navigation blurbs for THE site with hard solutions and other dour apoxes
Hi, you have reached
offering you one of his first though fableddabtabled fractalization attempts
which kept him so preoccupied with colours which got so bad the last one
don't even sport poems or as most of this present style file contain: line
collations, expression staggers, faking folk finesses. . . ..
else is to be seen (and not heard yet . .
though I do my 'tablings' in a tv program shooting, cutting and sending
station; hell, I even live in it) at this
index sending y'on to wi(l)dly diverging subcentrals
Or cliconjure up the "stack", a chrono-index of most of the important
changes over the last few years
(lemmetellee, one may punch the pagedown button to a)
craz(il)y coloured yet sober site guide at the bottom>>
Welcome to Tripod on Turtle island (occupied
by amerikkkan forces I dare repeat after a formerly associate netwarrior).Talk
about na(t)ivities, you may also partake of treat(i(s)e)s in Dutch,
my mother tongue.
how I manage German too.
oldest intro (now with white background)
the first files at this site has now spun off a table
filed format version (/oldcore.htm) also. I
took some sloganlike 'crazy
quilt of quotes' (thanks shamus
my collection of his accesible work was recently added on to)from
extatically righteous moments out of the sample
file (100K) and tried
my first few table filled formats on them; second;
and the so far final one with four
versions of one such 'prosem' (all these are
smallish files).
The pick of this crop is surely the review
of my acquaintance with various rainbow colourschemes, notably the family's,
A Keyserling's, John Ray's and mine, all here: /rainbow_touchdown.htm
Two versions each
for three earliest crazy selfquote cut and paste quilts (taken
from the sample file). These
fragments started on tattered bits of paper travelling with me for some
years or waiting for my return somewhere. When I first digitized
them I los a large percentage due to an erroneous belief in an accumulative
cut mode (cut cut cut paste ((the
3 cuts)), so one of my first computer skills
already made me bleed big time (as far as
not only women bleed or course) since I was
the long time carrying) at that point not
yet so enamoured of my ugly manuscripts that I saved 'm after transference
to disc and print). The first versions
have been online for 5-6 years; the second ones are fresh. I'm sure you
all won't tell me what and why you think neither are worth writing home
tree is
but a rock's relative which sets fluids in potion motion. Slaughter
is sub-per-verted laughter thrown for a loop (L W Lyons).
Don't widen but deepen your territory if
you need one at all, worry its bottom border into retreat.
Parents are karma's henchpersons and sexy-cutes-yawners.
Gender clouds traffic and vica versa. Where
is my ultimate g(u)ardeningtool - instrewment, the heavenly door knock
appliance? On the drawing boards, in the modeling room, in the news,
at my fingertips, in my hand, in ours? I
click along natural cleav(e st)ages. A
rock will sooner aspire to loose its gravity than a conspirational clicktock
clock its chronic depravity. If
a role model is long dead or merely imaginary, you 'll have only your own
conception of it to live up to. We
don't give the lie to compost pie, the marketplace of gentle oxide reduction.
will show you sources and succesions you haven't dreamed of ever
seeing to be related and connecting before.
tree is but a rock's relative which sets fluids in potion motion. |
is sub-per-verted laughter thrown for a loop (L W Lyons). |
Don't widen but deepen your territory if you need one at all, worry its
bottom border into retreat. |
are karma's henchpersons and sexy-cutes-yawners. |
clouds traffic and vica versa. |
is my ultimate g(u)ardeningtool - instrewment, the heavenly door knock
appliance? On the drawing boards, in the modeling room, in the news,
at my fingertips, in my hand, in ours? |
click along natural cleav(e st)ages. |
rock will sooner aspire to loose its gravity than a conspirational clicktock
clock its chronic depravity. |
If a role model is long dead or merely imaginary, you 'll have only your
own conception of it to live up to. |
We don't give the lie to compost pie, the marketplace of gentle oxide reduction. |
I will show you sources and succesions you haven't dreamed of ever
seeing to be related and connecting before. |
Next up: a trick of the light
(notable polarities)
chapter subjects: 0=clear,
trees and photosynthesis, antennae and fruit lovingly braid and encompass
light and darkness; clear=0 10=from
hip and flowery power to grippy grey powdery flour hidden in and tickled
from the knots and moments that trigger time like spinning geometries of
the life between leaf and letter that spell out laws of nature's language=10
