navigation blurbs for THE site with hard solutions and other dour apoxes
Hi, you have reached
you one of his first though fabledabbled fractalization attempts which
kept him so preoccupied with colours that there are hardly any words in
this file for a change.
What else is here???
index sending y'on to wi(l)dly diverging subcentrals
Or cliconjure up the "stack", a chrono-index of most of the important
changes over the last few years
(lemmetellee, one may punch the pagedown button to a)
craz(il)y coloured yet sober site guide at the bottom>>
Welcome to Tripod on Turtle island (occupied
by amerikkkan forces I dare repeat after a formerly associate netwarrior).Talk
about na(t)ivities, you may also partake of treat(i(s)e)s in Dutch,
my mother tongue.
how I manage German too.
oldest intro (now with white background)
the first files at this site has now spun off a table
filed format version (/oldcore.htm) also. I
took some sloganlike 'crazy
quilt of quotes' (thanks shamus
my collection of his accesible work was recently added on to)from
extatically righteous moments out of the sample
file (100K) and tried
my first few table filled formats on them; second;
and the so far final one with four
versions of one such 'prosem' (all these are
smallish files).
The pick of this crop is surely the review
of my acquaintance with various rainbow colourschemes, notably the family's,
A Keyserling's, John Ray's and mine, all here: /rainbow_touchdown.htm
and photosynthesis, antennae and fruit lovingly braid top and bottom to
encompass light and darkness
red |
orange |
yellow |
grey |
green |
grey |
blue |
purlple |
black |
from hip and flowery
power to grippy grey powdery flour hidden in and tickled from the
knots and
moments that trigger time like spinning geometries of the life between
leaf and letter that spell out laws of nature's language
loquaciously_perspicacious_linguae.htm |
between gender and generations: restraint, (p)resolution, libido, magnetism,
finds all types
of testy and
teazy orbs between tasty and tasking ones: Bouncy and playful
ones to keep
slaves happy and unite 'm behind false, fake but massive
fronts. I would
prefer inven- ting the venting sports invol- ving pleach- ing
perma- culture,
clash mash crash- crush and flash of rocks fine para- magnetic
quality stash
not to mention fruit as the orb to fuel what needs must transpire, be it
fake fight or primate right.
red |
orange |
yellow |
caught between com- or impact of irre- ducibly
massive and deadly when unstop-
pable weight
green |
and the comple- tely blasted ones
which tend even if not expli- citly tend- ered to exe- cute
protec- tive buffer- ing. |
blueish |
purple |
violet |
Horny ones;
physi- cally feisty ones can rip
a concept like gene- ration out of context
shame- lessly. Orgasm endows sight
secon- ding and effem- inate feel for detail
besides mole- cular bliss. Right?
But. Do Dutch dicks deprive dikes of their
desire to end endemic domesti- cation?
Here as averywar budlike body balls and
bulges burst into bloom at the sly
test balmy- ness.
reduction rendered ripeness of vitally
nourishing victuals, devil, death and dust |
pro-reduction (the physical
type) strategy,
re |
orange |
oooooo |
grey |
green |
grey |
weather_stability.htm |
le |
violet |
black |
(mineral) money and mind p_restoring_animation_to_momentum.htm
agression orientations, minerals_momentae_taskforces_and_futures.htm |
and birth bonds
red |
orange |
yellow |
grey |
green |
grey |
blue |
feeling_fronts_pub(l)ic.htmple |
black |
vs spirit and principle ties |
and manifolds
re |
orange |
oooooo |
grey |
green |
grey |
blu |
le |
violet |
black |
mud, music and ministry
re |
orange |
oooooo |
grey |
green |
grey |
blu |
le |
violet |
black |
mimed_glacial_milk_music_and_ministry.htm |
re |
orange |
oooooo |
grey |
green |
grey |
blu |
le |
violet |
black |
dualities are gendered like dust and dew |
bony border bottomline for beleaf gaialogistics.htm
re |
orange |
oooooo |
grey |
green |
grey |
blu |
le |
violet |
black |
archetypes, heros, idols
and gods typical_arches_lovely_people.htm
re |
orange |
oooooo |
grey |
green |
grey |
blu |
le |
violet |
black |
violet rainbow
freedom fenders rainbow_fabul_n_ation.htm
rainbow fab bull, fun and fascination)
re |
orange |
oo |
grey |
green |
grey |
blu |
le |
violet |
black |
black index
and bibliography
re |
orange |
oooooo |
grey |
green |
grey |
blu |
le |
violet |
black |
The gateway to this site
for the
impatient and spoiled as
promised at the top:
to the soundbite file sample file for most work (latest
first) at this site from Blabsabs_Index.htm
= Bottom line aphostically ballistic solutions affording (and aiding) beleaf
systemics. Use
the links in the table_of_contents.htm
to reach my older work via appetizing one or two line characterizations
of the aphorisms, essays and segments (which
vary in size from a few lines to a page or two)
in each file. These
most mulled over bits are again briefly described (differently,
including proper name plus keyword source(l)inks)
in the abstracts
One may prefer to switch to my guest appearances
an Mb of colourful promotion of my inspirations / credentials)
first (sometime anyway I hope):
Then there is the off the cuff stuff: my several (11 files) list picks
and interactions via: table
of contents for all list post files.
And finally (yet
ongoing) my (19 file in 3 years worth of):
collection recently rebaptized to 'loggages'
Linkfiles: Seventh,
most recent (jan 2000)
and only partly hypered ALL(Earlier
ones) INONE
to alienate none)
All later to me noteworthy URL's end up slightly more scattered throughout
the ongoing logs for now (link before last). The
first one (98) was: commendablinklist.htm,
then came: new_links,recent_links.htm
followed soon after that. Balkan
sites, lists and (re)commentations is the (almost fully
hypered) second priority file which was next; fifth_linklist.htm
and a sixth
completes my set.
All of this is preprinted beyond unfair disuse doctrine of disinternotional
copywrong law : o )
responses, challenges, outrage and/or rewards at: