Scrip-scrap n scribblediscrabble by populist, uncommonly open, passive and spacious Centrality promoter Piet +This file (/indy23.htm) was begun 15-2-02
last update: 5-3-02 - next?: . . . dunno really  . . .

Welcome to my presence, pointers to preferred perusals at and prfr distillations from (IMC main) ---xxx--- Earlier issues: 2002/Indymedia.htm (41K) - (nuttin much there yet 'cept some fillers ((since this file will fill very slowly)))-- Last year's issues: /2001/Indymedia.htm (55K for 21 of them)  ---xxx--- For more mainstream recent work see /logbriefer.htm or 2001/logsbriefers.htm  or earlier still: miscs-n-logs/logbriefer.htm  (99-00)  ---xxx--- Before that: miscs-n-logs/correspondence_file_contents.htm  (97 - 99)

Content of last issue can be found at the bottom
 Since I am a fiend for parenthetically compacted brevity the poor par peer parent is ease may appear endisease unless you come over to and take it one colour at a time through the densest  ((((((((((((((())))))))))))))) stormeyerapits.

I take all prfr (print resource friendly reads) content tables out of the 'current' logbriefer and indymediasamples files once I herd 'm into a heap (no sense in doubling and tripling stuff . . but  . . muloplurealizing .. . is a whole nother demono . .) more below this table in its colour and  see the bottom for more special readE details /print-resource-friendly-reads.htm
 first batch: (59K)  (from initial ((2000)) issues up to sept. 2001) ------  Next: (57K)  (for 28 issues (oct. 20th to nov. 13th) ------  Third: (56K)  (oct. 20th to dec 19th, a total of 25 issues) ------ Fourth such agrowinowhere':  (30K so far)  first few fresh 2002 issues so far
All  very latest prfr issues live in this and the logbriefer file (depending which of these I take spurty turns on) while they are growing and move to the prfr series when it is time for the former to move to their respective archives as well. ----- I try make up fullyfilled up even number of print pages with 'my' (soon to be beyond my reach) configuration; I resorted to sticking two table sets together in order to achieve this and cut down on printing time. This complicates the reading sequencing slightly but not greatly and if you are are used to the single set by now this should not deter you.

the archive guide for this year /2002/Indymedia.htm is of course nearly empty still and so leaves plenty of room for fillers which I will change periodically (without warning)

content:  Israel boycott - (attached a little something about my new insights in ((and sufferings from)) Otto Weininger's work) ------Swiss Indy is down for a (prudent or cowardly?) reflection pause  ------ our Joycean blabberer at it again ------ The middle east ------- 138249Robert Fisk: Europe must stop parroting the American script in the Middle East (english) by The Independent ------- 138033 +5 COINTELPRO loves the word ZIONAZI -------fascists (bundlers) vs collactivists ------ Kelley Walker specials ------- hardhitting graphics ---- fat special (thanks to a waaaay too verbose autonarchists) ------ endless zionazionazionitis ----- Items in brief

feb-reads3.htm (was 105K, now erased, killed, nixed) POST-APOCALYPTIC PAGANISM --------  Utopianism, anarchism, and the rainbow nation. ---------- postulates (a set of those considered proven and a set of presuppositional ones doubling as filler here: /2002/Indymedia.htm) plus Perceptual Presuppositions & The Deity in Science  from 'shift' theory (see or ---------fragment from cybermind mailing list: COMMUNITY WITHOUT UNITY: A POLITICS OF DERRIDEAN EXTRAVAGANCE by William Corlett. ------- Preface to The Unavowable Community by Maurice Blanchot,

Note previous day newswire URL style changes (I sorta miss the comment amount indications, don't like the blue ((too dark)) and feel flattered cause stuff is now a lot like my wire-mirror) == = = >> > >>  publishtype=webcast&top_id=135491

 desperately to a friend: Ps: got a job you like? Would you consider being the mother of my children as a career move; I fear that the relationship i am in is too much of a sublationship; it tears and wears in ways reminiscent of what I went through with me dad; lots of suffering but somehow too stupid to call it quits; a lifetime of unwholesome dependency; perhaps it set a tone and undeviatable precedent and I aint good for nothing much else really; if so I better face up to it and not invite normal people to take over; I would probably not relate and know how to respond if I were offered such a life line but heck who knows. how are all my (3) friends out there? struck dead and/or dumb? -- trilingual piet presents:

subject: can you beleaf this weather - - it's true or not? Gonna help me on my vehicle choice? Assuming I would find a travel partner a suzuki wagonR seems too small. I'd come to England but god knows where you have gotten to meanwhile. 

I have a theory(revival) in mind (version 1): the rift, canyon, cleft, and yawning fault between genders (hormones level (mis)matches) can be measured and is reflected by the degree and intensity of racism (priceless ((well, worth and costing a taunt or two)) circular reassurance ((since ambiguous enough to create a chronic need to occurr afresh) for jews ((still chosen as in spared inclusion in the costs of the proof that no, they haven't squandered their messiah on the christians)); provoked with, derived from, sought and found in proof of anti-semitism which works either way, wether or not provoked since that traiter, the once and for all sacrifice impostering ((good enough to end 'm)) jesus is demonstrably ineffective and just don't work ((look here come the bloodthirsty buggers again)); he hasn't been the male co-optation of succes after all, no sacrifice is good enough to put an end to (the need) for 'm); of course i don't believe in once and for all stuff to fully overcome the insecurity requiring hysteric confirmation nor would I claim the inefficiency of hard work (and would not till convinced of the opposite have to start believing in the concept 'sacrifice' at all, let alone it's inevitability; it stands less for 'death' as say: 'free' does to me); that brings me back to you, how are you wombman? Just curious. Oh yeah, this is only Weininger's theory chucked up. -- ---------- 

 (version 2): Subject: to may I bounce this Weininger regurgitation off you? Date: Sat, 16 Feb 2002 05:46:06 -0500 I have a theory (revival) in mind: the rift, canyon, cleft, and yawning fault between genders (your hormones level (mis)matches) is indicated, can be measured, and is reflected by the degrees of racisms (perhaps they are irrelevant compared to the intensities of races) but rememberig Otto I read: Jews insist they didn't squander their messiah on the christians (assurance of which lies ((and is perhaps perversely sought)) in anti-semitism either way, wether or not provoked, since jesus is demonstrably ineffective and just don't work if he hasn't been the sacrifice to put an end to (the need) for 'm). I am jew enough to not believe in once and for all stuff to fully overcome the hysteric insecurity requiring profuse confirmation. End of chuck up. Ps: If only evolution were a simple matter of every split second selecting for agression or cooperation, it is not since these apparant opposites can be co-opted by and reinforce each other, what the process largely is happens to be simple enough also: 99.99 % reactionary split second decisions to flee or hold your ground. ------------ More to the 'antisemitic'! accusation which lamed Indy Schweiz (in German) here:Schweiz-Indy-Pause.htm

