If you are going to try but one file (of the 140sumtin'), allow me to recommend this core n current one ¤¤¤¤¤
Links to my (8) link-pages are spread throughout and collected all together in a frame near this file's end (biggest of 'm: allinone, 140K 3000 adresses).
Caution, (pointers to) vigorously rigorous language ahead.
A BSolutions
affording (aiding and abetting) beleaf systemics
<==twirler and tipi pretty eh? Wouldn't wanna live in the latter though, I prefer live branches for that; made possible by the ancient technique now known as biotecture: (6 fused sycamores giving a good idea of the possibilities given time, pragmatism and imagination  there is a large one available also).  Next click takes you not to any inhabited living trees ones (This one does.) but pretty cozy places nonetheless: zianet.com/blackrange/br_pages/sunray.html (beautiful gallery in the tradition of the Tolkienesque whole earth catalog classic: "Shelter", but better, since this is in colour!!!)
I figure the twirler (octahedron frame with balloon material sown in after screwtype fashion suspended between fishingline swivels) preforms, prefigures and prototypifies some Bucky Fuller like boldishly dreamy schemes (wheels within wheels after wheels around wheels)   of ballsy blessings:
This whirly wonder, once suitably transmogrified into the stone and water chomping musical mist and muddiest mudmoney maker I live for; the complete chain of being quickening rock penetrant/polisher/and rocking spray/spreader; nature's own hell's knell,  here is a long way to go yet eh? Can you help and/or fancy a ride out thattaway; synergetic hyrarchy anybody?

Coming soon I keep saying though it still ain't came (cause I should be praying):  a change of location and career for me I think (I'm looking to join or start a rural community and do a grove/orchard/nursery).

New, now affairs (februari 2001):Done some printerfriendly version for files upon which I had used very light teints for 'texture'; Hamaker on climate (from the mid 80ties) =xxx= Hensel on cosmography (100 years ago)  =xxx= Beckerath on peace making (during the fifties) =xxx=

Another few little, late and (slightly less) recent additions (covering all of 2000):I manage not to Kick the nettering habit. =xxx= (the latter half of it):(Lag) logging files 18 sortof regular files plus some special interest issues worth of initially just correspondence, but soon expanded to include reads, ponders, list posts, searches, living and linclicking); system backed and structure based (/oldcore.htm) log along long term longing ("lugalllogages" or "luggalogalongs" or lugalllogages;formerly: miscellanies: here is the tables of contents for 97 - spring 2000.  =xxx=