correlations between gender and generations: restraint, (p)resolution,
libido, magnetism, reduction rendered ripeness of vitally nourishing victuals,
devil, death and dust 1 2
pro-reduction (the physical type) strategy, agression orientations, (mineral)
money and mind 2 3
blood and birth bonds vs spirit and principle ties 3 9
dualities are gendered like dust and dew 9 4minerals,
mud, music and ministry4 9multiplicities
and manifolds9 5
gaia; bony border bottomline for beleaf5 6
archetypes, heros, idols and gods 6 7
rainbow freedom fenders 7 8 index and bibliography
and bibliography 8. |
freedom fenders 7 |
archetypes, heros, idols and gods 6 |
gaia; bony border bottomline for beleaf5 |
and manifolds |
mud, music and ministry |
are gendered like dust and dew |
and birth bonds vs spirit and principle ties |
(the physical type) strategy, agression orientations, (mineral) money and
mind |
between gender and generations: restraint, (p)resolution, libido, magnetism,
reduction rendered ripeness of vitally nourishing victuals, devil, death
and dust |
trees and photosynthesis, antennae and fruit lovingly braid and encompass
light and darkness from hip and flowery power to grippy grey powdery flour
hidden in and tickled from the knots and moments that trigger time like
spinning geometries of the life between leaf and letter that spell out
laws of nature's language |
If a tree
can grow up and down at the same time, why couldn't we? Lets take propriety
past our property back to prop her proper tree. Insist on unobtrusive assistence
with perpetual, effective, pervasive and merpeating perspicacity, don't
be extreme, but radical. When
life after death has and holds emotions in thrall, life after and
before birth languishes.
care about all that is and that is all I care about. I assure you that
lustre is just a musterable effect of conscious dust recall, it is the
most common sentience denominator we need to get a grip on, the present
to come and be ingredient. Subscription is the soft voluntary clayway,
su-perscription is the hard coercive frayway.
There is no rush
like a crush, once you have well and truly done begun, it is the best shelterbelter,
familytree and homesteadying fun.
Twain primal black
and white, twixt stiffly cold, deadly dark and the bright hot blinding
light there came a flowing show of sense and socialbility.
the ultimate enviro graffiti comix show dust gets sprayed into clouds which
can be lit up in the dark with strong coloured lights shining on them.
A rock chime peels time and a pre-info, post-form-I-dabbler does too. The
vertical organics border defending loving arms race is on!
is differentiating as much as uniformating.
all too singularly and airtightly lumping rock, especially those in the
vicinity of rain and shine so they stop stumping life. I 'm gonna grow
some shade to cover myself and come in colours to leave a scent.
Brothers in harm,
mark my alarm, if resist is all you can do, a scapegoat diffuses
through y'all yet by virtue of infamosity's woo.
is a must for the lustre of our subsistence crust.
ice age cramp or solar city tensility, from dust to
lust, mourn to morn, jubilee to jubilee, holy day to holiday.
a tree can grow up and down at the same time, why couldn't we? Lets take
propriety past our property back to prop her proper tree. Insist on unobtrusive
assistence with perpetual, effective, pervasive and merpeating perspi-
cacity don't be extreme, but radical. |
life after death has and holds emotions in thrall, life after and
before birth languishes.
tion is the soft voluntary clayway, su-per- scrip- tion is the hard
coercive frayway. |
is no rush like a crush, once you have well and truly done begun, it is
the best shelter- belter, familytree and home- steadying fun. o |
primal black and white, twixt stiffly cold, deadly dark and the bright
hot blinding light there came a flowing show of sense and socialbility. |
the ultimate enviro graffiti comix show dust gets sprayed into clouds which
can be lit up in the dark with strong coloured lights shining on them.
A rock chime peels time and a pre-info, post-form I-dabbler does too. The
vertical organics border defending loving arms race is on! |
I assure you that lustre is just a musterable effect of conscious dust
recall, it is the most common sentience denomi- nator we need to get a
grip on, the present to come and be ingredient. Relativity
is differen- tiating as much as unifor- mating.
care about all that is and that is all I care about. |
all too singularly and airtightly lumping rock, especially those in the
vicinity of rain and shine so they stop stumping life. |
'm gonna grow some shade to cover myself and come in colours to leave a
in harm, mark my alarm, if resist is all you can do, a scapegoat
diffuses through y'all yet by virtue of infamo- sity's woo.