 3rd version (of the above) coming up(down in the Middle east section) and oh by the way:  136575 Switzerland Indymedia SHUT OFF!!! temporary substitute is the CNR forum -------- by Clara 2:18pm Sun Feb 17 '02 All began with publishing of a cartoon by Latuff where a jewish kid in Warsaw ghetto says "i'm a palestinian". Fascist jewish AKDH association attacked indymedia switzerland saying it is an antisemit cartoon. is now shut off. For Linked articles: Latuff's cartoon and polemic (english):  ?article_id=10672&group=webcast The new antisemitism? (english):  webcast/14959.html Censorship (french):  ?article_id=10829&group=webcast -----------  Relax (english) by Joe 2:33pm Sun Feb 17 '02 Relax, Switzerland will be ok, if Indymedia is not working. Your making it, like this is worse then Sep 11th. -----------    ----- 80 Comments (and coming, all in German) on this at a item ------ 136870 Latuff's defense ----- 136970 + 6 (short c's) no substantial additions to the Swiss indy debacle 

My account of the various points of view making one and the same set of observ- and recommendations look good, promising and exciting or threatening old habits one prefers to cling to (in German) here:

134966 +19 "hippies" need to raid their trust funds and buy a clue!!! (english) by Jonah Goldburg (part of feb-4reads.htm)---------- Me: finding the title rather catchy I start reading but a totally different subject altogether (democracy), and none of the 19 comments really touching the heart of it, not even the long and one before last one called 'debating points' -------- All this emboldened me to post this: 136948 'Democratic delusion dispelled', it is a part of an old file, I introduce it thus: Statistics for one of my oldest files: from 22 november 1998, 06:51 Compiled on 13:13, 18 february 2002 ---- Total number of pageviews: 217. Top day so far: 20 november 2001 with 4 pageviews ------ If this should be indicative for similarly oriented efforts (never mind style for a minit alrite!?!?) I see no reason for confusion's reign to be soon relieved. -------- the next day: Hey, great, all of four people clicked the 'value standards and weather stabilities link!!! Sticking with statistical averages I can project that about 0.0000001 part of those perusers will actually come away with 1.000.000. viable pollenlike (p)article pools of principles to slowly form the clouds of understanding some generations hence, if I am not mistaken that is.-

more tuesday the 19th:  137232 good read, well balanced biases (Israel) -------------------- It's a beauty!!!!!! -------------------- long post American Democracy: R.I.P : The Emergence of the Fascist American Theocratic State -- By John Stanton and Wayne Madsen - -- February 10, 2002 ----------- --  check for more in feb-lbo-threads.htm (84K)--------

137055 our Joyceanic blabberer at it again (and still sticking to his inside URL joke): The Particle of a Bullet is given for Red-Codification Bi's by Bel-T1 2:08pm Mon Feb 18 '02 (Modified on 5:38pm Mon Feb 18 '02) The socalled 'Modernity of being Intersexual' conjures up arrows and tortoises. But it has a speculative, gedanken-ring; no one would dream of really conjuring up achilles to confirm that s/he catches the tortoise. However, it's capable of a ontological sense too rumour any empirical testings. Attempted experimental resolutions (like Baudrillard's...) have involved photons, but these are not detected often enough to settle the matter. K-aons are easier to detect and move, and'll soon be used to discriminate between quantum mechanics and local realism off minoring the same issues again. The validity of the strong inequalities have been carried out with pHotons. The Q-Personality abstract treatment to have an Insurance as lottery of the Sept.11 attac, polarize the similarity of spin 1/2 in the important respect that both observables are dichotomic Bio-Structures for the Architect. In the case of ph-polarisation this property is actually due to the absence of a mass, a fact that has the practical copyright in porn-ID's effect of eliminating from the theoretical scheme the pHotons will with longitiudinal polarisation acoustics. Only photons haploid spatiality, whose linear lingual voice quiry is perpendicular to the direction of propagation a B'rim bribe cally in/out of stocking the spot again. Similar to that of classical electromagnetic waves whose transverse nature is well known as heterogenously pair polarization to kill a math therefore. These two sets of vectors are nor unrelaxed to define the soil sonnly : La défiance à l'égard des prestiges trompeurs de la rhétorique se conjuguera, en fait, pour l'homme de l'art, avec l'emploi d'une langue spéciale d'autant moins intelligible pour le profane qu'elle sera précisément adaptée à son objet. Ce qui est dit es, certes, obscure mais cette obscurité, au dire des Ph-personalitée eux mèmes, est la signe paradoxal de l'adéquation de leur langagéà une vérité autrement indicible. Ce justifiant sa technicité aux yeux du lecteur irrité de le voir multiplier les barbarismes ou les formules ontomatiques pluspart des visuel mortes à d'ontic. WWW.FT.COM -----------------Your Message from the Illuminati (english) by secret master 2:38pm Mon Feb 18 '02 The ashtray in Iran must be brought back to the Empire State Building. The briefcase is reincarnated and the two-way radio is lizard-like. ----------------don't click on the web site url unless (english) by sjb 2:56pm Mon Feb 18 '02 you like being doubleclick trapped in the "financial times" website. if you have to go, open another window and then hit the url. I have hit this before, it seems to be some kind of market tester. whatever. sjb ------------------- God lord (english) by Hollow Point 5:38pm Mon Feb 18 '02 Just when I thought that COINTELPRO TOOL was the biggest most incomprahensible wanker on this site that guy comes along and proves me wrong. George W Bush stuttered utterings are like honey glazed sonnetes compared to that guy. Its PURE gibberish devoid of any semantic content much less gramma. Climate related info and action ------------ Wired has me primed to try these logs: (stunningly multimediatic?) --------------------
feb-reads6.htm (109K; erased)

Bill Moyers Interviews Benjamin Barber, author of "Jihad v. McWorld" during WEF   ------xxx------  CARTOONS AND PARANOIA By Latuff*   ------xxx------ Noam Chomsky is one of the latest on the Left to fall under David Horowitz's guns. by Kevin Carson (   ------xxx------ Do You Get the Picture? Or, Heidegger Goes to China McKenzie Wark   ------xxx------ John Zerzan and Bob Black at ------xxx------ 137323 on open publishing  ------xxx------ 137470 - Six Counts Of Libel Brought Against ARA (english) by Bill White 11:42am Tue Feb 19 '02 (includes comments from 2 more similar items)  ------xxx------ 138569 Wacky Richard Barrett Interviews Bill White (english) by 10:18am Thu Feb 21 '02 Richard Barrett of 

the middle East:
Indy Israel Items;
Israel in English
(also available in arabic)

my israelshamirdotcom.htm file may have (to my shame) led onto a wrong impression about the correct URL (below) ever since christmas!  --  - I am thankful everybody started posting the right url instead of bothering me to change it but I just got bothered enough and now the 200+K file copilation from that site for close printing convienance will be up correctly in a few minutes!!!!!! HERE: 2001/IsraelShamirDotNet.htm

 ---------  ?@? by peerlesslosspiet 12:08pm Sat Feb 16 '02 Look, not all are, need be nor can be the same; Sacralize every inch of space between Jerusalem and Bagdad with sprigs of green; retool those tanks into water ones and remember a man who saw all this coming and couldn't live with it (or maybe he was just unhappy in love) -(version 3): Weininger refreshingurgleteether: I have a theory (revival) in mind: the rift, canyon, cleft, and yawning fault between genders (your hormones level (mis)matches) is indicated, can be measured, and is reflected by the degrees of racisms (perhaps they are irrelevant compared to the intensities of races but rememberig Otto I read: Jews insist they didn't squander their messiah on the christians (assurance of which lies ((and is perhaps perversely sought)) in anti-semitism either way, wether or not provoked, since jesus is demonstrably ineffective and just don't work if he hasn't been the sacrifice to put an end to (the need) for 'm). I am jew enough to not believe in once and for all stuff to fully overcome the hysteric insecurity requiring profuse confirmation. Israel boycott will be the most effective ever. Time to lose your cover/excuse (antisemitism). Or do you want to lose your business too? End of chuck up.