New before that (late summer 2000): I'm up in Demnark now for a workvisit=xxx= Previous (to those) additions (early august): This is when logging files started getting briefed    =xxx=  I finally did an /index.htm file so that neatly alphabetically, size and upload date specified list has now become a private one and you get this index instead: pointing people straight to my in- and external link richest files.  Of course it shortens the URL people must use to begin seeing my 'work'.   =xxx= (late july): Lopped the (thus formerly)   bottom third of this file off; this oldest intro (now with white background) to the first files at this site has now spun off a table containing format version for the old table of contents: (/oldcore.htm) also. Tables are not quite such a big bother (if you are after comprehensive bulk)and/or blessing (target seeking without ballast) as frames.   =xxx= I took some sloganlike 'crazy quilt of quotes' (thanks shamus, my collection of his accesible work was recently added on to) from extatically righteous moments out of the sample file (100K) and tried my first few table tinteaze on them  =xxx=  second; and the so far final one with four versions of one such 'prosem' (all these are smallish files).   =xxx=  The pick of this crop is surely the review of my acquaintance with various rainbow colourschemes, notably the family's, A Keyserling's, John Ray's and mine, all here: /rainbow_touchdown.htm (44K).    =xxx=   Summer 2000): third_logalongredid the metatags  for all the early files, contents of which is still not consistently and appropriately placed into the files they refer tosecond_logoslug,    =xxx=   Spring 2000: the first log along long term longings   =xxx=  auf Deutsch  (German)    =xxx= An Acres, USA inspired col- and selection of  green issues with ecological daunts, taunts, dangers and daring lugalllogaged   =xxx=  The last miscellanies: 14th    =xxx= 13th    =xxx=   Winter 2000: twelfth miscellany     =xxx=   11th    =xxx=  10th    =xxx=   Managed to survive with anticipatory compreshonansion skills intact so far despite lot of colours but little scents?    some more miscellanies: 9th   =xxx=  7th    =xxx=  6th    =xxx=  A carefully coloured version version of the 'urgent request from Indigenous Peoples' Caucus (submitted to the WTO round) in Seattle    =xxx=   5th    =xxx=    Autumn 99:   I added a new starterpage (but set it down the hyrarchy later).The welcome portaloid preface-page means mainly to point out the different yet similar and I am sure vaguely familiar colourcodes used here and there (when I am not going overboard with the fake flour buzzbizz zee ziliconhell.com and further down for particulars) I overhauled everything to make the margin to margin solidity of my format unique (for a while at least)and legendary by sheer preliberate demeditation; a truth I can build on and become infamous for (come to think of it there is one of those eternal students here at this U whose notepaper is more black than white but maybe no such nutters on the net yet, eh?).   4th miscellany (mostly by me to assorted folks I decided to challenge via keyboard; this is the tenth of such files here if you include the earlier correspondence series)   =xxx= 3rd    =xxx= 2nd   =xxx= 1st   =xxx= This series takes over from the correspondence files.   latest, last and sixth of such)    =xxx=  Once again, all of these files their content is specified in each one and altogether here: /pot pour i    =xxx= Summer 99:  my unfortunately necessary second priority issue file about some generally less remarked upon aspects of the balkan crisis (INCLUDES MANY LINKS); for instance, today, april 23, Milosevic's damaged home is in the paper along with reports of his sudden reasonableness; my first priority file dating from a year ago counseled just such a course of causations; listen up a little quicker folks!! Wanna save time, tears and money dontsja?. Don't wanna blame any frustratingly ungraspable culprit categories such as there be: the peter pout principle; greed; agression; scarcity; inflation or even well meaning ignorance, etc, do you? Let's make a few hi-holies stoop and step down off of the cronily capitalistic clique using poor and stupid Slobo plus network as a flock of spacegoats.  =xxx=

Winter and early spring 99):List participation efforts(9 files totalling 600K's altogether for about 5 different lists). Table of contents for this list post directory   The files there follow chronological order (roughly). The headings, dates, subjects, adressee and senders are marked in the same colour throughout each file. All others vary when a different person speaks up but not consistently for any one writer/citee/etc, not even for me. These postings, in an only slight contrast to my earlier work (see below) consist of keyboard composed, off the cuff correspondence with fellow list members mostly. The following lists were gracious enough to host me (at least for as little as a few hours in the case of the marxist mailing list; the owner thereof, Louis Proyect; ((see /progressive_ecoknowmusts.htm, about pen-l,  for precedents to this "development" and lots of later files for follow ups)) managed to use his influence there to have me removed sooner rather than later, nor did he waste any chances to do so at): warriornet (discussion of indiginous problems, bugs and features) second warriornet part  =xxx= third  =xxx= fourth or see the table of contents for all list post files.ecobalance (community oriented discussion  =xxx=  sovernet (about the struggle for recognition and promotion of the native title act for aboriginals in Australia as well as contributions to tino-rangatiratanga which is a similar list for native New Zealanders; known as Maori (about whom Barry Fell has the far flung theory of Moorish origins for their writing, lybian to be 'exact')   =xxx= And last but not least, my contributions to 2 lists concerned with james joyce himself (the one) and with his last work (the other).  =xxx= Part 2 and the bonus: some coloured archive excerpts of my favorite contributor: shamus.   =xxx= The earlier more recent postings and recent postings were added to the list_posts directory and include posts at a site citing dead economists, at progress.org, at www.transaction.net, which is a giant 'infrastreaky' freeway only a handful of people have found there way to so far, etc, as well as some guest book entries.    =xxx= December 98:  I have been offered help with becoming audible from Canada! www.syntac.net/psycho).PS: almost a year later and I'm still stuck without much of an a start on these fronts.The tour of 30 Euro communities in 3 countries hasn't happened and the Denmark scouting plan hasn't any wheels yet either. Anybody care . . .?? 2002 update: Been to Denmark, not around to the communities yet, and my netpresence is as yet still voiceless.

