What else is here??? Quick index sending y'on to wi(l)dly diverging subcentrals Or cliconjure up the "stack", a chrono-index of most of the important changes over the last few years <<ver(il)y (lemmetellee, one may punch the pagedown button to a) craz(il)y coloured yet sober site guide at the bottom>> Welcome to Tripod on Turtle island (occupied by amerikkkan forces I dare repeat after a formerly associate netwarrior).Talk about na(t)ivities, you may also partake of treat(i(s)e)s in Dutch, my mother tongue. See how I manage German too.
oldest intro (now with white background)
the first files at this site has now spun off a framed
format version (/oldcore.htm) also.
I also took some sloganlike 'crazy quilt of quotes' (thanks
for this expression goes to
from extatically righteous moments out of the sample
file (100K) and tried
my first few framings on them; second;
the so far final one with four versions
of one such 'prosem'(all these are smallish
The pick of this crop is surely the review of my acquaintance with various
rainbow colourschemes, notably the family's, A Keyserling's, John Ray's
and mine, all here: /rainbow_touchdown.htm.
4 different versions of the same poem: a lateral, 2 vertical
and the original lateral one.
If a tree can grow up and down at the same time, why couldn't we? Lets take propriety past our property back to prop her proper tree. Insist on unobtrusive assistence with perpetual, effective, pervasive and merpeating perspicacity, don't be extreme, but radical. |
When life after death has and holds emotions in thrall, life after and before birth lan- guishes. I care about all that is and that is all I care about. |
I assure you that lustre is just a musterable effect of conscious dust recall, it is the most common sentience denominator we need to get a grip on, the present to come and be ingredient. |
There is no rush like a crush, once you have well and truly done begun, it is the best shelterbelter, familytree and homesteadying fun. Subscription is the soft voluntary clayway, su-perscription is the hard coercive frayway. |
Twain primal black and white, twixt stiffly cold, deadly dark and the bright hot blinding light there came a flowing show of sense and socialbility. |
At the ultimate enviro graffiti comix show dust gets sprayed into clouds which can be lit up in the dark with strong coloured lights shining on them. A rock chime peels time and a pre-info, post-form-I-dabbler does too. |
Divide all too singularly and airtightly lumping rock, especially those in the vicinity of rain and shine so they stop stumping life. |
I 'm gonna grow some shade to cover myself and come in colours to leave a scent. The vertical organics border defending loving arms race is on! |
Brothers in harm, mark my alarm, if resist is all you can do, a scapegoat diffuses through y'all yet by virtue of infamosity's woo. |
Dust is a must for the lustre of our subsistence crust. |
Scar- city ice age cramp or solar city tensi- lity, from dust to lust, mourn to morn, jubilee to jubilee, holy day to holiday. |
If a tree can grow up and down at the same time, why couldn't we? Lets take propriety past our property back to prop her proper tree. Insist on unob- trusive assis- tence with perpetual, effective, pervasive and merpeat- ing perspi- cacity don't be extreme, but radical. | When life after death has and holds emotions in thrall, life after and before birth languish- es. | Subscrip- tion is the soft voluntary clayway, su-per- scrip- tion is the hard coercive frayway. | There is no rush like a crush, once you have well and truly done begun, it is the best shelter- belter, familytree and home- steadying fun. o | Twain primal black and white, twixt stiffly cold, deadly dark and the bright hot blinding light there came a flowing show of sense and socia- bility. | At the ultimate enviro graffiti comix show dust gets sprayed into clouds which can be lit up in the dark with strong coloured lights shining on them. A rock chime peels time and a pre-info, post-form I-dabbler does too. The vertical organics border defending loving arms race is on! | I assure you that lustre is just a musterable effect of conscious dust recall, it is the most common sentience denomi- nator we need to get a grip on, the present to come and be ingredient. Relativity is differen- tiating as much as unifor- mating. I care about all that is and that is all I care about. | Divide all too singularly and airtightly lumping rock, especially those in the vicinity of rain and shine so they stop stumping life. | I
'm gonna grow some shade to cover myself and come in colours to leave a
Brothers in harm, mark my alarm, if resist is all you can do, a scapegoat diffuses through y'all yet by virtue of infamo- sity's woo. Dust is a must for the lustre of our subsis- tence crust. et | Scarcity ice age cramp or solar city tensility, from dust to lust, mourn to morn, jubilee to jubilee, holy day to holiday. |
