The oldest intro (now with white background)to the first files at this site has now spun off a tabled format version (/oldcore.htm) also. I took some sloganlike crazy quilt of quotes (thanks shamus) from extatically righteous moments out of the sample file (100K) and tried my first few table framings on them; second; and the so far final one with four versions of one such 'prosem' (all these are smallish files). The pick of this crop is surely the review of my acquaintance with various rainbow colourschemes, notably the family's, A Keyserling's, John Ray's and mine, all here: /rainbow_touchdown.htm
An new format for an eighties crazy quote quilt followed by the original one:
sky gets drunk cause the sun sucks water through the trunk of a tree with
gleeful friction frolic of jocular flocu- larity.
I try to break most harden- ed hearts, rattle, squeeze and wedge a way through the cracks and cleav- age for rain+ shine to per- meate the exposed sur- faces. | Tensile angles are geo- desic tricks, uncram- ped tangles are floccu- lant fresh flicks. Don't mix mental curren- cies any longer, start blending physic- ally dense and diffuse ones, those that we do, can and must truely share with all life. | Love and friend- ship will rule when the art and science of mutual mimi- cry, every child's unwrit- ten law will be- come the creed we need and heed indeed. | A thin skin and soft muscle are the hall- marks of recep- tive men- tality, no skin and hard crystal same for obstruc- tive physi- cality. | Our sun, wind, water and muscle power- ed church organs perfor- (m)ate minerals and play with anybody willing and able to pull their weight with musical size and solar reduc- tion. | Be gentler on people and harder on rocks, folks, cause breath is deep and fear is shallow. | Tragic crust and comic lust meet the golden mean to make magic dust; glacial abrasion plus biodance- uppraisal makes for growthful seasons. | None come to the father except through Jesus. No one comes to the mother but through Rock. | For me, for you and for a very other body too. For mine, for thine and for a very others body down the line. | Name drop- pers and refer- ence hop- pers in the whole earth wishing -s-well way. |
Bottom line: Laws and commands without heart and volition of all who are or become involved are as hazardous as smoke and dust clouds without water and rendition.
The sky gets
drunk cause the sun sucks water through the trunk of a tree with gleeful
friction frolic of jocular flocularity. Laws
and commands without heart and volition of all who are or become involved
are as hazardous as smoke and dust clouds without water and rendition.
I try to break most hardened hearts, rattle,
squeeze and wedge a way through the cracks and cleavage for rain+shine
to permeate the exposed surfaces.
Tensile angles are geodesic tricks, uncramped
tangles are flocculant fresh flicks. Don't mix mental currencies any longer,
start blending physically dense and diffuse ones, those that we do, can
and must truely share with all life.
Love and friendship will rule when the art
and science of mutual mimicry, every child's unwritten law will become
the creed we need and heed indeed.
A thin skin and soft muscle are the hallmarks
of receptive mentality, no skin and hard crystal same for obstructive physicality.
Our sun, wind, water and muscle powered churchorgans
perfor(m)ate minerals and play with anybody willing and able to pull their
weight with musical size and solar reduction.
Be gentler on people and harder on rocks, folks, cause breath is deep and
fear is shallow. Tragic
crust and comic lust meet the golden mean to make magic dust; glacial abrasion
plus biodance-uppraisal makes for growthful seasons.
None come to the father except through Jesus.
No one comes to the mother but through Rock.
For me, for you and for a very other body
too. For mine, for thine and for a very others body down the line.
Name droppers and reference hoppers
in the whole earth wishing-s-well way.
