This first
rough and quick (as yet unhypered) hints
of subjects expounded upon
in different(ly
cloven and ((cleave))aged)numbers
of aphoricized and integraduated categories comes in two more sizes
down at the bottom of this file:
my- nation' tides of wonder and will. |
Next: three overviews
the same set of (internalinkrich) files:
Welcome to Pietje puk's 'currents' off the cuff stuff piles, this one will be called april or may.htm when fullgrown and archived here: /2002/logsbriefers.htm| - /2001/| ||| |/miscs-n-logs/ = 1999 + 2000/| ||| | 98 -99 Gleanings
from a (more or ((should
I say)) less) exclusive
source indymedia
-open publishing news and opinion-
begin accumulating here: Indymediasamples.htm
and end up archived here: 2002/Indymedia.htm
4 issues) | ||| |2001/
(55K for 21 of them)
to poke a peek at |
(summer 2001) -- Took me a week to afford yall closer click-incl-in-g-timations to ((background)) coller ((mis))match; here they are in order of appearance: ===> the most corelore of the whole store: 7yearsinthemaking.htm(77K)(200 bookpages in 20 years ((80's and 90's)) time); ===> this is pricelessly precious(48K)(intro for the guest appearances on currencies) ===> clean breaks and fresh starts without leavings(73K)(toc for the symbolic ones; what we call monies);===> seedmoneysizereduction(45K)(toc for the substantial curr. variety; on rock properties and man's proper ties to their leavings); ===> First liprattle and surflog collection(61K)(for the start of my off the cuff ((net))presence in the late nineties); ===>5 post memberships (47K) (my list post (re)activity) ===>more liprattle (80K)(more quick '(s)parselage'); ===> still more (103K)(large ((60 files a 3rd of which are specials)) collection of them); ===> 2001 surflogs and indymedia(the latest and still growing collections) =======> Did my ===> first Dutch Content table(50 K) and ===> second(50 K) and ===> German(27K) content tables too. Redo's of earliest intro's: |
Blabsabs Bottom line aphoristically ballistic solutions affording (and aiding) beleaf systemics. Illustrated soundbite n size info on major changes between '98-'00. There are plenty of contents tables (not very informative but at least bewilderingly colourful)(|*|signifies keyword characterizations of segments): {}|{} The first one even has a line or two-three for a whole file and leads to (and select item listings for) {}|{} all 13 early ones (a redo)|*| ----- First gateway (the original one; ((Smallest and only file with a white background except for the small fontpoint papersparingly dense format printversions I am planning some more of)) next ((rainbow)) table has the same links by the way). 6 more elaborate intro's
to the founding (systemic)
stuff: (linking to 80ties efforts)
: {}||{}
offers proper names, keywords and brief descriptions for each chapter with
links to all of 'm. ------------ The
next 3 are linkless except for pointing to some sets similar to (and
earlier versions of) this one:-------
-------- {}||||{} Acknowledge-
ments and intro. Personal, political and
psychological motives, predilections and prospects; sources and shapers
of technique as well as dedications. ---------
{}|||||{} Random, yet reach-, rang-, and scalably embedded spectrum
spanning spectator pleasers in motto-like one-liner sets of samples.
--------- {}||||||{} Next I made the prefacelike
portaloid welcomepage which points out all (six or so) categorized,
yardlong rainbow section files Subdirectories
{}||{} My first and main subdirectory (/guest_appearances)
carries proof of the social(ist?)