138324 Humor in America --- I go: read Thomas Szas on Karl Kraus I am (being enlightened about the perspicacious (specificity is phunny) and personal nature of all proper language use) --------------------- 138189 Henk posts a poster for rides to the next big top in Barcelona and says: Hope it works ---- I go: work what again honkytonktinkerbell? -- get masses of classes to clash and caper witda coppers AGAIN?????????????????? gimme a break? go places where once the authorities guard dogs catch up to them they find territory with a growing purpose encroaching on theirs, getting them superfluous and fired but no matter so much since dey can soon switch jobs to consensual commons / orchard Gstationing.  -- - --  - --138151 Pathetic (english) by Chuck0 3:05pm Wed Feb 20 '02 Sounds like Bill White is up to his usual tricks. Yesterday, an expose was circulated which cut a little close to home for White, so his response was to claim that he's filed a lawsuit against ARA. I read the article by ARA about Bill White and it seemed pretty accurate to me. Now Bill has decided to throw a temper tantrum and circulate a faked email from myself. What's really funny is that White couldn't even forge a fake email properly. It has a time stamp of "Date: 20 Feb 2002 18:58:13 -0000," which is 53 minutes from now. According to this post, I have yet to write it and send it to anybody. What a joke. -------------------- Jackdotcom's Free Liberal, Progressive & Leftist Animated Gifs Civil Rights Corporate Greed Corporate Media Diversity Environment Feminism Human Rights Justice Labor Latin America Lampooning Bush Lampooning the Right Leftist Native American Nonviolent Revolution Peace Movement Political Miscellaneous ---------------- 138085 hey, paytention f O k! Here comes Gladiolator the sandman finally spilling URL spelling (sparing us a googledeetour) what all 'he's got on his liver' as the Dutch have it; quite the catharsis. Turns out to be about genius inventors and all that. 

138249 Robert Fisk: Europe must stop parroting the American script in the Middle East (english) by The Independent 5:32pm Wed Feb 20 '02 (Modified on 11:35pm Wed Feb 20 '02) 'After Israel has vandalised 11m euros of property supplied by Europe, why shouldn't we play a role?' 21 February 2002 While President George Bush rabbits on about the "axis of evil" and his "crusade" against "terror", a real tragedy is about to interfere with his mythic struggle against America's enemies. It's about a place called Palestine. And a place called Israel. So idle, so lazy, so pro-Israeli has Washington's policy become towards the Middle East that the President still seems unaware that the real war in the region involves its own ally - a colonial Israel - and a nationalist struggle run by Israel's own surrogate Palestinian leader, Yasser Arafat. President Bush really thinks he is conducting a crusade. True, he was warned not to use the expression - Muslims are not terribly keen on the 11th century Christian knights who slaughtered Muslims and Jews by the tens of thousands - but he used the word again just five days ago. Speaking of the Canadian soldiers who have rashly joined US troops in Kandahar, Mr Bush announced that "they stand with us in this incredibly important crusade to defend freedom". Crusade indeed. As Palestinians are learning from their Hizbollah compatriots in Lebanon how to resist an occupying force - how to obtain "freedom" - Mr Bush continues to give the Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon a green light to "strike against terror" while at the same time demanding democracy for all Muslim countries in the Middle East, especially Iran and Iraq. But not, of course, for allies like Saudi Arabia and Egypt. The ability of the Americans to re-write history and to blow-dry the Palestinian-Israeli conflict into clichés is a scandal. The occupied Palestinian territories have now become the "disputed" territories; Jewish colonies on Arab land have become "settlements" and now, according to the BBC and CNN, "neighbourhoods". Israeli death squads are now "elite forces" who carry out "targeted killings". In the same way, the American media have declared victory in Afghanistan. Another lie. Hamid Karzai's government controls only a few Kabul streets. Afghanistan is a place of anarchy and lawlessness, of rape and brigandage after America's war. One of Mr Karzai's own ministers is murdered at the Bagram air base in an inter-cabinet feud. The British Army, which controls the airport, is - so we are told - not responsible. And the Saudis allow the culprits to go free. American B- 52s are now bombing "enemy soldiers" - not enemies of the United States but warring tribesmen who happen to oppose America's choice of leader, Hamid Karzai. It's an old story. We British were fighting "warring tribes" in the 1920s. Now the Americans do the same. And in the meantime, we must ignore the Palestinian-Israeli war. The Palestinian Intifada uprising, provoked by Ariel Sharon's visit to the Al-Aqsa mosque, is a "strategic error", according to the State Department on Tuesday. An Israeli officer tells his colleagues, according to the Israeli daily newspaper Ha'aretz, that they must "study how the German Army operated in the Warsaw Ghetto". Needless to say the latter report is not published in the United States. The truth is that the Palestinians have learned from the Hizbollah in Lebanon. You don't have to submit to occupation. You can fight back. With home-made missiles, with crude mines on the roads, with suicide bombers. This is a cruel, ruthless war, the worst year of "terror" in Israel's recent history. But it is an anti-colonialist war, a struggle against Jewish settlements and I can well see why Professor Arie Eldar, a former Israeli army medical officer, should announce that "we must execute him [Mr Arafat] today". Yet still the US government parrots whatever Mr Sharon says. Mr Arafat must end "terrorism", his plot to import Iranian arms - always supposing it can be conclusively proved - a symbol of his plans to destroy Israel. Listening to the US State Department spokesman, you might think that the administration really has accepted the insane Sharon thesis that Mr Arafat is a part of "world terror". In fact, given the supine and cowardly American reporting of the Middle East conflict, you might wonder why the Pentagon wishes to create its absurd "Office of Strategic Influence (OSI)" to peddle truth and lies to the press. US journalists are so gutless - so quick to adopt the government line - that it is surely unnecessary to plunder the $10bn supplement to the Pentagon budget to sell this kind of trash. A few days ago, I participated in a live American radio show in which a former State Department official warned that Washington may have to cut its ties with Mr Arafat unless he "curbed terror" - he was, of course, faithfully following the Sharon line. I was supposed to intervene with a plea for Mr Arafat. In fact, I suggested that Washington should cut all its connections with Mr Arafat - because, given the total failure of US policy in the region, it was time the Europeans took over and acted as intermediaries. After the Israelis had vandalised more than €11m worth of Palestinian property supplied by the European Union, why shouldn't we play a role in the Middle East conflict? Apoplexy reigned. I was not speaking to cue. But why the hell do we Europeans have to speak according to the script? True, we have the occasional nutter - the Czech Prime Minister, for example, this week comparing Mr Arafat to Hitler - but in the world where Mr Bush tells us, like a Hollywood director, that 2002 will be a "war year", we have a right to speak out. The United States has a right to its own illusions. The latest, from "American intelligence" - the heroes who failed to learn of the plot to attack the World Trade Centre - is that Afghanistan is threatened by Iran which has sent hundreds of Arab and Afghan fighters to Mazar-i-Sharif to create mayhem. And of course, these diabolical forces were "trained by the Hizbollah in Lebanon". Needless to say, this rubbish is taken seriously in Washington and in Israel (from whence it came). But we do not have to accept this nonsense. The real battle exists between the Israelis and the Palestinians. Iraq is a side-show. If Washington wants to reverse the priorities, we Europeans can only pity them. But the condemnation of Mr Bush's policy by the French and German foreign ministers and by Nato's leadership is real enough. Let us have done with crusades and the "war on terror". Let's have some justice in the Middle East. For Israelis and Palestinians alike. ---------------Robert Fisk is married to an Arab (english) by Joe 6:54pm Wed Feb 20 '02 I just love reading Fisk's article. I think this guy gets on a high, when he bashes Israel. What he wants is Europe to do, is have the Arabs exterminate the Jews. Then Fisk will be happy. -------------- Joe schmo (english) by Capt. Canuck 7:44pm Wed Feb 20 '02 Joe sounds like a typical American with his head up his ass. Fisk, meanwhile has been living out in the harsh light of the Middle East for 30 years, watching the horror unfold. He reports what he sees. Whatever "side" the violence comes from----------- Go Fisk (english) by get it done 11:35pm Wed Feb 20 '02 Robert Fisk is a sensible man. Hope there's more like him. 