The stupendously scaling and combo hoppering , pro- into emblem poppering prepar 'n sumptuously providential proportionate and considerately opportune periodicity picker; take turns at keeping our wheels deriving please, but first: the square version:
powders (s)now and powndour
'n please or punish- ing poison
feeling body scorpio muscles fresh, raw life or stale deadly warfare adverb assume respons- ibility respond |
onian pro- jects or predic- amen- tali- zation
will + spirit sagi- tarius =liver= ideas, religion or blas- phemy and dis(p)- respect verbal forms conceive invent actualize |
inspect and pro- ceed or prose- cute, expel and ponti- ficate
sensing + soul capri- corn joints voca- tion state, hyr- archy or un- critical protest state affirm |
'n para- digm with or pounce on part- ners
thought and body acqua- rius skeleton = work and techno- logy or isolation order lead |
scribe pallia- tives or perplex peevish- ly
feeling and spirit pisces pan- creas healing and fullfill- ment or disease question inspire, |
imply person- alize and propel or parch and perjure
will and soul aries brain person- ability and politics or coercion conjunc- tion healing unify |
on or posses proper ties and proper trees
sense and body taurus skin= chores, art and riches or hidden hoards noun creating produce |
and peruse or tress- pass
thought and spirit gemini lungs= inform- ative science or secrecy verb knowing under- stand, |
ned or perver- ted psycho- logy
feeling and soul cancer stomach home and family or heart(h)- lessness preposi- tion wish imagine, |
or pomp- ous pedag- ogy
will and body =leo =heart maste- ry or stumble bumble bully and bruise adjec- tive analyze distin- guish, |
gate and pro- cure or (de)- privatize
sensing and spirit virgo intes- tines econ- omy and labour or sloth, verb person commun- icate |
cipate or prose- cute
thinking and soul libra kidneys com- munity and law or reactio- nary anarchy pronoun fight initiate |
dustily powerfullest of powders You have just seen Arnold Keyserling's rainbow art topped off (in 2 senses) and bottomed up by yours truely Poetpiet who's question is: what do we all have in common and which constellations don't really live up to themselves yet? Just see if you will allow me to bend you for the degrees it takes to turn a duali tie gender around and if you do be so kind to make an effort at recognizing the next rainbow; what it doesn't show of the last one were my additions.
1 Conjunction Healing -
2 Noun Creating -
3 Verb Knowing -
4 Preposition Wish -
5 Adjective -
Analyze - Distinguish
6 Verb-Person -
7 Pronoun -
Fight - Initiate
8 Adverb -
Assume Responsibility - Respond
9 Verbal Forms -
Conceive - Invent - Actualize
0 Sentence:
10 Statement
11 Order
12 Question
Inspire (go
for more)
have a look at his wheel:
loopy no??? And this is only a lousy copy; check this much more careful repro of the original artwork at the new site featuring most of A Keyserlings books digitalized in the original German: For more rigorously harmonizing colourfun go to the "random yet reach and range .. . .. " file.
Next is another appetizer (taken from that same file) followed by a 'decoupled' version of the same words.
aries and libra: Ram home perfect impact pointedly for prepersonable mixed rockpowders dabb(l)ing as a protective positive pressure and friction derived effusion to foster biospherico-lawful, therefore diverse and personable clock-powerbabbling community (priorily if not primarily cast your dote-vote perpendicularly instead of the perverse perpetuation of perfidy that coercive politics will ever present) in order to physically preventilate (rock) and mentally forestall periodic and spasmodic repetition of protest, loss, absence and ignorance of it, mostly due to one way hirarchical delegation. (People with a jump on us not only have their own feet off the ground but keep ours dangling also). taurus and scorpio: Riches or hoards, wealth or war, fertility or scorporate interest; photosynthetic fullfilment of floury (you guessed it:) rock and animate mass movement conditioning which lead to and ensure happening of and upon ripe, fresh and raw pow(d)erful food versus the ones that lead to secrecy, stalemate, scarcity and war. gemini and sagittarius: proliferation of unethically analytical rationality held in check by the boldest dreams and aims of transpersonably humblest religiosity rules like the golden one, and this is no more an anthropomorphization than the referred to masses of soil inhabiting descendants and such life sustainably calibrating rocksubstance should need before being democratically respected. cancer and capricorn: Harmony between home, heart and open, exterritorial states of art from the heart and with voluntary compliance as the hurdly threshold which will undoubtedly become obvious, common sense only to sink back into subconsciousness once again to get ready for a new round of struggle. No fun? Ah, but continental and tectonic heaters aren't burnt out yet, not by a long shot anyway, neither is the sun. leo and acquarius: Sportive and supportive mastery of body weather through their mediator and their radicalized extension: technology sunk in sync to show and grow what we stand for and with to do. virgo and pisces: Hospitable economics as elucidated above ensures healing of scarcity, easy coasting of diversity.