origins and use of monies
as mere memory aids as recent as a few hundred years ago (tax-based
and various other rivalling and under free migration law equally voluntary
subscription cluster (representative)
monies holding each other in check);
0.5 Mb written by a handful of mostly already dead yet 'revalidatable'
people. Some sections from work showing
the more substantial (and current in more
sense than one) sides of currencies
¤¤¤¤ p_restoring_animation_to_momentum.htm |||| value_standards_and_weather_stability.htm ¤¤¤ |
jesus and the sun, one godsend after another gods end, to cherish till redeemable; no reduction without seduction, rock wants (s)kin and not nearest thereof to pay respect most, close the circle, spin the spiral and find out how fondly formulated farflung feelings fare; |
....... seventh yet allinone linklist contains roundabout 2500 URL's (my favorites ((about 191 of them (and that includes only 1 of the nearly 100 files I penned myself))) are hypered, the rest are DIY's) in the following number, colour and lesser known code (BLFN (=a tree-alphabet's ABC) sequenced, gradual, incremental, mutually dependent (inseperable) and staggered categories: B: trees theory: Tree-calenders Tree-alphabets L: Trees practice: Old growth defense, pleaching (branchfusing) permaculture; treehousing ---- F: Webrelated: (re)search hack (self)educate logisticize speak freely page home count(e(r)r) n(p)renew specast forth politique global fab -funct -fict -fact -vex-fects pro + con; rite + wrung; (online) journalism, etc: IMF related ---- S: Activisms; meaningful mass orchestration ---- N: Weblogs ---- 1 Sex; artsy and nogonotionsations ---- 2 How much money may matter most to idealists ---- 3 miscellaneous money materializations ---- LETS --xxx-- land ownership --xxx-- community currencies--xxx--social tec (economic modeling) ---- Whistle blowing on secretive (and/or coercing other than the coercive) monopolies conspiracy classics power mongers, ---- progressive press --xxx-- music ---- 4 social reform balancing accountability and secession is anarchy ---- 5 working and would be communards --xxx--Native nations, tribes and tribulations ---- 6 Global ethnicity 'modestifying' problems and potentials ---- 7 gender and climate issues ---- 8 Going native sites ethnobotany ---- 9 Progressive garden green ---- Deeply green activisms ---- 10 Rockdust genealogy and employment ---- Alternative health ---- 11 Innovative (clean) technology Gaian cosmologists ---- 12 Intellectual topple heady waits ---- psycho/spiritual orientations ----brilliantly brainy writs ---- 13 Word-uses, -forgings, -coinings and -origins ---- Sacred geometry ---- 14 Graphics (documentary; astrology, diagram, etc) ---- 15 Fabulously speculative mysteries on lost and losing ground ---- 16 Intuition, inpiration, harmony, etc; iow: leftbrains rainbow related spectrum stretching ---- 17 Majestically naked pow(d)er in public ---- 18 Other links got .... |
x x x
x x x
.........................such a sorry code of conduct............................. |
Notice the next tabled rows are blue at either (beginandth)end. Ladies (with strong ties to tones that denote ripeness and experience of no longer explosively bright tints but colourful enough to be called unfadedly fragrant still)permitted a peak next; as the reps of water as well as dry oxides, deepest, highest and most (sup)pliant (as well as, unfortunately, all too utterly and uncritically yielding and introvert) substance, here's a toast to you: may your (spacily 'spoilsome') males learn to hold their hoarses untamed (more comments at the bottom)
If one damn table after another is too linear for ya lasses (even though we are tolkin lifecycles here to be sure), I have some wholesome orthostitial swirly wise sways called jiggerboog, it is the closest thing I have come to (manual) animating so far (something along the lines of Lawrence Edwards). I think it will accomodate the best musical chair fur-nature fun in toon next and second best only to brainwasher nigh boer hoods like the lacks of hooli wad.
work by these same hands tied to this very peculiarly heady hunchbunching
noggin in other languages:
Dutch (1Mb) G
German (600kb)
All offerers
and scofferers point'n'give thyself (this)away:
I never read any Harry Potter yet; made it up meself. .. .And no, nothing
to do with shallow sex but now that you mention it. . cute (thanks
lizz, and oh, about that cannabis to possibly cure your alcoholism
(you were having me on with your alledgedly immemorable 'idee fix' restaurant
visit's ending account weren't you? Got a loud and cheered chuckle out
of it though it be rather sad if true. Yesterday was magic in Amsterdam
also. The light fantastic and it takes just the right building and tree
hights and distances to get it good. Held a guitar again for
the first time in aaaages. All I play with is over- and under tones; don't
do any grips. Just another one of those eyebrow raisers if you come to
think of this in the face of the fact that I call my self world's first
grippy), getting 'drug due muddlehead'
type dismissals ('afdoeners'
but afdoende = enough) thrown
at me repeatedly I will now direct you all to the poem I once balled out
at the top of my lungs, one of the last times early in the past ten years
I was 'under influence'. It happened on the little patch of ground in the
Vondelpark that gets hottest and endures the most dense population of 'worshippers'
like trash behind leavers, unfeeling to worms, eaves, etc, who like to
bake, slake and be attended to it seems).