2 Image filled files  (approx. 4 Mb worth of diagrams and pictures, so be careful downloading the 'wheel' files);  curiosities here include first_fruit_first.gif <<(used greasy crinkle - crumpled brown paper fruit bag depiction, 321K large, don't try to wring this through your wire during rush hour if your connection is a shoestring make do kinda-one)>>It is part of a possibly rare collection of fruit packaging lable art. I added this pic to a copy of the earlier tree wor(m)kin'ship file called: stop sending arborea down harm and harbour way, which now, thus modestly enhanced is called:  =xxx= Anyway, please follow me this way if you fancy a look at a further fun-pun-n-pictyour-part (some hundreds of K large each) of piet's place called: wheels within wheels after wheels around wheelsor see part 2:wheels_within_wheels2.htm  =xxx=  Also there is an eyeball curiously caressing, cute and curvivacious orthostitial (science of close packing and divinely growhtlike apportioning) file you may throttle at your own resonant frequencies for best results; tis a good thing file scroll bars can be moved up and down only cause it they could go around we'd have another virtualous-vortex-virus among us. =xxx=

October and november 98:  My first guest appearances folder filled with all sorts of currency issues:
symbolic (22 files), subtle (2 files) and substantial (2 files)
bodily, soulful and spirited currentsees:
Come this way for an extensive intro to all  of them; or read on for a brief one.    More than 4 megs of text, spread over 26 colourful files (and 2 more in German) About the authors, adduceds and citees:  As it is and turns out, I am happy to present some of the most rigorous concepts I have ever come across. Beckerath, digital in English is even a world premiere.     Most people featured here have long since died(Heinrich Rittershausen, Ulrich von Beckerath, John Hamaker, Julius Hensel, Walter Zander; yet alive, fortunately, are Philip Callahan and Roland Vaubel and me too) but so much the more reason to re-embody some of the even during and after their lifetimes still valid principles, right?   About scanning:  T was a blast to get to generate some Joycean twists here and there; only mechanical ones since I scanned these pages, most of which were written in the 1930ties, any mistakes left are not intentional, disrespectful, flippant and nonsensical; they could be called careless at the most and I am hurrying as fast as I can after years of waiting for better candidates than myself to step forward.    x x x bodily bits:Files here concern such matters of such uppermost import as only paramagnetismcan be unobtrusively. Though of course not all eyes manages that to see. The precursor of such revolutionary and what's more: measurable, empirically and what's even still more: palatable and pleasing in the widest ranging sense possible, insights are easily traceable, even on paper up to at least a hundred years ago:  To Julius Hensel, for instance, one of the first to be pestered by the evil magician's descendants: chemical companies, or more recently to John Hamaker  who was some likable and approachable enough one in this line to make into godfather and God knows I am still trying to be a good sun to him.