In the next version of the same words half of the combo you just saw integrated and complemented above were placed six colours apart (in hue sequence rather than in word complementarity but since it made little sense that way I embedded the second half into the first once again but dufferently); enjoy the flowery scene and note (once again) that in the second half the words would make little sense if they were not merely repeats.
home perfect impact pointedly. Dabb(l)ing prepersonable and mixed
rockpowders as a protective positive pressure derived effusion to foster
biospherico-lawful, therefore diverse and personable clock-powerbabbling
or hoards, wealth or war, fertility or scorporate interest;
of unethically analytical rationality held in check by the boldest dreams
and aims of transpersonably humblest religiosity rules like the golden
and supportive mastery of body weather through their mediator and their
radicalized extension: technology sunk in sync to show
People with a jump on us not only have their own feet off the ground but keep ours dangling also. priorily if not primarily cast your dote-vote perpendicularly instead of the perverse perpetuation of perfidy that coercive politics will ever present. | |
photosynthetic fullfilment of floury (you guessed it:) rock and animate mass movement conditioning which lead to and ensure happening of and upon ripe, fresh and raw pow(d)erful food versus the ones that lead to secrecy, stalemate, scarcity and war. | |
and this is no more an anthropomorphization than the referred to masses of soil inhabiting descendants and such life sustainably calibrating rocksubstance should need before being democratically respected. | |
Harmony between home and heart on the one hand and open, exterritorial states of art from the hearth has the hurdly threshold and of voluntary compliance to take, will undoubtedly become obvious, common sense only to sink back into subconsciousness once again to get ready for a new round of struggle. | |
Life was never too full to worry about what the neighbour's neighbours were doing. Techniques helping the recorder rather than the conqueror will see the light of (a)(d)a(y)ge soon. | |
ensure healing of scarcity, easy coasting of diversity. |
And now for the next twist to kaleidoscopic sequencing
A tribute to John Ray, the man who began Body electronics which is a kind of shiatsu with plenty theatrics and drama as well as top of the line measures to improve health on all fronts including the by me most of all cherished bycause I think it is the most fundamentally pragmatic one: making and spreading dust far and wide. He also urged people to start and/or join communities. He and his network are still very active; take advantage of it and consult the internet for particulars. They operate in Australia and the US mostly.
On the left, poetpiet's associations, on the right,
John Ray's onionlike emotion hyrarchy which he claims is wrapped around
all trauma, often multiply. Seven layers within another seven, etcera.
bit squeaky on the reactionariness of
(if not the reactionary side to) most emotions
if you ask me.
Here is the same thing except it doesn't have that 'all bad except topmost' flavour to it (Keyserling says each stage has its characteristic emotions which in turn have a range from the laudable to the 'do not feed' end of the spectrum) since the precession precision is ineluctable and moved on again.
laidlow ............... grief |
braingrow ................ apathetic |
strainbelow ................ unconscious |
braidknow ................ enthusiasm |
painblow ................. pain |
stainthrow ................ anger |
terrain grow ................ fear |
of course this version is a new age/rainbowfamily /john ray type arrangement too:
from bottom
on up with cleanest clout is to be beholden
to bio
bin bulb bilious bible-o-graphikills.