Dust is a must for the lustre of our subsis- tence crust.
et |
Scarcity ice age cramp or solar city tensility, from dust to lust, mourn
to morn, jubilee to jubilee, holy day to holiday. |
Table fixing befuddlement
From Netscape composer faithfullness, exlusive even I might add,
of 4 years running, to the first tabling 'fun' (see below) with Adobe Page
A whole morning worth of frutration
prone 'probeersels' (trial and error) trying to vary one's mouse click
n move combo's
((crossing table borders to select portions of the 'battle'
field and all that reminiscent of imperialist stratego sort of bull shit))
rather than looking in manuels) comes to a complicated picture like
the one below and I can write around it easy enough (as I am doing now)
but when I try to do so within the different blocks with my habitual webfile
fiddle program (Netscape Composer) the whole thing starts shaking and flashing
worst even jumping away from under my attempts at mouse pinpointing).
Same thing happened to the australiaonline tablework found too tempting
not to to try play with so I had downloaded and stripped of writs and links,
thinking I could fill 'm all with mine easily. No dice. Not with Composer
anyways. And then there is the inexpliocable and unmendable stuff in Page
mill, like doing a whole range (like the ones below) and then finding out
one of the cells is defective.In an earlier version the small yellow tables
in this picture for instance refuse to accept any writing at all for some
to me unknown reason. It is however reminiscent of the first problem
'bewaeltigung I did here in Esbjerg namely fixing the o on an apple keyboard.
think I'll call it a day.
white |
red |
orange |
yellow |
grey |
green |
grey |
blue(ish) |
purple |
violet |
black |
white |
re |
o |
grey |
green |
grey |
b |
l |
violet |
black |
white |
real bloody |
o |
grey |
green |
grey |
b |
l |
violet |
black |
white |
ready rotter |
ore aanger |
grey |
green |
grey |
b |
l |
violet |
black |
white |
read yr hooter |
o |
grey |
green |
grey |
b |
l |
violet |
black |
white |
ready rooter |
o rangert |
grey |
green |
grey |
b |
l |
violet |
black |
white |
re |
oranger |
grey |
green |
grey |
b |
l |
violet |
black |
white |
re |
oar ranger |
grey |
green |
grey |
bleudy |
l |
violet |
black |
white |
re |
our angler |
grey |
green |
grey |
blimplap |
loop |
violet |
black |
white |
re |
ouwranglease |
grey |
green |
grey |
blopfffffjj |
purploy |
violet |
black |
white |
re |
o |
xx |
grey |
green |
grey |
b |
l |
violet |
black |
Thinking I had lost the above record I penned
this a few hours later:
Geez, I had done some wordgames with this file
and added a long comment about working with tables but it got lost cause
I went back to a prior version in pagemill which didn't warn me changes
had been made??????
A morning worth of trial and error (varying
mouse over and across table borders to try pinpoint some within others
within yet more table borders reminded me of the imperialistic origins
of net nuttyness) with page mill has resulted in some variations (embedded
embodiments of my 11 colour scheme. The first time I tried manipulating
a bootleg copy of australiaonline's attractive table colouring resulted
in frustration when I tried to insert my texts instead of theirs. The cursor
would jump and slip wildly and refused to be put where I wanted it, colours
would flash and the whole structure would start to shake and convulse;
but writing around it as I do now seems not to phase it much.
The gateway to this site
for the
impatient and spoiled as
promised at the top:
Switch to
soundbite samples of the most important recent changes and additions listed
in Blabsabs
= Bottom line aphostically ballistic solutions
affording (and aiding) beleaf systemics.
Another gateway from which to reach my older work (via
appetizing one or two line characterizing 'entitlements' of the aphorisms,
essays and segments which vary in size from a few lines to a page or two)
is table_of_contents.htm)
A final angle of approach to older work is
offered in the abstracts
file (with brief descriptions and collected
Then there is the off the cuff stuff: my several (13
files total) list picks and (mostly
merely attempts at) interactions via: table
of contents for all list post files.
And finally (yet ongoing)
(19 file in 3 years worth of):
collection recently rebaptized to 'loggages'
Linkfiles: Seventh,
most recent (jan 2000)
and only partly hypered ALL(Earlier
ones) INONE
to alienate none)
All later to me noteworthy URL's end up slightly more scattered throughout
the ongoing logs for now (link before last). The
first one (98) was: commendablinklist.htm,
then came: new_links,recent_links.htm
followed soon after that. Balkan
sites, lists and (re)commentations is the (almost fully
hypered) second priority file which was next; fifth_linklist.htm
and a sixth
completes my set.
All of this is preprinted beyond unfair disuse doctrine of disinternotional
copywrong law : o )
responses, challenges, outrage and/or rewards at: