the Middle East for instance. It's not like Jews lack intelligence or clout,
so how about a bit of good will eh? Presto please!
All refugees should be given a chance to enroll in taskforces, taking
care to constitute them from evenly mixed background,
aiming to stop the very reason they can and must find recruits easily these
Envisionment and setting up of experimental utopias with up and coming
means to improve accountability, opening of affairs and ligitimization
of secession, (re)autonomization and other moves conducive to selfsufficing
can constitute the revival of ethical codes of conduct, correcting our
slide into fetishizing prime male mova- and mobility as recklessly as many
but violent native peoples did till a balance of power held 'm in mutual
check. More authority must accrue to the 'incarnationing' gender, their
birth control methods have pre-empted bloodshed in many ways now difficult
to retrieve.
binarisms, dichotomies, polarities and gender issues:
Robert Graves, George Gilder, Klaus Theweleit, Otto Weininger, Nike Wagner,
Laura Riding, James DeMeo, Camille Paglia, Luce Irigaray, Lisa Caputi,
Douglas Rushkoff, Mark Dery, Gossips, Gorgons
and Crones, Media virus,
Most of the world's problems can be reduced to dirty fighting, which feeds
on feeling equal, up to and on each other....yet so different....: We bump
against the gender fender. My male questions are: can we mend her, wither
do we send and wend her, can we lend a hand and fend for her, the weak
gender with core age, dumb but ravenous beaty.
to tie music, magnetism and resonance,
fertility, vitality and recursion.
sonic resonance,
war, rock quarry, drumcircles, the rainbow family, rainbow prophecies,
Noise, a political economy of music, crushed stone, stone flour, flowerpower,
flourpower, flour powder, mineral powders, musical rock pulverizing, musical
innovation, rock grinders, size reduction, surface area and depth increase,
bully control, new sports, ecological music, John
Hamaker, David Yarrow, Joanne Campe, Donald Weaver, Mark Williams, Jacques
description: Renewal of
religious rites is a sorely needed method and means to establish and maintain
social (and why not interspecial?)
cohesion. (Greasing the 'sticking points'
(knelpunten in Dutch)
between 'm) Applying the largest common denominator
(the opposite of a smallest multiple Divider
right?) as described elsewhere while having
an awesome time could provide same for all levels of natural hyrarchy which
is a one way system mostly except for us exceptionally humble humans, right?
Turning peacedrum circles, which often (d)evolve to exciting competition
accompaniment: mating ground music, into a high tech version which enhances
and aims at those bottom rung slimey functions present and future, fueling
mastery of which can help the participants catch the eye of the ever finite
amount of potential mates. The long term effects of such engaged rather
than idling music making will stretch beyond immediate sonic resonance
into an easily decades long echo, easy to see.
following subjects and descriptions are diffused throughout as an emphasized
groundswell: green politics inclusive
assesment, noncommercial stores of value, status of value, certification,
brand diversity, brand federation, directories, catalogs, Whole Earth Catalog,
Seeds of change, Kenny Ausubel,
Peace seeds, Alan Kapuler,
Healthy Harvest, Co-op America, Mappa della Italia Naturale, Guide de la
vente directe, Nature et Progres, Soil Association, sustenance, vitality,
green politics, provision
The source of wealth as understood by native peoples was substance rather
than symbol, the latter subordinated to the former at least. Value adding
innovations have all too often skewered and polarized, not to mention poisoned
and polluted. The people with some feel for and memory of natural rhytms
have been ignored since monetizing and metabolizing was a one way system
with wealth and waste not represented by a tandem team and compementarity
of vitality and compost heap but by a much more polarizing (and pole icing)
delegation due to privilege, bribery and irrelevating debris.
basic and bottom line best common sense
Bioland, Bio-organisch,
Acres USA, a voice for eco agriculture, Rado rock, low frequency magnetism
measuring, paramagnetism stimulation, understanding magnetism, diamagnetism,
Remineralize the earth, Soil remineralization,
Joanne Campe, John D Hamaker, Donald Weaver, Mark Williams, Gernot Graefe,
Maria Felsenreich, David Miller, David Yarrow, Dorothea Berthold, Chris
Bird, Philip Callahan,Julius Hensel, John D Hamaker, Albert Carter Savage,
Morgan Sampson, Zimmerli, Hauri, Lava Union, Cyclone
Crusher, Survival of civilization, moriyahs home page, Secrets of the Soil,
mineral powders, fertility enhancement, most innocuous fertilizer, most
productive fertilizer, mimic of natural fertilization processes
The subtleties of high performance organic and symbiotic forms of life
and lively interaction are displaced by the high tides of mass cultures,
however brief they be and may last till severely pruned by their own desertification
effects. A wholly other way of raising dust ties into the first mentioned
cycles and will support many more lifeforms besides a higher figures for
population density hereto imagined and thought possible but in a much more
evenly dispersed manner
<META NAME="keywords" CONTENT="manifoldedness of meaning, rhythms, periodicities,
Jose Arguelles, Arnold Keyserling,
Dan Winter, Lawrence Blair, Michael Schneider, William Irwin Thompson,
Walter Russell, Jonathan Tennenbaum, astrology,
I Ching, criteria of revelation, school of wisdom,
description: Learning to live
with multiple, conflicting impulses, urges and aspects of ones community,
personality and environment are all matters of how to compose, co-ordinate,
collaborate and all other co words combined.