Ecology and (para)magnetism, fierce fertility and fabulous fun. |
Matters of state must provide guidance along the way towards ages of consent and along opening stages of content. It ought to guard and shelter its distributaries from commercial interests. Politics will then be an account and register of thoroughly consensed initiatives with decisive effects for, by and at cost of affectees only. |
Inventive yet imitative technology which falls into the kind of steps that follow the 'grain' and natural cleavage lines which divide no worse than they 'multiproliferply' to heal, whole and hail; heel, hoist and hinge. |
Nobody improves, one can but play variations of nature as art which is/as natural mimicry, |
playful pedagogy and education aiding ripening and autonomizing processes |
that can call forth an economy of co-operation, communication and all other co's, |
laws and systems of justice to help along legitimacy, that is: |
The older
and (para)magnetism, fierce fertility and fabulous fun. Matters
of state must provide guidance along the way towards ages of consent and
along opening stages of content inventive
yet imitative technology which falls into the kind of steps that follow
the 'grain' and
natural cleavage lines which
divide no worse than multiproliferply to heal, whole and hail; heel, hoist
and hinge. xxxx xxx xxx xxxx xxxxx xxx xxx
xxxx xx xxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxx Politics will
then be an account and register of thoroughly consensed initiatives with
decisive effects for, by and at cost of affectees only. Nobody
improves, one can but play variations of nature as art which is/as natural
mimicry, xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxxxx xxxx
xxxxxxxxx xxx xxx playful pedagogy and education
aiding ripening and autonomizing processes that
can call forth an economy of co-operation, communication and all other
co's, laws and systems of justice to help
along legitimacy, that is: give
trees a chance to completely shelter, feed, fibre and fascinate us.
Dear rainbowkitchen, orchard and homestead sisters and brothers, local village, township, principality and prefect terraingrow family focalizers and members, regional, county and provincial braidknow familytrees and tribes, global painblow taskforces and teachers; y'all are not much longer to be confused with drug and gun runners (even though at least one info and banking coordinator that I know of at least has been implicated as such >>latest on that is he turned himself back into Indian authorities after being allowed a visit to his homeland, convinced he was gonna prove his innocence. . . . after a couple of years in prison!!!! Foei, I'd NEVER go back!!!!); yes, we support peaceful secession, autonomy and legalization of ethnobotanical exploration, introductions to be voluntary, quarantined for decennia and closely monitored by its hitec federation.
"Samples", "foreword" and "preface" files all have more partial explanations of colourcodes used (and the latter links to them)(the souDon't care for colour(-collision)s? Allow me to remind you of your Ctrl A capabilities and prerogatives. Primary source for all this newly formated stuff is a file called: /random_yet.., etc).
That's al for now folks. Gotta get to work up, out and inside out (is that open enough morose mr Soros? ... Hey, even Johan Cruyff is trying on philantrhropy!!)
The gateway to
this site for the
impatient and spoiled as
promised at the top:
Switch to the soundbite
file sample file for most work (latest first)
at this site from Blabsabs_Index.htm
= Bottom line aphostically ballistic solutions affording
(and aiding) beleaf systemics. Use
the links in the latter half to reach my older work via appetizing one
or two line characterizations of the aphorisms, essays and segments(which
vary in size from a few lines to a page or two)
in each file. Those with titles are listed
in the table_of_contents.htm).
These most mulled over bits are again briefly described (differently,
including proper name plus keyword source(l)inks) in
the abstracts
One may prefer to switch to my guest appearances and check my credentials
first (sometime anyway I hope): /intro_to_currency_issues.htm.
Then there is the off the cuff stuff: my several (11 files) list picks
and interactions via: table
of contents for all list post files.
And finally my 19 (as text 50K) correspondence
collection files, recently rebaptized to 'loggages' after a stint
as miscellanies (3 years worth in total).
Linkfiles: AllinoneSeventh,
most recent (jan 2000)
and only partly hypered (Every earlier
one (6) and to try alienate none)
All later to me noteworthy URL's end up slightly more scattered throughout
the ongoing logs for now (link before last).
All later to me noteworthy URL's end up slightly more scattered throughout
the ongoing logs for now (link before last). The
first one (98) was: commendablinklist.htm,
then came: new_links,recent_links.htm
followed soon after that. Balkan
sites, lists and (re)commentations is the (almost fully
hypered) second priority file which was next; fifth_linklist.htm
and a sixth
completes my set.
All of this is preprinted beyond unfair disuse doctrine of disinternotional
copywrong law : o )
aim responses,
challenges, outrage and/or rewards at: