compiler piet![]()
:::::::: this file will evolve during the rest of july ::::::::
the first half of these sites were found in the course of covering news via indymedia.org(the open publishing part of main), and collected here: /Indymediasamples.htm; the others via 'regular' surfin
::::: Middle East :::::
::::::: green tinted ones
wes' coas' hippy type site ::::::
:::::::One man efforts::::::::: via the logs :::
::: relatively more serious
and relatively lighter sites :::::::: Middle East :::::
an indy sample called 'HAMAS HISTORY TIED TO ISRAEL' (via upi.com) :: x+x :: inminds.com/boycott-israel :: x+x :: jasher.com (philistine history) :: x+x :: cactus48.com :: x+x :: palestineremembered.com :: x+x :: thebirdman.org :: x+x :: marxist.de/middleeast/brenner/index.htm :: x+x :: infidels.org (very popular forum set; bible related but unbiased, freethinkerlike. 22.000 posts on miscell. and 16.000 on existence of God) :: x+x :: dhushara.com (hilighted in my first linkfile) :: x+x :: //other_Israel.tripod.com -- xxx -- watch.pair.com (christian conspiracists) -- xxx -- apfn.org/apfn/reserve.htm (Norman, Strong, Schacht) :: x+x :: khilafah.com :: x+x :: vanguardnewnetwork.com (2 linklists: one for semitically correct and the other for better than that) :: x+x :: secularislam.com-- xxx -- aaan.org arab american action network :: x+x :: seruv.org.il/defaulteng.asp (the israeli refuseniks; about 500 of 'm) :: x+x :: mecaforpeace.org/ Middle East Children's Alliance publishes Sam Bahour, himself a father :: x+x :: kavkaz.org/en.htm news on the Chechens -- xxx --
israelshamir.net <<goodxxbad>> nex.net.au/users/reidgck/default.htm ('waterangel', a financial apocalyptician, esoteric antisemite and Larouchite -- nobody posted him at indy (yet) as far as I know but he might as well have been) :: xxx :://abbc.com (about racialisms) :: x+x :: counterrevolution.net/trad.html (RIGHT WINGDINGS; not all wrong if you ask me) :: x+x :: //world.std.com/~mhuben/libindex.html (incredible amount of text contra libertarianism, Ayn Rand, etc) --- did I write the guy yet???? :: x+x :: iconmedia.org/digital media in the public interest; serving central texas and beyond (pretty I think) :: x+x :: mega.nu (libertarian)
: : One man efforts
: : :
:: x+x ::
:: x+x :: JohnPilger.com
:: x+x :: gregpalast.com/
:: x+x :: /hackermanifesto/
vector theory by Mckenzie Wark :: x+x ::
(open systems and webledge developer)
:: x+x :: tuxedo.org/~esr
of sovereign incognito slavery, encryption and shooting guns; abductor
and abuser of civilized tools and real value to hold on to the nature of
dominance, in short inspirational but not without the need to be
cautioned against) :: x+x ::
Links(on alternatives) culled from: egroups.com/group/cea-usa(citizens executive administration): bfi.org (bucky Fuller Inst.) :: x+x :: bioneers.org (Kenny Ausubel and the like) :: x+x :: cdi.org (center for defense info in DC) :: x+x :: covertactionquarterly.org :: x+x :: futurenet.org -- xxx -- homepower.com -- xxx -- opensecrets.org :: x+x :: thealliancefordemocracy.org -- xxx -- tompaine.com -- xxx -- transaction.net (they still haven't sent me a reason for not being able to log in anymore) :: x+x :: sus-tec.freeserve.co.uk/past/sustec82/sustec82.htm#eleven :: x+x :: prosperityuk.com :: x+x :: themoneymasters.com (links to History of Money, RDavies/ probably still the only place to link to my Beckerath collection)-- xxx --
the logs:
more mainstream recent work see /logbriefer.htm
or 2001/logsbriefers.htm
or earlier still: miscs-n-logs/logbriefer.htm
(99-00) ---xxx--- Before
that: miscs-n-logs/correspondence_file_contents.htm