Regarding symbolic (and spiritual)
currency aspects:
Most of these new 'guest appearance' files are about technical aspects of more potent remedies and more equitable solutions for money emission monopolies; most of them involve and employ selfhelp supplies of means for payment  in some form or other, meaning creation of such ones, manies and monies that not only make but hold and keep promises and values stable.  =xxx= Of course DIY selfhelp as put forth here is not an encouragement to pilfer the existing ones however Robin Hood like that may seem. About the relevance of a thirties pamphlet called: a way out of the monetary crisis' .   =xxx=  I think it is not impossible and even imperative to help all peoples kick IMF addictions. It's OK to federate but all distinct stages along the way of getting there must be respected and they need be progressively more transparant and public the further up along into the corridors of power; that's where we need full time all revealing surveillance camera's the most.  =xxx= I just completed a 5 part bit about insurance as it relates to money issues and issue of monies by Beckerath with many juicy details and unacknowledged insights concerning the French revolution for instance and the history of war, slavery and monopolies. This is part one.   =xxx=  The major lead to and conveyor of all this material is John Zube who operates a microfiche business: more than 1500 issues (still a buck apiece) called peaceplans so far; this file has excerts from the '83  catalog, when the collection was a almost a third as big as now are here.  =xxx=  A worthy updater of most of this material is Roland Vaubel; his currency unification strategies are sensible at a level I have no illusion to become conversant at.               I 'pi' 'rated' the summary to wet your appetite for this 400+ pages tome.  By way of encore in honour of Aphra Behn who showed the inverse relationships between money and sex: sex and money Some excerpts from the 'anthropian' book 'Hopousia' by J D Unwin.  Thus far my guest appearances. I tried earlier to present and wet some appetites for these documents at a nominally and divergently Marxist list serv called: "progressive economics", archives of which are at the in many ways quite impressive U of Colorado based: Communications for a Sustainable Future site, but it wasn´t as well received as hoped. The records of it are here.

early 98: Well, these additons for instance: more recent correspondence (not a lot);  =xxx= more recent thoughts: (only 8 K so far); =xxx= recent thoughts (Saddam, voices in the wilderness, etc)    Some bits of correspondence added: Straight off the cuff and even partly beginning to be just keyboard composed, writing that should contrast nicely with all the earlier stuff (see below), rehashed and ornamental to the point of pompousness.    =xxx= recent_correspondence.htm   =xxx=  correspondence with a rainbow sister   =xxx=  correspondence1.htm =xxx=  I perfected  the keyword, proper names and brief descriptions a little... (differing markedly from the ones further down in this) file..... for the 16 main files (links to 18 out of 32 in English at this textual megabitesite) worth of: Pointers to clean and coherent 'cosmologistics' with which an era of playful provisioning will displace in the sense of outgrow protests, pitched battles and bickering over scarcities; notably the will to powder (explained further down).
Next newest item: appendix to the lingo chapter (see below) An illustrative update about a plagiarism courtcase: Tenen vs Winter (wintertenen  means wintertoes in Dutch and I warn you, it is frigid out there): plagaearazer_plotting_pillfurhernherz.htm   =xxx=  priority issues:    About indiginous rights and old growth protecting taskforces; about green and socially accountable economics, in other words: the open society out-growing every other already existing kind starting from the only place it really can: the bottom. =xxx=
 recent thoughts.htm   only a couple added to an earlier file called: recent, erratic and praps unripe precyclicks (some stuff about Clinton and Milosevic to be sure although I waste little time on the good man, trying to reciprocate I guess...that reminds me by the way: I pushed 2 sheets of paper, pages from the (green) heart of my work into  Gore's hands at an '88(?) rally in Athens, Georgia which sorta materialized right in front of me (Michael Stipes and everything). The commendablink-list, featuring 12 categories +:
most comprehensive sites
A first bits and bobs file (now (2000) called luggalllogages):   quotes and excerpts from Pawlicki, Lyotard and some others  x x x  a letter to the immigration department   x x x   a hard but heavably bleavably heartwrenching x x x and long letter to a(n) (in)famous person known as Madonna.   Sorry Maddy, you're so lurid you sank to the bottom of hereabouts somewhere and as you know yourself, it is not very clean down there. What has the bottom of the ocean to do with a dried up desert lake eh?  x x x  What befell around the microfiche mastering cut and paste table in Berrima NSW heavy_heaves_for_Madonna_and_other_personalia.htm