One of the most permanent residents at the time, an Italian named Pino
came up to me and blew a referee's whistle at me real loud from up very
close. It broke my performing spirit and desire to smoke; perhaps I should
thank him despite my continuing aversion to whistling of that sort (love
birdsong though; wake up early for it). The poem in question got written
in 86, was and is the only one to ever appear in print (an
obscure type of Rolling Stone ((called 'Soil Remineralization' at the time
(((400 subbers))), now continuing as <<>>)
with my picture on the cover too, swinging a shovel full of dust into a
garden (looking like a rockstar/highpriest
in the midst of a blessing gesture). Though
it may have started it, the latest version (around 95) instead seems to
have ended my (public) poetry ambitions, here they are one after the other:
The fresh mud fling and flying dust sprinkle, spray and anchoring man picks
up the reverbrating part of the rock search, shatter, scatter, sow and
grow show, where the mobilizing percrushionist, the abominable deglaciator,
the dark 'n dense tickle trickler:Bam Bam (yes,
the guy with the dreads in the rolling stone article showing him holding
up a banner that says love is respect for life)
pitched a potent pile of tensile torque sprung such songseed from playing
his windchime steeldrummilling thing which turned hard rock into dust and
inverted aggressively idling guitars into friendly shovels, eminently suited
to the practise of heavily meddlesome metal manipulating some dense present
tense. We can do worse than give some music back to nature, broadcasting
the foundations of sustainable orgasniczations -neath lovely rainbows.
). There is a later version in that same
(green) file (Total number of pageviews:
785. Top day so far: 24 october 2000 with 8 pageviews):
and substance
guitar can be understood and provisionarily seen as an arche-prototype
of a more and most thoroughly touching rock wrench-tumble-wring-flex, quench
geo matrix-trick-triggering, bearing-spun, valve-pressured, wind, water,
sun and muscle driven box body with (and why
not more than one) a taper-torsion-spin-twist-axle-necks,
in other words a music founding hi-horse power mental strew-minting strum-drum.
A conventional guitar merely symbolizes, mimes and mimicks true ministry
(the breach of and breaks beyond merely personal body consciousness and
charisma; true execution of such wind-waving rockmills with stainless steel,
tapered from light and tight to hollow and heavy webbing, wound vortexically
around the tensile spin sporting and rotegritously reciprocating wring
neck, the torquey trunk of the metal treelike whirligig!).
Once it grows out of that and up it will be a birthright suction device
that changes conventional rockmusic and the mute substance that goes by
that name loosely into foodfinds for sizewise minority species but the
our (un)kind
far outnumbering and -weighing majorities up and down the spiralling foodchain
hierarchy. Pete the pipe dreamer: Roaming with
these humble growth's locked building block crumbling biomass betricklers
translation for the Dutch word: bedruipen meaning faring well, caring for)
is to start trouble with a clean green finish cause this boombox content
welcomes our beamball's challenges right quick. The
millwilling march of militant guitars on the move going twang, clang, squeeze
and crunch, makes it easy to sculpt, mine gravity ore with high polish
groove leaving leaf likings for life livers to munch, it helps grow some
up right off the ground floor store with a punch, cause it soaks
this fresh flour down and the sun raises the troubled muddle resulting
up through representatives from the population of every particular
evolutionary stage up and down its timescale.
If you expected to find the formerly accesible (a few years worth before I made this file) server index (alphabetically arranged, size specified) here, tough, I now have to log in to get to see it myself (and sorta miss direct access), so I have made some albeit unhypered filemanager repro's: alphabetical index and chronological index-(dated-up til feb 2001) ------
after a stint (in black on white except
for the indexpage) at . (now
gone corporate without too many signs of reciprocality; they are taking
the easy way in there once again, KPN lying about ISDN speeds to gullible
country bumpkins, yes, densely populated Holland has its soft underbelly
well milked and dumbed down).
for this file (and probably for a while): 5th of march 2002 Sitesize: over 40Mb (about a fifth of which are pics <some in /Blabsabs_Index.htm, some in a subdir. called: ../immidged_files/ and the rest scattered in the log files, a percent or two of the rest is taken up by this sort of pixel embellishment). Visitor numbers for over 164 files so far (averaging between 77 and 111K) seem to hover between 2- and 300 (a day, but for the last number of months Tripod has pulled that service too ((early nedstat via tripod installers still serviced though)), promising better) but how many are 'mere' spiders I know not. Oh by the way, before we begin; it took 10 years out of my life to build this site and I was on no type of drug whatsoever the whole time. ohnest ingyn (see note at bottom). I lived on under 10.000 guilders a years and now I am off to plant a grove somehow somewhere; wonder if that will prove an equally infectious activity....? Site history: The first set of 20 files gestated all through the 80ties, collated corrected, connected and put online since the end of them. The collection slowly grew to 20Mb spread over hundreds of files since then. Site hits: stats.htm as of early 2001; |
those with large screen resolutions; a repiet:
This first
rough and quick (as yet unhypered) hints
of subjects expounded upon
in different(ly
cloven and ((cleave))aged)
numbers of aphoricized and integraduated categories
comes in two
more sizes down at the bottom of this file:
my- nation' tides of wonder and will. |