(97 - 99) -------- poke
a peek at what all else trilingual piet presents by way of this (my shortest)
url: central
xxx -- //netlibrary.net/WorldSearchLT.html
xxx -- http://vos.ucsb.edu/shuttle/theory.html
xxx -- //clix.to/jterpst
(giant slabs
of compilations; june must be a sociologist or something)--
xxx -- netslaves.com - recession culture
spoken here (UK) - //doggo.tripod.com/
gigantic collection of links and quotes welding eastern and western ethics
together -- xxx -- overlookhouse.com
central) :: x+x :: astraeasweb.net/
:: x+x :: thecomicreader.com/html/icst/icst-5/icst-5.html
:: x+x :: scottmccloud.com/--
the logistics of comics :: x+x :: drmenlo.com/sla.html
(lots of fun nudity) :: x+x :: drsusanblock.com/
glamorous) :: x+x :: konformist.com
:: x+x :: truinsight.com
:: x+x :: womenonwaves.org
20.000.000 unsafe abortions a year and they are trying to change it --
xxx -- newsociety.com/new.html - a
hippy publisher -- xxx -- disobey.com/
network (history of loggery back to sept 98)
:: x+x :: ==
:: x+x :: temple.edu/isllc/newfolk/journal_archive.html
- lots on humor -- xxx -- //home.wanadoo.nl/nowhere/
the fast ones and preconceptions we pull on ourselves following language
through the ruts it manages to wear well and ineluctably)--
xxx -- http://tribaltek.org/
xxx -- rainbowphamily.com --
xxx -- geco.org.au (fending
for forests) -- xxx -- abundantlifeseed.org(gardening
resource) -- xxx -- thespleen.com/
green activism and philosphy; Zerzan et al) --
xxx -- ecologicalindicators.org/
xxx -- sonic.net/~doretk
(hippy intellectual
news from 96-2000) -- xxx -- sunfood.net/jeaa/index1.html
- just eat an apple - paper and bits mag,
where I found the Wolfe ads with the if you ask me, mutually exclusive
and cursed combo (a plug for fire walk AND fruit chomp) and these as yet
unknown to me sites: becuteeatfruit.com
:: x+x :: rawfoodlaw.com
:: x+x :: psychicfoods.com
:: x+x :: vitalities.org
:: x+x :: enviroweb.org.uk/free
(start up community in spain; 45 acres and shares for sale)
:: x+x ::
(via freedomdomain.net: cannabis and conspiracy and very cute
menu marbles I must say)
:: x+x :: treehab.com
:: x+x :: treeclimbingworld.com ------
forestethics.org :: x+x :: oriononline.org
(green) :: x+x :: lakotaoyate.com
:: x+x :: nativeculture.com
:: x+x :: synearth.net (Buckystuff)
:: x+x :: awakenvisions.com
:: x+x :: anarchistcommunitarian.net
:: x+x :: earthrepair.net
:: x+x :: ecowarriors.com.au
:: x+x :: irregulartimes.com irregulartimes.com/further1.html
:: x+x :: zenzibar.com (directory)
:: x+x ::youknow.com (wheelchair rocker)
:: x+x :: http://spiralwave.co.uk ::
x+x :: alt.gathering.rainbow
:: x+x :: wildrockies.org/peacetribes
(an old timer) :: x+x ::members.aye.net/~hippie
:: x+x :: fourhourday.org
:: x+x :: championtrees.org
:: x+x :: cyberjournal.org
with booklenght rambles)
:: x+x :: earthfirstjournal.com
:: x+x :: ectgroup.com
:: x+x :: viridianrepository.com
:: x+x :: well.com/conf/mirrorshades
:: x+x :: viridiandesign.com
:: x+x :: radiofreenation.net
:: x+x :: slash.autonomedia.org
:: x+x :: inkk.tk
:: x+x :: memes.org
(back after a hack) :: x+x ::propaganda-arts.org
:: x+x :: thesunmachine.net
of effort in aesthetics and includes radio)
:: x+x :: //globalcircle.net
Fe) :: x+x ::thepaletteman.com
:: x+x :: voiceyourself.com
:: x+x :: crimethinc.com::
x+x :: anarchistcommunitarian.net
x+x :: tao.ca/~resist
:: x+x :: anti-state
market anarchism) :: x+x ::http://home.ca.inter.net/~greenweb/index.htm
biocentrism :: x+x
relatively more serious
and relatively lighterHEADY - TOPHEAVY - INTELLOWZ