138033 +5 COINTELPRO loves the word ZIONAZI  by anyone with a brain 11:01am Wed Feb 20 '02 (Modified on 1:40pm Wed Feb 20 '02) Funny how the word ZIONAZI always seems to be out there on the newswire no matter what time of day it is. Could it be someone is being paid to sit around all day and post it so the media can label IMC "anti semitic"? don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with criticizing Israeli policy.. But calling someone a ZIONAZI and that stupid icon about the israeli flag equalling a swastika is fucking stupid.. Hey, what did the nazis think of the Arabs again? This is a level of mudslinging and name calling that shouldn't be allowed on the IMC it makes the legitmate postings look bad. Anyone who supports the killing of innocent people in a pizzeria should not get to post on here. Ditto for anyone who is talking about shooting arab kids. Funny how similar the guys who post the ZIONAZI trash sound to the people who post about killing all the palestinians.. But its probably cointelpro anyway, isn't it. Hey guys, you're doing a great job, its really hurting the movement (smirk).. add your own comments ----------------Hey now... (english) by Matt McLaughlin 11:35am Wed Feb 20 '02 Hey man, I'm not for the killing of any innocent people, or any people at all. But you gotta admit, the policies of the Israeli state toward the Palestinian people is very much like that of a country hellbent on wiping out the entire population of undesirables. They bulldoze their homes, often while they're still in them, they continually attack civilian populations in retaliation for attacks on their civilians, they colonize Palestinian lands while the people already there starve and fade into obscurity, they set up physical boundaries, isolating Palestinian villages completely, and they deny the Palestinian people a democratically elected representitive in the government. This obviously isn't at the levels of the holocaust, but it has the same intent--to disappear an entire people in the same fashion as the destruction of the American Indian nation. Is "Zionazi" an appropriate term? I think so. But I think that "manifest-destinazi" is also an appropriate term. Also, who the hell is calling indymedia "anti-semetic"?? I think that's an undounded idea, as most people posting on here are probably atheists, and we could really give a shit about a person's faith. ---------- do you like nazis? (english) by Steven James Blake 11:38am Wed Feb 20 '02 do you like concentration camps? do you like murder? do you like lies? do you like rape? do you like nationalism? do you like theocratic fascist racism? tell me what exactly are you worried about? the reputation of the nazi's or the zionists? let's not forget there was no isreal before this century, ever. let's not forget how isreal was formed. I refuse to play "nice" with a bunch of hypocritical non-semite, nazi racist killers so you can feel safe. as an american i value free speech for all, even if some "people" in my government do not, they are not americans as shown by their actions. so I cannot say that the isrealies are jews, I know jews, they don't bulldoze houses, they don't, shoot children, they don't commit genocide. sharon thinks because he wears the human skins of the murdered jews of auchweitz that he can do what ever he wants, well he is wrong even if he does. defend yourself, what is your point, or are you you know who. hmmmmmmm? sjb come out, come out, where ever you are...... ------------------ not even a good try, moron (english) by FREE PALESTINE 11:47am Wed Feb 20 '02There is certainly nothing "anti-semitic" about the term "zionazi", which has been in use among the left at least since the 60s. And Arabs are semites, too, idiot. The usage is highly appropriate because of the zionist role in one of the world's holocausts - that of the Jews in Germany. When asked to help fund their escape (but NOT to Palestine), a leading zionist said of the European Jews, "All the Jews of Europe are not worth a cow in Palestine!" For more information on how the zionists participated in it, visit: and As for the nazi flag = "israel" flag image, that too is appropriate. Both symbolize racism, apartheid and above all a master race ideology that calls for the expulsion or murder of rightful inhabitants of a land. Anyway, this non-issue about the flags image and the term zionazi was concluded a long time ago. And you zionazi filths lost. ------------------- ZIONAZIS love the word COINTELPRO (english) by Anti-Zionist Action 12:12pm Wed Feb 20 '02 One Zionist, one bullet Finger on the trigger, pull it..Opportunist Belligerents (english) by Mr. Eminently Expendable 12:13pm Wed Feb 20 '02 Why do you even need the term zionism? Why does genocide and ethnic cleansing need a special name when it is practiced by a specific ethnicity? There are pacifist zionists you know, who are not interested in "transference" of Palestinians. There are Palestinians who do not wish to see all the people of Israel vanish. It is the opportunists on both sides that are stealing the spotlight by appealing to insane belligerence. I know that I personally find the notion of nation-states and ethnic consciousness refutable, but that is not as immediately pressing as the issue of encouraging the replacement of Israel's leadership, as well as that of the puppet dicatorships in oil producing countries. Can anybody explain to me though, what has been wrong with the Israeli left in relatively recent history though? I can figure that it has something to do with Israeli foreign policy opposers not supporting the military refuseniks very much, but there must be something else. Does anyone have any good resources on the subject? The hostilities can only slowly subside when the settlers can live among Palestinians without walls. That will only happen when Palestinians can live among Israelis. Anyone who thinks there is any other possible ultimate objective is either very creative and/or is absolutely insane.--------------------- No use trying to reason (english) by ??? 12:26pm Wed Feb 20 '02 "Funny how similar the guys who post the ZIONAZI trash sound to the people who post about killing all the palestinians.." Bingo! There is no use trying to reason with people like Free Palace Swine. He's obviously some mixed up kid with little if any contact with the Palestinian cause. It's easy for twits like him to make all these stupid comments ("One Zionist, One Bullet") because he has nothing to do with solving the numerous problems in the Middle East, he justs want to be sensationalistic and appear "revolutionary." The best policy for people like him (and all trolls including Chris Hansen, COINTELPRO tool, JJ) is to ignore him. Like a spoiled child, the more attention you pay to him, the more he will whine. Remember his stupid rants, "Ohhhhh my stories are censored! Ohhhhhh IMC is controlled by Zionists!" Go eat a porkchop you fake ass Muslim. ----------to whom it may concern (english) by FREE PALESTINE 12:51pm Wed Feb 20 '02 "anyone" = "???" = "try" = "joe schmoe". And he's hopping mad at me right now that he got publicly burned and lost the debate over the correct usage of "filths". See the comments section at: 137976 Not only is "anyone" et al a poseur, a whiner and a complainer, he is also a sore loser. I wonder if he's the same zionazi coward who ran like crazy and donated his woman to Palestinian freedom fighters when they showed up in Jerusalem's "Peace Park" last week. It wouldn't surprise me. The character flaws of each are quite similar. ----------------Sorry Free Palace Swine (english) by ??? 1:40pm Wed Feb 20 '02 I didn't post the original article but it was right on point. You are a child who has nothing to contribute to the struggle beyond your insipid rants. That's o.k. Everytime you write something it just proves how stupid you are. Fire away my little chitlin eating fake Muslim. ----