cosmology: Dan Winter, W
H Hudson, Theodor Lessing, John Michell, sustainable
nomadism, sacred geometry, Tom Pawlicki, Luther
Burbank, Victor Schauberger, John Hamaker, Julius Hensel,
Russell, University of science and philosophy,
Energy Unlimited, Borderland Sciences Research, muse mirror, ratbag, antiphysics
rag, International Tesla Society, Tesla Book Co, Skeptical enquirer, James
DeMeo, Orgone and Biophysics Lab, Seattle
Institute for Life sciences, Dwight Bulkley,
Cesare Marchetti, technocracy, IIASA, International
Institute for Applied System Analysis, Millenium Twain, hyrarchies in nature,
scale shifts in nature, golden mean, divine proportion, mineral metabolization,
mineral cycles, quarternary geology
Rejuvenation, the cycling of vitality, how laws of mobility intertwine
with the apparent patience of aggregated and inert particulate matter are
processes which a child can understand if an adult can extend his own narcissistic
impulses to (become sensitive to those of) other beings and after this
show of sympathy which can bestow a grasp of shift shaping step back into
a mere humane self with it where it will motivate intentions resulting
in acts of pure empathy and polymorphous mimicry. ***8888****88888****
of beings: Robert Graves, Lawrence William Lyons. Dan
Winter, Arnold Keyserling, Randall and Campbell,
Sacred symbols of the ancients, Mcgregor, Noble savage in the new world
garden, street theatre, carma, charm, charisma, charismatic leaders, Fools,
Clowns, Jokers, Messiahs, Gods, rolemodels, charisma, charismatic leaders,
heroism, archetypes, genetic memory, angels, guardian angels,
Topper, New Thunderbird Chronicle, the mother
book, Tom Pawlicki, incarnations,
birthrights, London psychogeographical Association,
shoes on Jews: Jews,
Jesus, Robert Graves, Raphael Patai, Lawrence
William Lyons, Lawrence Rickels, Theodor Lessing, Herbert Poetzl, Ludwig
Klages, Alfred Schuler, Werner Sombart, Hans Rudolf Bartsch, Frederic Grunfeld
(Prophets without honour),
George Steiner, homelands,
migration, mutation, mutilation, circumcision, mercantilism,
Sander Gilman, Otto Weininger, Stan Tenen,
Philip Cohane, protocols of Zion,
Umberto Eco, Harold Cosand, White
supremacy, Chris King, Hannah Arendt, James
Joyce, Ira Nadel
A critical look at Jewish history reveals a wide range of accomplishments,
from shameful and shitty to exalted and special;
1) scrupleless and infectious migration 'freudigkeit',
2) frequent bottoming out as far as pushing tolerance toward themselves
very near its various limits from virtuosity of symbol shuffling evoking
resentment, envy and dissent. 3)a sad,
selfconscious sorrow and remorse over loss of greenery and the concomittant
juicy days of devilish polytheism, 4) an intellectual
finesse for a) the art of interpreting feelings,
b) same in the art of re- and overwrite, dominating the way they once were
dominated by the most accomplished of all slave driving cultures
leaving vast deserts in their wake.
family: Rainbow family,
welcome home org, Mike Niman, US
Rainbow Guide, Michael John, Marcus Endicott,
Free, Monte Venero, Bey, Peter Lamborn Wilson, Simon Fairlie
TAZ, temporary autonomy zone description:
The rainbow network has proven to be suprisingly resilient despite all
the opposition and still contains most of its viable seeds and rhizomatic
profligacy for many of the concepts expounded at this site, but it seems
to break off, start over and over again and again. It is my hope that this
site will prove as catalytic for this curious movement, probably sooner
than for any others anyway, I fear, which has been bleeding into mainstream
society, as well as appearing in force for quarter century, the first crucial
into the new aeon of acquarius.
I leave you with a thought about the armed concrete breaking power of roothair,
that pretty amazing stuff which takes its clue from brawn and brash bioregional
machismo sometimes. But how much have we without a bit
of deep discipline? 8888****8888888****8888.
stories: Light is a funny way to be, it calls
for clarity, transparancy, 'hoge ogen' (literally: high eyes referring
to the dots on a dice and so connoting: high stakes).
I can only appeal to your eyes with this offer though I wish I had cared
for and perfectly ripened fruit to give every one of you instead.
If one takes a brick to bash a star and fracture figure of cupshaped
faultlines into brickthick ice, the rainbows don't last very long, at least
not in Holland where it may not be cold enough to preserve them.
Crystal of course retains theirs even in heat I believe, as long as
they don't really melt. Funny
enough a fossil fuel spill makes the characteristic shimmers reminiscent
of rainbow ones. The rainbow
movement as described in an 96 oct Rolling stone article is of course heavily
dependent on such fuels, though one cannot travel as cheaply, cozily and
crowdedly as in/on/with a rainbow folks caravan.
That's all folks, bye
for now and use your big bad browser's
back button some time in the future to remember
where you been. Forward
to the table of contents 88888****88888888888****88888
the bibliography file for adresses to help you find some of my best but
nonmainstream if not obscure sources. Electronic and paper ones do
not overlap yet, especially in the case of my inspirations.
say I stole this from Arnold Keyserling and mut(il)ated it:
(he hasn't
shown me many signs of gratitude for promoting him anyway)
body =scorpio = muscles= fresh, raw life or stale, deadly
will +
spirit = sagitarius =liver= religion
or blasphemy and disprespect,
+ soul =capricorn =joints= vocation,
state or uncritical protest ,
and body =acquarius =skeleton= work and technology or isolation,
and spirit =pisces =pancreas= healing
and fullfillment or disease,
will and
soul = aries =brain= personability
and politics or coercion,
and body = taurus =skin= chores, art and riches or hidden
and spirit = gemini = lungs=
informative science or secrecy,
and soul =cancer =stomach= home
and family or hearthlessness,
will and
body =leo =heart = mastery or stumble, bumble, bully and bruise,
and spirit =virgo
=intestines= economy and labour or
and soul = libra =kidneys= community and law or reactionary
Ps: the
stand for undiscovered constellations.