that's about all the newness at the

Bottom line aphoristically ballistic ???? solutions ???? (afford and) arouse beleaf systemics:
site for now, time for my linkspages collection (the latest one from januari 2000)
 All my previous link pages in one
(Links me thinks are worth a toast (when I drinks (which I don't) to some and/or other webrinks).  The sitemakers on these wide ranging (eclectic) lists oughta nevertheless make a fist . .  . (at least temporarily and for starters at the strategically decisive moments of protest for which massively popular support can only be mustered when general populace can feel save and entertained. So in order to expose and show police up for the repressively souldead interest protectors they can turn into on protest occasions (and exclude their alas often justified property protective role) we first need to make them superfluous and look ridiculous in the eyes of the people, stop the reasons for funding them (and entire armies) with public monies, show how they are the strong arm needed to camouflage the insecurity of a bad and/or no conscience, iow ruthless savagery.  There are no invisible hands(save an image nation, fast fingerjoints perhaps) Just make sure the feeding hand gives no occasion to be bitten.Easy enough if the peaceful majority keep total tabs and closed ranks around the unruly factions within them. Run the camera on this (think of funny ways to show that brawn, macho and muscle can be steered to have a common benefit, for instance with Rock grinding shows or if it can't be helped yet, invite some Nazi's or hoolies for a bare hand fight, allow news and sport channels to tune in for hefty sums flowing into the trusts of the partciparitiers, etc) prove once and for all police are just elite turf defenders and public opinion is ours.) . . .  .with some sort of an if need be sliding scale endorsement affiliation scheme. To see something as an obstacle (nuclear reactors and all other secretive and harmfully centralized rot) is what counts (ways must be found to do that especially and) even when coming from different places. No matter! Nor where to and wither they all afterwards scatter (during the removal stage they do merit and must be counted together). 
6 previous linkpages stuffed and collectintegrall. One of many more allinone 146K  linkpiline up files (also trying to alienate none)   (easier than getting 'm on one statistically accurate curve), grey on blue toned  tally that grand totals to over 3000 URL's (140 of which, those with too long adresses and a few favorites (latter include brief descriptions)) are hypered) in a 146K file.           cccc
previous links pages:   Especially my older linklists are "4 step-hyperable" = left mostly 'un-' for colour variety reasons  (I still work with Netscape composer)/sixth_linklist.htm            fifth_linklist.htm     The fourth linklist is part of a revisioning NATO file on the Balkan border bothers, a second priority issue called 'next Nato flyer prelimberings right around 240 recent links     Still fine though no longer  new_links.htmThe first (97-98) Link-list has about 300 (unhypered) URL´s in 13 categories including the  **mostcommprehennsive site**
couldn´t find much competition so it was never a real contest, (and I wong especially after reading Walter Ong)

The much revised, rigorously close weave of gracenote garnered work I spent 6 offline, practically fulltime years tinkering on my oldest 20 files: 7yearsinthemaking

Links there used to make up a third of this file; I lopped it off and sent it to live as the  oldest intro(now with white background) to the first (14) few files at this site has now spun off a framed format version (/oldcore.htm) also.
I have written a lot of dutch text (1Mb including colourcode) which lives at Tripod's Dutch daughtercompany where I decided to assume a different stage name: vader cats, after Jakob Cats, most sold dutch author in the 17th century; he was a poem with picture (socalled emblem) man famous throughout Europe; he made barren dunes fertile and poldered vast areas in England. On top of that and more important: my father scolded me vader cats when ever he meant to imply I was impractical or that sensibility is nonetheless often perceived as insensitive. Anyway, should you care to try a treat in/of Dutch by YT come this way.        *****POET**PIET*****
pensievepiet@netscape.net wishes you all the best

 All blame, fame and shame for this site may be ascribed to and owned up by A Marblushily poet: Marblous Piet the Poet or impalpable pilpul (POETPIET)and/or anything he came in contact with of course.
That would be Thomas Naegele in this picturesque case

as far as the black and white (now blue mostly) portion goes that is.
oldest 20 files: 7yearsinthemaking