138857a budding web artist tests his skill  -------- 138741 2 short comments on conspiracy ------ Possum Living        HOW TO LIVE WELL WITHOUT A JOB AND WITH (almost) NO MONEY   DOLLY FREED   Universe Books New York  Published in the United States of America in 1978   by Universe Books 381 Park Avenue South, New York, N.Y. 10016     (c)1978 by Universe Books ----------- 138496 + 16 on censorship, culling, etc; good quote: 138496 Personally I think one could conceivably cull, prune and 'censor' (down to a link at most) on the basis that presented views are available elsewhere. 

Floods on Mars surface are recent ----- yeah rite and we're off to venus tomorry by piet 1:20am Wed Feb 27 '02    genesis continuous (googleworthy terminoly)   like the fractionation game we played after thick ice carried rows of us across (if we kept going fast enough: schotsje lopen)     now, that is no reason to trash this place OK!!!??!?!?!?!!?
141035 smash the nazi in turin -- I go (didn't register though): collactivists tend to let it all hang out, irresponsibly growin away, no matter how much thwart crook cramp, crowd and neediness results (unless you want to argue this is their driving raison d' etre). fascists tend to be more critical, raise the bar and agree with the jewish ethic (which is why they tend to compete with it and/or be anti-semitic = allow and hide behind sacrifice/cull of less fit) starting from the premise that health and vigor results from the prudent prune (fascere = bundling; but once you have the future envisioned it wouldn't take more than a thumb and forefinger pinch to ); I see either course of action as one which leads to loss of life, whether one (prefers to) fall short of or eradicates unbalanced life, it ain't attained neither way. In general one might, as I do, prefer to combine the best methods of the right with the noblest goals of the left.

I did a Kelley Walker on abortion post at; more on her in the logbriefer (will be februari.htm)  There is a Kelley Walker posts at the LBO list (91K mostly on philosophy) file and more (by her in prfr format <136K> this is full of gender issues) from there. Her website is sorta dead in the water; only one bookreview and a list of archives ordered by location (you'll find out more in the just mentioned files).  And in case you missed the first two mentions:  A whole bunch of lbo-talk (militias and amish -- polygamy and polygyny) sits here: feb-lbo-threads.htm (84K)

--------------- Fire - Feminist International Radio endeavour 2002-02-28 11:12:41-08 March 8th is International Women´s Day...FIRE is
                             organizing a 12 hour webcast with women from Colombia about the need for them to be included in looking for new negotiated solutions and women from Afganistan about the present state of their rights and people´s rights. FIRE will also be iaugurating its recently acquired ISDN digital line for its webcasts.  Look for schedule at and

feb-reads6.htm (109K; erased)

Bill Moyers Interviews Benjamin Barber, author of "Jihad v. McWorld" during WEF   ------xxx------  CARTOONS AND PARANOIA By Latuff*   ------xxx------ Noam Chomsky is one of the latest on the Left to fall under David Horowitz's guns. by Kevin Carson (   ------xxx------ Do You Get the Picture? Or, Heidegger Goes to China McKenzie Wark   ------xxx------ John Zerzan and Bob Black at ------xxx------ 137323 on open publishing  ------xxx------ 137470 - Six Counts Of Libel Brought Against ARA (english) by Bill White 11:42am Tue Feb 19 '02 (includes comments from 2 more similar items)  ------xxx------ 138569 Wacky Richard Barrett Interviews Bill White (english) by 10:18am Thu Feb 21 '02 Richard Barrett of 

142328 ReaL eYes,ReaLize,ReaL Lies-must share,must read info to-promote the general wel ------ Piet: kudo's for enthusiams but as to content? I'm afraid it's a fail your .. . . riveting future potentialities philosopher whose keen and clever critique or macro-psychoanalysis of hive mind/free mind dichotomies increased my wattage,gave me the feeling-right on! See "the meaning of labor","the bubonic lifestyle","belief wars" & "the undecided future of multidimensional mankind" she is a demistifying columnist at click on her name,this is only place i know to find her articles executive and legislative leaders sent to re-education camps? Thats what dr.J.B. Koeppl-former NATO defense analyst says,besides saying "They are not fighting against terrorists.They are fighting against citizens. vist his site at --- ttp:// The military uses 40% of us oil.They used 300million barrels of oil and diesel fuel in the gulf war. that is more oil than in all of kuwait!What ever happened to american ingenuity? get excited about alternatives and FREE energy articles covered in free february webzine at www.spirit of bOing! ------------
/soul_of_the_indian.htm A 1911 book by Eastman, Charles Alexander 
your piet da compacter version (78K) (found while looking around a site that carries the matrix tomes zipped and the intro's by Michael Topper).

142827  Must See Pic Check out pic The difference between an Israeli soldier and Palestinian Soldier. Must See Pic by Tommy Franks 3:16pm Fri Mar 1 '02 The difference between an Israeli soldier and Palestinian Soldier. ========== I agree (english) by Jason 3:21pm Fri Mar 1 '02 I agree completely. Palestinians are cowards who days are numbered - for real. Since neither country OWES the other anything (it is a war, afterall), the one with the bigger guns and better army wins. Palestinians wanted a war. They got one, baby. Watch what you wish for...this is just the beginning. =========== Reductionist Stupidity (english) by RSP 3:27pm Fri Mar 1 '02 nuff said ======= A few suggestions for this photo (english) by James 3:28pm Fri Mar 1 '02 You could ad 2 things to this photo to make it perfect: 1. A photographer aiming his camera at the Palestinian baby, waiting until it is shot so that he can snap a picture and put it under the headline: "ISRAELI SOLDIER KILLS ANOTHER INNOCENT CHILD". or 2. A TNT bomb strapped to the bottom of the Palestinian baby carriage, with the doting parents pushing it toward Israel. ============= i agree...not (english) by biddy 3:30pm Fri Mar 1 '02 wow, you replied to your own message 3 times. really convincing! ========== mmh! not really (english) by Chris 3:39pm Fri Mar 1 '02 Israel is occupying the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. if they kill somebody it is simply to maintain an occupation. if the palestineans kill an israel soldier then well they are fighting to be free from occupation. As far as these accustions of palestineans putting innocents in the crossfire I would like to see one example of this happening just one. and the settlements that israel put in place that put thousands of innocents in the crossfire. ========= Propaganda (english) by ranger 3:50pm Fri Mar 1 '02 I am so sick of this pro-Israeli propaganda. If the Israeli military policies are so humane then why are its own soldiers refusing to fight? =========== YA KNOW (english) by ME AGAIN 3:57pm Fri Mar 1 '02 hey, great idea, let's all kill each other. cause hey, ya know, the earth can't support life as it is, anyways. jew, muslim, christian, hindu, pagan, whatever. let's hit the streets and go on a killling rampage. cause you're not worth shit and neither am i. moms, dads, kids, babies, hell, even the family pet. kill, kill, kill and kill some more cause we've been fed the american faery tale for decades now and we already know what their solution to world distress is, KILL. i can't wait for the day when it all comes tumbling down. ========= Not accurate (english) by Hollow Point 4:11pm Fri Mar 1 '02 The picture is a Zionis propaganda. To be an acurate reflection of reality the Israeli soldier should be shown sitting in a tank whilst an Apache gunship and an F18 are up in the air. The Palestinian soldier is show pretty much correct. ========== must see picture (english) by t 4:13pm Fri Mar 1 '02 ======== Doug (english) by Doug 4:18pm Fri Mar 1 '02 haha, that is the best pic ever. Its so true. Dont forget to mention, how the PLO pays the parents of Palestinian children 2000 dollars to sacrifice there children for Photo Ops. ==========Isreal Created (english) by TheRedRasta 4:22pm Fri Mar 1 '02 After World War Two, the major nations of the world, Britan, The United States, and Russia decided the Jews needed somewhere to go after suffering such atrocoties. They picked Isreal. A land the Jewish people inhabited thousands of years ago. Nevermind thoes who live there NOW. We can push them to the West Bank and Gaza strip. Once again, unnecessary intervention in foreign policy creats problems down the road. ============ Good for the Isrealis! (english) by Mike 4:39pm Fri Mar 1 '02 Do you idiots think we want another Arab/Islamic country so you fools can oppress your women, run a corrupt bankrupt govt, create terrorists and go back in time? We are sick of your stupidity, foolishness and dysfunctional culture. The same arab nations that complain about how the Isreali's treat the Palestinian don't allow Palestinians into their countries. It is time for the arab community to face that fact that you have to get your collective acts together. It is not everyone elses fault your leaders are corrupt, and your religion holds you back. You can blame everyone else but you are the one's who suffer. Keep following Arafat you fools! ========== mirror mirror (english) by muslimjew 4:47pm Fri Mar 1 '02 for the picture to be more accurate the two soldiers need to be shown close up, with no covering of their faces, looking into each other's eyes, with guns to each other's heads. ========= ! by -Rune:) 4:52pm Fri Mar 1 '02 Motherfukcinzionazidorks  !!!!!!!!!!this is the runaway guy!!!!!!!!!!  Viva Joseph Mengele, and other familyexperimentingfuckers =========== To Mikey (english) by jen 5:11pm Fri Mar 1 '02 Hey Mikey Bastard: They should send you to a hospital and sterilize you so no more dumb fucks like you can be given life. Die Mikey die!!!!!!! ========= The Truth in Pictures (english) by Gabriel 5:56pm Fri Mar 1 '02 Look how it draws a parallel with those Nazis. Unlike some pictures, we don't get to see enough of these "other" pictures in the media. I should be annoyed enough to do something about it - so here goes: Here is the online petition for the reservists who refuse to participate in the genocidal rampage of Adolf Sharon who is trying to outdo all his ZioNazi predecessors in exacerbating the Palestinian Holocaust. (loads slowly as list is big) Show your support for the brave reservists by signing and telling all about it. AND Don’t forget to visit – very rewarding!! (If you have seen this over and over again and get annoyed - TOUGH!!!! The world does not revolve around you. Look forward to seeing this over and over and over again....) =========== last chance for israel (english) by &@$! 6:07pm Fri Mar 1 '02 How much longer can Israel continue to antagonize the arab world? My strong sense is that this is the last chance for Israel. Soon there will be many arab-owned nukes, and while Israel has so far been able to buy off the russian mob can it rely on the loyality of criminals forever? What if the russian mobs decides it would be more profitable to play both sides? The smart Israelis are choosing to leave. I welcome them to my city - I like jews and I'm worried about their safety in the near future. The concept of a modern state based upon religious affiliation is completely absurd, this idea is several thousands of years passé now. All modern states are pluralistic with a clear separation between civic and religious domains. The only way Israel can continue on its present course is by a coordinated effort by the superpowers to repress the advancement of human civilization around the world. I believe this is what they’re already trying to do; they’re withholding technology, denying free speech and genuine political affiliation, blocking the free-flow of information. Like the Chinese acrobats who balance three dozen spinning plates on the ends of poles using every part of their bodies, the ruling elite are attempting to take on too much. Their control will become overextended and then it all will come crashing down. A major city or two or three will be nuked, and millions will die. The situation becomes more absurd and untenable by the minute. ========== i agree...not (english) by biddy 7:30pm Fri Mar 1 '02 wow, you replied to your own message 3 times. really convincing! ============ ONLY BECAUSE ... (english) by Jordan Thornton 11:06pm Fri Mar 1 '02 Israeli soldiers enter Palestinian areas, where Palestinian children live. This is their home. They have nowhere else to go when you fire a rocket from an Apache, or lob an M-1 shell into their midst. Their blood is on Israel's hands... This tactic of "taking the fight to the enemy's territory comes directly from the CIA, which is actually the Gestapo, and that's where the tactics originate. The second your "right to self-determination" infringes on the rights of others, it ceases to be your right. Simply calling a piece of land Israel does not make you the chosen people of God. The God of absolute peace and love does not condone butchery and oppression. Before calling me an "anti-Semite" , consider the fact that the leaders of Israel are about as Jewish as Bu$h is christian. Teaching racial superiority breeds hatred. Oh, and Hillary Clinton can eat a dick! (Just not her husband's. He doesn't want her anywhere near it.) ========== The real problem (english) by someone who has thought about it 3:57am Sat Mar 2 '02 The problem is you have U.S. imperialism using Israel as a proxy to secure its domination in the region. And religion which makes difficult for the people of the middle east to think politically. In general, U.S. interests in the middle east is domination and oil to fuel its global military capacity. The rich and powerful in the United States and Israel must stop using ordinary Israeli's to fight their dirty wars in their quest for wealth and power. They must stop murdering Palestinians and get out of occupied territory. Israel is a major recipient of U.S. military aid. The Palestinians have no choice but to use every method of war to keep up the resistance. Those who can afford military might could call it "terrorism", but what else can the Palestinians do? It's better than sticks and stones. But the real problem is simple. Capitalism. And the answer. Socialism. Workers and the oppressed unite! ============ 143044 = text of this item restored (english) by piet 4:14am Sat Mar 2 '02 some asshole or ignorant placed lots of characters (only a monotonously single one actually) in close formation, that makes text run laterally off the screen (loooooong URL's do the same). Since I am here I might as well spout the latest: (inspired by the only comment at 142683 (or was it '650?): Egalitarian societies are (or were rather) the rule till the bondforging actual and/or thereafter ritualized murder/sacrifice and/or branding, etc set us out and off into the insextualization modes: highrise and enormous stretch stratification. At snapshot speed perception they seem mutually exclusive and distinct but a longer view reveals the paradox and ambiguity of irreparable split and irreconcilability as a mere surface appearance hiding a dynamic of scapegoaty suffersome vs / complemented and fed off of by the cynically, autistically affrontsome. This sort of diversity is of course cancerous and now revisits the ME after already having stripped it bare in order to dig a little deeper, use a little more violence and feed an even hungryer god with the wonderoily constipation cure.