waste.org/mail/?list=pynchon-l&month=0206 :: x+x :: http://nigel.orcon.net.nz (this man doesn't tire of raving about the Wake) :: x+x :: http://website.lineone.net/~fwake/ (best analysis of it) :: x+x :: historian underground David Kosalka; includes 'The notion of the gift' :: x+x :: underthesun.cc/Classics/Nietzsche/links :: x+x :: unheimlich.com/ Home Devil Horror-Film Psy-Fi Vampires Super-Human Email Us :: x+x :: unheimlich.com/AmericanPsy-bylarryric.htmthe only slabe of text I am not familiar with that I could discover :: x+x :: letterarts.com - calligraphy and font magic (paper and bits) -- xxx -- :: npq.org New Perspectives Quarterly :: x+x ::progradio.net :: x+x :: outfarpress.com :: x+x :: microradio.net :: x+x :: radiodiversity.com :: x+x :: iuma.com (real and mp3) :: x+x :: Hober.com discoveries: Dean Magraw and James Bla Pahini, great guitarists and 'Egan, Casey, Doyle, Doran, Williams' Irish jammers); :: x+x :: wfmu is Doug Henwood's favorite station :: x+x ::
commondreams.org -- xxx -- onlinejournal.com :: x+x :: education-is-not-for-sale.org (10 languages) :: x+x :: dissociatedpress.net (blog) :: x+x :: scienceforpeace.sa.utoronto.ca (only 1456 since feb 2001) :: x+x :: workingforchange.com :: x+x :: poclad.org (program on corporations, law and democracy) :: x+x ::
mstbrazil.org/ Landless workers movement -- xxx -- americaspolicy.org/ bilingual :: x+x :: xs4all.nl/~jo (Afghan at the moment; yugoslavia too) :: x+x :: members.tripod.com/Balkania (stalled early 99) :: x+x :: //zapatistas.org/neo :: x+x ::
(youthful keyboard interactivists)
:: x+x :: http://hoxsey.tripod.com
:: x+x ::
(by Popp)
archdome.com/photogallery.html :: x+x :: http://traipse.com/nine/ associahedron = 3, 4 and 5 face views -- via/sample from: ics.uci.edu/~eppstein/junkyard/ geometry junkyard :: x+x :: charlesgilchrist.com/SGEO/ :: x+x :: dartmouth.edu/~matc/ math5.geometry/unit5/unit5.html - 30k :: x+x ::earthmatrix.com :: x+x ::pattern.org :: x+x :: new-universe.com/pythagoras :: x+x :: awakenvisions.com/hart :: x+x :: architectural-design.com (native american styles) :: x+x ::groups.yahoo/group/sacredlandscapelist :: x+x :: lovely.clara.net/ (cropcircle site) :: x+x ::thehope.org/njpapxc-article.htm The New Jerusalem/El-HEJERA Project 25K John Michell stuff :: x+x :: thehope.org/LINKS.htm :: x+x ::
:: x+x :: serv.net/~only1egg/front.html
clock synthesis :: x+x :: aloha.net/~johnboy
- the man who didn't understand my query but added a little something about
it by way of gesture
:: x+x ::
haven't given the rest
close scrutiny yet
(via an lbo-talk(er) :: x+x ::ipcc.ch
change) :: x+x ::statewatch.org
(open EU?) :: x+x ::hypocrisy.org
board, news) :: x+x ::
temporaryservices.org (chicago)
:: x+x :: ::
x+x :: alibris.com
:: x+x :: //dogbert.abebooks.com/abe/IList
:: x+x :: bookfinder.com
-------- sit.wisc.edu/~mrkdwhit/cdi1.htm
CDIs: Civic Democratic Institutions
:: x+x :: globalissues.org
:: x+x :: greatwarriors.net/
a sense of green --
xxx --
'cept for this one:
http://Mkzdk.org -
won't get in and onto this mac fiend's site with a 'billygoat' contraption,
oh no you won't!!!! aesthete alert
I am a REAL CLUTZ compared to this bro here!!!!!
NOTE URL changes(since the end of may when tripod decided to halve its free server space allotment AND disallow the (hyphened) type of name I have been using): /print-resource-friendly-reads.htm first batch:59K (from initial ((2000)) issues up to sept. 2001) ------ Next: 2.htm (57K) (for 28 issues (oct. 20th to nov. 13th) ------ Third: found when you substitute 3 for 2 in previous url (oct. 20th to dec 19th, a total of 25 issues) ------ Fourth such:(81K)49 of 'm (first half of 2002) ---- Fifth: (11 issues so far) |