If a tree can grow up and down at the same time, why couldn't we? Lets take propriety past our property back to prop her proper tree. Insist on unobtru- sive assis- tence with per- petual, effective, perva- sive and merpeat- ing perspi- cacity, don't be extreme, but radical. | When life after death has and holds emo- tions in thrall, life after and before birth lan- guishes. | I care about all that is and that is all I care about. I assure you that lustre is just a muster- able effect of con- scious dust recall, it is the most common sen- tience denom- inator we need to get a grip on, the present to come and be ingre- dient. Sub- scrip- tion is the soft voluntary clayway, su-per- scription is the hard coercive frayway. | There is no rush like a crush, once you have well and truly done begun, it is the best shelter- belter, family- tree and home- steady- ing fun. | Twain primal black and white, twixt stiffly cold, deadly dark and the bright hot blinding light there came a flowing show of sense and socia- bility. | At the ultimate enviro graffiti comix show dust gets sprayed into clouds which can be lit up in the dark with strong coloured lights shining on them. A rock chime peels time and a pre- info, post- form dabbler does too. The vertical organics border defend- ing loving arms race is on! | Relat- ivity is differ- entiat- ing as much as unifor- mating. | Divide all too singu- larly and airtightly lumping rock, espec- ially those in the vicinity of rain and shine so they stop stump- ing life. I 'm gonna grow some shade to cover myself and come in colours to leave a scent. | Brothers in harm, mark my alarm, if resist is all you can do, a scape- goat diffuses through y'all yet by virtue of infam- osity's woo. | Dust is a must for the lustre of our subsis- tence crust. | Scar- city ice age cramp or solar city tensi- lity, from dust to lust, mourn to morn, jubilee to jubilee, holy day to holiday. |
Here comes
the same poem in the original 97 fair and squarely straightforward version,
not a word of differing anglesh:
a tree can grow up and down at the same time, why couldn't we? Lets take
propriety past our property back to prop her proper tree. Insist on unobtrusive
assistence with perpetual, effective, pervasive and merpeating perspicacity,
don't be extreme, but radical.
life after death has and holds emotions in thrall, life after and
before birth lan- guishes. I
care about all that is and that is all I care about. I assure you that
lustre is just a musterable effect of conscious dust recall, it is the
most common sentience denominator we need to get a grip on, the present
to come and be ingredient. Subscription is the soft voluntary clayway,
su-perscription is the hard coercive frayway.
is no rush like a crush, once you have well and truly done begun, it is
the best shelterbelter, familytree and homesteadying fun.
primal black and white, twixt stiffly cold, deadly dark and the bright
hot blinding light there came a flowing show of sense and socialbility.
the ultimate enviro graffiti comix show dust gets sprayed into clouds which
can be lit up in the dark with strong coloured lights shining on them.
A rock chime peels time and a pre-info, post-form-I-dabbler does too. The
vertical organics border defending loving arms race is on!
all too singularly and airtightly lumping rock, especially those in the
vicinity of rain and shine so they stop stumping life. I 'm gonna grow
some shade to cover myself and come in colours to leave a scent.
Brothers in harm,
mark my alarm, if resist is all you can do, a scapegoat diffuses
through y'all yet by virtue of infamosity's woo.
is a must for the lustre of our subsistence crust. Scar-
city ice age cramp or solar city tensi- lity, from dust to lust, mourn
to morn, jubilee to jubilee, holy day to holiday.
The gateway to this site
for the impatient
and spoiled as promised at
the top:
to the soundbite file sample file for most work (latest
first) at this site from Blabsabs_Index.htm
= Bottom line aphostically ballistic solutions affording (and aiding) beleaf
systemics. Use
the links in the table_of_contents.htm
to reach my older work via appetizing one or two line characterizations
of the aphorisms, essays and segments (which
vary in size from a few lines to a page or two)
in each file.
most mulled over bits are again briefly described (differently,
including proper name plus keyword source(l)inks)
in the abstracts
One may prefer to switch to my guest appearances and check my inspirations
/ credentials first (sometime anyway I hope):
Then there is the off the cuff stuff: my several (11 files) list picks
and interactions via: table
of contents for all list post files.
And finally (yet
ongoing) my (19 file in 3 years worth of):
collection recently rebaptized to 'loggages'