142650 Jeremy Rifkin on the Climate change acceleration; first of 4 comments: Mmm (english) by profrv@etc 10:30am Fri Mar 1 '02 We may not have time to organise mass peacefull global revolution.Time for plan B.Operation soft drill or 'APster.' "It's time to take anarchies seriously."as the solon said, the truth comes out by hammer blows, not sweettalk. "How can we translate the freedom afforded by the Internet to ordinary life?" How can we keep government from banning encryption, digital cash, and other systems that will improve our freedom?" Suddenly,Jim Bell had a revolutionary idea. ("Revolutionary" is the word he uses, and it fits.) You and me--the little guys, the ordinary working people of the world--could get together, all pitch in, and pay to have every rotten scoundrel in politics assassinated. And we could do it legally. Sort of. Bell imagined an organization that would award "a cash prize to somebody who correctly 'predicted' the death of one of a list of violators of rights, usually either government employees, officeholders, or appointees. It could ask for anonymous contributions from the public, and individuals would be able to send those contributions using digital cash." He explains that "using modern methods of public-key encryption and anonymous digital cash, it would be possible to make such awards in such a way so that nobody knows who is getting awarded the money, only that the award is being given. Even the organization itself would have no information that could help the authorities find the person responsible for the prediction, let alone the one who caused the death.Cheney? "Id buy that for a dollar!" =========== personal vs common fate by piet 1:29pm Fri Mar 1 '02 I did a search at for John Hamaker who gave us less time than we've had since he died (he used to ask: 'are the marines helping (spread rockdust) yet?') and turned up 0 (zip, noughto); having adopted the good man as chosen father I did not take kindly to that and posted 40+ googlies (the seem to be moderated though, I fear the worst); now, let's just assume his theory holds water and his solution promise, there is now way a world with warmongers at the controls is gonna lend an ear. I think we have some time yet; the comets causing mass extinctions have probably all been swept up and incorporated, even the trusty one expected around 2012 may have had a mishap on the way here. As for AP, I suggested and/or toyed with a similar idea during the making of my kossovo file but ultimately its principles one must foster cause the Milo's Mug a bee's and Booshow's are mere drips that top the intolerable bucket topple. (H)airbrained comic book idea to make us anomynice myrapid pursenaries no? might as well make bets about our likely success to obviate the impending mineral(size and substance) reduction need induced ice age.

 143044 142827 repeated; some ignorant or asshole fucked it up  -------- nut(s)shelling anyone???????? by piet 4:24am Sat Mar 2 '02 Solutions????? redirect the war industry towards irrigation efforts. some asshole or ignorant placed lots of characters (only a monotonously single one actually) in close formation, that makes text run laterally off the screen (loooooong URL's do the same). Since I am here I might as well spout the latest: (inspired by the only comment at 142683 or was it '650?) T Somebody called Israelis ' 'the most unambiguously threatened people of recent history').   That doesn't ring true with me; matter of fact it sounds much like the major noises in the climate debate; trying to belittle the dangers, evils and guilt account hiking implied the rigid right claims the mean don't change much and right they are but the overal friction and attrition shows another picture since the excesses polarize further and further at either end, eroding all buffering graduality. Egalitarian societies are (or were rather) the rule till the bondforging actual and/or thereafter ritualized murder/sacrifice and/or branding, etc set us out and off into the insextualization modes: highrise and enormous stretch stratification. At snapshot speed perception they seem mutually exclusive and distinct but a longer view reveals the paradox and ambiguity of irreparable split and irreconcilability as a mere surface appearance hiding a dynamic of scapegoaty suffersome vs and/or complemented and fed off of by the cynically, autistically affrontsome. This sort of 'diversity' is of course dependency denial and viciously cancerous and now revisits the ME after already having stripped it bare in order to dig a little deeper, use a little more violence and feed an even hungryer god with the wonderoily constipation -------------- cure core actions by piet 6:12am Sat Mar 2 '02 That doesn't ring true with me; matter of fact it sounds much like the major noises in the climate debate additional explonations 1): warming vs cooling is as threatened vs threatening ; trying to gloss over, belittle, hide and distract from concommitant dangers, evils and guilt account hiking. the rigid right claims the mean (temps, etc) don't change much and right they are but the component friction and attrition rate upping tells another picture (excesses polarize further and further at either end, eroding all buffering graduality). winters and precipitations gone here, growing seasons shortening there. (see John Hamaker) Egalitarian societies are (or were rather) the rule till the bond forging actual and/or thereafter ritualized murder/sacrifice and/or branding, etc set us out and off into the insextualization modes: highrise and enormous stretch stratific-/specializ- n differentiation.  At snapshot speed perception the factions / classes / familuy branches may seem mutually exclusive and distinct but a longer view reveals the paradox and ambiguity about deciding between irreparable split and irreconcilability (mere surface appearance) on the one hand which hides (washes?) a dynamic of scapegoaty suffersome vs / complemented and fed off of by the cynically, autistically affrontsome. This sort of diversity (gendergap if you prefer) is of course cancerous and now revisits the ME after already having stripped it bare in order to dig a little deeper, use a little more violence and feed an even hungryer god with the wonderoily constipation cure. The wrong end of the female phenomena has started to migrate after the choicy bits cause we neglect, ignore, deny and are too damn plain stupid to send the 'low' end of 'm (dusty end of our lusty spectrum) on a blessing 'mass mishmash missage amend- and come onthatory mission. -

144367 Old greg palast on stiglitz with one interesting comment: My basic argument is, "If you don't want a society with Nazi values to emerge from the age of ecological crisis that we are entering, then we must reduce population growth by democratic means (as fast as possible) rather than letting the yuppie scum do it with tyranny and starvation." There are several strategies we could pursue. We could demand that US immigration quotas be indexed in an inverse ratio to population growth rates of the immigrants' home countries. This would give us a tool to limit immigration WITHOUT racism being a factor, and it would allow us to steal some of Pat Buchanan's fire.  == <<>>==

I thought I would make a new file with nazionazionist subject matter but realized that's what most of this file is already about! Wouldn't be much left of it without it; nevertheless the following items are all such: 144530Anti-semitism in the Left: Given Licence to Grow  == <<>>==  144420 ID's and their beancountable traces in and out of the broomroom  == <<>>== 144415 +2 SF in solidarity w Latuff == <<>>== 144213What has Sharon learned from the holocaust? Humiliation, tyranny, brutality and murder == <<>>== 144202 someone from Pakistan (?) on zionazionitis some more: what the fuck are you guys doing becoming a forum for genocidal hatemongering & namecalling bullshit i.e "zionazis", do you have any possible idea how poisonous that is?  == <<>>== 144107 and yet again with a more personalistic and spoofy flavor but the finger wagger concerned with overgeneralization turns up nevertheless: you cannot equate Zionism with a race and/or people  == <<>>== 

Items in Brief: 133990 Market Anarchy: Reduced Pollution  ------------  sweet and wacky Jon Change (runs his own but public little group as a personal filing place out in the open) on the Middle East --------------, and is a piece by Bob Black --------- 136208 on Barter in Argentinia ---- 136249 folk interviewed and links ---- added the next item to the two previous ones: it's a gift to be simple by piet 8:15am Sat Feb 16 '02  People in similar conditions worked some way out principles out in the thirties; I am sorry not to have a spanish version.  Content table of this file:guest_appearances/kicking_IMF_addictions.htm -------- 136619 is an abuse of the sacred word, meaning and substance of ashes; somebody calling for a wtc site piss-in --------136528 CHECHEN REPUBLIC phone: + 1 217-333-7954 (voice) + 1 217-244-1478(fax) RECOGNIZE THE CHECHEN REPUBLIC OF ICHKERIA IN ORDER TO PREVENT FURTHER ACTS OF GENOCIDE AGAINST THE CHECHEN PEOPLE BY THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION! --- --------------- (links to Cato and ---------- 135830 - long, about   ---- Date: Saturday, September 15, 2001 9:15 PM Subject: ICT: Leading on energy and environment is proper for tribes Indian Country Today Editorial September 10, 2001 Leading on energy and environment is proper for tribes ------  ---- ------ based <<reader and commenter amounts added) ---------- webcast/  display.php3? article_id=14990 Ari the Egg with Eyebrows and Clusters of Cowering Synocpants  by Cheryl Seal10:12pm Sun Feb 17 '02  Ari "The Egg with Eyebrows" Fleischer, Susan the Shemale, Senile Cranks, and Clusters of Cowering Syncophants: Welcome to the White House Press Conference! -------------- 14982 +23: Terrorism Vs. Occupation; Comment (by myself, only here) about this item (in feb-reads5.htm) I would like to say that sure occupation = father to terraraize'm (trees?) son, but to say that the lethal concentration of Zionist (as opposed to the fact that their chop chop unifying schemes were always dangerous, but at least  dilute) is due to being chased out of the niches they had no legal title to (like most Israeli argue the Pal's havent any to their 'region') is shifting the blame back to Nazism; I would recommend a zoom out and get back to the trial facing the 'swarmachine' expansion (as in my comments on migration for instance and lately I found Israel Shamir to think along these lines too) entails. --------- 14993 Indymedia Switzerland closed (with nine pretty silly comments)  --------A new israel shamir: 15117  ---------- 137499 Estimated 20,000 Orthodox Jews demonstrating on Tuesday February 12th, in front of the Israeli Consulate in New York City, organized by the Central Rabbinical Congress of USA and Canada, to voice their opposition to the existence of the state of Israel, their suppression of religion and brutal treatment of religious people. --------------------- group/iapinfo/message/2788 By Ali Abunimah and Nigel Parry (the only posters there)  The Electronic Intifada --    February 19, 2002    ST. PAUL, MN & CHICAGO, IL--National Public Radio's Israel correspondent Linda Gradstein has received cash honoraria from pro-Israeli organizations in what appears to be a clear violation of NPR policy, an Electronic Intifada investigation has revealed.   ----------------- /purityofarms/read(I would be real curious to know how many (more) duplicates of work by Fisk, Said, Palast and Chomsky exist around the net; 25 messages in 5 months here by the way) --------------- Call To Strengthen The Struggle To Eliminate The Occopation ------- (in english)  -------  141041'Israelis' Contemplate the Unthinkable—Moving Out (Village Voice) ---------- 140936 our petition poster at it still!!!!!! ------------- 141151 Official statement from Gush Shalom on Latuff's cartoons  german comment by piet 1:30am Wed Feb 27 '02   I've been following this whole affair closely and compiled some stuff in german (see link)  the swiss indyans prosecution potential instigating 'orgs': adkh (behind fepa) have links (and more than that) to Uri's outfit so I am wondering what will be 'chosen' here. --------- ------ -------- 142889 a marco best of  ----- ------- 142874 review of Arktos (just the kind of book a regular 'round town I know would write/read ------------ 141592 links for peace in the middle east (over 40 of them)

Content in Last issue indy22 (104K)
Argentina <><<>><> Euro <><<>><> open source <><<>><> Doug Henwood interviewed by Geert Lovink (nettimer) <><<>><> ?????? G A P ?????? <><<>><> YES!!!!!! !!!! My first posts there <><<>><> the VOC, space exploration, the net as a crimetool and 'oh, but I believe in ways and means for speaking someone dear a far cry from here  <><<>><>  Is privatize a 'nice' way to say secretize?  <><<>><>  Middle east related rot <><<>><> Oh by the way, this is the sort of couleur-make up at<><<>><> a mirror (deceased but well balmy) update <><<>><> on rurality and militia <><<>><> next item follows up seamlessly: Switserland; a little later on we see it come under justified liberarian praise and  less justified fire from same (since personal arms are incomparable to more massive misery causing ones)<><<>><> semi-simiantism plays up and a defect from zionism petition is doing its dogged round me pursuing just as doggedly with complementary traffictricks (which gemini's are most notorious for) <><<>><> a heady hippy  <><<>><> muslimama's <><<>><> windmill power <><<>><> spooky symbolisms by Bauval (what a great name for the world's authority on Pyramids) <><<>><>  friday, the last day for this file's growth were many and various (more on posers in the German speaking countries) <><<>><> Indy Austria is

special read e's

They sorta look like this (all black letters, 8 point fonts).  -----  Reading a printout instructions:(see the same text in bigger font via just mentioned links) ------ Continue reading first (left) columns through all pages (front and back) before returning to page 1 for the second half   ------ DSP = Double Sided Printing: Print preview to determine how many even pages  there are in total(and to check for gap glitches, etc), then print half of them before returning these pages to the printer's paper trays again (caution about multiple ones and the orientations of the page) for the second half. ---- URL's get split with a few spaces if they threaten to cramp my stile and spill past the table barriers like so: toolong.htm reconnect when copy pasting into location bars ----- Wether you get your set of printed pages filled efficiently depends on the margins set in your printer; I aim for an even number anyways via printpreviews and subseguently: change (the preferred) Arial into Arial Narrow to shorten an uneven number enough to lose that 'property' and fit an even one.  ----  Sometimes I use some filler text to make up a full number of even pages.)  ------- One Then applies DSP (see left column) ---- Sometimes I cut a few spaces into a url to stay within frame/page width so look for them if a simple copy paste enter routine don't get you there yet.

Once again, (my selection of) indy stuff overview: Indymedia.htm the previous batch: /2001/

Punpinpiet the Compos(-i-t-)er's invites you to Direct responses, challenges, complaints and -i- and -yments or whatever t'wards: -------------------- Or, redundantly enough, you would chop this filename(/logbriefer.htm) off for an index gateway/ traffic dispersion/ choice making and 'guess a meaning' opportunity center  to all the rest were it not for the presence of the last link
Stat installed on the 13th of july 2001 since when this counter started adding up ((visits to)) about 18 ((out of hundreds of)) files, 20 since the 26th when indy7.htm and july.htm were added, 26 by the beginning of sept, etc.
central index